Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I have seen family and friends that have died or having adverse reaction to the Vax including my mom. This is not a Vax but a poison.

Alan Tan (Sydney, 2021-11-08)


I am singing this because "authorities", certain people and certain health agencies have defied and avoided following true scientific methods, procedures, protocols and have blocked, hindered, maligned and vilified those groups, authorities and individuals (with due and highly qualified credentials) from offering other alternative treatments and insights to instructing the populations on what would be most beneficial in aiding and strengthening each person's natural immune response, particularly for those people having low counts of specific vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which are essential for optimal function of the human immune response.

Phillip McGibbony (Melbourne , 2021-11-08)


Accountability for all acts contrary to the preservation of freedom, including medical freedom of choice, and contrary to democratic governance must be established so firmly that never again will this decimation of life and liberty be allowed, all the more when conducted deliberately.. through deception, callous manipulation, and sociopathic/psycopathic official behavior.

Sherilyn Wells (Waikoloa, 2021-11-08)


Svojim podpisom vyjadrujem svoj súhlas.

Anna Kopecka (Považská Bystrica, 2021-11-08)


I'm signing because my heart is heavy and the future is full of despair. To live under such controls and evil is not to live - it is existence!

Lindsey Le Cornu (Cottesloe, 2021-11-08)


I’m signing because I want my freedom back. I do want everyone who’s changed with the human genocide to be punished. I am so prying to be alive and to see their suffer

Radka Borisova (Sofia , 2021-11-08)


The criminal evil people need to be stopped.

Simon Radford (Mansfield, 2021-11-08)


Disproportionate overreach unlawful actions misinformation and denial of human rights

Simon Allen (Brittas bay , 2021-11-08)


I wholly believe that humam rights are being infringed upon or being completely stripped away via techniques that include coercion & deceit & it needs to stop.

Faye Cramsie (Maghull, 2021-11-08)


The perpetrators of this global genocidal event need to be brought to justice for all of humanity's sake.

Kevin Bartolo (Adelaide, 2021-11-08)


these people need to hang for what they have done!!!!!

Ryan Rostie (Brooks, 2021-11-08)


It's important to lock them up.

Adriano Boremanse (Wasseiges, 2021-11-08)


I want justice from this global attack on humanity

Valerie Ebert (NORTHMEAD, 2021-11-08)


I stand for freedom.

Lucy Hoffman (Pretoria, 2021-11-08)


I feel like many people around are not human being anymore

Igor Menyhart (Prague, 2021-11-08)


I have natural immunity and I want all the nonsense to stop

Diane Rheault (Trikes Acres, 2021-11-08)


Police brutality,fascizm,crimes agains humanity

Pavol Tomečko (Prešov, 2021-11-08)


I'm signing because clearly people have forgotten history and are unable to recognize when their freedom is at risk. When so many people that came before us and made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, for us to not step up and challenge those who are trying to take it again would mean to me the our predecessors had sacrificed in vein . Unacceptable...

Brett Phillips (Lake Worth , 2021-11-08)


My body. My decision. No discrimination!

Monika Lindblom (Laholm, 2021-11-08)


There are extraordinarily serious crimes been committed.

John MacDermott (Sligo, 2021-11-08)


These people need to be prosecuted.

Jim Joseph (Downers Grove, 2021-11-08)


Because everyone has a own choice

Daniela Jedlickova (Emmerich am Rhein, 2021-11-08)


Prosecution of those individuals responsible for crimes against humanity.

Margherita Rawle (Rivervale, 2021-11-08)


I believe that government action and policy is in clear disregard of human rights law and beyond their mandate of governance

Simon Johnston (Belfast, 2021-11-08)


I am signing this petition as I feel justice needs to be served on those acting above the law of man.

C TAYLOR (Bury, 2021-11-08)


I'm signing because forcing these experimental medical interventions on adults is totally abhorrent - and now they want to "vaccinate" children? That is disgusting state-sponsored child abuse, if not murder. We are not guinea pigs!

Judith Kingston (Shadforth WA, 2021-11-08)


The truth must come out to save the world! And these people must go to prison!

James Seal (PORTLAND, 2021-11-08)


It is obviously a conspiracy long in the making and is criminal by design and intent to lower the population of the world.

Gregory Duren (Spartanburg, 2021-11-08)


We need to stand up , be counted and show that there is another way!!!
A heart filled with integrity and truth is still beating strong in the human race.

Elisabeth Bassett (Thornlie, 2021-11-08)


I am appalled by the crimes committed against humanity and the millions of deaths so far in the scamdemic

Robert Eggleton (London, 2021-11-08)


Everyone is entitled to the truth

Theresa Moylan (Diblin, 2021-11-08)


It's important to free our world.

Adriána Palkociová (Košice, 2021-11-08)


As a US Citizen and concerned citizen, I am obligated to sign this petition. The US Constitution is not being upheld and "Informed consent" for vaccines is not being honored. Crimes Against Humanity are being committed!

Donna Anderson (Vernon, 2021-11-08)


I am signing this petition because humans should not be experimented on and eua should have never been approved when there are safe and effective treatments available.

Dana Cappelletti (Mansfield, 2021-11-08)


These people promoting this experimental vaccine on humans with misleading to forcing vaccinations...
Is barbaric and goes against the Nuremberg code..
They all should stand trial.

Gary Jones (Westminster, 2021-11-08)


Of the destruction to humanity

Tony Lyons (Galway, 2021-11-08)


I can not continue to witness these insidious crimes against humanity. This gives me hope that the guilty parties will be prosecuted. GOD BLESS YOUR PEOPLE 💥

Susan Oliveto (Newborn , 2021-11-08)


I think with the shutdown of honest dialog.and all that the government and related agencies are doing and saying is great cause for alarm. over reach of power in anyway possivle

robert bell (Wimauma, 2021-11-08)


The liars have to be held accountable for the crimes they have committed

Lisa Kenney (Gold River, 2021-11-08)


I see the obvious coercion of individual's to required to be administered the COVID injections in order to provide for their families and travel regionally and internationally with a medication which has proven to not reduce infection, prevent death and stop transmission. So we are restricting peoples freedom to obtain a required medication that apparently does not work.

William Bathgate (Pinckney, 2021-11-08)



Joey Jinkerson (Granbury, 2021-11-08)


It is very evident that this experimental injection is a hoax, making big money for numerous individuals. The hazards are evident to those interested enough to investigate.

Larry Ikenberry (Tumwater , 2021-11-08)


Fauci and others have committed crimes against humanity and need to be held to account.

Jeffrey White (Houston, 2021-11-08)


I want to see the people who have committed crimes against humanity in court.

Rosemary Irving (Stockport, 2021-11-08)


I'm concerned

Craig Silver (Clarence, 2021-11-08)


I am against medical tyranny.

Bill Haas (Atlanta, 2021-11-08)


I'm signing because forcing anyone to take an untested, unverified vaccine, against my rights of freedom is Nazi Germany! I have the right to refuse without being punished for my decision. This is still America!

Rodney Landry (San Antonio, 2021-11-08)


This is the greatest attack on humanity in world history. We need to prosecute these psychopaths and everyone that is involved in this attack including doctors

Kenneth Wagner (SAINT GEORGE, 2021-11-08)


Crime against humanity needs to stop. Justice needs to be served!

Ileana Barranco (Miami, 2021-11-08)


This has gotta stop!

Marilyn Masiker (Toronto, 2021-11-08)


The worldwide medical malpractice MUST STOP and those responsible for perpetrating these horrific crimes and abuse (murders and permanent injury) across the globe.

Christina Krauss (Ft. Lauderdale , 2021-11-08)


We are being poisoned by this vaccine and these people all over the world need to be held accountable. And persecuted for their part in this biological attack on humanity.

Keith Grammer (Shawnee, 2021-11-08)


I am signing this petition because these people involved in this massive injection campaign are committing crimes against humanity and must be held accountable.

pamela herr-compton (lanesville, 2021-11-08)


As they used to said: "My body my choice" ;-)

Tomáš Vesecký (Banská Bystrica, 2021-11-08)


I am signing this because of several reasons:
1. vaccina was created / or original modified in Wuhan lab with help of US funds
2. Millions on people was vaccainated with not approved , lack of 3rd phase clinical trial , vaccinas based on pressure by polititionas and the media
3. Vaccination continues inspite of , as per WHO data, having more then 2,3 million people with adverse events
4. Vaccina contents are not published and or if studied they show dangerous materials in it
5. Goverments try to force people to be vaccinated by discriminating non vaccinated persons
6. Govremnet rules of eg. stopping people to buy food, or travel etc against basic rights of humans
7. Children cannot get any harm if they get covid ( not yet know what will be later), so shall not be vaccinated
8. Real data are not publised
9. Mask cannot protect
10. PCR tests are unrelaiable but forced to have it ( until dec 31 2020 -WHO)
11. It is a crime against humanity with main goal to reduce population
12. Due to the fact that vaccinas are not gone through clinical trials, we can expect in the coming few years more adverse events or even death
13. Contracts with Big Pharma not publised, and nobody takes responsibility for death or adverse events of vaccinated people

Ilona Juhász (Budapest, 2021-11-08)


Freedom of choice for all, these people who have committed these crimes need to pay the price lawfully, democratically

James Johnston (Halesowen , 2021-11-08)


I'm signing because this is unfortunatelly absolutelly true ....

Marta Němečková (Brno, 2021-11-08)


To do my small bit

Gordon Wilson (Brisbane , 2021-11-08)


The vaccine is poison and i want it stopped

Simon Mclaughlin (Dunsborough, 2021-11-08)

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