Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing because our children deserve to have a loving free future.

Tanya Mcclintock (Pueblo, 2021-11-02)


i am sick of the lies that the gov. and msm whorse spout .we need great men like you dr.fleming guts to stand. iam behind you 100 percent.

joe gann (MCLOUD, 2021-11-02)



Susie Thompson (Alice Springs , 2021-11-02)


I'm signing because democracy means that citizens have to take an active part in the political life of nations with whatever means they have at their disposal.

Timothy Seekings (Hualien, 2021-11-02)


This is a Holocaust!

Julie Stander (Julian, 2021-11-02)


I know that it is against the law to use humans as testing subjects and that is what is going on due to rushing the shots and not listening to the hundreds of thousands who have submitted VAERS data proving that these shots are harmful and should be halted like Japan and other countries have--this is a biological attack that needs to STOP immediately!!

Diane Siesel (Tiffin, 2021-11-02)


I believe in inalienable rights and medical freedom being one of them.

stephanie schwartz (cantonment, 2021-11-02)


I trust the real scientists and doctors like Dr. Fleming, Zelenko, McCulough, Coleman, Yeden, Tenpeny, Gold, Montagnier, etc., etc., not the crucks: Fauci, Gates, bureaucrats from FDA, CDC, Biden.

Rossen Petrov (Sofia, 2021-11-02)


The killers must pay!

Mitrea Mihaela (Iasi, 2021-11-02)


Truth and justice

Tom Kilminster (Kingston, 2021-11-02)


In Canada, the experimental vaccine is being mandated and health care workers, police officers including RCMP, and the military are being fired from their jobs. Our medical freedom has been taken away from us. I am at a loss as to why this is happening over a virus that is survivable.

Josie Garner (Guelph, 2021-11-02)


I'm signing because i am a hematologist and have seen >20 clots and many disabling autoimmune diseases and i do not want to support abortion, not forcing this gene therapy product on anyone.

Penelope Harris MD (Kansas City, 2021-11-02)


I am signing this petition as a direct witness of 1,5-year lasting mob instituted by the Government of the Slovak Republic through their voted representatives whose absolutist manners instigate and establish apartheid, segregation, discrimination and decay of the state institutions. Slovakia has been hijacked and its humane principles shattered to pieces. I am signing for future to remove the medieval and archaic postulates Caputova and her protectors have installed.

Diana Matejčíková (Bratislava, 2021-11-02)


This is all a big scam and they have murdered thousands of people

Paul Cook (Philipsburg, 2021-11-02)


We must stop this madness

Alexander Erskine (Luebeck , 2021-11-02)


I believe in freedom of choice for what goes in my body. I have had COVID and have natural immunity. I take supplements and believe the alternative therapies of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. are effective and should be considered. It makes me pause why so many people are being shut out of the conversation that aren't going with the agenda; it should make everyone pause of why this is being pushed so hard.

Sylvia Nist (Maple Valley, 2021-11-02)


I am sick and tired of watching my country and planet being destroyed by antihuman, narcissistic and lunacidal maniacs! Look at ALL the urgent needs of the world yet they prop this farce up, a cold, over so many other dire problems.
One example of the tyranny at work in our country, the FDA has allowed aspartame to be put back in our food!! It's in our children's candy, drinks, snacks, you name it! Just the way the tie breaker was decided and who broke the tie when aspartame was being "voted" on to be allowed in our foodstuffs after it was already banned and determined to be a neurotoxin... But I digress. There's a ton of info that I will assume most of you already know. Bottom line is, these tyrants must be brought to justice! Thank you

Paul Evans (Sulphur Springs, 2021-11-02)


Humanity is being systematically destroyed thru these Covid 19 Shots without coercion and actual informed consent from the person being injected.

JOHN PICK (DAVIE, FL, 2021-11-02)


I'm a well educated person. I follow unbiased science and knowledge. All the information supports that Sars-Cov-2 was modified in a lab. Also, evidence suggest that the leak from the lab wasn't by mistake. The more important thing is, what they call "vaccine" is not a vaccine. It's a genetic material that get inserted into one's cellular DNA, ordering the cell to manufacture a harmful protein "spike protein". This protein can get distributed to different cells and organs causing many cardiovascular and neurological complications. Because these spike proteins attach to the cell surface, they get attacked by the antibodies that the immune system formed which lead to autoimmune diseases. The nanoparticles that are used in these nucleic acid injections are able to distribute allover the body as proved by science. These criminals who mandated these shots are not ignorant. They know what they are doing. People don't get informed before injecting them that these injections are going to change their genetic makeup and make their cells work as spike protein factories. Not informing people of that is a crime!! The fact that they insist on injecting kids with these toxins despite that the death rate because of COVID-19 among children is almost ZERO, raises a great suspicion that what's happening now is not at all by chance!! What is happening now is a crime against humanity!!

Reham Elkholy (Los Angeles, 2021-11-02)


I am seeing the devastation of the injection first hand through family members.

Patrick Bell (loveland, Co., 2021-11-02)


It’s necessary to stand up for those who are blinded by the propaganda machine.

Kelly McLaughlin (gustavus, 2021-11-02)


Stop the mandates.

FRANCES SKILES (Modesto, 2021-11-02)


Freedom from medical tyranny and hold those that caused this crisis to account.

George Costa (Edmonton , 2021-11-02)


...I'm not happy with that's situations about covid 19 people responsibility from governments and doctors like doctor Fauci must be arrested...

Emil Sangrik (Humenne, 2021-11-02)


If those responsible are not held accountable the next virus will kill many more people.

Jessy Revivo (Thornhill, 2021-11-02)


it is one of the last chances to change the course of destroying human rights

Štefan Ščerbák (Prešov, 2021-11-02)


I want my freedom back and to be able to decide what to do about my life and my body.

Lucie Zavacka (Říčany, 2021-11-02)


Freedom of rights

Shirley Ohls (Waterford, 2021-11-02)


Our leaders have forced injections without following medical trial standards. Most other medical issues are being ignored. Parents have found that their minor children are being treated with injections without parental consent.

Jane May (EAGLE, 2021-11-02)


I demand equal justice!

Jeannie Carter (Navarre, 2021-11-02)


Having a medical procedure forced upon you is in violation of the Nuremburg Code. The criminals who are using humans to test this experimental shot without informed consent needs to be brought to justice.

Ann Williams (Choctaw, 2021-11-02)


Podpisujem pretože, súhlasím s petíciou.

Nikola Balažovičová (Bratislava, 2021-11-02)


I believe in choice and individual autonomy!! Everyone should be free!!

Temos Teresa (Mississauga, 2021-11-02)


saving humanity.

Marianne urso (Oakland Gdns, 2021-11-02)


I think the shots are are a bio weapon as well as GOF c19

Duncan Jones (Chesapeake, 2021-11-02)


These are crimes against humanity and justice must be served. Those who's actions promoted such deception, lies and disregard for human life must pay restitution.

Daniel HOLGATE (Scranton, 2021-11-02)


I believe that those responsible for the pandemic are still not held accountable. The media and big pharma are also complicit in spreading lies. They all deserve justice.

Fernando Garcia (San Marcos , 2021-11-02)


To bring to justice all those that have violated the Nuremberg Code and Human Rights in relation to the Plandemic of Covid-19.

Anthony Thompson (Nottingham , 2021-11-02)


I want the world to be free of the tyranny from a few crazy people who want to wreck our lives and control us. I want to save humanity.

Diana Serle (CARSHALTON, 2021-11-02)


Crimes against humanity

Juan Armijo (Fulshear , 2021-11-02)


I believe that crimes against humanity have been committed and continue to be perpetuated against innocent people, through the injecting of people with a substance that is not a vaccine. The substance that is being injected into humans does not inoculate, or prevent them from getting the virus. I believe that there's ulterior motives of dishonest and criminal intent behind the injecting of people with the substance.

Phumlani Gouws (Johannesburg, 2021-11-02)


For the sake of future generations, including my children and grandchildren, I am signing this petition in hopes that the ICC recognize, and hold accountable, those who have committed crimes against humanity. Evidence indicates there was a premeditated and planned global attack against humanity.

Cassandra MacDiarmid (Magnolia, 2021-11-02)


WE/US- THE PEOPLE/ THE SILENT MAJORITY stand up and make our voices heard and have been pinned between a rock and a hard spot.

Jesse Quigley (Enid , 2021-11-02)


I do not support the Great Reset, the World Economic Forum, Agenda 2025, Agenda 2030, the loss of the Constitution, the loss of humanity, uniformed consent to medical treatment, or mandatory vaccinations. In short, I do not support genocide or the emptiness of the "New World Order."

Russell Hoke (San Antonio, 2021-11-02)


Vaccinating is a free decision, no force.

Robert Knopp (Munich, 2021-11-02)


Children and parents have not had informed consent and were not told truth about dangers of Covid vaccines. This is an experimental vaccine and does not have full authorization use by FDA and Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in UK.

The public have been lied to about safety and efficacy of these experimental gene therapy drugs, masquerading as vaccines.

Martin Sichel (EDINBURGH, 2021-11-02)


What is happening in this country is unlawful.

Kennedy Stacy (Fort St. John, 2021-11-02)


We are free to make our own choices

Fred Rossi (Lysterfield, 2021-11-02)


Serous and blatant crimes against humanity are being carried out worldwide and this must be stopped.

Dr Lee Looby (Mentone, 2021-11-02)


For our liberty

Poitevin Yesma (Grenoble , 2021-11-02)


I don't believe in medical apartied! I have ancestors who fought and died for our freedom! I believe all tyrants should be held to the highest standard of the law and then some! We MUST make an example of these tyrants in order to deter these horrible actions in the future! I never believed I would ever see these kinds of horrible crimes against humanity in my lifetime, neither did my ancestors 😥 Please try and convict all traitors to humanity! We need nuremburg 2.0!

Carrie Glydon (Fort Qu'Appelle , 2021-11-02)


Because I long for truth, justície and freedom.

Jozef Švejdík (Sikenička, 2021-11-02)


The scope of the crime that the elite globalist have perpetrated against their citizens can only be dealt with in the most serious of courts. The grave pain and suffering that they have inflicted on the world is a Crime against Humamity and justice needs to be done.
, so that the world can move on and try to heal.

Catherine Healy (Owen Sound, 2021-11-02)


Kimberly Cluck

Kimberly Cluck (Mountainburg, AR, 2021-11-02)


I understand that the Sars-Cov-2 virus was designed and manufactured by the Wuhan Lab with the help of American taxpayer NIH money granted by Anthony Fauci. Furthermore, this was an effort to create fear in the population and "lock down" the economy causing death to 3rd world countries peoples by starvation, in addition to the death of the people of the West by the virus and subsequently by the toxic vaccines.

Carmen Martinez MD (Jacksonville Beach, 2021-11-02)


Someone is trying to ruin our world!

Karen Nielsen (Kelowna, 2021-11-02)


We all need to do our part and stand up!!!

Carmen Tessier (Kitchener, 2021-11-02)


Je signe parce que les responsables de ce désastre mondial doivent être arrêtés .

Pascal PAJANI (Décines, 2021-11-02)


Fauci is a criminal and liar. He is the start

Anthony roberts (Las vegas, 2021-11-02)

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