Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing because this is worse then Natzi Germany under Hitler. But, now it's the whole world.

Laureen Jeske (Langley, 2021-11-04)


Det finns ingen pandemi eller någon överdödlighet. Vaccin är alltid frivilligt och det ska informeras om vad det innehåller och inget av det har gjorts. Har aldrig varit med om så mycket idioti som den här gången när några få ska bestämma över vad jag ska injicera i min kropp. Är de så rädda får de bosätta sig på en öde ö där de kommer dö av sin egen rädsla.

Anneli Johansson (Ljungby, 2021-11-04)


I am in solidarity with all the people who were vaccinated in spite of the fact that they had no risk of serious forms of Covid, and who developed serious health complications leading to severe disability or death.
I am for the prosecution of all those who massively propagated vaccines knowing fully well the risks they were putting citizens at.

Gilles Guyot - France



No person has a right to demand I take a vaccine that I don't want to inject into my body not knowing what may be in the injection. Also the company I work for has no right to demand me to take the vaccine or be fired. this is all against our constitutional rights.

Louis Pace (Stella, 2021-11-04)


I don´t agree with situarion here. I think politicians are lying to us. This is lobbing of farmacy and the power of government.

Drahomíra Jeřábková (Prague, 2021-11-04)


The Truth must be known and those responsible for the depopulation agenda must be held to account.

Deborah Thompson (My Warrigal, 2021-11-04)



Andrea Madigárová (Prievidza , 2021-11-04)


contre les mesures liberticides !

Colette Philippe (Visé, 2021-11-04)


The systematic culling of our oaps throughout the Western world with the use of remdesivir and other poison that only covid patients are prescribed. For holing back proven remedies like ivermectine and many other proven cures. For forcing mrna tech into our systems in order to roll out 5g.
The world is waking up burn down the parliments and banks welcome to the awakening xx

Craig Masterton (Blackburn, 2021-11-04)


The Kabal and medical and political tyrants who invented this disease and who are now trying to coerce us to take an experimental jab, that has been proven to be detrimental to the health of many, must stand trial for their massive crimes against humanity.

Alna Odendaal (Stellenbosch, 2021-11-04)


I am signing this as so fed up with all the deceit and lies and eroding our freedoms

June Young (Bedfordshire, 2021-11-04)


I am signing this petition because I expect better from the ppl we elect to lead this country. I expect the ppl we trust with our health and our very lives to have a conscience, to have a soul that’s not evil! I want these people to pay for their absolutely feckless and reckless actions! I want them to pay for their actions of wrong doing, for their crimes against our precious humanity! I want my grandchildren to grow up with not afflicted by the atrocities of the evil doers lurking about in our society today pushing an untested “VACCINE” on them! They are not And Will Not Be Your Experiment! I want justice for the lives already lost because of their actions!

LuAnne Reed (Redondo Beach , 2021-11-04)


Crimes committed against humanity is the most evil thing that could have ever happened. All the lost souls from this genocidal jab is the most sickening life event i am enduring, no one on our planet should had to be witness to this evil in anyones life time. These evil scum need to be extinguished once and for all. SAVE THE CHILDREN.

Jason Dunne (Botany, 2021-11-04)


I'm signing this petition because our government authorities need to be held accountable for their actions, or lack thereof.



I’m signing because this is really the last hope to undo all the damage of the last 2 years upon humanity and freedoms. Australia needs this to happen sooner rather than later. Our own justice system is corrupt and biased, ignoring the principles of the Nuremberg Code

Pina Corleone (Gordonvale , 2021-11-04)


COVID-19 is most assuredly a bioweapon with the intended consequences of depopulation.

Tara Schott (Jeffersonville, 2021-11-04)


I believe that those responsible for human rights crime be held liable in the court of law.Mandating this covid vaccine and threatening people is definitely against the constitution when it comes to ones decision for medical purpose. We have the right to say NO.
Its enough!

Yehlenne Alcaide (Quezon City, 2021-11-04)


People need to be held accountable for their actions.

Jennifer Marcantel (Elton, 2021-11-04)


Those responsible for all these deaths need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent the law allows including the so called USA President!

Patricia Desroches (Enosburg Falls, 2021-11-04)


This has to be prosecuted and they need to be held accountable for their crimes against all of us and they are going after our children and grandchildren, I am a mom of an vaccine injured child, now disabled adult

Mary Orseske (Mendota, 2021-11-04)


I believe crimes against humanity has been committed to innocent lives. EVERYONE involved in this crimes MUST be prosecuted to the FULLEST extent of the law.

Ameer Ahmad (Jersey City , 2021-11-04)


I was hoping to attend college next year and have been accepted. However yesterday I was told I couldn’t come on campus without a vaccine ID

Nomfundo Shange (Pietermaritzburg , 2021-11-04)


I want them to stop killing and injuring people for an illness with a higher recovery rate than the vaccine

Teresa Abney (Martinsville , 2021-11-04)


because we are human with our basic rights

Janette Adamcová (Myjava, 2021-11-04)


I can

Nina Kotúčová (Trenčín, 2021-11-04)


We should have the choice of getting vaccinated. Especially with a experimental one. All the measurement from all Government are insane. Our poor children are paying for this and the older people too. I want my freedom back, no more lies.

Nancy Caron (Lacolle, 2021-11-04)


Crimes against humanity are taking place now, and have been with SARS patent, Ebola patent, Swine flu patent. The entity's resppnsible must be put yo death. No trial - justice.

Roxanne Gueutal (Grande Cache, Alberta, 2021-11-04)


I am signing because
1. The creation of this mutant virus was done by people now involved in injecting experimental drugs
2. Officials mandating the use of these official drugs don't follow conventional protocols and ignoring science. They must be held responsible for murder, homicide, assault and battery, Reckless endangerment and must be punished to the highest degree as possible by the law. .

Axel Tillmann (Playa Vista, 2021-11-04)



Jozef Kocsandy (Martin, 2021-11-04)


the world is in trouble due to medical overreach. persecution has become commonplace over human rights.

melody mcgowan (woodville, 2021-11-04)


Im signing because our rights and freedoms are being taken away. My friends and families lives are being ruined by these mandates. This tyranny and fraud needs to end.

Helaina Wood (Oshawa, 2021-11-04)


It saddens and angers me that the people we have put our trust in to govern us, the people, have betrayed that trust. There is clearly evidence that many governments and corporations have banded together for financial benefit and possibly other more sinister reasons. These people should be bought forward to stand trial for crimes against humanity.

Steven Kwas (ARDEER, 2021-11-04)


We live in the most locked down city in the world. People are committing suicide and turning on each other in record numbers.
Families are divided and people are being forced to participate in this Evil trial, or cut off from society. Socially and financially.
Never have we faced a deception like this. PLEASE HEAR US.
I pray, with many others, that you hear all of the cases put before you. Humanity is depending on it.

Anthony Gibson (Victoria, 2021-11-04)


Freedom of medical choice is a basic human right. Public health institutions must protect the interests and rights of the people, not of Pharma industry. There has never been a one-size-fits-all approach in medicine. Bring back the science and democracy!

Tetiana Varvynska (Meise, 2021-11-04)


According to my religion.

Roman Troyan (Kharkiv, 2021-11-04)


I want the people who commit crimes against humanity held accountable

Teresa Confreda (Maplehill, 2021-11-04)


I support human rights.

Євген Кондратюк (Kyiv, 2021-11-04)


I don t want be vacinated

Daniela Sarova (Podebrady, 2021-11-04)


If we don't take a stand for humanity now, our freedoms will be crushed.

Brad Foster (Springfield, 2021-11-04)


For freedom and humanity

Jana Hutláková (Orovnica, 2021-11-04)


Widespread medical negligence (breach of primum non noncere); censorship of doctors and scientists, vaccination mandates and covid passports are crimes against human dignity, against rule of law and against international rules-based order

Marta Barandiy (Zellik, 2021-11-04)


I'm concerned that people guilty of crimes against humanity will go free.

Marilyn Johnson (Portland, 2021-11-04)



Marian Misut (Povazska Bystrica, 2021-11-04)


We are experiencing crimes against humaity, through msm propaganda, coercion, loss of freedoms, corruption in; governments, police, judiciary and healthcare.

Tina Johnston (Morrinton, 2021-11-04)


Nuremberg trials NOW! These insidious people must be prosecuted. This insanity must end!

Cheryl Schindler (Miami, 2021-11-04)


I support no Vax passport and no work Vax mandates!!!

Michelle Phillips (Grande Prairie , 2021-11-04)


What I am seeing and what I am hearing from people I speak with who have been jabbed is horrific. I know more people who have died from the vaccines than from covid. I know of about 15 people who have experienced horrible side effects from the vaccines. In the past 60 days I’ve heard of more death and destruction from the vaccines than I heard about people who caught covid or died from covid. The side effects of the vaccines are brutal. Several friends told me their doctors are advising people that the vaccines are NOT SAFE AND NOT TO TAKE THEM! This is from one friend in Canada and one in New Zealand! These crimes need to be addressed quickly and not dragged out for 60years

James Sztyler (Vancouver, 2021-11-04)


Using everyone in the world as subjects in a gene therapy experiment without their informed consent, plus other outrages too numerous to include.

Michael Goldsby (Oklahoma City, 2021-11-04)


People have a right to options concerning healthcare. They also have a right to choose what they put in there bodies. The current situation worldwide is draconian and wrong on so many levels. It is shameful.

Monique Rudolph (Auckland , 2021-11-04)


I support the Joint Request and Affidavits in this criminal case...

Luc/Ádam Paulissen (Riemst, 2021-11-04)



Лариса Воробьева (Луховицы , 2021-11-04)


They need to be held accountable and stoped.

Ed Rice (Brookings, 2021-11-04)


I want those committing these crimes against humanity punished.

Carol Askhew (Sedona, 2021-11-04)


som presvedčený o protiprávnosti ,som za slobodu.

Milan Stajanca (Presov, 2021-11-04)


People are injured & dying!

Beverly Olsen (Saskatoon , 2021-11-04)


Crimes against humanity must not go unpunished

Ondrej Dvorský (Bardejov, 2021-11-04)


Pretože, mi siahajú na Slobodu.

Jan Boron (Žilina , 2021-11-04)


To support bringing criminals to justice.

Michael Taylor (Old Bar , 2021-11-04)


Because I think these people should be judged.

Elena Azpilicueta (Palma de Mallorca , 2021-11-04)


We must hold accountable those responsible for the millions of needless deaths of our fellow human beings!

Stephanie Harmon (Troy, 2021-11-04)

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