Save Texas Drive Park!



Please keep the green space! There are lots of teams and families that use that baseball field. You would be taking something away from the community that is used, for your own personal gain! Who wants to see a big community building at a park.

Daniel McCue (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)


We have a corrupt township government! Loeks and everyone else on the board needs to be accountable. Q and A should be mandatory! Transparency is a must!

Erik Kite (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


In a time when the entire world is downsizing office and commercial space, a time when it has been proven the world over — AND by the Texas Twp government itself — that we can competently conduct business remotely and without being in shared space, in a time when outdoor community recreational space has been shown to be a most precious community resource, it is unconscionable for Texas Twp to not only make the decision it has, but to do so in what seems to be a less-than-transparent way, ignoring the voices of its taxpayers and residents completely. If you must put a commercial building in the middle of a park — completely unneeded, but whatever — put it at 6th St. Or rebuild on the same site as now, and use the vacant building property next door as well. Adamantly not in favor of this tone-deaf move by township board.

Christine Augustine (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


Keep the park! I like officials officials don’t make all the decisions. I do not want my tax money to go to anymore in a ministration needs!

Michelle Enright (Schoolcraft, 2021-03-21)


My son and I frequent that playground. It is part of our community. Leave it alone.

Erika Zavasky (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


My hope is the board will reconsider their stance about taking away land in the Texas Township Park to build township office space. Most importantly, is that you hear and honor the voices of residents.

This is a community that embraces walking paths and the park which should be noted by the board. As residents for 25 years, we love that our children decided to stay or return to this area where their children can enjoy outdoor space that is void of brick and mortar buildings. I am surprised that the board did not take in account the population of this community, and how the park and recreational areas are used without relying on a survey or other media communication.

Have you taken time as a board to simply go observe or enjoy the park area and walking paths on a regular basis? If so, then you would take in the joy of family and community.

The other amenities that are offered within the 8th Street/Q Ave area are vital and should be designated for commercial and government purposes. Need a new building? Then consider the commercial zoned area for a new building.

Save the park.

Please listen and note the voices of those on this petition. They are the future residents who will sustain Texas Township’s vitality and consider green space for all to enjoy.


Ruth Hook

Ruth A. Hook (KALAMAZOO, 2021-03-21)


Keep the field and the park the way it is.

Tara Durham (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


Don't build! Keep the park.

Steven Kaplan (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


There are not many baseball fields in this area for kids to practice on. This park is very busy and doesn’t need a townhall in this location taking away from the park usage.

Tara Glascock (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


We can leave open spaces for future generations!

Kevin McCann (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


My family enjoys the green space and baseball field as is at the Texas Drive Park. A building there would change the feel of the park in a negative way. We would really miss the baseball field. The park is walking distance from our home, which we appreciate. Also, the present location of the Township building is a good central location, which doesn’t obstruct views of a park. To rebuild with a larger new parking lot also seems excessive. Please do not build at Texas Drive Park, It would be such a disappointment for our family.

Shanae Hanoute (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


I’m signing because I am a Texas township resident with a 9 month old and 2 year old and would like this to remain a park.

Bridget Chinneck (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


My kids love the park!

Erin Velthuysen (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


I use this park multiple times a week . It is always busy and full of children! Where will these kids go? It is a pandemic and now more than ever that baseball diamond and green space is needed! Even if you plan to develop the boy scout camp it is not ready now!
This sure feels shady. You have had a 10 year plan and this was not in it! I'm not even convinced a new hall is needed especially during a pandemic, built in a park that backs up to a neighborhood. You can do better.

Sarah Frederick (Mattawan, 2021-03-21)


We need to have green patls play areas for the youth and children to play outside its good for them

Mary Palmer (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


I am signing because I believe green space and parks are more beneficial to our community. Our children need outdoor spaces, especially in the time we are living in.

Patti Quackenbush (Mattawan, 2021-03-21)


As a long-time resident of the neighborhood, I am one of many people who grew up using the baseball field. I firmly disagree with town representatives wasting money on a useless rebuild that takes away value from those who actually care about the area. However, I am looking forward to re-elections.

Nathaniel Pfeiffer (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


The Texas Township Board has proposed a completely tone-deaf, out-of-touch proposal in the proposed relocation of the Township Hall. This is not solely about losing a ball field (as poor a decision as that is) but is about putting a public hall on existing parkland immediately adjacent to so many homes. While a meeting took place for the Board to “listen”, it was clear that the meeting was a facade as they had clearly made up their minds beforehand. While the taxable value of nearby properties may not change, real estate values will be negatively impacted. As an 18 year resident and registered voter of our Townshp, I continue to remain vehemently opposed to this proposed location and urge the board to work with all residents in a transparent fashion to find a better solution.

Eric Pfeiffer (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


My kids play baseball and we’d hate to see this field gone , plus it takes away from our park. They need to find another spot and leave our park for our surrounding neighborhood.

Susie Hatel (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


I am against building a new township hall within the current boundaries of Texas Dr. Park., Texas Twp., Michigan.

Sarah Fillar (Michigan, 2021-03-21)


There is no need for any buildings in our beautiful park

Ashley Sweeney (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-21)


We just purchased property on Texas dr to build. The park is very important to us, please do not take from the park to build this ..

Sandra Fritz (Portage, 2021-03-22)


I would like to preserve the remaining green spaces within the township. Township administration should build a multistory building by adopting low cost construction methods rather than just working with contractors around here who s looking for every penny.
Township should get help from WMU civil engineering department to develop a senior design project to identify possible low cost construction methods without wasting public money (free money for most politicians).

Upul Attanayake (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-22)


Lack of transparency by the board. Poor choice of new building location. The park is well loved and used by the community.

Jacob Betzold (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-22)


It's a great, well used park. Don't take it away. Can you not use the current location to rebuild?

Carrie Quinn (Portage, 2021-03-22)


I grew up with this park and still use this park regularly!

Erika Craig (Mattawan, 2021-03-22)


Texas Drive park is an important green space and park area within walking distance to a large number of kids and families. It should remain a green space and area for play. There are other options for buildings and parking lots. It is not in the best interest of our community to relocate the Township Hall at the expense of a safe area for families to be outdoors.

Sara Duhn (7636 Haflinger Circle, Kalamazoo, 2021-03-22)


I love the wide open spaces at Texas Drive Park and oppose this plan.

Mary Rose (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-23)


This proposal is against the spirit and wording of the 2020 Master Plan that projects a pro park plan. This proposal also forces the residents near the park to absorb the cost saved by not buying other lands for this project. This is a shared facility and resource and should be millaged to spread the cost across the entire township community.

Daniel Burton (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-23)


I’m signing because this park is centrally located within the township. This park serves as a gathering location for the residents within Texas township and serves as a safe, convenient location for our local youth to practice sports, for families to safety ride bicycles, for people of all ages to safely walk or jog without fear of being hit by a car.

Janeen Horton (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-23)


I am opposed to the proposed location of the new Township hall. Surely there must be other viable options in Texas Township that do not impact the limited green space in the township.

Wayne Kearsley (Team Township, 2021-03-23)


This park is a central green space to our community, used by young and old. Kids can bike over, can easily walk to. expanding the bricks and mortar facility needs to be revised. Much of the work can be done virtually, just as the private sector is changing thier requirements from the Covid experience.

Carrie Lowney (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-23)


Please renovate existing hall instead. Makes no sense. Stop destroying our green spaces. That’s why you all moved here.

Mark Greer (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-23)


This effort was undertaken without public announcement and a period for comment. This is unfortunately a long standing pattern for Township leadership.

Kirk Randall (Texas Township, 2021-03-23)


Save the park!! The township hall does not have to be there! Find another spot like Crackle Barrel!!

Missy Nash (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-23)


I’m signing because my daughters use this field to practice on 3-4 times per week! In addition, I use the walking path. Every time we are there, the park is full. People are using all areas of the space for outdoor activities. This is pivotal for our community!!

Jennifer Bloomfield (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-23)


Texas drive park should remain green space with no buildings but the pavilion that’s there.

Michael Enright (Texas Township, 2021-03-23)


I object.

Russell Hyder (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-23)


We need the park for sports, outdoor sports more than ever. You don't need a better building.

Melissa Larson (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-23)


It’s incredibly important to keep our public parks as large as they can be; there are already too few in the area to begin with. Let people enjoy the largest possible outdoor space they can.

Nikke Smith (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-23)


The park is highly used and a significant asset and draw for the community. I oppose using this valuable green space for a township hall

Thomas Collins (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-24)


We love the park and the green space surrounding the area. This plan was not communicated and no mention in the master plan.

Stacy Lawler (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-24)


I'm signing because I had the privilege of playing softball on the field at Texas Drive Park for four years in high school through a homeschooling team. Because we don't have an actual "school" location, Texas Drive Park became our home field. The city accommodated so well and even made improvements to the benches, fencing and bleachers.
I would love the experience of this field to continue for future ball players and the community!

Jill Archie (Tulsa, 2021-03-24)


There hasn't been enough public discussion about this proposal.

Theodore Ryder (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-24)


We need pipes not halls.

Blaine Longjohn (Mattawan, 2021-03-24)


This is an important green space for this community. Many people are in this park and use it for their families recreation.

Ann Gibbons (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-24)


I support keeping Texas drive park as a park and oppose building a new township hall on that land.

Patty DeWald (Mattawan, 2021-03-24)


The Texas township board is secretly pushing through proposals without the consent of the residents. Shame on you!! Keep the greenspace in Texas township!!

Joseph Leone (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-24)


I want the park to stay as is

Robert Haworth (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-24)


Texas Drive Park is the heart of Texas Township. Every time I drive by, there are many people at the park. With the access to Texas Corners and the bike paths, the township should not give this park up. Sixth Street park would be a much better use of space. Nobody can walk to 6th St Park like they can Texas Drive Park. I support a new township hall, but I do not support using Texas Drive Park as a location.

Amy Coon (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-24)


The Texas Drive Park has historically been a gathering place for family and friends of Texas Township residents including the use of the ball field. As a long term resident of Texas Township, I do not support the township hall being constructed on the park property.

Patricia Thompson (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-24)


We need more green spaces in Texas Township. This park is an important asset of Texas Township and with the increase in housing this park will be needed more than ever.

Steven Armbrister (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-25)


I believe more consideration amongst affected groups need to be looked into. Who will benefit, who will it affect negatively, costs, etc.

Kathleen Field (Mattawan, 2021-03-25)


Find another piece of property leave the park alone!!

Stephanie Kosiba (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-25)


Township residents don’t need this. We are being taxed right out of the township. Stop spending money on things not needed.

Deb Nevins (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-25)


I don’t see a need for it
Not worth the money
Better places to put it

Michael Walters (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-25)

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