Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am a concerned United States Citizen.

Robert Morrison (Sunnyvale, 2021-11-13)


The experimentation on people is horrific.

KATHY KERSLAKE (Howard City, 2021-11-13)


Covid 19 and the experimentital vaccine are a crime against all humanity. The CDC, FDA and WHO are not being truthful and to many people have had adverse affects. No mandates for an experimental trial drug which pharma will not tell what is in it.

Suzanne Fike (Seattle, 2021-11-13)


We need to initiate prosecutions as soon as possible against perpetrators of the criminal Covid 19 hoax and genocide.

Robert Wheatcroft (Nr Brecon, 2021-11-13)


I'm against forced experimental vaccines

Steve Mazza (Brick NJ, 2021-11-13)


I feel this disease was created to make the public submit to control measure. Such as manipulation of the election and exposure to population control measures.

Denise Halstead (Yakima, 2021-11-13)


We should never be forced to take any medication! My body, my choice!

Anita Willman (Tomball, 2021-11-13)


I don't trust big pharma & government agencies & have been following the actual science since this all started.

Denise Johnson (Casper, 2021-11-13)


We need to hold those responsible whom have perpetrated this madness on the people of the world.

Mark Nugent (Fredonia, 2021-11-13)


The devils must hang for this corona scamdemic

Thulasizwe Tshabalala (Madadeni, 2021-11-13)


The release of this virus on the world is heinous on so many ethical and moral levels that it is almost impossible to comprehend. They should be charged as criminals for crimes against humanity.

Fred Braun (West Fargo, 2021-11-13)


We all have the right to be safe & choose.

Mary Smith (West Chicago, 2021-11-13)


If one is forced to take a gene therapy jab for freedom, there is something wrong with this much control for supposed freedom

Janet Prentice (Apple Valley, 2021-11-13)


No one should be forced ot coerced into this or any vaccine. The vaccines are dangerous and unnecessary. It’s human nature to get sick and build up the immune system.. I believe it is Bill Gates and the elite foundations of this world that are culling the human race on purpose.. Agenda 21 - Event 201 Ted talk proves my theory..

Russell McClellan (Grants Pass , 2021-11-13)


Jsem ČLOVĚK a ne zombie

Petr Leber (Rumburk, 2021-11-13)


Crimes against humanity must be punished.

Kathy Koznek (Willowick, 2021-11-13)


Forcing anything onto someones body is agaisnt the law. The current government ,CCD and anyone pushing this gene therapy and the idea that those who don't get this gene therapy are spreading the virus or carrying disseases is descrimintion,segregation and repeating history that was once condemed as inhumane and crimes agaisnt humanity. I sign this petition as I demand the constitution is defended and taken seriously.

Angie Lorena (Virginia beach , 2021-11-13)


Stacey Pandeloglou

Stacey Pandeloglou (Virginia Beach, 2021-11-13)


Tens of thousands of people died due to the agenda of withholding successful early treatment in favor of effectively mandating an experimental pseudo vaccine as the only treatment for covid at the expense of human life. Purely, depopulation agenda.

Patrick Donohue (Prescott Valley, 2021-11-13)


I am signing this petition because genocide, discrimination and crimes against humanity must be stopped immediately.

Lucia Hrebenar (Roznava, 2021-11-13)


I'm signing because vaccines should not be mandated. If I want the vaccine, it should be my choice.

Jerry Ferreira (Warwick, 2021-11-13)


I do not want my children and grandchildren harmed by this outrageous crime against the American people.

Lorraine Adcox (Spartanburg, 2021-11-13)


True informed consent would have prevented so many people from taking these so-called "vaccines." True informed consent would have saved lives and prevented injury. These reprehensible companies made the PEOPLE the trial run; whilst their own government officials and represented leaders (whom we pay and vote in to represent the citizens), stood by, immune from having to take any of the "vaccines" themselves.

It is a dark day in America, and the world.

Fauci belongs in jail for the rest of his disgusting life; or worse. So does anyone who designed, manufactured, sold, advertised, injected, mandated or coerced innocent recipients.

Joan Campbell (Shoemakersville, 2021-11-13)


FDA & Government are lying to us & pushing experimental drugs on us without informed consent. Against International treaty & the US constitution

Pamela Ogden (Westminster , 2021-11-13)


Je pense que c'est odieux de nous obliger à recevoir une injection qui peut nous tuer ou nous rendre malade en nous disant que c'est pour notre bien !

Béatrice Vibert (PEROUGES, 2021-11-13)


We must speak truth to error, and demand actions to stop this evil against humanity.

Kristen Zarlengo (Petersburg, 2021-11-13)


The "vaccine" doesn't stop you catching or spreading covid, FACT!
This "vaccine" has not completed trials, therefore isn't proven to be safe.FACT!
Adverse affects are not being reported!
An additional ingredient recently added to the vaccine is to combat myocarditis as this is one side affects.
Human rights are being stripped away before our eyes

Haidee Quinn (Newcastle upon Tyne, 2021-11-13)



Thomas Miller (Dover Ohio , 2021-11-13)


I am also signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity and to God.

Carmelo Guarisco (Toronto, 2021-11-13)


i want to know truth

trent tevis (granville, 2021-11-13)


True IS only one.

Václav Sloup (Sukorady, 2021-11-13)


I have no faith in the current drug(s) being called "vaccines".
I believe so called vaccine mandates are unconstitutional.

Edward McMunn (Cedar Hill, 2021-11-13)


It is vital that we prosecute crimes against humanity and stand our ground in integrity and with compassion!

Barbara James (Kelowna, 2021-11-13)


The facts that are emerging from the use of the Covid 19 vaccine shows either terrible negligence or premeditated intent-to-harm on the part of governments and pharmaceutical companies. Their actions need to be prosecuted and justice needs to served.

Thomas Wilson (Belton, Missouri , 2021-11-13)


I was told this vaccines are safe and effective.

Stephanie Livingston (Casa grande, 2021-11-13)


I am against any experimental vaccines or medications being put into my body or bodies of anybody who is uninformed about possible side effects that could be deadly. Many people already have natural immunity which is not considered. I also believe that any governmental mandates regarding personal health are unconstitutional and illegal. Also forcing employers to mandate vaccines for their employees is illegal. Many lies have been told to coerce people into compliance, resulting in death. We were told children do not get severe cases of covid and now it seems intimidation is being used to coerce children and their parents and neither of them have been informed of possible future ramifications.

Barbara Weber (Myrtle Beach, SC, 2021-11-13)


Beyond the obvious reasons, I want a president set and see the criminals in my country, such as Trudeau and Freeland along with many others arrested and put on trail. These atrocities must never happen again!!

Jay Danson (Toronto , 2021-11-13)


I believe this should be done.

Kathy Southall (Dundas, 2021-11-13)


Es gibt mit Sicherheit Bedarf an Änderung des Handelns vieler europäischen Regierungen hinsichtlich der Auseinandersetzung mit der Covid-Pandemie.

Hans Wagner (München, 2021-11-13)


It’s clear that we are dealing with a political issue not a health issue. This we have corrupt leaders who are not considering the inalienable rights of the humans of the world. The madness has to end.

Renzo Sama (Melbourne, 2021-11-13)


I want the Fleming method

Frank Ceuz (Houston , 2021-11-13)


I believe those complicit should be tried for crimes against humanity.

Megan Crowther (Edmonton, 2021-11-13)



Epiha Kete ( Blackwater , 2021-11-13)


Covid 19 is without question man-made. And the scientists who created it have destroyed the proof of their work.

William Heller (Marion, 2021-11-13)


This is a blatant violation of The Nuremberg Code, as well as a flagrant violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Diane Shapiro (Naples, Florida , 2021-11-13)


Je veux agir pour la vérité, la liberté l'ouverture de toutes les valeurs qui donnent du sens à la vie d'un être humain digne de ce nom.



I have great problems after been vaccinated with the first shot of Moderna at 31 off August 2021. I have a stroke, then I've paralyzed, and so on til now where I'm trying with many treatments from doctors of any cind. I feel weakness and I suffer from many vomitings. I've lost my job since I can't have second shot.

KIRIAKOS VAKADIMAS (Thessaloniki , 2021-11-14)


I am a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and instructor for the Harvard of the South. As well as a veteran who spent two years in Germany in the military to prevent the re-rise of fascism. And there is no separation between what the Nazis did at Auschwitz and the CDC, Big Pharma, the media, corporate leader mandates, and the other atrocities that are ongoing regarding COVID treatments and the vaccine, period. And every one of them should be in jail even if we have to turn the entire town of Nuremberg into a prison with a Berlin-type wall.

Rex Reid (PANAMA CITY BEACH, 2021-11-14)


Everyone needs their freedom and rights back and those that have taken it away need to be convicted and punished

Michelle Kelly (Berri, 2021-11-14)


I want these criminals stopped

Jillian Bradshaw (Invercargill, 2021-11-14)


I'm signing because covid is responsible for the death of my brother. And the moderna jab is responsible for the death of my sister. And my twin sister, her husband, and son are fighting covid pneumonia right now.

Lisa Cooper (TRENTON, 2021-11-14)


I'm signing because we need to fight for the future survival of Homo Sapiens.

Jiri Suchanek (Bellingen, 2021-11-14)


I believe the actors and actor states in this plandemic must be held accountable.

Jason Rogers (Saline, 2021-11-14)


This crime against humanity concerns every person in every nation. The perpetrators must be held accountable.

Kenneth ONeil (Manhattan, KS, 2021-11-14)


I’m sick of Fauci and cronies getting away with crimes against adults and now children, using them as experimentation and for his own financial gain and power. I can’t wait til the truth is believed and completely revealed.

Deb Fleury (Kansas City, 2021-11-14)


Nicholas Clare (London, 2021-11-14)


Vaxpassport is illegal

Jaro Cebak (Airdrie, 2021-11-14)


Under our constitution we have rights to defend our liberty from tyranny. Mandate a dangerous weapon for us to put in our bodies is against our rights.

Kimberly Domke (Orlando, 2021-11-14)


My father was a WWII vet. “Never Forget” is the common slogan which doesn’t solely mean to never forget our vets and their sacrifices but to never forget the evil crimes against humanity and recognize how it’s capable of rearing its ugly head again.

Michelle Moore (Peachland , 2021-11-14)


I am signing the petition because I have had side effects since I got the vaccine. My doctors have shunned away on the fact that my symptoms all came after I received the vaccine. My doctors pushed me to get it because of my condition. Something should be done.

Joseph Ash (Wilkes Barre , 2021-11-14)

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