Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I’m signing this because all those responsible for Crimes Against Humanity must be brought to trial, and the torment of We, the People, must stop.

Morelle Forster (Lake Oswego, 2021-11-04)


I.m 70 years old and escape from Czechoslovakia 1980 where komunist rein.
Canada was my destination, because social structure
Today I feel like back in time and even worst situation.
Canadian government is not my government any more I can count to protect me from abuse. They are not working for us but against us. They are dictators, layer, destroying our life's

Jiri CHvatal (Toronto, 2021-11-04)


Because Tyranny has broken through the castle walls.

Vincent Gauthier (Winnipeg, 2021-11-04)


Chcem slobodne žiť!!!

Tomas Brndiar (Klenovec, 2021-11-04)


I'm looking for sanity to prevail

steve clougher (collingwood, 2021-11-04)


It's been evident to me that what I hear authorities say does not align with scientific know-how nor data and leads me to suspect something is very much awry..... We need the ICC to stand up to the powers behind this massive cringe against humanity.

Essrea Cherin (Boulder, 2021-11-04)


I’m signing because everyone needs to unplug from the matrix and wake up!

Aaron Seaman (Cloudcroft, 2021-11-04)


It's essential this happens

John Drewry (BECKENHAM, 2021-11-04)


The recovery rate for anyone who has had COVID is over 99%, so I question the high pressure from the feds to get everyone vaccinated,

James Williamson (Amarillo Texas , 2021-11-05)


I Thomas M. Ward do hereby sign this petition in favor of facts already proven but not limited to further facts to be proven on crimes against humanity, tyranny committed by but not limited to the leaders of the United States Government. And to file a
Petition but not limited to Gross Negligence and to abolish all laws and rules implimented by but not limited to the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Service, laws and rules binding and agreed to be implimented by the United States Government

Thomas Ward (Whittier, 2021-11-05)


My stepmom died 4 days after getting the "vaccine" from heart failure. No previous heart issues. This is killing people, it is dangerous and no one knows the long term side effects

Kimberly Rich (Loon Lake, 2021-11-05)


I am a criminal lawyer who has always protected the rights of clients and/or those people I have prosecuted. I am absolutely opposed to all forms of Government overreach and tyranny that condones medical experimentation of its people by the use of fear, deceit and coercion.

Darryn Casson (Townsville, 2021-11-05)


This madness must end and NEVER be allowed to happen again!

Wendy Zvara (Tahiti, 2021-11-05)


I believe they are responsible for 1000s if not millions of injuries both emotional and physical, deaths and have caused the collapse of our economy. This is not OK!!! They must pay for their crimes.

Maureen Hutchcraft (New Castle, 2021-11-05)


to save humanity

stephen orsi (geraldton, 2021-11-05)


Tens of thousands of people need to hang.

James Preston (Statesville, 2021-11-05)


Genocidal globalist satanists are taking over

Jonathan Clark (Saco , 2021-11-05)


Like so many, I have lost 8 family members to Covid who were otherwise in fine health and I think world needs answers and these folks need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!

Arun Mirchandani (Pune, 2021-11-05)


I believe in God Freedom of choice. Informed consent. We should not be the experiment.
I believe America is based on God’s Christian laws. Stop medical tyranny
Stop Nuremberg code 2.0

Kay Lohman (Humble, 2021-11-05)


Algunas de Mis razones incluyen el pasado criminal de los fabricantes de vacunas, la falta de pruebas de Seguridad a largo plazo, los problemas con el consentimiento
informado, así como las irregularidades en los reportes de reacciones adversas y muerte. También está la tasa de supervivencia general de COVID que es del 99.74 %, la alteración
de las cifras de muertes por COVID y el conflictoi de intereses por el hecho del Dr.Fauci y otros en el NIAID poseen patentes de la vacuna moderna, tambien Incluye el Nivel de CENSURA, la falta de Debate Científico sobre el tema de la eficacia de estas Vacunas y los ensayo de Seguridad , los muchos casos de personas que desarrollan COVID-19, después de recibir estas Vacunas y la advertencia de muchos Vacunólogos. ¿Como exijo mis derechos Civiles y fundamentales al derecho informado? S.O.S ok

JAIME ALBORNOZ SILVA (Bogota, 2021-11-05)


Because I believe it is unethical and a violation of human rights to force people to violate their beliefs and bodily autonomy by having experimental medical treatments performed on their persons without their permission. I also don't trust Dr Fauci and believe he should be prosecuted for conspiracy, fraud and lying to the world for his personal and monetary benefits.

C. D. Burns (St Petersburg, 2021-11-05)


Because I believe in individual rights and I know the Covid vaccine is lethal.

Oz Diaz (Huntington Beach, 2021-11-05)


I am signing because i have had a fludder in my heart, heart issues and having to sleep sitting up, severe dizziness, severe headaches, blurred vision to the extreme, shakes, major depression, crying spells, neurological things such as unclear thoughts and odd jerky movements, anxiety through the roof, bluish purple hands, and spasms in arms and legs since I received the second injection in August. I am scared to go to the hospital to get checked because most of our health care providers have been threatened or fired. It is not up to Mla Megan Mitton, MP Dominique LeBlanc, Premier Blaine Higgs, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, or the Chinese regime to dictate to me how to live my life, what I can buy, how much money I can have in my bank account, or when I should die. These inhumane people need to be held accountable for crimes against humanity and be sentenced to hang by the neck until death. They are very sick freaks.

Donna Allen (Cape Tormentine, 2021-11-05)


I’m signing because

Patrik Kožuško (Česká Lípa, 2021-11-05)


This whole disease and vaccines are a criminal event

Rick Rockwood (Cochrane, AB, 2021-11-05)


I am signing because Australian governments have wilfully destroyed democracy in Australia, while the Federal government promoted this tyranny, by their inaction.

Geoffrey Savage (MAREEBA, 2021-11-05)


Im signing, bcs our government does not respect fundamental human rights and freedoms. The government is committing a crime against humanity.

Michal Shark (Brno, 2021-11-05)


I believe it’s necessary

Brent Taylor (Hobart, 2021-11-05)


Because the government has gone too far with forcing vaccines and threats on us. Enough is enough as this life has now become a nightmare!

Cindy Lee (Ballarat , 2021-11-05)


Prime minister Scott Morrison of Australia
And Dominic Perritot premier nsw Australia and Dan Andrews premier Victoria Australia and Anna Palacheck premier of Queensland Australia are holding the Australian people hostage of medical apartheid and subjecting the people of loss of basic human rights.

Tracey Miller (Sydney , 2021-11-05)


This has to stop! Too many people are suffering, dying or being pushed into taking their own lives!

Janine Thurgood (Townsend, 2021-11-05)


Je to velmi dolezite pre hrdost a buducnost Slovenskeho ludu.

Zuzana Zimkova (Holic, 2021-11-05)


I think that crimes against humanity should be severely punished.

Marian Bottyán (Bílovice nad Svitavou, 2021-11-05)



Greer Chase (Brisbane, 2021-11-05)


People needs to be charged and jailed for what they’ve done to the human society for the pas 18-20 months. They’re criminals

Laila Schuetz (Toukley, 2021-11-05)


I’m signing because the evidence is now showing the damage done by the vaccines, and the reckless ignorance of governments all around the world are in fact resulting in death and destruction.
In 1945, we said never again and yet here we are.

Dianne Underwood (Alice springs, 2021-11-05)


The corrupt and immoral governments and medical health officials and police commissioner are all responsible for crimes against humanity in not just Australia but worldwide. They need to be held accountable

Christine Nikolic (Adelaide , 2021-11-05)


I am disgusted with what is happening in the world.

Chelsey Hortle (Perth, 2021-11-05)


I really believe that action must be taken along the same lines as Dr Fleming.

Cecile Vowles (Sydney, 2021-11-05)


I am signing because I do not agree with the measures issued by government and its authorities that discriminate vaccinated/not vaccinated people. In my surroundings, as of today, Nov 5, four vaccinated neighbors/colleagues/friends have Covid-19 (2 having official PCR test and infected their whole family, 2 having antigen test - not reported anywhere, just sick at home). Vaccinated person can catch/transmit the disease in the same way as the non-vaccinated one. I want the same rules for both and I don´t want vaccination to be mandatory for all (I have health problems and I have already suffered from Covid in 01/2021, thus no need to get vaccinated).

Dana Zochová (České Budějovice, 2021-11-05)


Je signe pour la liberté.

Thierry Saint_Etienne (FENOUILLET, 2021-11-05)


Many of the governments of the world are committing genocide by forcibly injecting their citizens with dangerous and deadly experimental mRNA drugs that are maiming and killing millions of people, as evidenced by the information on the following websites:

This horrific crime is being done in the name of protecting people from COVID-19, yet we now know that the recovery rate from COVID-19 is similar to that of the flu--99.5% or better for those under 70, according to the CDC--and we also know that COVID-19 can be safely and effectively treated with Ivermectin and HCQ.

We also know that the reported death counts from COVID-19 were bogus, since the PCR tests which were used to determine who had or did not have COVID-19 gave mostly false positives. Furthermore, hospitals were given huge financial incentives to report all respiratory illnesses and all deaths as being the result of COVID-19. It has been acknowledged by several authorities in several countries that deaths WITH a positive COVID test were claimed as deaths FROM COVID-19, and that the actual deaths from COVID-19 were perhaps as low as 5% of what was reported. Finally, the official hospital treatment protocol for COVID-19 in the U.S. was deadly. It consisted of leaving patients untreated until they got seriously ill, then putting them on ventilators and injecting them with Remdesivir, which led to kidney failure and pulmonary edema. Deaths from this treatment protocol were, of course, labeled as COVID-19 deaths.

In short, the pandemic appears to be largely an illusion.

It seems clear now that the COVID-19 plandemic of fear was manufactured to funnel everyone into getting the experimental, poorly-tested, deadly COVID-19 mRNA vaccines (which are not vaccines) injected into them. And then to get vaccine passports, which are a gateway to the CCP-style social credit system. This social credit system is the end of human freedom.

The-powers-that-be are now kicking people out of their jobs and preventing them from traveling and having access to stores unless they get injected with these so-called vaccines. These drugs are creating a myriad of horrific injuries and causing countless people to drop dead from strokes and heart attacks. All of this is a crime against humanity.

This medical tyranny and genocide are being inflicted on the human race by a cabal of powerful, sick people who have the end goal of making themselves kings lording over a vastly-reduced world population of slaves. This is otherwise known as The Great Reset.

The cruel psychopaths committing this evil must be stopped immediately.


The information at the links below support the claims I have made in my statement:

World Leaders Warn Humanity:

The Global Predators: We Are The Prey

Spartacus Letter:

Viral Videos On Big Pharma Fraud And Covid-19 Deception

The Plan To Control The World:

2030 UnMasked - For those Preparing for what's Coming After Covid-19:

Dr. Zelenko - We Are Living Through A Global Bio Weapon Attack, People Have The Cure To Fight It

How did they pull off the pandemic?:

Nobel Prize Winner: Pandemic Created By 97% False Positive PCR Test:

20 questions about the COVID vaccines:

The Vaccines Cannot Do What Is Asked of Them:

Vaccines: We Are Living In The Twilight Zone:

An Australian Engineer Speaks Out - The Many Mysteries of Covid

18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine:

17 More Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine:

WHY? Our family’s choice not to participate in the COVID-19 vaccination:

COVID-19: Science-Based Information:

Dr. David Martin & Dr Mercola - COVID FRAUD EXPOSED In this interview, we continue our coverage of the COVID “plandemic” by speaking to David Martin, Ph.D., who has done a phenomenal detailed job uncovering the paper trail behind the virus.

OPENVAERS (U.S. Vaccine Injuries and Deaths):

Vaccine Death Report:

Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid:

Proof The The CDC Is Lying About Covid Vaccine Safety:

Americans Must Stand Up:

The Great Reset:

More on The Great Reset:

Who Owns The World?:

Will Governments Survive the Coming Peasant Revolt?

Brooks Trubee (Dupont, WA, 2021-11-05)


Because these crimes against humanity are abhorrent and those that are responsible should be held accountable

Alison Bray (Martin, 2021-11-05)


I'm signing because I am in no doubt that we are being forced to participate in a medical experiment which violates the Nuremberg Code and, therefore, constitutes crimes against humanity.

LEONIE BARON (PERTH, 2021-11-05)


I'm human.

Iveta Klemová (Uherský Ostroh, 2021-11-05)


I'm signing because politicians disturb human rights

Lucia Sýkorova (Žilina, 2021-11-05)


because of freedom

Marian Honzik (Prelouc, 2021-11-05)


This pandemic was totally preventable and has been created by unscrupulous people for the purpose of subjugation, control, and greed.
The gene therapy is not a vaccine and it is experimental and cannot be forced upon any person per the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Accords to name just two. This issue is a gross violation of human rights world wide, this virus does not exist nature, it has killed many people worldwide. This pandemic and it's gene therapy is a bioweapon. This manmade pathogen and its gene therapy have killed, injured and maimed thousands of people worldwide wide, and those who have created this virus and the gene therapy associated with it and those who have forced, coerced, guilted or pressured people by any means to receive this genetic therapy into their bodies must be held accountable for crimes against humanity.

Estella Cotter (North Pole , 2021-11-05)


Stop crimes against humanity

Paul Howard (Kent, 2021-11-05)


Other "vaccine" rollouts were halted after 20 or so deaths (eg Swine flu).
There doesn't seem to be a limit with this injection (it's NOT a vaccine).
Why not?

Martin Miltins (REDDITCH, 2021-11-05)


Podpisujem, pretože na Slovensku su bezprecedentne porušované základné ľudské práva a slobody.

Alena Húserková (Horné Srnie, 2021-11-05)


I will not live in an evil world

Glenn Floyd (Maldon, 2021-11-05)


This mandate is wrong on every level.

Richard Cole (Front Royal, 2021-11-05)


The people who are have been elected have lost their morality and need to be reminded of the law and to obey it.

Glen Tucker (wells, 2021-11-05)

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