Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



ICC needs to act on investigation of crimes against humanity.

Jimmy Pitts (Jasper , 2021-10-30)


I'm signing because for almost 40 years I've been committed to children's health and what is happening with the vaccine mandates violates the rights of the children who will have serious adverse events from the vaccine, as well as compromised health by mask mandates.

Darlene R Hawley (Spokane Valley, 2021-10-30)


I am signing this because the companies manufacuring the injection and governments must be held accountable for driving experiments on populations and in case of severe adverse reactions. To this day still nobody can sue them over the troubles caused by the injections. They are blocking alternative treatments and don't allow doctors to prescribe helpful medicines. They are also violating free consent instead they are threatening citizens. All of this represent a crime against humanity.

Benjamin ROMANE (Paris, 2021-10-30)


I am signing this petition because I oppose these lethal, experimental drugs. Despite the high number of adverse events and deaths, governments are abdicating their responsibilities and mandating these injections. This is criminal. These injections should not continue to be administered and those responsible investigated. The scientific revolution is now decaying.

Nancy Kelley (Toronto , 2021-10-30)


This is criminal coercion where loss of rights, employment and our freedoms are underway. Please take actions to stop these crimes against humanity. Thank you

Rick Zapata (Benbrook , 2021-10-30)


I thoroughly believe that we have been lied to repeatedly by those who are supposed to be protecting our health. It seems that in many many instances it has become apparent that those people are really foxes in charge of guarding the hen house.

Philip Dunn (Sullivan, NH 03445, 2021-10-30)


The Crimes Against Humanity has never stopped since the first Nuremberg Trials ended. There is so much evil and we need to stop it; our world as we know it is at stake! GOD help us.

Patti Ann Griep (Salinas, 2021-10-30)


The thing that are happening are iligal.

Darina Kancheva (Sofia, 2021-10-30)


Jde o základní lidská práva.

Miluše Eklová (Kralupy nad Vltavou, 2021-10-30)


I’m signing because I’m a professional health data scientist and I can attest with absolute certainty that the public health organizations of the world have committed one of the greatest frauds of all time and a laundry list of unspeakable crimes against humanity. From illegal health mandates, to statistical/scientific fraud, informed consent violations, reckless economic destruction, censorship, propaganda, authoritarian human rights violations, lying to Congress, conspiracy to commit genocide, the murder of the elderly, the maiming of countless people globally, and a seemingly endless list of offenses, the CDC, FDA, NIH, and WHO (among many others) are guilty of it all. These crimes cannot go unpunished.

Nicholas Blekas (Austin, 2021-10-30)



Koryn Webb (Hoschton, 2021-10-30)


I personally have tons of evidential material agains the globalists, this consist mainly of experts around the world work..

Nikolay Andreev (Sofia, 2021-10-30)


It is a crime to be forced to put something in our body against our free will

Wanda Jones (Prince George , 2021-10-30)


I am signing this petition because this crime against Humanity must be brought to justice.

YAHYA SALEEM-BEY (Upper Chichester, 2021-10-30)


I’m signing this petition to held accountable the persons who want power and money over peoples lives. The push for the bio weapon vaccine needs to stop and people who are sick need to receive the treatments they have the right to by law.

Anne-Lise Debrot (Epalinges, 2021-10-30)


I truly believe that COVID-19 is a bioweapon, and CDC and NIH have agendas, and medical tyranny is a tool to realize their agendas. Their actions show that world wide vaccination is one of the objectives. They have demonized safe and effective early treatments and have tried to ruin the reputations of medical doctors who try to treat people with these early treatments. These vaccines have killed and injured tens of thousands of people around the world. Their treatment protocols of no treatment is reclass.
80% of people placed on ventilators and intubation die. Remdesevir kills another 29%. These are their primary therapies. Again, dangerous, reclass, and criminal.

Robert Maurice (Stony Point, 2021-10-30)


I understand these people who are and have hurt many thousands of inocent people from all over the world need to be brought to justice....or they WILL continue to hurt people. GOD bless you all for standing up aghast EVIL.

logan campbell (kaitaia, 2021-10-30)


We have stop this utter madness.

Yukari Lyon (Forest Row, 2021-10-30)


This madness must stop now and EVERYONE who participated in anyway must be held responsible - criminally and civilly.
Jeff Bartol

Jeffrey Bartol (Maplewood, 2021-10-30)


To stop biological crimes against humanity and have the perpetrators prosecuted.

Mark Nash (Driftwood, 2021-10-30)


I'm signing this petition to help stop people from being murdered and to bring those responsible for murdering people to justice.

Russ Fauver (Marlton, 2021-10-30)


They need to be held accountable for this global attack on humanity. This is mass genocide and I refuse to be forced into taking this when they know that there is no benefit to the people getting it.

Kelly Guenoun (Brisbane, 2021-10-30)


I'm signing this because these evil people need to be executed for worldwide genocide.

Helene Minne (Caledon, 2021-10-30)


It is wrong to mandate experimental vaccine on dissenting people especially when any possible long term effects are unknown

Kathryn Madison (Milton , 2021-10-30)


Transparency and accountability are both needed to address the crimes that have taken place during this so called pandemic.

Rose Gillham (Invermere, 2021-10-31)


People need to be responsible for their intentional irresponsibilities and crimes against the masses.

Shannon Smith (Mount pleasant , 2021-10-31)


I am not complicit to Tyrany in any form!

Spyros Georges (EPPING, 2021-10-31)


i am signing this petition because i believe that it is a crime to experiment on humans with these unproven injections.

lori schumann (woodside, 2021-10-31)


I wholeheartedly agree with this investigation. The perpetrators (global governments, banking crime families, & elites) have caused so much death, harm and mental abuse that will reverberate through our future generations. All guilty should be put on trial (Nuremberg style) and when found guilty sentenced to death for treason and crimes against humanity.

Steve Brown (Billingham, 2021-10-31)


I am signing this petition on the grounds that I do not intend to become someone's sheep, let alone a guinea pig of some slackers, liars, murderers and blackmailers.

Tomáš Kovář (Brno, 2021-10-31)


I am signing because I know this virus was created and released with full knowledge of it's effect to humans. These people are evil and need to be stopped.

Colleen Zendt (Mount Joy , 2021-10-31)


I'm signing because Dr. Fauci et al should be charged because he has committed the biggest conspiracy in world history.

Larry Thompson (Stonewall, 2021-10-31)


This needs to be investigated!

Patricia Jewell (Sault Sainte Marie, Mi, 2021-10-31)


The masks, the vaccines, the stripping away of the people of America's rights and freedom has been diabolical, measured out, and sinisterly evil. These crimes against humanity cannot go undealt with, it's time to hold the evil accountable, for one life loss is one too many. God bless and God speed with this action. We the People stand together and will not be silenced. We the People DO NOT comply with any of the insanity that has been unleashed on us by sociopaths and psychopaths.

Thank you,
Janet Arnwine

Janet Arnwine (Gainesville, 2021-10-31)


To save humanity.

Claire Navin (Medina, 2021-10-31)


It’s time for this house of cards to fall.

Valerie Bouvier (Calgary , 2021-10-31)


This is a crime against humanity. This should never ever happen again,

Lorraine Solem (Lake Macquarie , 2021-10-31)


I'm signing because there is too much unknown from the covid-19 vaccines Side Effects! Too much deaths because of adverse reactions after getting the vaccine.

Mathieu Cossette (Shawinigan, 2021-10-31)


I. Believe covid was caused by people in power to destroy our way of life.

Terry Crocker (Wilmington, 2021-10-31)


I'm signing because I was tricked into taking an experimental injection, without informed consent. And I know of two youths from my church that have had the jab and contracted myocarditis.

Suzana Vuksanovic (Sydney, 2021-10-31)


Those responsible for this evil must be brought to justice.

Tanya Thompson (Coeur d’Alene, 2021-10-31)


These people need to be held accountable

Peat Laura (ALEXANDRIA, 2021-10-31)


The world has become like Nazi Germany. I believe in freedom of choice

Tracey Teery (Doonan, 2021-10-31)


As more information comes to light, it is impossible to not do something. It is clear that COVID 19 plus the vaccine push and silencing of Dr. with other options and protocols is being done maliciously.

Lorraine Sivins (Ada, 2021-10-31)


I want JUSTICE to prevail.

Val Roche (Wentworth Falls, 2021-10-31)


The corruption of all medical institutions, officials, doctors and pharmaceutical corporate lobbyist should be removed from this plant

Sean McElhaney (San Antonio Village, Makati, 2021-10-31)


I disagree with removing people's right to choose what's best for their own bodies and minds.. these vaccinations, mandates and masks and lockdowns are completely wrong and our parliament can go and***** right off..

luke andrzejewski (Darwin, 2021-10-31)


The truth about this devastating pandemic must come out and those guilty must be prosecuted and sentenced appropriately for such a heinous crime. This pandemic together with the corrupt South African government which enriched themselves by capitalizing on the back of the pandemic, destroyed the lives and livelihoods of the citizens.

Glenda W (Kempton Park Ward 104, 2021-10-31)


These crimes and the perpetrators must be held accountable and justice served.

Mills Darrin (Denpasar , 2021-10-31)


I absolutely do not agree with the absurd pandemic restrictions implemented, without any scientific proof that they actually work

Shannon Allen (Groningen, 2021-10-31)


Mass vaccination has been promoted as the sole treatment for covid & patients have been withheld from alternative, early outpatient treatments resulting in unnecessary deaths & hospital overwhelm.

Jeanne Allan (Spring, Texas, 2021-10-31)


I'm strongly against forcing application of the extremely harmful experimental fluids intravenally

Václav Janda (Zlín, 2021-10-31)


justice must be sought

mike taylor (blackpool, 2021-10-31)


Abuse of power by leaders, Health Officers and those in authority through fear and misleading the truth and people.

Evie Sampson (Werribee, 2021-10-31)


Největší podvod v dějinách země, zločiny proti lidskosti a všichni kdo se na zločinech podíleli patří spravedlivý trest!

Pavel Chadima (Praha, 2021-10-31)


I am signing this, because its enough! We believe in free and democratict world.

Mariana Tichankova (Koprivnice , 2021-10-31)


My friend, Jimmy Potter took the first two shots which caused him to have a stroke that’s still affecting him. These vaccines which have caused at least 48,000 deaths of Medicare covered Americans as discovered by the Renz law firm need to be taken off the market now!

Cheryl Phillips (Maryville, 2021-10-31)


This is our appeal for justice for the all peoples of the Earth. This vaccine push is not for the good of the people, but for the enrichment and empowerment of a number of individuals who cannot possibly foresee their own agreement with evil will bring them down to an eternal suffering without end by the Righteous Judge of all mens' souls.

Betty Rogan (Gold Coast, 2021-10-31)


Charter of freedoms and rights.

Glen Martin (East Branch NB, 2021-10-31)


We have to have our freedom , people have died unnecessarily. Government has lied.

Kim Baker (Dorset , 2021-10-31)


I am against crimes against humanity and am concerned for the people of the world.

Shelly DuMond (Bainbridge , 2021-10-31)


I'm signing because I see the government and people of power forcing citizens to take an experimental shot without informed consent. People should not be experimented on!

Sorah David (Woodmere, 2021-10-31)


Chci žít svobodně jako člověk.

Jaroslav Navrátil (Otrokovice , 2021-10-31)

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