Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



The institutions that are meant to be protecting us are behaving criminally and to the detriment of our health and well being. They need to be held to account.

Mark Williams (Davoren Park, 2021-10-31)


I do not agree with all restrictions and interrupting the human rights

Jana Hanková (Uherský Ostroh, 2021-10-31)


Criminals need to be bought to justice

Paul Jackson (Buckingham , 2021-10-31)


Crimes are continuing against humanity.
Including crimes against children.

Elliott rt (Phuket, 2021-10-31)


This is the last chance to protect inner integrity of human beings. There is not big difference between mandatory and enforced vaccination. The actual policy of health organisations threatens human existence as such. What if vaccinated people will loose dramatically ability of reproduction for instance? It is still experimental cure that will have many unknowen side effects.

Martin Rybář (Soběslav - Soběslav II, 2021-10-31)


I think the forcing of vaccines are wrong!

chris duvall (farmington, 2021-10-31)



Zdenka Tolnayova ( , 2021-10-31)


I’m signing this because I believe in this cause. Hold them accountable!!!!

Vickie Davis (Merritt Island, 2021-10-31)


This plandemic has divided our family over a jab filled with poison.
I work a funeral home. Last that countless loved ones died alone because of mandates that would not allow families in to nursing facilities to hold their Mother/Father hand while Christ guided them home. Then - a criminal in Minneapolis overdosed and he got multiple funerals all over this country.
My family’s couldn’t gather, but the rules were different for a junkie criminal.
The damage these people have done to families, societies, employment will take years to correct if we ever can. They are pure evil.
I’m with Trump may God forgive you, I know I can’t.

Cindy Allen (Eyota , 2021-10-31)


I have watched this genetic therapy damage 6 people I know personally.

Jacquelyn Sauriol (Portland, 2021-10-31)


We need to get this cheating and lying done with once and for all!!

Barbara Radikopf (West Olive, 2021-10-31)


My Dad is a Holocaust survivor, he says this is how it started in Germany. He says History is repeating itself.

Esther Lordjan (Bala Cynwyd , 2021-10-31)


Marre d'une propagande gouvernementale inédite pour la vaccination qui me semble cacher un objectif abject !!
Il n'est pas normal que les médecins aient été mis sur le côté et que ce soient les politiques qui aient pris notre santé en mains...ils ne sont pas capables déjà de gouverner, alors, ne me demandez pas de faire confiance...

Bernard Waysse (Genval, 2021-10-31)


We need to fight to protect our freedoms and rights and the assaults against them. Nobody is going to do it for us.

Albert Michaels (Baltimore, 2021-10-31)


We have been universally abused by these evil people

Carol Coney (Johannesburg, 2021-10-31)


I'm signing because I believe that this whole C-19 thing was a bogus virus that was overblown in it's capacity to kill people, that it was a planned event to confuse, scare, cause psychological damage, decrease populations of different demographic groups, and is a crime against humanity.

Dave Lyons (Escondido, 2021-10-31)


I’m signing because , I truly believe we all need to stand up for ourselves against all the corruption in all forms of government which has gotten completely out of hand. And I believe the people of the USA are perhaps the only people with enough backbone to help us all do this

Dianne Burns (Tiny, 2021-10-31)


The future of our children is at stake. Bring these criminals to justice.

James Pirie (Yulee, 2021-10-31)


Government agencies seem to be corrupt. Their allegiance is to BigPharma and other corporations that bribe them legally with lobbying. We need to end corruption and lobbying. Mandates for experimental drugs that do more harm than good are illegal. They continuously hide better safer options to actually treat the virus such as ivermectin, high dose intravenous Vitamin C, hydroxychloroquine and many other safe ways to get rid of the virus. Instead they are telling people to get vaccines that are experimental and do more harm than good causing many to be permanently disabled and dead. They are illegally mandating forcing people to get the vaccine or lose their jobs. We must charge them with crimes against humanity. They cannot continue this nonsense...all the blocking of useful helpful information for people to make an informed choice needs to end. They continue to lie and say the vaccines are safe when more people will probably die from the vaccine vs covid. Please stand up for all life on this planet and stop these criminals from doing more harm than they already have.

Al Fletcher (Sault Ste. Marie , 2021-10-31)


The said cure is causing great harm, people are dying of medical and political negligence from the vaccine given fir a treatable illness. The FDA now deem it acceptable to use this experimental MRNA technology on children as young as 5 years old to whom the illness does not threaten. This is an atrocity and no national body is stopping it, the ICC must NOW WITHOUT DELAY act to ensure human health and rights are upheld. to IGNOR or not investigate is to be party to man slaughter on a mass scale.

Hannah Dawson (Lewes, 2021-10-31)


I want to be free

David John (Llanelli , 2021-10-31)


Racoons go

Christian Schaklev (Augsburg, 2021-10-31)


I believe in medical freedoms! No government has the right or authority to mandate an experimental gene therapy or any medical procedure without consent.

Pamela Wooten (Peoria , 2021-10-31)


Our so called leaders are committing genocide - and laughing about it. They are toxic criminal psychopaths and should be jailed.

Penny West (Hessle, 2021-10-31)


The people responsible for these crimes against humanity should all be held accountable.

Andy Mathia (St. Giles-on-the-Heath, Launceston, 2021-10-31)


I believe those who are responsible must be held accountable immediately and for their actions to be halted at once!

Elena Vasiliou (Nicosia, 2021-10-31)



Július Krajovský (Klenovec, 2021-10-31)


The slovak goverment coaborate with fasizm and nacizm after 80 years again. They support experimental lethal injection and ilegal tests on most of population under the crime of violence.

Pavol JANTOŠ (Turzovka, 2021-10-31)


Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity.

Algina Pass (Doetinchem , 2021-10-31)


Podepisuji, protože už se nemůžu dívat na to co s námi elity dělají a dělat budou, pokud je někdo nezastaví. Pro všechny lidi, pro své blízké a pro budoucnost svých dětí.

Beata Machandrová (Český Těšín, 2021-10-31)


I'm signing because I stand for the freedom of choice and for more transparency on medicine ingredients. Thank you.

Florence Leclerc (SARTROUVILLE, 2021-10-31)


I want to help stop the vaccine mandates/crimes against humanity

Andres Gabriela (Burnaby, 2021-10-31)


To bring justice to the victims and the future generations who will suffer because of these crimes.

Tamara Reid-Vernon (George Town , 2021-10-31)


Complicit ""Health"" bureaucrats denied suffering people early-life saving antiviral treatments to promote a profiteering no-liability (and injurious) experimental jab agenda. This is a crime against humanity.

Hayden McAllister (Guildford, Surrey, 2021-10-31)


This so called vaccine is an experimental procedure, coercion is used in the attempt to force individuals to take it.

Kim Ilkiw (Leduc County, 2021-10-31)


Ce qui se passe va à l'encontre de tous les fondamentaux...
Mon corps m'appartient.
Un vaccin expérimental qui provoque des effets secondaires sur énormément de personnes qu'on veut m'obliger à faire

sabri AISSAOUI (Toulon, 2021-10-31)


Because I believe they have committed Crimes Against Humanity on the Australian People.

Helen Hazel (Officer, 2021-10-31)


I sign the petition because I am a very sick person, but with common sense. Healthy people are blinded and manipulated

Martina Lohonka Kadlecová (Volary, 2021-10-31)


This PlanDemic is poisoning the people.
I Do Not Consent.

Michelle Maisonneuve (Monte Lake, 2021-10-31)


The left have gone to for left for me.

Linda Daniels (Black Springs, 2021-10-31)


The NAZI's all over again !!!

Harry Stammis (Calgary, 2021-10-31)


I support the motion for investigation.

Lucius Black (Manchester , 2021-10-31)


Goverment represenratives elected by the People have profited and controlled the media to dupe the citizens and forcing this misery upon them

Simon Wright (Langley mill, 2021-10-31)


Something needs to be done. The numbers just don’t add up!

Anthony Paolino (Ontario, 2021-10-31)


DUH!!! The truth is apparent prima facie!!! I'm for truth

Hank DeDank (El Cerrito, 2021-10-31)


I want everyone in this world to be free and healthy!

Anita De Win (Sint-Katelijne-Waver , 2021-10-31)


Truth must come out and justice needs to be served.

Kamile Meskauskaite (Wehl, 2021-10-31)


I am signing this petition for our children and also because of my father. Himself and his family suffered under the communist regime throughout their lives. My grandfather was physically tortured by the communists in the prison for several years because of his faith. He never gave up. Never. I don´t want any of that happen ever again to the people. We are free beings! <3

Katerina Miltner (Kostelec nad Cernymi lesy, 2021-10-31)


We need justice for the Crimes Against Humanity. All guilty people need to be punished.

Joanne Godlewsky (Andover, 2021-10-31)


Podepisuji, nebot Satan musí být poražen a covidfašisti potrestáni

Ladislava Költöová (Janovice n/Úhl., 2021-10-31)


My kids and I are locked out of employ3and study, retail , medical care and society for refusing the vaccines

Magic Barclay (Melbourne , 2021-10-31)



BONNIE CHADWICK (Lahaina, 2021-10-31)


I am a human being with my rights.

Silvie Šímová (Jablonec nad Nisou, 2021-10-31)


I’m signing this because I am against forced vaccination of an experimental vaccine

Jimmy Chambers (Perth, 2021-10-31)


The silence is a crime

Tania Tsiolaki (Nuremberg, 2021-10-31)


I'm signing because nobody has the right to inject something into my body if I don't what it,

Barbara Alber (Deaver, 2021-10-31)

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