Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



It is crime

Ami Muller (George, 2021-11-01)



Marcy Troxel (Molalla, 2021-11-01)


I will not submit to forced injection of Covid 19 vaccine. The vaccines were not properly studied, forcibly and expediently approved, and are not proven by long term studies. There is a mountain of evidence that indicates these vaccines are a danger to human health. In Canada, governments and corporations are silencing and threatening citizens who question the efficacy and the safety of these vaccines. The federal government of Canada is coercing and bribing citizens to be vaccinated. They threaten to take away the livelihood of all citizens who refuse the vaccines.

Joe Syverson (Medicine Hat, 2021-11-01)


Fighting medical tyranny

Peter Maselli (Titusville, 2021-11-01)


I sign, because people all over the world are lied to and are coerced into a so called 'vaccination' with a dangerous injection that is NOT a vaccine but a mRNA treatment that is TOTALLY UNNECCESSARY, and UNWANTED because over 99 % of the people who get sick can heal with methods that are suppressed (like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and others), ONLY because of making huge profits for the pharmaceutical industry. It is TREASON. Also the devastating economical measures of shutting business and lockdowns are appalling, not about Health and NOT NECESSARY. Mask wearing is not preventing the virus, and causes more Illnesses. This all, while there is NO EMERGENCY, NO PANDEMIC, just LIES and the set up of the Great Reset which is a totalitarian state with the risk of covid-19 internments camps FOR THE HEALTHY UNVACCINATED, sane and independently thinking people, falsely accused to be a thread to the vaccinated, while the vaccinated seem to be the super spreaders. The parallels with the NAZI REGIME are evident to me.

Beatrijs Penn (Edmonton, 2021-11-01)


It is criminal to mandate the people to become participants in clinical trials.

There're no vaccins neither vaccinated according to the law. The special American court for the vaccins side effets victims refuses to accept the complaints of the Covid vaccins victims car these are considered the guinea pigs, not vaccinated.

Kirilka KIRILOVA (Paris, 2021-11-01)


Justice for everyone

Stephen Russell (Ferny Glen, 2021-11-01)


I believe this must be done, and agree with the writers of this petition.

Sonya McMahon (Killarney, 2021-11-01)


I am being threatened with termination if I do not submit to the experimental shot that is erroneously called a vaccine. If I am granted a Religious exemption I will have to pay for weekly Covid tests. I have survived Covid inspite of the lack of adequate treatment.

Angela Dittman (Lexington , 2021-11-01)


I’m signing because that is your job, or is it the fact that the UN is running the show that you refuse to do what is needed to bring these deviants to justice

Joey Keller (Delaware , 2021-11-01)


I want every person to have access to their human rights.

Sandra Ibarra (Tierrasanta, 2021-11-01)


I'm signing because I don't believe that the Covid-19 virus appeared by itself, naturally. It had to be ARTIFICIALLY CREATED by the Wuhan Lab under the Chinese Communist Party. They should be fully investigated.

Marcel Roehrs (Guatemala, 2021-11-01)


I am signing this petition in an effort to bring justice to those who have tried to intentionally hurt others by withholding information

Nancy Reason (Aiken, 2021-11-01)


They are forcing the Experimental Jab on people, I know hundreds of people that have been forced into getting the Jab because of the Governmets "No Jab No Job" Policy... Completely against their will and absolutely shattered they received it... Otherwise they would have never taken the Jab, living in the LGA area it was complete and utter communism at its best by the State and Federal Government... Scott Morrison comes out says on National TV it aint Manditory, yeah right - Scott Morrison, Gladys Berejiklian, Brad Hazzard, Dan Andrews, Mick Fuller & David Elliott should be all locked up...

Merched Moussa (GREEN VALLEY, 2021-11-01)


There should be just about all politicians which are in Glasgow, Gates, Soro +++++ in this court room to use an unisolated "Corona/Covid" virus, the so called PCR-test from Drosten and the trail experimental vaccine used on humans! We should remember Nuremberg!

Harold Wehner (Katherine, 2021-11-01)


Atrocities are being perpetrated against humanity.

Darla Steele (Halifax, Nova Scotia , 2021-11-01)


Every country forcing these so called vaccines by coercion and without informed consent are in violation of the Nuremberg trials and the Helsinki code of ethical principals. They need to beheld responsible and tried accordingly for these egregious crimes against humanity.

Candelaria Carter (Huntington, 2021-11-01)


Im sick of this situation! Where is ouf freedom and democracy?! What is happing around the world Just cos of money?!!! Stop it!

Dagmar Koleňáková (Mladá Boleslav , 2021-11-02)


Our human rights are being violated, and many people are dying as a result. This must stop!

Richard House (Burnaby, 2021-11-02)


Accountability and justice rightly served.

Kenneth Molina (Texarkana, 2021-11-02)


There was no need for vaccines because proven treatments were available, but being censored and suppressed by corrupt entities whose interests lay in the purveying of experimental so-called vaccines, which have now been proven not only “leaky” and injury-causing, but deadly! These people caused others to declare emergencies so these “vaccines” could be circulated, with indemnities signed off by national leaders. Those Leaders then caused others to mandate vaccination to coerce people to take the “vaccines”, in violation of their own free and informed consent. There was no informed consent, because the information required to give such consent was also suppressed and censored on mainstream media. The data shows that there are far more adverse effects, injures (that likely are long term), and deaths, from these “vaccines” than would normally trigger a stop to all vaccination programmes, as has been the case in the past, with just over 50 deaths! This has far surpassed that number, even with the unscrupulous under reporting that is occurring.
All this, in direct breach of the Nuremberg Code! NEVER AGAIN!!

Lyn Eccleston (Tamworth, 2021-11-02)


Because our rights are being exploited. Our government is committing crimes against humanity!

Dorothy Sutherland (Garfield , 2021-11-02)


Mi familia la vacunaron por viaje a USA mandato obligatorio gobernantes Ministerio de salud de Costa Rica.

Randall Jara (Sanjose, 2021-11-02)


What is happening with this Covid Plannedemic is crimes against humanity. This goes against our constitution. I do not consent to this. This has harmed so many people. Justice must be served to those who have inflicted this on the world.

Kimberly Thomas (Ogden, 2021-11-02)


This pandemic hoax is a crime against humanity and future generations of all living beings.

Will Tuttle (Hidden Valley Lake, 2021-11-02)


I live in Alberta Canada and we are unable to travel freely in our own country, we cant go to a restaurant, sporting event, hospital, etc unless i am double jabbed. My mother lives in Ontario and has just moved into an independant living facility and i cant even go in there to visit, i cant fly to ontario to visit her and god forbid she gets sick, i wont be able to do anything. That is not right, we wont take the jab because we know it is not healthy for our bodies. This is tyranny in the nth degree and this needs to stop. Thanks, Phyllis

Phyllis Cotterill (Parkland County, 2021-11-02)


I am signing bc the greatest acts of crimes against humanity are and have been perpetrated into the public, through fear and tactics. Harassment if you may. Criminal beyond belief! The hospitals have the kill shot .

Lago Jennifer (Lakewood, 2021-11-02)


Anyone in violation of the Nuremberg Code and the United States Constitution shall be tried and found guilty of crimes against humanity. Forcing, coercing or manipulating anyone to inject themselves with an experimental substance is wrong.

Stephanie Progar (Commerce City , 2021-11-02)


Par ce que je veux que ces crimes cessent , que nos droits et libertés soient respectés!!

Lise Gilbert (THERTFORD MINES, 2021-11-02)


Our freedoms and basic human rights are being stripped away one by one.

Amy Felix (Highbury , 2021-11-02)


This is far overdue and has cost far too many lives and livelihoods.

Anjanette Bixel (Las Vegas, 2021-11-02)


The Covid 19 virus & vaccines are crimes against humanity. This is bioterrorism to advance a One World government and depopulate the earth.

Linda Ashbrook (Simi Valley, 2021-11-02)


I am signing because it is morally and ethically wrong to FORCE experimental medical procedures on anybody

R Parsons (Sydney, 2021-11-02)


Crimes against humanity

Beau Anderson (Kempsey , 2021-11-02)


Crimes against humanity, need to stop and be addressed accordingly!

Leanne Hafemeister (Brisbane, 2021-11-02)


The heinous crimes being coerced upon humanity through the poison death shots

Laurie Birdsall (Arcata, 2021-11-02)


I am angry from daily atacks from politics side

Stanislav Beseda (Diviacka Nová Ves, 2021-11-02)


There are OBVIOUS crimes against humanity, and those responsible and knowingly engaged should be prosecuted.

Michelle Van Batavia (Oak Ridge, 2021-11-02)


What’s been done to the people of America and in fact the world, cannot be excused or excepted. Our God given rights and freedoms are not up for negotiation. Not ever!

Lori Lamb (Peoria, 2021-11-02)


I demand justice for the crimes against humanity

Miroslav Dzurenda (Nedožery-Brezany, 2021-11-02)


gil claude

claude gil (pirae, 2021-11-02)


Pretože som bol donútený vladou Slovenskej Republiky nasilu sa dat testovať,kvoli tomu,aby som neprišiel o prácu a aby som mohol navštevovať svojich rodicov v druhom okrese.



I support the evidence Fleming present in this document to the court and understand it is true and requires legal action, to stop this Bio-Weapon and get unhindered medical assistant for the world's population with any clinical sound treatment and access to Health Services at low cost. To hold to account anyone of any nation, the data information and evidence support to the court.

Henry Monteith (Larne, 2021-11-02)


All those responsible of lying about the Pandemic and the farmaceutical panacea offered to the people with the promise to solve it, without disclosing the real data and risks have to be persecuted in tribunal and condamned if found guilty.

Riccardo Micheli (Muscat, 2021-11-02)



LINDA SINGER (Montreal, 2021-11-02)


I’m against medical tyranny . And because of Nuremberg code.

Dan Zwitterion (Singapore, 2021-11-02)


My husband, who is in the United States Army, and who has recovered from Covid-19 twice, is not being granted a medical waiver for the bio weapon injection and is being threatened with punitive action to include court martial,
loss of his retirement (he has approximately 9 months left to serve) and loss of his VA benefits, which would include medical care, VA disability compensation for injuries incurred while serving, and a military burial. He has served honorably for 21 years and deserves to receive all the benefits he is entitled to. I’d like President Biden and General Milley listed as defendants in this lawsuit.

Linda Bass (Ewa Beach, Hawaii, 2021-11-02)


stop vojnám, stop experimentom, chráňme naše deti, vážme si slobodu, za ktorú naši blízky umierali. Právo rozhodovať o svojom živote.

Dagmar Komárek (Žilina, 2021-11-02)


Pre lepšiu budúcnosť naších detí, aby sa nestali otrokmi, a my ako rodičia nežili v strachu, že pod ich vyhrážkami nám ich odoberú.

Lenka Želonková (Poprad, 2021-11-02)


With one word typed "Covid", months ago I was immediately censored by an AI Bot on Twitter, and my First Amendment Rights cut off from my Twitter's accounts' now pathetic use. I didn't bother waste my time to reset my account. All people advertising, I didn't see your ads, and you should just stop advertising on their now pathetic controlled platform.

Before this time I observed, heard about these COVID testings with wrong Covid19 testers, the many FALSE positives, stories of people who went to get tested, left the long lines not tested of course, only to call back the next day and be told they tested positive.

All of this which with the main stream media pushed creating fear from the massive mainly incorrect diagnosed people to mind-control their minds into accepting these damaging shots currently deployed and they are not vaccines. Then the FDA later and much too late turns off approvals for the PCR and other Covid testers being approved.

I have watched many prior vaccine documentaries, but these "shots" have gone way beyond killing many hundred to mostly thousands of people in the larger countries, millions around the world overall killed and damaged, no doubt including thousands of women who had their pregnancies lost by this pandemic, the disease less than the prevention of shots, and many peoples lives were lessened, made harder and several also died from wearing the masks, from pnumonia to just couldn't breath, mostly not needed and pushed by needless mandates, in my opinion.

I listened to the many different COVID19 Doctor experts, virologists, and vaccine companies former top controllers convey how these "covid 19 shots" operate to damage peoples' immune systems to a much more attacking state on theirselves, then after immediately taking them, possible yield the disease to other people who mainly haven't had the shots for many reasons and countless people who took these "shots" still were able to and many got the COVID19, later on after the time it should have taken for immunity, and these shots later on lead to lesser immunity and the person, weakened over time, can then have other diseases.

Several people need to be held accountable for the creation of the covid19 disease, and the many more fake-vaccine shot makers need to also be held accountable for their nuremberg world-wide attack on defenseless humans.

Now these two sets of attacks upon the human race has been used to falsely create shutdowns, lockdowns, and controls on our freedoms along with food depletions by these delays they created on a disease which can be mainly easily cured, and the information these people blocked with their control of the media, is a crime in itself.

This court should also examine these chemtrails in the sky, and future nano-spraying of our food, and other attacks on the human race, our water with the poison of sodium fluoride in it needs to be taken out.

I feel for all of these victims of this planned pandemic, many people young and old have lost their lives, some of our US Government data proves the many thousand who died after their "shots"

Trials and Punishment of many people in this pushed pandemic is the actual GREAT RESET we all need as human beings, not to be attacked, damaged, worse killed and converted into some kind of trans-human by evil people.

Philip Moore (Greenville, 2021-11-02)


Podpisujem túto petíciu, nakoľko týmto činom bolo vážne ohrozené mierumilovne zmýšľajuce ľudstvo, ktoré v dôvere vo svoje vedúce vládne zriadenie sústredilo všetko svoja snaženie na vytváranie rozvíjajúcej sa spoločnosti svojej krajiny, označenej za slobodnú.

Jan Drzewiecki (Kežmarok, 2021-11-02)


It is enough.

Rober Waterlander (Zeevang, 2021-11-02)


The covid criminals must be judged

Pierre Pittet (Geneva, 2021-11-02)


I am signing this petition because I believe they need to be held accountable

Marian Frederick (Saint Johns, 2021-11-02)


The crimes against humanity by so many people has to stop.

Ivan de Farias (Melbourne, 2021-11-02)


I’d like to see people and organisations being held to account

Steve Gioskos (Melbourne, 2021-11-02)


With power comes great responsibility. It’s time to give the children boundaries and say no.

Toby Burns (Kaitaia , 2021-11-02)


I am sick of the fraud and deceit which has the aim of depopulation. Genocide. This must stop.

Paul Hillman (Gravesend , 2021-11-02)


What’s happening is absolutely wrong and those responsible need to be held accountable

Tony Vivone (Whitehorse, 2021-11-02)


I'm affected and my family and friends too and we no longer will put up with the evil wicked men in this world

Zolene Edwards Benta (St. JOHN'S, 2021-11-02)

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