Allow Unvaxxed people entry into Malls in Singapore



I love Singapore whose NATIOnal PLEDGE OF UNITY DESPITE OF DIVERSITY where everyone has a right to live their beliefs harmoniously but now due to Fear propogated the way Media reports and how people of influence prof Tommy Koh , , ,blogger Calvin Cheng etc besides especially health journalist Shalma Khalid overstep her professional office to jointly make suggestions for punitive measures denying unvax their rights to entry and necessary facilities, no dine out and etc...

So seems the authorities had decisively acted along this line in name of protecting the vulnerable yet to be vaccinated but in reality punitively coerced compliance to vaccination...

Let each have their rights to choose vaccinate or not. .and remove these punitive measures ..
Protect vulnerables and all by giving effective treatments... newest is the antibodies

Yin Leng Chong (Singapore, 2021-10-14)


This is pure discrimination by the authorities and infringement of human rights!

Sheryl Sim (Singapore, 2021-10-14)


Freedom needs to be restored.

Laura Luther (Redmond, 2021-10-14)


I disagree with Singapore government's explanation that the differentiated measures are to protect the unvaxxed.

C² Ong (Singapore, 2021-10-14)


I am signing because these experimental vaccines has greatly underperformed. So implementing SMMs to bar the unvaxxed (in accessing shopping malls) based on these flawed vaccines is against the science and real life data and COVID results coming in everyday. Stop this discriminatory and divisive policy! Look for other alternatives as these vaccines are clearly not working!

Steve C (Singapore, 2021-10-14)


Noticed that shortly after the NDP that had caused the sudden SPIKE in infected cases.

Only selected and fully vaxed front liners were invited to view the parade.

Hence it is fully vaxed who spread the virus despite they are fully vaxed and not the unvax.

Proves vaccines are not fully effective.

Lim Lay Guat (Singapore, 2021-10-14)


Disappointed with the government’s latest measure. There is no sense to ban the unvaccinated from malls. I can only conclude the aim is to discriminate and add pressure on the unvaccinated so that they will cave in. People have genuine concerns why they choose not to vax now, or not to vax at all. If their concerns can be satisfactorily addressed, well and good. But if not, we need to respect the choices people make.

Jan Khoo (Singapore, 2021-10-14)


My mum and dad works in a job that’s in a mall and now they are forced to take an experimental drug “vaccine”, just so that they can go to work. This is the second time my dad will be losing his job over the Covid-19 policies. First when it affected SIA and now again when he works in the mall.

Herald Chia (Singapore, 2021-10-14)


This is a draconian move taken WITHOUT proof that the UV spread infection in malls. It's a SAD day of National Shame when a government which was given a mandate by the ppl tyrranise their own.

Ambika Dharan (Singapore, 2021-10-14)


Discriminatory actions that cause suffering on others must be stopped. Our bodies are our choice and people need not be penalized for choosing not to vaccinated against an infection with a 5% fatality rate.

Jane Lim (Singapore, 2021-10-14)



Alicia Lim (Singapore, 2021-10-14)


Preventing people, vaccine or not, from entering shopping malls, is the mark of tyranny and dictatorship, an affront to human rights.

Stephen Crothers (Sunshine Plaza, 2021-10-14)


Barring the citizens of the country from access to essential goods and services is a violation of fundamental human rights and it is unconstitutional.

Chek Yang Bok (Singapore, 2021-10-14)


I need things and services from malls.

Jennifer Tham (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


I support freedom of choice, truthfulness, and non-coercion. I am against lies, misinformation, and deliberate sellout of politicians to serve big-pharma agendas.

THIEN OOI (San Francisco, 2021-10-15)


I cannot imagine that we have a mindless, reckless, inhumane and uncompassionate bunch of leaders in charge of our country all because of a mild virus that has a 99% survival rate.

Don't they know they have been tricked into the Globalist elite's agenda to decimate the world population?

Benjamin Tan (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


Singaporeans love two things.To dine out and to shop. Both activities are being banned for the unvaxxed who have done nothing wrong, except to choose to protect themselves from a vaccine that might cost them dearly. For those who don't want to be vaxxed just yet, not because they are anti-vaxx but because they aren't convinced that a Covid vaccine is safe or have health issues, dangling a carrot or using a stick is simply not going to work.

Trina Oey (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


People need to eat...better vaxx or not...
If unvaxx allowed to go into bus n mrt...what is the difference...
No common sense...when buses n mrt are super packed during peak hours n people during unpeak hours????

Nam That Ng (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


This is medical tyranny, to enforce upon an absurd vaccination policy for people to regain their freedom and social life. By threatening to remove rights into malls, F&B outlets and attractions, it’s coercion, not voluntary anymore! The government has failed to prove that benefits have outweighed the risks with thousands of people who either died or severely injured from vaccines. They have failed to answer why there are people dying everyday despite reaching over 80% herd immunity. The rates of deaths now are many times higher than 2020 when vaccination status was at 0%. Do these all make sense? Getting vaxed now is not about getting protected from covid, it’s all about getting a passport to enter the malls and gaining their social lives back! The unvaxed don’t deserve to take the blunt for a pandemic which is still evolving and have their basic human rights being taken away!

Vivien Tan (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


Because this is a tyranny.

Teck Hong Koh (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


Moving into endemic state means going back to normal not segregating society.

Faizal Mustafa (singapore, 2021-10-15)


Doing evil is despicable. Doing evil in the name of greater good is horrendous. Greater good is compassionate and love of all mankind. I believe karma will befallen on Schwab, Bill G, Biden, Fauci and those in SG who follow their instructions. You can never run away unscathed.

Jess Ho (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


This is very inhumane and illogical. Are malls specifically somehow dangerous now? I just want to do my grocery shopping, since FOOD is an essential part of LIFE.

Troy Parry (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


I am signing because this is outright discrimination against the unvaxx, all in the name of 'protecting' them. Hospitals are so full of vaxx people, less than 6 months after their last vaxx, yet government refuses to see it.

David Wong (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


This is obviously discrimination. I worry for our future generations.

Zara Knx (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


If you are truly honest and fair, do not censor and delete or remove whatever important voices out there that needs to be heard through petitions. So much damage has been done and yet our mouths needs to be taped? You are just stooping yourself to a lowly level by doing so. Do not remove this post again!

Nura Mohd (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


This is outright discrimination.

Lee Sue (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


We are humans, residents and citizens of Singapore. We are not here to spread the virus to anyone. We still abide by rules, wear our mask compliantly and maintain the necessary distancing measures. We just want to live our lives, normally.

Chin Kiat Lee (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


This is a Right Thing To Do!

Katherine Goh (singapore, 2021-10-15)


Not accepting of this discrimination

Wilson S (Singapore, 2021-10-15)


What kind of absurd law restriction is this?
So many scientists/doctors n patients world wide speaking of d dangers of d c19 vaccines adverse side effects, rising death cases ... n here they are..d arrogantly just kept implementing these rubbish regulations n ignoring d truth!

Imran Mohamed (Singaporean, 2021-10-15)


I'm signing this petition becauseI love Singapore, I have visited it several times, I have a lot of friends and colleagues there, and when I see what Covid fascists have made from the beautiful free country in less than two years based on the greatest deception in human history called Covid, based on the false positivity of inappropriate tests, vaccination with untested vaccines, airway overlap and reduced natural immunity, I am very angry. We have at our disposal a lot of data, analyzes, and medical studies, on the basis of which the perpetrators of this fraud have already been sued by many states for crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court in Haag.

Michal Pukan (Mělník, 2021-10-15)


Being unfair to the unvaccinated. And the reasons doing so is not convincing.

Charles Loh (Singapore, 2021-10-16)


Shameful discriminating against and scapegoating the vaccine-free for a FAILING, highly risky synthetic genetic biologic labeled a vaccine that is inducing mutations through selective pressure. Independent transparent data shows that the vaccine-free do NOT pose a risk and that if anything these tobacco $cience shots are backfiring with serious consequences.
Discrimination against the vax-free is morally bankrupt, legally and SCIENTIFICALLY FRAUDULENT.

Roxanne Gilan (Vancouver, 2021-10-16)


Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
by S V Subramanian from the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, Cambridge, MA, USA and Akhil Kumar from the Indian Institute of Science investigated

S Wu (SIngapore, 2021-10-16)


I am fed up with the gov!!! Even petitions are censored? Repent so God may have mercy on your souls!

Ruby Tan (Singapore, 2021-10-16)


We must Investigate and Prosecute Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity.

Dragan Georgiev (New Westminster, 2021-10-16)


Vaccines should be a personal choice.

Jimmy Hor (Singapore, 2021-10-16)


Banning the unvaxxed from malls is tyranny.

Diane RS (Singapore, 2021-10-16)


It is ridiculous to create disparity.
By doing so, it is not protecting unvaccinated individuals.
As the air we breathe is shared.
This restriction is just creating a caste system, and leading to unnecessary disputes and discrimination.

AiBeng Tan (Singapore, 2021-10-16)


All this discrimination against the unvaxxed must stop! But at times I think the unvaxxed and the vaxxed need to be segregated from each other because the vaxxed are actually more dangerous than the unvaxxed; it is for the safety of the unvaxxed to stay away from the vaxxed. The vaxxed are the ones producing new variants and causing others and themselves to become sick.

Francis Tan (Kuala Lumpur, 2021-10-16)


Stop this cowardly discrimination against the unvaxxed when facts & data show the virus mutation are from the jabs injected to the hosts ie the vaxxed.

Serene Yap (Singapore, 2021-10-16)


非常失望政府滥用职权,逼迫人民,支手遮天下还把人民当傻瓜的骗,这种霸道的政策,已经失掉民心, PAP 将会为这三位MTF的所作所为付出代价

vivien ng (singapore, 2021-10-16)


The unvax banned from entering malls which houses all the necessities, e.g pharmacies, is plain discrimination. If the vaccinated do not pass on the virus or are not hospitalised because of the virus, then fair enough, but that is not the case. Please make some sense instead of just blindly coming up with senseless rules and regulations.

Caroline Banse (Singapore, 2021-10-17)


You can mandate no dining in, no mask off for the unvaxx.. that will protect them substantially enough. However u cant barr them from entering malls as they need their essential services and supplies! Be reasonable and return the unvaxx their decent life!

Pin Bon (Singapore, 2021-10-17)


This is a nonsensical order!

Edward Tan (Singapore, 2021-10-17)


I’m signing because of discrimination & the Nuremberg Code

Theresa Chua (Singapore, 2021-10-17)



Catherine Bidaut (Nemours, 2021-10-17)


Targeting the unvaxxed when the vaxxed are more likely to spread covid-19 is simply evil discrimination.

Lance Kuan (Singapore, 2021-10-18)


The measures are obviously not about health but to push their agenda of getting the entire population jabbed so as not to have a control group!

Lilian Thia (Singapore, 2021-10-18)


It is not right to divide Sg by vaccination status

Lye Huat Sim (Singapore, 2021-10-18)


Sovereignty above all

Davina Goh (Kuala Lumpur, 2021-10-18)


End discrimination & oppression on individual rights. The enemy is the virus! Not the unvaxxed! Should channel all these unwarranted energy finding the cure & close our borders instead!

Nur Ain (Singapore, 2021-10-18)


This is a war against freedom. Freedom to choose to not take an injection that can eventually kill you

Yvonne Allen (Cape town, 2021-10-18)


It forces me to take a more "contagious" alternative route to get my grocery from another supermarket not in a Mall & adds a bus trip few hundred metres away. The supermarket I used to patronise at Beauty World Centre has a isolated entrance / exit at the B1 Level by itself ... and I walk all the way there & it is deserted most of the time...

Chin Hua Yak (Singapore, 2021-10-18)


This is medical tyranny. A lot of reports of vaccinated suffer severe adverse reactions and death but largely ignored here. It is convenient to say coincidental without responsibility and ownership for the ha caused

Mann Lee (Singapore, 2021-10-19)


I feel injustice done to our unvax community. We got so trampled on and would be a dead rose soon …

Margaret Lok (Singapore, 2021-10-19)


This a crime against humanity!

Ingrid Spencer (Underberg, 2021-10-19)


No scientific evidence to prove that unvaccinated should be banned from mall/ hawker center and coffeeshop

Saiful Lizan (Singapore, 2021-10-19)


I am signing this as I do not agree with not allowing the unvaxxed into malls. Doing this is discrimination against people who want rights over their own health and I am against this discrimination.

Joanna Lee (Singapore, 2021-10-20)


I think is alright to leave that 10 to 15 % alone.. Just in case vacinne ling term side effect happen in future.. At least there ate a group which not vacinnated can be study..

Chang Chee loong (SINGAPORE, 2021-10-20)


I am not a 2nd class citizen. Vaccinated or unvaccinated, we have rights and Singapore is our home...or so we thought? The govt preaches one nation one Singapore, but it is You who are dividing us.
Banning the unvaccinated from essential needs is the most inhumane thing and even international Fox News is laughing at the way our governance is handling the covid situation here, calling it flip flop. With your high 83% vaccination rate, you should be opening up locally 1st and lifting restrictions rather than opening up VTL travel!! Look at Scandinavian countries!
Stop using the lame n biased reason that you are protecting the UNvax. News flash - the vaccines doesn't prevent transmission and hospital case loads with covid are not more than pneumonia cases in a year! You are banning 17% of the population when your so called dream target of 83% is achieved and you are still getting high case loads. Obviously the vaccinated isn't that safe as you thought. So what is the real agenda here from the govt? And you cannot call this country One nation by enforcing these "restrictions".

Monica Tan (Singapore, 2021-10-21)

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