Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I believe in the rites of the people and that it should not be taken away from them in any shape or form. People who violate the rites of individuals and perpetuate these atrocities should be punished by law.

George Riley (Kuranda , 2021-11-09)


I believe in an Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



These power hungry muppets are destroying peoples lives for no real reason

Chris Walton (Perth, 2021-11-09)


Canadians rights are being stripped away by tyrannical health authorities and corrupt politicians committing crimes against humanity. This has to get stopped NOW!!!!!

Janet Watkinson (Seguin, On, 2021-11-09)


I am signing this to hold the following responsible:

-Those who funded illegal and dangerous gain-of-function viral research in Wuhan, China.

-Those who lied to the general public about SARS2 origins and were involved, or complicit in, the coverup of lab-origins investigation to the detriment of the general public.

-Those who approved and promoted Covid vaccines proven to be unsafe in animal models, leading to issues such as neurodegenerative sequelae.

-Those who were involved or complicit in the coverup of reported vaccine adverse events.

-Those who pushed for a vaccine mandate that overrides constitutional rights and that has no rational or scientific basis.

-Those who approved and promoted the Covid vaccines for children despite the hundreds of thousands of adverse events reported in adults - and used mandatory or coercive measures to vaccinate children without strong enough scientific basis or reasonable assessment of risk-reward.

Aaron Pederson (Toronto, 2021-11-09)


I’m signing because I believe in freedom of the choice. Everybody got a life to decide what to do with it. Nobody shall force you to alternate your body or soul.

Monika Drziakova (London, 2021-11-09)


The fascism, mass genocide and tyranny must be stopped!

Natalia Kirwan (Auckland, 2021-11-10)


Of our rights and lies we’ve been told. The World wants the truth and those guilty held accountable, trialed, severely fined and behind bars indefinitely..
For the love of God, world judges feel deep in your hearts as it involved innocent humans.
Praise be the Lord

Dscid Sinon (Brisbane, 2021-11-10)


Crimes Against humanity violating the Nuremberg Code and the charter of rights worldwide needs to stop

Marylyn Burgman (North Vancouver , 2021-11-10)


Because of the large number of serious side effects including death from the covid vaccines, to continue to incentivise them and create vaccine mandates is a crime against humanity. There are already effective treatments and prophylactics such as the Zelenko Protocol and so no need to push a dangerous vaccine.

Kenneth Morgan (Tanjung Bungah, 2021-11-10)


I am signing this petition because this is one more thing that is in my power to stand against this tyranny that is committed against mankind. Forced injections, or injections without consent are a crime against humanity. The people that are involved in implementing and executing this crime need to be brought to justice.

Stefanie Periard (Desbarats, 2021-11-10)


this whole vaccine scram and the people involved need to be brought to justice.

Shannon Kincaid (Sydney, 2021-11-10)


because I;m not a robot

david smith (gabriola island. b.c., 2021-11-10)


I've signing because I believe that crimes against humanity have been committed by the Pharma/government conglomerate on an even greater par than happened in Nazi Germany

Robert Rowen MD (SEBASTOPOL, 2021-11-10)


I am signing because the extent of deaths and suffering both through the virus and the DNA vaccines (all of them), and the world wide coercion to “take the jab” demand that the people responsible be bought to justice in this world.

Rae Bewsher (North Epping, 2021-11-10)


My body my choice!

Jacob Bastomski (Santa Barbara, 2021-11-10)


We need to make people accountable for their actions and bring back humanity, integrity and honor

Eileen Hastie (Sacramento , 2021-11-10)


I'm signing this petition because I believe Sars 1 and 2 were created in a lab for the purpose of mass murder. I believe Sars 1 and 2 are bioweapons, and the 'vaccines' developed by Moderna, Pfizer and Johnsons are responsible for thousands of deaths, and are as damaging to vascular and organ health as the virus itself. Using a spike protein in a 'vaccine' is irresponsible. I believe Anthony Fauci is a criminal, as well as Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and the 179 world leaders who signed onto Schwab's great reset are complicit. I believe a massive, worldwide propaganda campaign was designed to frighten people into submission to a communist agenda, using techniques developed by Goebbels for the Nazis in the 1940s. I believe every person who consented to these attacks on humanity must be arrested and charged accordingly.

Mary Maynard (Goodwood, 2021-11-10)


I believe that what Pharma has done is a gross evil upon the planet and compounded by explicit government enhancement.

Terri Su MD (sebastopol, 2021-11-10)


I am signing because after observing numerous injuries to friends and in a clinical setting and reading the actual test data it is clear to me that we are the experiment. Causing misery for profit is not acceptable. this is why I am signing this.

charles Toepfer (new york city, 2021-11-10)


I do not believe in the vaccine. I believe it will do harm to my body.

J Mackney (Gold Coast, 2021-11-10)


I'm signing because of human rights violations and government bullying, abuse and coercion.

Faye Triantis (Northcote , 2021-11-10)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Kevin Wyman (Huntington Beach, 2021-11-10)


Podpisujem ,rada by som aby sa zodpovedali za svoje skutky ľudia, ktorí podpisujú nariadenia a opatrenia v súvislosti s COVIDom.

Martina Rusnáková (Piešťany, 2021-11-10)


Where there is risk, there must be choice!

Nancy Meek (Prescott, 2021-11-10)


The evil medical tyranny must stop.

Thomas Murphy (Minneapolis, 2021-11-10)


It's so blatantly obvious that crimes against humanity have been and are being commited.

satch norton (caersws, 2021-11-10)


All crime against humanity are to be prosecuted!

Ava Gent (Singapore, 2021-11-10)


Podporuji petici a všichni kdo vědomě veřejně lžou lidem ať dostanou to co si zaslouží.

jarka Pytelová (Brno, 2021-11-10)


It needs to stop

Gina Butler (Essex, 2021-11-10)


As a health care professional, I am horrified at the fall out of this so-called vaccine. This truly is a crime against humanity and must be stopped!

Cheryl Wisdom (Lowell, 2021-11-10)


I believe that the vaccines are toxic and permanently alter the body that god designed. I don't believe anyone should be forced to take this toxic and sometimes deadly vaccine. Give me covid anyday.

Carol Ferguson (Howard, 2021-11-10)



Steve Sumner (Perth, 2021-11-10)


This evil must be stopped

mike mchugh (Franklin Lakes, 2021-11-10)


I'm signing because I have a background in science and worked at a research institute for many years. It is crystal clear there is a coordinated effort between public health, politicians and the media to manipulate information and use fear to drive this sinister criminal global agenda.

Lisa Benedetti (Hamilton, 2021-11-10)


Súhlasím so všetkým tu uvedeným

Dušan Kubina (Košice, 2021-11-10)


This is wrong and those who are deliberately promoting this need to be prosecuted.

Geoff Sunstrom (Adelaide, 2021-11-10)


We are being lied to by governments acting on behalf of mega wealthy cabal aiming to massively depopulated the earth. May they rot forever.

Dennis Hannon (Adelaide, 2021-11-10)


Those who funded ‘gain of function’ must be held responsible and imprisoned for the millions of lives lost due this research. This is so wrong and we demand justice.

Trevor Clay (Albuquerque, 2021-11-10)


I am appalled that my three children were forced to get vaccine or lose their jobs. Health professionals and a trucker that goes across Canadian border. Now oppose my grandchildren from having it mandated at schools.

Barbara Cole (Salado, 2021-11-10)


I see the lies and fraud passed on to us by China, WHO, CDC, FDA, Fauci, US and many other governments. I see the injuries and deaths brought about . I demand those responsible be held accountable!

William Floyd (Chester, SC, 2021-11-10)


Most of my family including my grown children, who all work in the medical field, took the “vaccine”. I am concerned about their future health.

Lisa Phelan (Owasso, 2021-11-10)


This whole situation bis criminal!

Paula Pinto (Atlanta, 2021-11-10)


Dangers of the research, production,promotion and mandatory forcing of a dangerous bio weapon.

Diane Culik MD (Grand Rapids, 2021-11-10)


I want to live by my GOD given rights

Victor Konovalov (Georgetown , 2021-11-10)


I hope to be an executioner at said event..
I have had enough of pieces of shit getting rich off the destruction of my Beautiful America and the World!!
No More!!

Jeremiah Hess (Dunnellon , 2021-11-10)

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