Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



There are way to many crimes to count that these governments and people have made. Against humanity and also the animals of this world and the lands of this world. We need a complete stop and punishment to be set forth. For the survival of all things living.

Charity Boxell (Charity, 2021-10-28)


These people are criminals and need to be imprisoned for treason, child trafficking, insurrection against the american people, pediphilism, boter fraud, using the main stream media to use propaganda to lie to the people about covid and genocide of the american people. I'm mad as hell!!They need to be accountable for all their evil

Jeanne Kaminski (Wisconsin Dells, 2021-10-28)


This is being signed to denounce the relentless , tyrannical insanity against the free will of The People having the right to choose.

Julio Perez (Citrus Spings, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing this petition to stop this insanity. And to hold everyone involved accountable! When Ahpra the registration board in Australia muzzled Dr's, nurses and other health care workers earlier this year I waited for the nurses association and the AMA to speak up. SILENCE! I thought I was going mad witnessing, * No informed consent, people told 'talk to your doctor' (why? Doctors are muzzled) Instead the party line broadcast incessantly on the msm - LIES 'These vaccines are safe' - while people were being adversely affected and dying from vaccines that are still experimental. * Blatant Coercion first with a 'carrot' - payments/gifts: then with a sledge hammer - No Jab/No Job. Many people forced out of professions/jobs. Many more buckling to the coercion. Punitive measures and rhetoric by politicians dividing families and society. * Main stream media lying and publicly ridiculing anyone questioning what was happening. Suddenly even if you had a fully vaccinated young family you were an ANTI-VAXXER if you questioned what is happening. * No longer need to withdraw/aspirate the syringe prior to injecting. A safety issue to prevent giving injections IV. * These vaccines are still experimental till at least next year. Many whistle blowers report adverse reactions that are not being notified. = FLAWED STUDY!! Now we are giving these experiments to children from 12 years and rushing towards giving them to 5 years olds and babies. TOTAL INSANITY. Suddenly all medical/nursing Ethics and Safety no longer followed. How can we deviate from best practice so rapidly and easily.

Marian Stimitsiotis (Sydney, 2021-10-28)


I am signing for my rights as a human being and for any decision made for me about my body and health to be my decision.

Jessica Nicholas (ISHPEMING, 2021-10-28)


The genocide has to stop and those implementing it brought to bear for the horrors being inflicted on the entire population of the planet. These monsters will pay either in this life or the next, but our children will NOT live in a terrorist hell. They created the hell; God has not intended his children to be slaughtered. Love and Truth is our destiny and our childrens' future. God bless us all in love.

Patricia Murphy (Dublin, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing to expose and stop the corruption against humanity. Open you eyes People.

David Biggs (Mansfield, 2021-10-28)


I believe in freedom.

Nathalie Meszaros (Saskatoon, 2021-10-28)


These criminals must be held accountable for creating this worldwide assault against humanity and not providing information on adverse reactions, data, proper testing, etc.

Gail Tucker (Lakeside , 2021-10-28)


I´m signing this, because I feel as a human and as a parent of my children necessity of stop one-way-try to push people to use vaccine, instead of separately take a different person according them medical state.
Thank You
Martin Jurkovsky

Martin Jurkovsky (Celadna, 2021-10-28)


I was effected by the murder of family, friend and associates. The information is readily available that shows this was murder and not natural causes.

Charles Bradford (Jonesboro, 2021-10-28)


Because of learning health

Bakar Abdukadir mumin (waberi, 2021-10-28)


Not only should Anthony Fauci be prosecuted for this heinous crime against humanity, he is the visible face, as well as the FDA, NIH, NIAID, OSHA and the entire presidential cabinet.

Roberto PG (Miami, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because I want a future for my children and grandchildren.

anna pyrozyk (winnipeg, 2021-10-28)


I want to support the effort to make those who have harmed humanity pay for their crimes.

Linda Stahl (Star Valley, 2021-10-28)


I am signing this petition because these actions against humanity must be stopped.

Lori Anderson (Endicott, NY, 2021-10-28)


I truly believe that these actions around COVID
by the Governments and Individuals within those Governments took place in a manner inconsistent with not only the Nuremburg Code but also in violation of countries Constitutions, and/or governing principles.
These actions represent egregious deception on the part of those entities and individuals and must be brought to the light of Truth.

Randy Brooks (Breckenridge, 2021-10-28)


This insanity of forced inoculation must b stopped. The only way to stop something nowadays is to sue someone, and affect their income.

Brent Gilbert (Midland, 2021-10-28)


The so-called medical professionals who are giving this "vaccine" to people, are not informing people of the risks, and are violating the oath they took. They must be held accountable for their actions.



The people who are responsible for crimes against humanity need to be held accountable

Donad Parker (Sandy Creek NY 13145, 2021-10-28)


I believe in our constitutional rights and that forcing us to take an untested vaccine is a crime against humanity of this world!

Kathrine Bryant (Elberton , 2021-10-28)


Svoboda je zaklád…

Tomáš Balšán (Aš, 2021-10-28)


I believe in truth, fairness and justice for all and a future for the next generations.

Alan Taylor (Carlisle , 2021-10-28)


I am sickened by what has been happening to people around the world who are forced to take this BioWeapon or coerced to take it. Our daughter is an RN and has taken this BioWeapon thinking she is doing the right thing. Evil pure Evil. I rebuke the enemy and pray for our daughters protection.

Vickie Armstrong (Fairbanks , 2021-10-28)


I want those in charge of these crimes against humanity to be held accountable in the courts and before the people world wide.

Theresa Tomasiewicz (Outlook, 2021-10-28)


This madness has to stop and the criminals has to be puniched

Ingela Lännqvist (Örebro, 2021-10-28)


These people pushing this vaccine need to be investigated and punished if guilty.

Nancy Middleton (OKLAHOMA CITY, 2021-10-28)


I believe my body is my own not the government’s. I don’t believe in putting foreign objects (vaccine) in my body. God gave us all natural plants to help heal us.

Dee Stark (Avon, 2021-10-28)


I stand against corrupt government I stand for law and order for the people peace and love. Our home in native land. Respect all save the children

Mallett Donna (Kings County, 2021-10-28)


Im gonna loose my life

Aaron Astle (Halifax , 2021-10-28)


I find it reprehensible that those in office can break the law and not be held accountable. IT's time this stopped. Prosecute them!

Sherri Garrett (Powell, 2021-10-28)


Criminals need to be punished

Michael Kostrzeba (Sterling Heights, 2021-10-28)


These Nazi like actors need to be brought to justice. I cannot believe the Nuremberg codes are being completly ignore by all surely exposes the treachery by which they will go in order to rule over free peoples.

Mark Consentino (Richardson, 2021-10-28)


I believe what is going on in the world right now is both immoral and unethical. It truly is a crime against humanity.

Gisele Maynard (ST-MALO, 2021-10-28)


How dare you violate our God given right to life and freedom with your poisonous treatments for a disease you created in the first place!!!

KATHERINE WINNIFORD (Dallas, 2021-10-28)


Covid vaccines are killing people

Jake LaValla (North Branch, 2021-10-28)


Everyone involved with creating and distributing this boi weapon needs to be prosecuted. They nearly killed me and I want them to be held accountable.

denise wargo (houston, 2021-10-28)


Because I am confused about all the different meaning about this «pandemic»

Eva Salomonsen (Stavanger, 2021-10-28)


The comeuppance of the global elite is long overdue. This carefully planned "reset" has left myself and so many others so much worse off than we already were in the final phases of usury.

Charles Muldoon (Miami, 2021-10-28)


I am horrified by the acts of these individuals, both individually and in coordination with one another, to perpetrate such horrific crimes against humanity through the creation of a bio weapon for use against the world for the purposes of depopulation. The creation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, its PCR testing, and its subsequent experimental gene therapy m-RNA ‘vaccine’ combined with the intentional release of the virus with the intent of creating a global pandemic is nothing short of evil and is eerily reminiscent of the crimes perpetrated by the Nazi’s during WWII. There is much more to this well coordinated evil conspiracy and all involved and complicit in its execution should be thoroughly investigated, brought to justice and punished to the fullest extend allowed by law.

Terrie Hicks (Frisco, 2021-10-28)


Crimes against humanity. Informed consent must not be violated under any circumstances.

Nikos Toutountzoglou (Stockholm, 2021-10-28)


This has to stop

Vicky Bourdages (Montréal , 2021-10-28)


For Freedom

Denis Ivanov (Valchedram, 2021-10-28)


The Federal Government & Governmental Health Agencies assigned to protect us have done just the opposite. They are all complicit in promoting the worst genocide our world has ever witnessed.

Mary Magathan (Cedar Point, 2021-10-28)


I lost my job due to mandates

Lex Schauer (fargo nd, 2021-10-28)


Our futures are at stake.Im appalled at the lies and the lengths these criminals will go to to suit there agenda.Many have suffered it breaks my heart & now they are comeing for our kids 💔 sorry not on my watch I'll do everything I can to help stop this evil Agenda

Kellie Spencer (Middlesbrough, 2021-10-28)


I am signing to hold those accountable for their knowing development and distribution of materials, “vaccines” and edicts that are harmful, debilitating and consequently lethal to human beings.

Holly Payne (Jackson, 2021-10-28)


I am against vaccination

Liudmila Schwarz (Paris, 2021-10-28)


The forced vaccine mandates make no logical sense. It must be very bad for us, because of so much pressure put on us.

Ken Ressler (Orrville, 2021-10-28)


I need these criminals PROSECUTED! We will not be safe until anyone taking on such a role is aware that they WON'T GET AWAY WITH SUCH THINGS!

Krishna Murphy (Long Beach CA, 2021-10-28)


We desperately need Justice to make the Healing easier...

Julien Paul Monique Kass (Schifflange, 2021-10-28)


We need to get fact on this issue

Louis Salomonsen (Stavanger, 2021-10-28)


What these people are doing is a crime against humanity and there has been no consequences, as of yet, for their crimes. They need to be held accountable for their actions.

Dreama Simmons (Holts Summit, 2021-10-28)


Evil must be stopped.

Chantal Fidanza (Golden Valley, 2021-10-28)


I do not agree how they are using Covid passports, segregation of people. I am vaccinated but against what is going on now where you can only get in to places if you vaccinated.

Gro Schouw Westlye (St.Georges , 2021-10-28)


I care about the erosion of basic human rights and the abuse of power by governments mandating experimental therapies on their people.

Lynne DeVille (Albiez-le-Jeune , 2021-10-28)


I’m a nurse that works in the hospital setting. I’ve seen many patients harm from the vaccines. I’ve read the research and the more people are vaccination the least people are overcoming sickness. Please listen to these scientists and stop this horrible act of tyranny!!!!

Casandra Greene (Glen, 2021-10-28)


I will not live under Tyranny. Our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is committing crimes against humanity but mandating the experimental Covid 19 vaccines in order to work, travel or shop.

Cherilyn Saretzky (Cold Lake, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because killing and injuring people with injections is a crime against humanity. Destroying our social and economic structures with lockdowns and mandates is a crime against humanity. Prosecute per the Nuremberg Code all who had a hand in these crimes.

Anne Woods (La Mesa, 2021-10-28)


I'm against medical experimentation on human beings and the invasion on daily life.

Terrance Kern (Boca Raton, 2021-10-28)


I am appalled, outraged, and disgusted with the many leaders colluding with the pharmaceutical industry to take away our God-given rights for sovereignty over our bodies. I, and all of my family, refuse to be a part of this world-wide experiment!

Kathy Cassidy (Simpsonville , 2021-10-28)


These people directly or indirectly are destroying the live of millions and are actually killing countless others

William Pentelow (Finedon, 2021-10-28)


It is criminal what is happening to the human race due to the evil desires and control of powerful people creating this biowepon and letting it loose on the world for their own advantage.

Susan E Jenulis (Caliente, 2021-10-28)


The truth is coming for those who have used lies as weapons, killing our children, our elderly, and stripping our freedoms.

Scott Kent (Mansfield, 2021-10-28)


I am deeply concerned for humanity.

Pia Johansson (Borlänge, 2021-10-28)


I support and strongly urge the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the deplorable crimes committed against humankind during this plandemic and experimental injection campaign.

Maureen Spada Tan (NORTH CANTON, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because there is a desperate need for the criminals behind this scandemic to be tried for crimes against humanity

Louise Marcroft (Lancashire, 2021-10-28)


Our lives have changed, freedoms ,
jobs, children,, we have all sacrificed and it is time to hold those accountable who are responsible. My personal beliefs are,all these events since the outbreak of covid are related. My life and the lives of others are in total shambles.

John Billmann (Pascagoula , 2021-10-28)


I have lost relatives dear to me and want justice for the crimes that, in my opinion, have been committed against the people of this wonderful country and around the world.

David Harsey (Green Cove Springs, 2021-10-28)


Medical tyranny

James Brooks (Kent, 2021-10-28)


We need answers

William Wipf (Kelowna , 2021-10-28)


As a mother I will always seek to protect my children who are dependent for their health and welfare. That includes the ability to make informed medical choices which are dependent on the legitimate and honest medical advice given by the medical establishment. As an AIr Force veteran, I swore to defend and protect. I seek Accountability and responsibility for all who have ignored their oaths and who have little regard for human life and our God given sovereignty over our bodies. Those who are responsible for committing this biological attack against the human race and its very survival should be punished to the full extent of the law. This will forever be a stain on the credibility of the medical establishment and trust placed with the officials sworn to protect our rights as citizens.

Jacqueline Estrella (Punta Gorda, 2021-10-28)

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