Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I sign this as I believe there is an unforgivable crime against humanity and those responsible need to be punished.

Dan Swanepoel (Johannesburg , 2021-11-01)


This should be signed by every American. This isn’t right mandates are not a law. People are losing jobs to feed their family’s over this BS. Freedom of choice. Vaccines have not been tested long enough to be safe. To many people not getting it should say enough. We the people are not stupid!! Virus was made. This evil government needs to go. We the people are not going to stop till it’s done. Our family our choice. I have a daughter going to college to be a nurse graduated with honors. She is not getting this vaccine. If they don’t stop this jab we will not have enough people in medical field. It’s always short of people we need before this virus. People need to do what is right for America. It needs to be We The People Again not just me. In God we trust not a government that lies to us. I’ll stand with God and common sense over a cheating evil lying government. Please add my name. Thanks have a good day!

Parsons April (Rossville, 2021-11-01)


Performed human justice must encourage people, it means - persons.

Oliva Suchá (Česká Lípa, 2021-11-01)


I’m signing because I want an end to these crimes against humanity and an end to this tyranny.

Lillian Fender (White Rock, 2021-11-01)


I'm signing because we need to hold people accountable for the atrocities that are going on!!

Ernest Anderson (Brockton, 2021-11-01)


I have loved ones that have had their health permanently compromised due to receiving the jab and grandchildren whose futures are being threatened.

Wanda Meyers (Hastings, 2021-11-01)


Pharma needs to be held responsible for its blatant disregard for health and crimes against humanity with its forced shots.

Gail Berardesca (Branford, 2021-11-01)


The crimes that are obviously being committed need to be brought to light, the public need to know what is happening and people must be brought to account for their crimes.

Anthony Critchley (Chorley, 2021-11-01)


I'm signing because we need to prosecute the most prolific mass-murderers the world has EVER seen. The COVID-19 "vaccines" will ultimately end the lives of hundreds of millions- if not billions- of innocent people.

The acts of the people responsible were intentional, and literally crimes against humanity.

The people responsible MUST be held to account, and punished severely, for their actions.

Eric Woodell (Sinking Spring, 2021-11-01)


I'm signing this petition because I am convinced that all governments are guilty of murdering their citizens by using the so-called vaccine which has killed more people than the disease has.

Stan Selinger (RED DEER, AB, 2021-11-01)


Because COVID is a false storm in port and the vaccine(s) are a total farce. This technology is merely the beginning of a longer process towards "trans-humanism." Four billion adults and children must die by 2030 so the Oligarchs "can control the population". Adults and children who survive will be hot-wired. Fertility retarded, in fact the human race will be a akin to robotic, lacking free will and moral conscientiousness.

Malka Finkel (Jerusalem, ISRAEL, 2021-11-01)


Bring these criminals to justice!!

Roger Barr (North Fork, 2021-11-01)


I'm signing because the FDA, CDC and HHS apparently have lost their way. They have approved under EUA 5 yr old kids to get this gene therapy without any significant diligence or ingredient disclosure. INSANITY!

Franklin Walley (Anna, 2021-11-01)


I am outraged at the numbers of unnecessary injuries and deaths caused by the so-called corona vaccines.

Yehudis Abramowitz (Jerusalem, 2021-11-01)



Lenka Filipská (Brno, 2021-11-01)


Those that are responsible should be held liable.

Rochagné Kilian (Owen Sound, 2021-11-01)


Podepisuji, protože si myslím, že žádná skupina lidí , kteří se staví do role privilegovaných , nikdy nesmí dostat právo uzurpovat , ponižovat či omezovat jiné jedince , občany a to na základě profitu pro sebe či korporátní celky. Genocida a to hromadná ,plošná - krytá názvem "pandemie" musí mít viníky a ti musí byt exemplárně potrestáni a to i trestem nejvyšším , jako výstraha budoucím generacím, aby se takovému chování vlád vždy postavili a to hned v zárodku !!! Děkuji všem zůčastněným za podporu tohoto procesu ...

Petr Kovář (Horoměřice, 2021-11-01)


Im free. Vaccine is not safe.

Marita Kittilä (Keminmaa, 2021-11-01)


C’est le plus grand crime contre l’humanité pour le contrôle, le communiste et la dépopulation c’est ignoble

Francine Leclerc (St eusebe, 2021-11-01)


The failure to properly inform the populations around the world as to the potential (and real) side effects of these “vaccines” has prevented true Informed consent by the recipients.

Lockdowns, past and current are violations of the God-given rights of free peoples to be safe “in their persons”.

These covid mandates must stop! No one, no one should be coerced or mandated to ingest or inject any foreign substance, medication or other agent.

This must stop.

Those responsible for colluding to misinform, falsify documentation or suppress pertinent safety information mist be held accountable.

Those national and international leaders who have colluded to force these vaccines upon their populations must be brought to account.

John Jardell (San Diego, 2021-11-01)


Why I am signing?

Miroslav Ričovský (Veľký Slavkov, 2021-11-01)


Signing because I am really tired of all those lies around me, this must be stopped.

Kerttu Anger (Türi, 2021-11-01)


I fully believe Anthony Fauci and Big Pharma and all politicians and medical personnel that have been pushing vaccines and ridiculous Covid protocols over the past two years should be investigated for crimes against humanity. They have refused lifesaving treatments such as HCQ and Ivermectin and have killed thousands and thousands of people that didn't need to die. This plandemic needs to end and people need to pay for what they have done!!

Tina Collins (Westwood, 2021-11-01)


Crimes against humanity
In the name of the law

Yechiel Zayde (Phoenix, 2021-11-01)


I hate fraud fauci and everything the government is doing to the people. I won't stand for tyranny. I fight for freedom.

Sandra Geran (Brick Township, 2021-11-01)


Je to nutné,jinak nás zničí

Jiřina PROUZOVÁ (Praha, 2021-11-01)


I do not want my livelihood and my future and my body held hostage....

Kris Carruthers (Sundre, 2021-11-01)


I have lost my freedoms to choose what’s best for my body and my children. I refuse to be a test subject and because of that I don’t get to enjoy freedoms.

Jocelyn Radom (Abbotsford , 2021-11-01)


They MUST be held responsible for what they did.

Danko Pigac (Varaždin, 2021-11-01)


To leave this world as it is to my grandchildren,with the pchycotic tyrants we call government. ...NEVER. ..

Darryl LEVER (Derby, 2021-11-01)


These jabs are being forced upon us without full disclosure and consent.
This is a medical experiment on humanity.

Michael Brown (The Colony , 2021-11-01)


I am a free and informed citizen, capable of understanding the abundant evidence that supports the charges against these individuals for crimes being committed against us and all of humanity. These actions need to stop and these individuals need to be held accountable immediately.

Serrina Whiteside (VICTORIA, 2021-11-01)


Obvious reasons!

Veronika Krizova (Bratislava, 2021-11-01)


I want to be on the right side of history. My children, my family and future generations deserve a better world than we currently live in.

Lisa-Marie Shymkowich (Chilliwack , 2021-11-01)


The criminals behind this virus and the deadly vaccine need to be held accountable for the millions of deaths around he world. I was a victim of this virus myself.

Mike Terriere (Rolling Hills, 2021-11-01)


I want all of these criminals in every country of the World to be investigated and prosecuted for their crimes against mankind. It must happen quickly while most of us are still sane and still free. They are coming after our children now.

Colleen Brady (North York, 2021-11-01)


This is the biggest sin beyond anyone could ever imagine. These people are pure EVIL & SHOULD be PUNISHED in unimaginable ways for ask the loved ones they've taken, lives they've ruined & atrocities committed. Put in front of GOD for PUNISHMENT

Susan Harrison (Baton Rouge LA, 2021-11-01)


Governments forced to vaccination illegally.

Dumindu Samarasekara (Kuruwita, 2021-11-01)


The crimes perpetuated against humanity must not go unpunished.

Dana Pasquis (Kernersville, 2021-11-01)


There are too many glaring inconsistencies in this entire hideous predicament.

Ron Venne (Chicopee, 2021-11-01)


The vaxx killed more than the non physical virus. It's a lie and not very much intelligence is needed to know it !

Dennis Lammon (Napa, 2021-11-01)


I believe in freedoms

Larry Thomas (Selkirk , 2021-11-01)


I believe vaccines are dangerous. I got deathly ill from a tetanus booster shot when I was in the 2nd grade and had to stay home from school for about 2 to 3 weeks. Furthermore, I stand for health freedom. There is no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to fitness, nutrition and medicine. There are WAY too many variables to determine actual results. Only the individual has to live with the consequences of a health decision. Therefore, only the individual can make the best choice assuming the individual wants to live and be healthy. The individual ALWAYS has inalienable rights that hold supremacy over the rights of society. If this is not the case, tyranny is inevitable. One of those rights is the right to choose what one puts inside one's own body.

Steven Adler (Palm Springs , 2021-11-01)


Various crimes against humanity have been committed since the start of this so-called SARS COV 2 pandemic and with the vaccine push we are currently experiencing. For the sake of our children's and grand children's future we need to end this tyranny now!

LEAH Born (Stamford, 2021-11-01)


I'm signing this petition because I'm positive that even voluntary application - moreover its mandatory(!) injunction - of using the experimental mRNA gene therapy to stop COVID-19 virus distribution is the CRIME against HUMANITY...

Oleg Korf (S. Francisco, 2021-11-01)


With Covid we found out that:
*governments lie; *organisations lie
*wittnesses lie; *businesses profit
*judges support the narrative
But then why do people still believe the biggest lie of all?

Marc van der Asch (Utrecht, 2021-11-01)


Because it’s time to put an end to this forced experiment before it’s too late. Those responsible must be brought to justice.

James McCooe (Dokkum, 2021-11-01)


the New World Order Vaccine Devils must be stopped before they "KILL" everyone on our entire planet!

Bill Dodson (Indianapolis, 2021-11-01)



Mary Catherine Morris (North Bay, 2021-11-01)


I’m signing because peoples rights have been violated and this must stop.

Pat Ruby (Easton , 2021-11-01)


Apeluji na svědomí všech kompetentních lidí. Toto zlo páchané na lidstvu musí být okamžitě zastaveno!!!

Jiří Sacher (Vrchlabí, 2021-11-01)


I believe in the work of Dr Flemings.

Jocelyn Oades (Auckland, 2021-11-01)


I believe there is truth in this Global abuse against humanity

Mariano Otero (Pompano Beach, 2021-11-01)


What is going on is dangerous, aside from being an invasion of our freedom, our rights and is against the law as well as the constitution.

Yehudis Engel (Brooklyn , 2021-11-01)


I am appalled that people are being forced in order to feed their families to take a vaccine that has the potential ton damage a huge percentage of people who are forced to take it. This is a crime against humanity.

Nell Brown (Main Arm, 2021-11-01)


One MAIN reason l would like Government leaders to be held accountable/prosecuted is because they have willingly dismissed The Council of Europe 2020 not to coerce people into having medical treatments etc. I think this is criminal. Thank you.

Susan Douglas (Aberdeen, 2021-11-01)


Toto považuji za zločiny proti lidskosti

Jana Jahodová (Kutná Hora, 2021-11-01)


I am against medical discrimination and coercion

paul walsh (Tramore, 2021-11-01)


To end medical & financial tyranny & to end emotional & physical suffering & to bring justice to this world and to have peace and love between all people in our world, please Gd help us & free us from this slavery. Our hope is only in Our Gd, Creator of heaven & earth.

Devorah Gerari (Melbourne , 2021-11-01)


I am signing because getting my son with the severe autism the health services he requires is limited because I will not bow to the unconstitutional mandates.

Barbara Saker (Liberal, 2021-11-01)


Je nejvyšší čas ukončit politickou zvůli pochybených figurek.

Anna Zápotocká (Liberec, 2021-11-01)


These Crimes Against Humanity must be STOPPED!

Chris Davies (Weymouth, 2021-11-01)

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