Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Miroslav Safarik (Bratislava, 2021-11-06)


It's important

Andrew Wilson Wilson (Manchester , 2021-11-06)


Evil has to be punished!

Henrich Sobotka (Kralova pri Senci, 2021-11-06)


Jedná se o zločin proti lidskosti .Protizákonné jednání a pošlapávání ústavy ČR .Ministr zdravotnictví by měl být odsouzen za vlastizradu a genocidu proti lidu Č.R. A to nejenom on ale všichni co v tom mají prsty ve vládě.

František Staš (Bruntál , 2021-11-06)


I'm signing because I disagree with Covid Agenda!

Jozef Merga (Udavské, 2021-11-06)


I am opposed to crime

Niels Harrit (Dragoer, 2021-11-06)


Mass murders by biological material causes milions of deaths.

Josef Pepa Nos (Kutná Hora, 2021-11-06)


Dr. Fleming’s research is in depth, thorough and directly shows crimes against humanity in the development of the vaccine that is being forced on all citizens in the world, especially CA

Sharon Grabovac (Novato, 2021-11-06)


I am signing this because the truth is being suppressed by main stream media and millions are dying as a result!

Debora Kantor (Cambridge Narrows , 2021-11-06)


This is the greatest GLOBAL transgression of human fights ever and is occurring as you read this my “democratic” governments . It appears to be an orchestrated effort driven by misinformation and fear by an unaccountable media.

Penelope Ward (Melbourne, 2021-11-06)


Sú porušované moje ľudské práva a som v spoločnosti a práci šikanovaná ako nezaočkovaná osoba.

Jana Gašparíková (Hlohovec, 2021-11-06)


This is a matter of worldly interest to clean up immediately.

Kayla Quinn (Thunder Bay, 2021-11-06)


I am signing this because I believe serious crimes against humanity were and are being committed. We need those responsible for these injustices to pay and to stop these horrific events from going any further.

Victoria King (Boca Raton, 2021-11-06)


This genocide must stop!!!

Mary Janis (Cochrane, 2021-11-06)


This is our future truth must push the darkness out. Health is my main priority, why do I have to look deeper to hear truth? This has to end for my children’s future

Jacqueline Jenner (Tempe , 2021-11-06)


... we must protect our freedom as humans ...

Peter Slama (Bratislava, 2021-11-06)


Toto čo sa deje v súčasnosti vo svete, je strata slobody pod rúškom strachu. Následne dajú ľuďom chlieb a hry, postupne nás oberajúc o atribúty slobody. Ja sa cítim SLOBODNÝ, môj dedko bojoval za svoju slobodu vo ww2...ja sa nedám zotročiť...

Miloš Daniška (Veľký Šariš, 2021-11-06)



Iveta Kvapilová (Dolný Kubín, 2021-11-06)


I am being coerced by my company to be vaccinated because they can not accommodate my religious exemption.

Howard Reed (West Richland , 2021-11-06)


I’m a nurse and I’ve seen too many vaccine injuries to count !
Coercing people with faulty information, fear , threats, is totally against human rights !!!

Sue Linder (Worcester, 2021-11-06)


I'm signing this to protect my son from the bioweapon called Covid vaccine.

Vahid Parsamanesh (Toronto, 2021-11-06)



Chandra Carr (San Francisco, 2021-11-06)


I’m very concerned what been happening all over the world. David Icke British author understands. Problem (Covid) Reaction (lockdowns) and Solution (Vaccines.) i think the bio weapon was allowed to kill and maim people world wide and the vaccines (experimental messenger RNA gene therapy) are purposefully targeting working people and children to harm them keeping to the Great Reset that proposes 20% of the population should be eliminated!

Mary Lou Tringali (North Palm Beach, 2021-11-06)


Я хочу повернутись до нормального життя, без дискримінації, свавілля та порушення Конституційних Прав Громадян.

Тернова Алла (с. Березове, 2021-11-06)


Tuto petici podepisuji proto, že nechci aby o mém osudu rozhodovali nekompetentní lidé a zrádci přísahy sloužit ve prospěch svému národu.

Petr Maly (Kostelec nad Orlici, 2021-11-06)


What is currently happening with this Covid 19 and vaccines is wrong

Retshidisitsoe Sekabate (Johannesburg , 2021-11-06)


I signed this petition because I see how our human rights have been trampled on over the last 20 months. In addition, I am appalled at the lack of concern for the true science that has now lead to the injury and deaths of millions of people worldwide with untold numbers over the next 5 to 10 years as a result of the so-called vaccine and the withholding of life-saving and inexpensive treatments.

Rowen Pfeifer (Dickson, 2021-11-06)


I’m signing because I strongly believe that Anthony Fauci has knowingly caused the deaths of thousands and possibly millions with his harmful recommendations for treatment of Covid-19. I also believe he had a hand in creating this disease.

Emily Spigelmire (Cedar Creek, 2021-11-06)


Thank you, ďakujeme za odvahu. Boh nám pomáhaj.

Alena Surinova (Lipany, 2021-11-06)


I cannot accept the manipulation and lies to which humanity is subjected now. I cannot accept the reduction of our freedoms and loss of our rights. I totally reject any obligation to take this so called vaccine and the subsequent dosis. I decry the fact that so many career professionals have not been heard by the general public and have been relegated to censored channels. Thank you.

Diane Kiddell (Madrid, 2021-11-06)

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