Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I firmly believe mankind is under threat by the actions currently being taken by our global leaders to remove our inalienable human rights and freedoms as described by the U.S. Constitution and the World Court.

Rudolph Sherlowsky (Franklin, 2021-10-28)


We have to speak up. We cannot continue to "go along to get along".

Gina Eubanks (Baton Rouge, 2021-10-28)


I believe the vax mandate is a crime against God & Humanity

William Hiibel (Veneta, 2021-10-28)


We must fight against this medical tyranny and hold all accountable, including the globalists, presidents, doctors and judges. They must pay for the deaths and injuries they are imposing on humanity!

Jeannene S (Mesquite, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because I want all the perpetrators held responsible and pay proper consequences.

Kenneth Aydlott (Newport News, 2021-10-28)


I agree with the petition

carl hays (Kingman, 2021-10-28)


Justice must be served.

Lisa Goodwin (DePere, 2021-10-28)


Sick of lies and fear propaganda..Want to hole the responsable to account.

Michael McHugh (Lincoln, 2021-10-28)


I do not believe that the "covid vaccines" are safe or effective. I believe they are doing more harm and minimal good if any. I believe that Dr Flemming has it right and they need to stop administrating this injections into the population.

Julianne Lair (Virden, 2021-10-28)


I want those responsible for mass genecide charged and prosecuted.



I believe the covid 19 is a bioweapon and someone needs to be charged with this crime.

Quanah Lind (Claremore, 2021-10-28)


Countries are violating citizens rights when it comes to forced vaccinations while medical choices or being abused if not erased.

Eric Verstraete (Huntington Beach, 2021-10-28)


I want these individuals, all of them, held accountable for crimes against humanity!!!

Elizabeth Flick (Dauberville, 2021-10-28)


I am being abused by our leaders

Bianca kunkel (Mississauga, 2021-10-28)


I want to put an end to Covid tyrany leading to loss of health, freedom and life.

Stan Kublicki (Belchford, 2021-10-28)


I want result

Rastislav Bartoš (Bratislava, 2021-10-28)


I was an RN for 20 years, worked in ICU’s with cardiopulmonary patients. I could see from the start of the pandemic that political figures have ignored science and have given cover for outrageous negligence and corruption from pharmaceutical corporations. This roll out of mRNA vaccines and others to the general public and not just high risk persons, followed by mandates without informed consent. Together with the fact that reporting of adverse events policy has been modified to exclude recipients of only 1st shot or within the 2 week period ( not qualifying as fully vaccinated). The icing on the cake is that there is no liability with EUA, therefore victims of life altering and fatal events have no path to claim restitution.

Shalisaand Reed (Grovetown, 2021-10-28)


I want to see the result

Eva Bartosova (Dunajska Luzna, 2021-10-28)


To help halt the tyranny.

Jenny Ruecker (Kaministiquia, 2021-10-28)


I am fully aware the COVID vaccine is a bioweapon for mass destruction.

Joan Caldwell (Clayton, 2021-10-28)


Because its clear to most stupid person that the government are committing crimes against humanity

Sammy Porter (Nottingham, 2021-10-28)


Mandates are wrong. You will NOT tell me to get a jab that has life changing ingredients and allows pharmaceutical companies an complete and absolute pass on death and injuries.

Suzanne Holbach (Port St Lucie, 2021-10-28)


I want to see these criminals pay for what they've done.

Barry S.

Barry Stephenson (inverell, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because this is tyranny and against the Neuburg code.

Jeanette Mercado (Wasco, 2021-10-28)


These draconian crimes against humanity must stop.

Nigel Patrick (Gold coast, 2021-10-28)


Enough is Enough!

Cheryl Tyndall (Austin, 2021-10-28)


I believe in informed consent and I believe doctors like Dr. Fleming when they voice valid concerns about the shots that go unanswered. I believe those named in this petition are criminally responsible and should be held accountable.

STEPHEN ROBERTS (Swansea, 2021-10-28)


I am being coerced to take the Covid "vaccine" to keep my job. My wife and I are in tears every single day. We are now both unemployed, unable to collect employment insurance, and are unemployable due to our vaccine status.

Richard Ocelak (Scotland Ontario, 2021-10-28)


Harm to children

Andy Boag (Otaki, 2021-10-28)


a great fraud has been perpetrated on the world leading to millions of unnecessary deaths

nelle maxey (slocan park, 2021-10-28)


These Crimes must be addressed

Mark Hermanns (Cocoa, 2021-10-28)


I am signing because I strongly agree this whole covid is a bio weapon and leading directly to communism.

Jason Stuber (Provost, 2021-10-28)


I am signing this because when it comes to Covid19, Vaccines and passports, ​ real doctors are being muted and witch hunted. Charter of rights, Human rights, Constitutions, Nuremberg code are violated by those in power and they should be taken accountable for it. They are misleading the citizens by saying that the experimental drug is safe and effective ; which is not (see CDC). ​ They are promoting fear and an experimental drug as a solution.
Our elected officials are committing crime against the Canadian citizens. They are knowingly violating the constitution, Charter of Rights and the Nuremberg code. They all should be investigated and must be taken accountable for their crimes."

Julia Toth (Hamilton, 2021-10-28)


I have relatives who have serious medical issues not relating to Covid 19. They have been forced to get the shot or lose their medical treatment. One case, my brother in law, has an elvad unit and would surely die if he cannot receive treatments needed.
This coerced mandate defies all law and hippocratic oath. As a society we cannot allow our God given rights to be violated in such a manner.
Those responsible need to be held accountable for this flagrant violation of the Nuremberg code, the Geneva convention and any other local or international law that prohibits this activity.
Many alternatives are available and EUA Authorizations when there are other methods to combat Covid are a flagrant violation of all the laws mentioned earlier.
I pray the courts see the evil and end this totalitarianism.
Politicians are not Doctors or Scientists, and they are suppressing any opposition to what their agenda is, using the media and other controls they have to influence their narrative.
Please help humanity and pray for the wisdom to do the right thing.

Bob Ulicki (Sebeka, 2021-10-28)


There need to be consequences for those who are intent on exterminating people.

Manfred Mandl (Peachland, 2021-10-28)



Article XXXIV:
It is the duty of every able-bodied person to render whatever civil and military service his country may require for its defense and preservation, and, in case of public disaster, to render such services as may be in his power.

It is likewise his duty to hold any public office to which he may be elected by popular vote in the state of which he is a national.

Kjell Tore A. Kalleli – Norway

Kjel Kalleli (Karmøy, 2021-10-28)


Vérité Justice Liberté !

Michel Renault (17200, 2021-10-28)


I am signing this petition believing
that something will be done about this tyranny against humamity.

Eunice Miniely (Saskatoon, 2021-10-28)


Because we are the Voice of

Josef Kristof (Wollongong, 2021-10-29)


I'm signing because the vaccines are experimental and people are not being informed of the risks - in fact, they are being told the vaccines are safe and effective. This is not true! Even in the short time they've been in use, there have been thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of adverse effects reported, and they do not even prevent one from being infected with the virus, or passing it on to others. Despite all that, people are being coerced with threats of job loss and loss of freedom to take the shots. Each one of these factors is against the Nuremberg Code and is a crime against humanity.

Jean Spiller (Dartmouth, 2021-10-29)


I support truth!!! The evil corruption is unveiled for those who want to see!!!
God is my shield. Those who say right is wrong, and wrong is right, will pay with their soul biting on hell.

diana Rolley (Manhattan, 2021-10-29)


I am signing because the future of the world as we know it is at stake and the lives of everyday oeople , moms and dads and kids just wanting to continue living freely …are about to be irrevocably changed forever if we dont stop the maniacs in power .

Tracie Sullivan (Sydney, 2021-10-29)


I love my country and the people in it! We the people should be Convinced not compelled! Also We the people are entitled tell the whole story and all the scientific studies to come up with our own conclusions I was tax paying citizens

Dave Caparco (Coventry, 2021-10-29)


The government including the president, Dr Fauci, CDC, FDA should all be held accountable for withholding lifesaving medicine and pushing poisonous vaccines with such coercion methods that compare to Nazi Germany that we never thought would happen again. The EUA rules MUST be changed and those profiting should never be allowed to make decisions about approval of drugs, tests, etc as it is a huge conflict of interest.

Tiffany Hill (Chula Vista, 2021-10-29)


For Justice

Joe Arnold (Melbourne, 2021-10-29)


I want these people to answer to the world for why they have not stopped these vaccines that are causing great ham to many people.

Judith Waisanen (Ventura, 2021-10-29)


These people need to be stopped and held accountable for the harm they have inflicted upon people all over the world.

Maria Karle (Placerville, CA, 2021-10-29)


I’m signing because the COVID lie must be be stopped. Too many innocent lives have been lost and the governments of the world have engaged in genocide and they and all who have been complicit must be made to answer for this.

Allan Jadon Webber (Toronto, 2021-10-29)


This crime has to be stopped, now they are coming for our children.

Barbara Barnes (Harrietta, 2021-10-29)


What they are doing is criminal in the worst way.

Derek Baragar (Grande Prairie, 2021-10-29)


I'm signing this petition because l have good reason to believe based on the actions of our Canadian government that this is where we are headed.

Cindy Gervais (Maple Ridge, 2021-10-29)


Pour encourager le docteur pour que ses personnes plaçaient au plus haut dans la politique de nous dire la vérité

TITI Félicité (Nouméa, 2021-10-29)


I believe the ICC is one of humankind's last line of defense against the illegal activities of those involved in the criminal actions of both state and non-state actors in the production and release of the SARS void 19 virus and the production and release of the experimental vaccine, designed to protect those who take it, but shows itself to be a critically dangerous gene threatening elixir.

Timothy McFadden (Edgecomb, 2021-10-29)


There is nothing good about any of this worldwide Covid response. The vaccines are poison forced upon people and killing and maiming people. This evil needs to stop!

Patti Hoke (Meeker, 2021-10-29)


This is a crime and should be prosecuted and halted at once. Take a Stand and do the right thing!!!!!!

Cindy Allen (Starkville, 2021-10-29)


I believe strongly that everything our government is involved with of late is unlawful immoral senseless corrupt and definitely not in the best interest of this country or the people with in.
Our lives and future is at great risk from these criminals that call themselves leaders…?

Lane Jamie (Cranbourne East, 2021-10-29)


Because the people that have perpetrated this crime against humanity needs to pay and be held accountable

Leigh Sparks (Santa Cruz, 2021-10-29)


I'm signing because of this horrible, democide and abominable acts committed by the Elites and Cabal to the whole human race.

Ashley Librando (TOLEDO CITY, 2021-10-29)


For the imposition of medical tyranny and coercion of experimental medical procedures through mis-information preventing full informed consent that causes irreversible harm and loss of life

:Philip :John (Manchester, 2021-10-29)


I strongly feel that the American people have been lied to. Dr. Fauci and others have lied about the origins of Covid 19 the vaccine safety. They are need to answer to a court for their crimes. Thank you!

Nathan Brown (Greeneville, 2021-10-29)


I am signing this because this has been rushed, any decision i have made my entire life has been based on what i feel is best FOR ME.

And, there is simply not enough thought into this drug, its not a vaccine otherwise people around me wouldn't be getting sick with COVID after being jabbed, so stop calling it that.

I have underlying issues, which i am blatantly being told won't be an issue to have the "vaccine". How do they know? Because, the agenda is getting the percentage of people vaccinated and has nothing to do with my health and everyone is indemnified or for repercussions, because the irony of it will be, wait for it because it comes full circle . . . . "this person had underlying issues!!!!!!!"

I am not up for playing a numbers game, i am not prepared to be a statistic and if i choose to take the risk, it's my choice and i am prepared for that. But, what i am not prepared for it so live with the thought in the back of my head that the reason my issue has flared up - was it me was it the drug or another ailment that "happens" to occur. And, i am not prepared to live with this thought in my head.


I am have lost faith in the TGA, Australian Govt, the FDA, Fauci (who is impacting decision for the world - who are you to me!!! Jut f@#$ off). Based on this my faith in anything else you all have to say makes me question whether anything else you say is true and really for my best interest.

The fact that the main stream doctors are not even taking the time to question this, or fear they lose their careers - they are indemnified so they obviously have not conscience they can keep lining their pocket, after all they earn $160/person/jab! And, to my face they say it is totally safe and 100% approved!

Come on, lining a pocket is the only outcome here. It all boils down to money.

I no longer care if you call me insane, because you have no argument better than that, you close your eyes to any alternate thinking and not prepared to consider trialing anything else, anything like that is shut down and derogatory comments made.

Science is good, but it is not always right, chemical is not always the answer.

And this comes from someone that has never though this way!

WAKE UP, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE (or, is that the agenda!!!! see the way I have been MADE to think because it DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!)

(whilst i am ranting, why is it that the people in power get a choice, i am not going to become a minion)



The fear you are inciting on the vulnerable, do you realise, these people who can't think for themselves, they are trying to get jabbed with all 3 available in Australia (AZ, Pfizer, Moderna) they are being turned away - thankfully.

Romy W (Sydney, 2021-10-29)


I am deeply concerned for the future of humanity and am speaking out to try to restore justice and human rights for all of the people of this world. These vaccines and the virus are Bioweapons developed and foisted on hapless and helpless people everywhere. This is the greatest crime in history by the sheer magnitude and planned genocide with malice aforethought. Those responsible must be stopped now. Please have the courage needed to stop and hold to account all those responsible for the suffering and deaths of so many and all those yet to die of dreadful after effects from these Bioweapon mRNA injections for COVID.

Mary Sebastian (Hamilton, 2021-10-29)


The ones responsible for these crimes and harm in any way against all humans must be held accountable.

Leianne Carnes (Hendersonville, 2021-10-29)


The world has met a fate of doom and fear as censorship and informed consent has been turned upside down as many have been forced to have innoculations against their free will and employment has been denied too thus contributing to anarchy. I pray the International criminal courts prosecutes those ensnared in this CV19 conspiracy gaining its agenda of world depopulation under the disguise of helping us with a jab.

Charles Pierce (Knightstown,Indiana 46148, 2021-10-29)


I’m signing because the people responsible for COVID-19 and all ensuing injuries/killings need to be held accountable and face maximum punishments.

Teresa Havens (Virginia Beach, 2021-10-29)


I’m signing because these are crimes against humanity on a global scale and they are coming for the children. This must stop people are being lied to and manipulated with fear. All the evidence is there. You must uphold your duties to the world and do the job you have been charged with. If you do not stop this madness then you all are just as culpable as those who have implemented this mass genocide.

Kate Smith (Madisonville, 2021-10-29)


Because these ARE crimes against humanity.

Kelley Small (London, 2021-10-29)


I want the truth and for America to stop losing our freedom!

Lindsey Fry (Decatur, 2021-10-29)


É necessária a investigação e responsabilização dos envolvidos em crimes contra a humanidade.
Agradeço o Dr. Richard Fleming, Dr. Luc Montagnier e todos os envolvidos nesta ação!

Andréa Quintavalle (Sorocaba, 2021-10-29)


I am standing up in regards to The crimes against humanity with the COVID fake vax. This jeopardizes our Constitution rights, not to mention the Nuremberg code.
and is

Susan Walling (McKinney, 2021-10-29)


I am signing this petition because I am horrified that people are not receiving proper treatment for covid 19 infections and are being injected with an experimental substance without informed consent. They are being mandated by the government and private employers to take this experimental gene therapy agent which is expressly forbidden under the Nuremberg Code.

Dianna Allison (Petersburg, PA, 2021-10-29)


I am a LPN nurse. Been in the medical field over 25 years. I have my associates degree in surgical technology. Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I do understand that this is planned. I will not support the killing and lying to people just because of a so called world order. I took an oath to care and protect my patients. I am a child of God and Jesus said to love one another as I have loved you.

Michele Leslie (Cleveland, 2021-10-29)


People need to be held accountable for their actions and not continue to get away with this. What's being done is against international law but yet nothing has been done to stop this. Every single person involved on any level needs to be changed just as people in the original Nuremberg trials were.

Lindsey Collins (Cincinnati, 2021-10-29)

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