Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



These egregious abuses of human rights needs to be completely stopped immediately!

Gwendolyn Ward (Cordele , 2021-10-29)


My constitutional rights have been violated.

Sharron A Miles (Duluth , 2021-10-29)


My civil and human rights are being trampled by politicians at every level of government in Canada.

Martin Davey (Ottawa, 2021-10-29)


Jana Hošťálková (Bukovec, 2021-10-29)


I do not want anyone to have to live in the Fascist, Totalitarian Technocracy which constitutes the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda (Great only for the world’s Plutocrats), for which this Plandemic is the trigger.

Gillian McConnell (Salt Spring Island, 2021-10-29)



eduard pýcha (Liberec, 2021-10-29)


I personally was told I would not be hired if I refused to take a jab because a domestic violence shelter is federal. I told them I do not believe in forced injections that it’s manufactures have not disclosed ingredients or taken responsibility for severe side effects upon blood that is not reversible.

Marlene Parsons (Clearfield Utah , 2021-10-29)


I'm signing because those who were complicit in perpetrating these worst crimes against humanity in the history of the world need to be held accountable for their actions and the untold misery and death they have caused (and continue to cause)
Dianne Vermeulen

Dianne Vermeulen (Somerset West, 2021-10-29)


I’m sick of my government trying to force an injection on me

Greg Webber (Powell River, 2021-10-29)


Time to stop the sick hoax

Andre Beriault (Montreal, 2021-10-29)


I’m signing because we are in a new Holocaust in 2021 using an injection that is slowly killing and maiming the global human population by narcissistic tyrants. This should never have happened and they need to be stopped now before any more people are harmed and they are NOW going after our children.

Yvonne Green (Snohomish, 2021-10-29)


Because it's time for humanity to get rid of the evil in this world, and for the survival of the human race

Aysel Kavraz (Samsun, 2021-10-29)


Need to have these people held responsible for crimes against humanity

William Brown (Murfreesboro Tennessee , 2021-10-29)


I want enjoy my freedom and rights

Andres Jimenez (Corpus Christi , 2021-10-29)


Im signing because the corruptoion has gone way too far people are being injured and killed and businesses and lifeves are being destroyed.
This is all we can do until the mob kadafees Fuoci and Gates the Who and the forever corrupt united nations.

Brent Stutchman (Sparks, 2021-10-29)


I am against this Covid Holocaust

Tracy Gleaves (Ravenna, 2021-10-29)


Because it’s against Nuremberg code. They’re getting away with crimes against humanity

Norma Blais (Calgary, 2021-10-29)


We really need prosecution of ALP LNP and Greens inside this country over this poison

they have used weapons against people in victoria upon ww2 memorials because people were protesting for freedom

the mandates are beyond the constitution of this country - in complete violation of our constitution

they are in the process of injecting australians and kids, our first nations people, aboriginals

police violence is on scales never seen before in this country

Mark Rehbein (CROYDON PARK, 2021-10-29)


Because of what has happened over the last 20 months to our family and friends. Especially, for those who passed because of the lockdowns in Extended Care facilities like my father who passed May 2020 at age 93 alone without visits from his family. He was labeled a Covid-19 death, but showed no symptoms according to his mortician. We were not allowed to have appropriate burial services because of lockdowns.

Yvonne Powers (Escalon, 2021-10-29)


Save the kids and this vaxx is killing so msny people its disgraceful the police are corrupt

Steven Chase (Hartlepool , 2021-10-29)


They need to be brought to justice!

Gary Griessmann (West Chester, Ohio 45069, 2021-10-29)


Deliberate global #CrimesAgainstHumanity

Barbara Hickman (Montgomery Village , 2021-10-29)


I don't think the government should be mandating these vaccines. They don't mandate people stop smoking or eating processed and sugary foods, or exercise more which would help with a lot of the co-morbidities that make this "virus" so much more deadly. It doesn't make sense and if I'm forced to get it to keep my job I want them to be criminally prosecuted should there be any side effects that harm my very healthy body, brain and mind.

Julie Irwin (Kent, 2021-10-29)


These are crimes against humanity!!!!

Catherine Orrell (Nash, 2021-10-29)


The illegal mandates and stripping away of our human rights must be atoned for

Michelle Houston (Buck Creek, 2021-10-29)


I’m signing because I’m suspicious about corona virus pandemic. It’s fake and we need not such a killer vaccine.

Yoko Suzuki (Tokyo, 2021-10-29)


I'm signing because what's happening around the world is completely wrong. I can't believe the arrogance and authoritaratism happening by governments around the world.

Daniel Warrington (Leduc, 2021-10-29)


I am signing this petition, because the kind of crime that is now being commited is very much directed against the peoples in any country, so national judicial processes are not effective or for many actions of the crime not even appropirate. The world is now not well equipped in terms of ability to bring justice to these kinds of border-trespassing, extremely wilfully planned crimes against humanity. There is not only lots of evidence, but also definitive proofs. There are som much expertise having lined up to see to it that the responsible perpetrators can be held responsible and get the right punishment. It would be only by the shortcoming of existing international judicial structures, especially like the United Nations ICC, that this crime could possibly pass, but then, for history, as a reminder of absolute ignorance and disregard, i.e. a shame beyond comparison. And every delay creates many more victims. So, please be quick in allowing this process to start, we have no time to loose, and ICC is the prime (actually the only) hope we have today.

Bertil Johnsson (Stockholm , 2021-10-29)


All of the people who are complicit in this covid scam which has led to egregious crimes against humanity must be held accountable and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Heather Lawrence (Sooke, 2021-10-29)


I believe this pandemic that has killed thousands of people was specifically created for exactly that purpose

B Lynne Hoff (Sundre, 2021-10-29)


I believe strongly that the government does not have peoples best interest at heart .I support this petition 100%

Jasper Virginia (Mansonville , 2021-10-29)


justice has to be served

Thomas Nosko (77110, 2021-10-29)


Žádám vyšetření zločinu proti lidskosti.
*Je nám upíráno volně dýchat ( nošení roušek a respirátorů, ničí naše zdraví a zdraví našich dětí ) a zamezuje nám svobodně žít. *Nenošení respirátorů, je trestáno pokutami policie a násilím policie.
*Dále všechny vládní opatření v době Covidu, jsou likvidační pro drobné podnikatele.
* Vláda ČR nehledí na občany, ale pouze na svůj finanční prospěch z těchto opatření.
*Děti v ČR byly nejdéle separovány od kolektivu, nejdéle na distanční výuce, toto mnoho dětí nezvládlo (sama mám 3 vnučky a všechny dnes mají psychické problémy). *Zákaz docházky do školy, spustil velké psychické problémy u dětí i rodičů.
Děkuji Duráková Soňa

Soňa Duráková (Brno , 2021-10-29)



Elizabeth Young (Harriman, 2021-10-29)


I’m signing because I believe in life, natural law, my own sovereignty, and my right to decide what to put in my body without threat or coercion whilst retaining my rights to liberty and pursuit of happiness un-infringed.

Ami Raggio (Swansboro, 2021-10-29)


I’m signing this so that Australia her a voice and is saying we have suffered crimes against humanity here too and we stand united with the world on this global crime. Those that have had there hand in this should be hald to account to the fullest extent. ❤️✊🇦🇺

Jovanka Begic (Melbourne , 2021-10-29)


Justice and freedom

Matthias Judex (Talissieu, 2021-10-29)


I want to see some justice for lives lost and ruined.

Candace Duncan (Salt Lake City, 2021-10-29)


Large organisations and corporations, should be held accountable for their actions, or at least regulated by an independent body, to ensure they are ethical in their practices

K Hobbs (London, 2021-10-29)


These crimes against humanity must stop. Prosecute those responsible for these atrocities.

John Love (RAEFORD, 2021-10-29)


The world is under threat from a rich and powerful elite who are abusing humanity through medical fascism.

Gerry Cookson (Woodbridge, 2021-10-29)


There are heinous crimes against humanity being committed. Those responsible must be brought to justice.

M. Gordon (Amsterdam, 2021-10-29)


Never Again !! This time in a Voice for Voiceless Humanity.

“When they came for me, there was no one left to speak up for me.”

Phyllis Good (Sacramento , 2021-10-29)


Covid vaxxines are bio weapons

Stephen Lim (Singapore , 2021-10-29)


I believe that anyone who has committed these crimes need to be prosecuted. We need justice.

Jeannine Wiseman (Clarksburg , 2021-10-29)


I'm signing this petition because we have to stand up to the evil tyranny that has waged war on humanity. I am signing this petition because I don't want innocent blood shed because of an experimental bio-weapon that is wrongfully called a vaccine. May God have mercy on us all.

Ashley Sichler (Whitesboro, 2021-10-29)


This satanic tyranny has to stop. Any person pushing an experimental medical procedure without confirmed consent needs to be prosecuted fir crimes against humanity. Each person has free will & choice over their body

geraldine cunningham (Birmingham , 2021-10-29)


Covid 19 and the mRNA treatment is a massive fraud that has removed human rights regarding medical procedures and is now responsible for the death of many thousands.

Rodney Longmire (Carina Heights, 2021-10-29)


Govt has over reached with PHARMAS, Doctors and Politicians allowing a man made virus with CCP & Fauci -sent it around the world then together with PHARMAS developed a genetic mRNA as an experimental trial study which created nearly 20,000 deaths, close to half a million adverse reactions & double digit thousands who are permanently disabled but NO Liability from Drs & PHARMAS, no Informed consent but mandating the country to accept a trial study experiment as a vaccine-this is Crimes agst Humanity

Toni DeSalvo (Bellevue, 2021-10-29)


I'm signing because I'm a sentient, critically thinking human being and can't imagine what kind of creature, on earth or off, that wouldn't sign this petition.

Dan Melius (Grass Valley, 2021-10-29)


I believe mandating an experimental shot or any shot against my freedom to choose or my religious liberties constitutes crimes against humanity as stated in the Nuremberg code of 1947 and the 1964 declaration in Helsinki. Not to mention importantly it’s a violation of my rights under the United States Constitution.

Robin Flores Medearis (Enumclaw , 2021-10-29)


I believe in free will.

Kerry Runyeon (Ponce Inlet, 2021-10-29)



Christin Wilso (Sugarloaf, 2021-10-29)


i am signing because on the start of covidrestrictions I was in Peru and what I saw there was pure fascism. Over night Lima was taken by poice and army with machine guns. Coast was closed so people could not escape from state on some islands, simply WAR.

Jan Ruzicka (Liberec, 2021-10-29)


the vaccine mandates are immoral

jOSEPH Biasco (Lincoln Park, 2021-10-29)



PHILIP HENRICKSON (Mishicot, 2021-10-29)


I care

matjaz vovk (st-adrien de ham, 2021-10-29)

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