Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing because everything starting from lockdowns, masking, distancing, Covid hotel, and now almost mandatory vaccination - all of that constitute a violation of many laws and of Nierenberg protocols.

Dmitry Elman (Kanata, 2021-11-03)


I’m signing because I’m tired of the tyranny we’re living in. To stop the repression, the genocide, the control over our lives, and the violation of our liberty.

Susy Kanaffo (Bruxelles , 2021-11-03)


This entire COVID-19 epidemic has been nothing but a way for government and the richest corporations in the world to gain power and make loads of money! They do not care about the people and the harm they’ve done to them. We, the people, have rights and they have been completely violated ever since this whole thing began. We have the right to work, we have the right to take care of our children and their education and we have the right to medical freedom and to choose what to put into our bodies. Government works for us, not we for them. Stop this tyranny NOW!!!!!

Bettina Pope (Battle Ground, 2021-11-03)


I strongly oppose Nazi-style experimentation on humans without their consent or with the force of coercion with experimental vaccines without long-term studies and unknown side effects in the years ahead.

Chris Muller (Belrose, 2021-11-03)


They are taking all of our freedoms. I can't even visit a sick man in the hospital !

Dan Laskowski (Windsor, 2021-11-03)


It is nottoo late to stop them/

Willard Hall (Milford, 2021-11-03)


Le pass est une obligation vaccinale détournée pour un traitement toujours en AMM Conditionnel,

Sylvie SCIBILIA (BORGO, 2021-11-03)


Je signe parce que ce chantage à une injection expérimentale doit s'arrêter!.

Monique Coelho (La Brée les Bains, 2021-11-03)


Back to live

Hasilová Jana (Brno-královo Pole, 2021-11-03)


I'm signing because I believe the WEF have their global agenda and to achieve full control over the world population they have created a virus (no worse than the flu) and announced it to be a deadly pandemic through their evil propaganda. People have been brainwashed into believing. They have introduced a vaccine that has no animal testing, no long term data and are bullying everyone to take this experimental gene therapy. According to mhra, vaers and EU equivalent there have been thousands of deaths and millions of adverse reactions. And still they push. Every country involved in the vaccination program have committed massive crimes against humanity and should be held to account. Thus includes all the doctors, nurses and every vaccinator and celebrity that have coerced it!!!!

Adele Edmonds (Heathfield, 2021-11-03)


This madness for profit by BigPharma and corrupts politicians around the world must stop!
Innocent people are being hurt and dying by the so called Covid “vaccines” in the millions! And now they want our little children!

Jose Pagan (San Juan, 2021-11-03)


I believe the people responsible for COVID need to be tried convicted and publicly executed for their crimes against humanity

David Rose (Foothills Alberta, 2021-11-03)


I’m signing because it’s evident, this is a crime against humanity. One that our own government, with or without full knowledge has in part funded this research. They then lied repeatedly to us about that fact. And under those false pretenses are now trying to force people to take an experimental and rushed to service vaccine. On top of that when the government decided to provide aid to hospitals, they provided an incentive to call all ailments corona virus with little to no oversite concerning the abuse of such monetary assistance. All of this is suspect and wrong.

Josh Staples (Cedar park, 2021-11-03)


I disagree with any government having the ability to force me into taking a shot, for any reason whatsoever. In this case, the.long term effects are unknown, people are dying and are left with side effects they have to live with for the rest of their lives. They say the are not forcing us, but people are.losing their jobs!!! Which makes me question why. The pcr test are reading false positives, they are saying everyone dies from Covid, even if they died in a car accident. Pleas stop the madness and insanity.

Susan Taggart (Fonthill, 2021-11-03)


I oppose the violation of human rights!

Adriana Albritton (Lynbrook , 2021-11-03)


The truth needs to come out.

Crystle Logan (Boise, 2021-11-03)


because I stand for bodyly autonomy.

Injections against the informed, free will
are an very easy way and very slippery sloap towards willfull mass harming and mass "life duration controll" of people "preselected" by the system (for whatever reasons).

Heiko Brechtel (01833 Stolpen, 2021-11-03)


these people must pay for that are doing to humanity!!

Kim Ken (Okotoks, 2021-11-03)


I don't want a forced medical procedure

Lisa Hutton (Burpengary , 2021-11-03)


Podpisujem petíciu, pretože všetky "nariadenia vlády" sú v rozpore so základnými ľudskými právami

Ivana Judycka (Prievidza , 2021-11-03)


podpisujem peticiu, pretoze nesuhasim s tym co sa deje. nezmyselne nariadenia a šikana obcanov...

Rastisav Pekar (Prievidza, 2021-11-03)


We are long our rights to body autonomy and our jobs through mandates. We are being controlled by our gi ts, pushed by a higher entity.

Rach E (Auckland, 2021-11-03)


We need to stop Gain-of-Function research and government mandates for people to be injected with experimental & dangerous vaccines in order to keep their jobs and feed their families. These are crimes against humanity and we need to have our rights and freedoms restored.

Barbara Pfister (Ladysmith, 2021-11-03)


I am signing this petition as these vaccines are experimental and are using humans as hosts/lab rats. As these roll out and become mandated many people are having horrendous adverse reactions even causing death which are purposely going unreported to the government agencies. We are now seeing the Holocaust again and these people and organisations have to be stopped as these are crimes against humanity.

Kerry Whitney (Myrtleford, 2021-11-03)


I’m disgusted with the blatant crimes against humanity that leaders and governments are allowing to go on right in front of our faces!

Christa Determan (Harrah, 2021-11-03)



JAN HANC (Trnava, 2021-11-03)


I am signing because I researched before the "so-called" vaccines came out and know this is a crime. As people got it, I saw the many that were injured, suffered debilitating effects & death. It's horrific what's going on in the world and justice must be done !! God Bless Us All !!



This vaccin is not safe. This is a crime.

Pierre Bulens (Fontenay-sous-Bois, 2021-11-03)


I stand for Humanity and Justice for All

Fred Corbin (Bridgetown, 2021-11-03)


I agree with petition text.

Vlasta Piskačová (Brno, 2021-11-03)


Min intuition säger att det pågår en agenda som inte är kärleksfull och som bör få det straff det förtjänar för det högsta bästa. Save the humans.

Madeleine Richthoff (Ljungby , 2021-11-03)


I believe there have been serious infractions of the nuremburg code, and other acts and treaties, etc by government. There have been serious Crimes Against Humanity with illegal mandates that infringe on civil and human rights

Tiell Voth (Lake Country , 2021-11-03)


crimes against humanity

rog max (sugar grove , 2021-11-03)


All of the evidence surfacing regarding origination of the virus, funding of gain-of-function and covering up the real Covid numbers, as well as people harmed by vaccine, not to mention the animal cruelty!

Christine Starkweather (Prescott, 2021-11-03)


I stand with justice, freedom and sovereignty

Minerva Haraldsdottir (Reykjavik, 2021-11-03)


No estoy de acuerdo con estas obligatorias normativas y disposiciones, por mi vida y la de los míos

Sofia Flores Galván (Lima, 2021-11-03)


I am disgusted with the conduct of governments, big pharma and bureaucrats all around the world and particularly in Australia. They’ve destroyed confidence in society and have blood on their hands for which they must be held accountable.

Josh Hawkes (Ballarat, 2021-11-03)


These people must be brought to justice.

Shane Bullock (Gunn, 2021-11-03)


People have got to start being held accountable!!!

Karen Larre (ABQ, 2021-11-04)


There is an overwhelmingly set of evidence clealry evidencig the commission of multiple crimes against humanity

paola amaldi (London, 2021-11-04)


This massive genocide is so egregious, even outdoing the CCP [ Chinese Communist Party]'s Live Organ Harvesting for profit of the Falun Gong Spiritual Adherents.

We must NOT allow evil to run rampant! We must put a stop to it!

Bex Xes (Albuquerque, 2021-11-04)


Crimes against humanity have been committed and are still being committed with the mandates of dangerous vaccines

Shelley Clarke (Warburg, 2021-11-04)


I love people, I love God and His plan for Humanity

Margrét Hákonardóttir (Reykjavík, 2021-11-04)


Crimes against humanity!

Sherman Sutherland (Garfield , 2021-11-04)


Want this tyrany stopped

Axel már Hermannsson (Hafnarfjörður, 2021-11-04)


The entire handling of Sarscov2 has been bastardized in such a way as to indicate a conspiracy among those who control Big Pharma, the CDC, WHO, and the Media giants. Also to be held responsible are Certain government officials who for whatever reason pushed and backed an agenda to ultimately mandate unsafe, unproven, detrimental “vaccines” that lead to a dead end requiring boosters, harming people from the initial jab; and for an unknown period thereafter. These parties are responsible for the deaths that are piling up and will go on for an unknown length of time. Millions who die need to be fought for and represented by bringing justice to those responsible.

Kevin Ratigan (Newtown Square , 2021-11-04)


We, as a species MUST stop and punish predators amongst us from committing crimes against humanity. How else are we going to progress? We certainly have not, in the last 2500+years. We are asking for your help and it is up to you to help humanity.

Alfred Ong (Sydney, 2021-11-04)


I believe the " vaccine " is not safe and the government is forcing people to take it or quit their jobs which is wrong

deanna kobbero (mundare, 2021-11-04)


I Believe Fauci is the modern day equivalent of Josef Mengele and MUST be held accountable

Bruce Bloom (Valley Village, 2021-11-04)


A crime of misinformation and deception has been perpetrated against humanity in which there has been huge loss of life, an orchestrated push for Govt sanctioned medical mandates, and Govt over reach often based on medical advice . The people who created this virus, those that destroyed businesss’s and livelihoods through lockdowns and the criminal harmful forced experimental gene therapies, must be brought to justice.

Simon Jonas (Melbourne , 2021-11-04)


I am signing because evil must be stopped, and now is an opportunity to do so.

Christine Channer (Cary, 2021-11-04)


I want to be proactive in the quest to stand up against this Medical tyranny!!!

Marvin Jolly (Buffalo, NY, 2021-11-04)


This is a crime against humanity… justice is being, and will continue to be served to those responsible.

Maria Bierbauer (Chicago, 2021-11-04)


Je demande que cesse le mensonge pour lequel a été utilisé cette pandémie ainsi que l'atteinte à l'intégrité morale et physique des citoyens tant par les mesures prises que par le recours aux thérapies géniques encore en cours de tests !

Christian Ligout (Illkirch-graffenstaden, 2021-11-04)


A genocide, menticide and catastrophic crime against humanity is occurring worldwide. I have joint custody of my 6 year old son and a judge is about to mandate the covid shot for my son per the dad’s request. I’m horrified and want this to stop.

Kira Smith (Newport Beach, 2021-11-04)


I believe that this is a crime against humanity and that people are dying due to the mandated vaccines and the bioweapon Covid 19.

Vanessa Waugh (Dunedin, 2021-11-04)


Es parakstos, jo jebkāda veida genocīdam pret cilvēkiem nevar būt noilguma, sods jāsaņem.

Vija Paupe (Salaspils, 2021-11-04)


These criminals need to be held accountable for their ungodly actions perpetrated upon their fellow men, women and children

Garry Nelson (Sydney , 2021-11-04)

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