Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing because I am a Military Veteran and I hold the rights of individual choice (which includes individual medical choice) as the tantamount to what the U.S. Constitution stands for.

John Daniel (Watertown, 2021-11-07)


I am signing because the preasure on us (unvaccinated people) and currently, in my personal opinion, on the whole society is becoming unbearable. At this moment I can´t legally even have a lunch in a restaurant or go to a theatre, if I am not willing to pay 200 Czk for one antigen testing (for 24 hours) which for me as a student without any income is absolutely impossible. I also have to be tested at school or else I won´t be able to go to some of my classes without FFP2 mask (which means that as a student of musical theatre singing, to have my one on one singing classes, two hour long dance classes or even speaking and pronounciation classes with my face covered and breathing quite hampered).

Anežka Sixtová (Kožlany, 2021-11-07)


I like to decide whats good for me.

Christina Fogmark (Los Cristianos, 2021-11-07)


I´am signing because I agree

Alojz Keníž (Bratislava, 2021-11-07)


crimes against humanity

Dave Jolliffe (Bradford, 2021-11-07)


I am signing because it is very important to stop this mess about covid situation , this is crime against humanity. Please stop it.

Natália Špitová (Liptovský Mikuláš, 2021-11-07)


I’m sighting because I want to see justice

Lisa Mcquade (Hove , 2021-11-07)


Because these criminals must be stopped. Thank you for setting this petition up.

Liz Brosnan (Cork, 2021-11-07)


I detest the idea that our children should receive experimental gene therapy injections.

M Killeen (Coppell, 2021-11-07)



Gabriel Romano (Vicente lopez, 2021-11-07)


I believe in freedom!!

Gail Springer (Sweet, 2021-11-07)


I know the TRUTH!!

Robert Roskind (Carrboro, NC, 2021-11-07)


I’m signing this petition to show my support in prosecuting those responsible for crimes against humanity regarding the way Covid was introduced in our world. In addition, the withholding of known therapeutics so that a EUA could be obtained for a “vaccine “ is unconscionable. There are those who have knowingly caused death and destruction to the world and must be held accountable.

Claire Shadburne (Louisville , 2021-11-07)


I'm signing because I'm a American and my constitution says you can't make me take a medication I don't need own want!!!

Becky Salaz (Southgate, 2021-11-07)


Esto se tiene que terminar ya ! Mucha gente está muriendo !

Mirna Ramírez (Bell ville, 2021-11-07)


Enough is enough

Gary Mckee (Harlow, 2021-11-07)


I agree that those identified in the documents should be investigated for ocrimes against humanity and should be charged and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, as in the Nuremberg Code.

Christina Ponsot (Yelapa, 2021-11-07)


I want all these criminals to be punished by applying their own deadly vaccine.

Tatiana Micháleková (Piešťany, 2021-11-07)


Doctors and politicians are turning away from morality and think they won't be held accountable. We must change that.

Tim Flowers (Greensboro, 2021-11-07)


I care

Olga Williams (Castle hayne, 2021-11-07)


i have lost my right to say no to experimental vaccine, i have lost my freedom to work because I am a nurse and did not comply to the vaccine requirement, me and my family have lost our rights to be part of society because I made a decision for my family to stay away from the experimental preocedure, my husband was coerced and forced to take the experimental procedure or we will not survive. We are stripped of our freedoms and been discriminated like lepers when we are healthy.

Rae Almada (Heckenberg, 2021-11-07)


Life is precious !

James Williams (McMinnville, 2021-11-07)



vitezslav molat (brimfield, 2021-11-07)


Verím v prebudenie ľudí, v spravodlivosť a svetlo. Je len nedostatok svetla, tma nevie pohltit svetlo. Zažiarme.

Erik Čelár (Bratislava, 2021-11-07)


I do not want anyone else to have to get a vaccine.

Sandra Myers (Cambridge , Ontario, 2021-11-07)


Súhlasím s vyšetrovaním.

Miroslav Hargaš (Svrčinovec, 2021-11-07)


I want a full investigation as there are far too many conflicts of interest within the the governments and pharmaceutical companies. Our God given human rights are being stripped away and no one has the right to dictate what a man or woman should do with their own body. Absolutely NO ONE.

Maria Cunningham (Manchester, 2021-11-07)


We have God given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. FREEDOM!!!!!!

Thea Thorne (Mims, 2021-11-07)


Regarding my two-year research on the Covid-19 disease and its origins, I have never seen such pure evil. If these people are allowed to get away with their ill-gotten gains and crimes against humanity, we have failed as a civilization.

Shelley Yeaman (Waco, 2021-11-07)


As a physician and very wellinformed on this subject I am absolutely convinced that covid19 vaccinationations(espec. mRNA) is big biological catastrophe as professor Peter McCullough put it!

Rolf Stålhandske (Gothenburg, 2021-11-07)


Because it infurates me that our rights are beign torn apart

Santino Loose (Nogoyá, 2021-11-07)


Truth must be known and those involved must be held to account

Dianne Douglas (Edmonton, 2021-11-07)


I am ashamed of what's going on in my country!!!

James Turner (Oxford, MS, 2021-11-07)


Because I am in agreedence of the above findings. These vaccination is pure dangerous & still in trial till 2023. It's known fact 99.9% recover from COVID 19 without these vaccines, more people have died from adverse reactions to the vaccines. Our government, doctors, media need to be held accountable for tyranny

Judy Hartmann (Gorae, 2021-11-07)





Je ressens durement les injustices dues à un autoritarisme gouvernemental exagéré

Bernadette Mols (Bierges , 2021-11-07)


I am appalled at the apparent lack of concern over the many Adverse Events that are happening with the current EUA of these untrialled innoculations. They must be pulled immediately.

Viv Brooker (Bingil Bay, 2021-11-08)


forcing vaccinations is against the laws of humanity

graham bebb (sydney, 2021-11-08)


I’m signing because I believe there are crimes acted upon humanity

Caterina Merlino (Newcastle , 2021-11-08)


Covid-19 has now enabled the world wide community to see the manipulation of biological viruses over the previous two decades or more to enact biological warfare through vaccines against groups within humanity and now the control of all humanity, with the subsequent aim of wide spread reduction in word population and the subjugation of the majority by a minority who think of themselves as the elite of the world.

Ronald Gerritsen (Reservoir, 2021-11-08)


Je signe cette pétition afin que tous les dirigeants ayant participé à cette monumentale supercherie soient jugés pour crimes contre l'humanité, privation des libertés fondamentales et privation des droits humains et civiques et qu'ils soient tous condamnés à mort.

Claudine Pierre (Sélestat, 2021-11-08)


I believe this pandemic is an intentional crime against humanity.

Janet Isom (Omaha, 2021-11-08)


Humankind is my tribe♥️

Angela Johnson (SCOTTSDALE, 2021-11-08)


I'm signing this because I want the perpetrators of the murder of innocent people worldwide by use of a fake vaccine to be brought to justice and penalized to the degree of their crime. The crime committed on people throughout the world who've been suppressed, weakened, manipulated, deceived, disempowered, abused by authorities. It is not only a crime against humanity but a crime against God, who will apply to these criminals the greatest and severest penalty of all.

Margaret F (Sydney, 2021-11-08)


I am signing this due to the negligence of our doctors refusing to look at multiple options of proven treatments. Also due to the injuries caused by this push to people I know with zero accountability.

Gregg Grant (West Jordan, 2021-11-08)


Crimes Against Humanity have been, and continue to be perpetrated upon sovereign human beings. Deaths and severe injuries have been caused by both the engineered bioweapon of COVID-19 and the experimental gene therapy injections being pushed upon people’s of the world.

Jonella Moore (Cedar Rapids, 2021-11-08)


Truth will win

Iiro Koskinen (Espoo , 2021-11-08)


Podepisuji tuto petici

Jaromira Babková (Karlovy Vary, 2021-11-08)


I want those making illegal and tyrannical laws and mandates trialed fir crimes against humanity. We have been here before and we will not stand for this government to over rule the people and take our rights away again!

Brenda Westley (Warruwi , 2021-11-08)

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