Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Humanity should be free

Ted Brockman (Leduc County, 2021-11-14)


I'm standing up for my constitutional rights and the rights of others.
I want to stop crimes against humanity.

Janelle Whelan (Caldwell, 2021-11-14)


I agree with the research being done that is overwhelmingly revealing this is an agenda not a true pandemic, politically motivated and needs to be exposed and justice be SERVED!!!

Debra Horton (Beloit, 2021-11-14)


I want the people to be held accountable for what they have done.

Patricia Fleshman (New Plymouth, 2021-11-14)


My own family members and grandchildren are being told to take the vaccine against our wills.

Linda Archibald (Brunswick, 2021-11-14)


This mandatory shot is unsafe, dangerous and/or fatal and is being politically utilized to take away the basic human right of free will!

Susan Ribble (Kyle, 2021-11-14)


This travesty must be stopped and those responsible held accountable.

Corey Hawkins (Warren, 2021-11-14)


Our rights have been taken away and they are making criminals out of hard working people for not taking an experimental vaccine.

Robert Willms (Kelowna, 2021-11-14)



Anton Svrcek (Precin, 2021-11-14)


I have lived with freedom of choice and medical privacy in United States my whole life.....until now. I have been forced to take a covid vaccine in order to work, without choice...this is wrong, especially when people can become ill, hospitalized and even die. And effects may not show up for years. This is unethical and not the America I know. People must be held accountable.

Deborah karotick (CORONA, 2021-11-14)


Oversight is missing in action. We need The Hague Court!

Pauline Berry (Waitakere City, 2021-11-14)


I agréé with the terms

alain Roovers (Laeken, 2021-11-14)


I do not consent to a provisional vaccine being forced into my body and having my freedoms removed because I will not comply. I am horrified that this is also being pushed to our children and want to see these people making/approving these laws made accountable. My Human Rights have been denied.

Yasmin Ho (Sydney , 2021-11-14)


I am signing this as I, along with the bulk of citizens residing in Australia have suffered months of lockdowns, police harassment. coercion by way of mandates placed on workers to be vaccinated or lose their jobs, medical students at university who are unable to continue their studies unless vaccinated, Doctors office was raided and patient files were taken by government authorities in Victoria Australia. This has put patient-doctor confidentiality under threat throughout Australia. Inability to travel outside your local government area unless double vaccinated. Unable to cross state borders unless double vaccinated. The above is a few of the restrictions designed to pressure citizens into taking the sars Cov - 2 vaccinations. There are more. Thank you for the opportunity to voice my concerns.

Maggie Hammerstein (STEWARTS RIVER, 2021-11-14)


There is no Life without Freedom and Homan Rights!

Jan Kopecký (Voděrady, 2021-11-14)


Covid is Nazi Germany all over again! It must be STOPPED!!

Philip Reynolds (COCKBURN CENTRAL, 2021-11-14)


My body my choice, each person to have the freedom to decide for or against any medical procedure for their own body.

Tara Garner (Mandurah, 2021-11-14)



John Trinke (Winkler, 2021-11-14)


This eroding of our basic human rights —primarily bodily integrity and personal safety, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom from oppression, has to stop. There is little to no evidence in support of the current policies and a mountain of evidence that undermines these harmful policies.

Sven Van Echelpoel (Antwerpen, 2021-11-14)


Z důvodu diskriminace, segregace, útrap, proti lidskosti, svobodného vyjadřování způsobených Vládou České republiky a dalšími institucemi při řešení koronavirové krize.

Michal Oliva (Kladno, 2021-11-14)


Having researched and followed the science behind COVID 19. I firmly believe that Crimes against humanity have and are being perpetrated by Criminals who need to be brought to Justice.

Pip Layfield (Rotherham, 2021-11-14)


I do not believe the vaccine mandates allow for informed consent of an EUA vaccine. I also do not believe the information is there to make an informed decision.

Kelly Isaak (Carlyle, 2021-11-14)


I’m singing because I want to know the truth & understand why politics decide all that fool things which change our lives.
Why do they ask people Or force people to get vaccinated before the end of all the tests phases. Why the pharmadollars are more important than human beings, health, truth, respect… life ?

Marie-Estelle Moalic (Paris, 2021-11-14)


This is the biggest crime committed against humanity ever.

Inga Lightley (Whitley Bay, 2021-11-14)


People are dying

Donna Hacker (Grand Rivers , 2021-11-14)


Because I care about human life

Robert Litts (Rolla, 2021-11-14)


United we stand, divided we fall!

Janice Fraser (Calgary, 2021-11-14)


The covid vaccines are clearly NOT SAFE AND EFFECTIVE as in July2021 Dr Walenski from the CDC said the vaccinated can and do spread the virus and should still wear mask therefore it is not effective.
It is not safe either, as there are OVER 850,000 adverse event reports to th VAERS and over 18,000 DEATHS.

Angela Sallman (Clifton Kansas, 2021-11-14)


Jail them all ! Crimes against humanity !!

Deborah Beauchamp (Kansas city, 2021-11-14)


I agree

Elijah Perry (Rowlett, 2021-11-14)


I believe in the kindness of humanity.

Donna Thompson (Aspen, 2021-11-14)


It's a violation of natural law! Prison will be to good for them!

Kimberly Austin (Palestine, 2021-11-14)


I’m concerned for my children

Brenda Fugera (Trenton, 2021-11-14)


Fauci and Brandon, Pelosi, AOC, Omar, Tlaib and this whole crew should be imprisoned, if not executed for treason for their treachery.

Kelly Campbell (Brownstown , 2021-11-14)


I agree the CoVid virus; vaccines; mandates; coercion; personal degradation; financial impact; emotional impact; physical impact of these events are CRIMINAL and I demand the perpetrators be held accountable for their actions/inactions that have furthered or promoted this campaign against humanity.

Brian Musick (Pahrump, 2021-11-14)


They're criminals

Linda Harrack (YOUNGSVILLE, 2021-11-14)


People are being coerced into taking an experimental medical treatment under the threat of losing their livelihoods.

Edward Martin (Blaine, 2021-11-14)


This government over reach has to stop!! These mandates are unconstitutional! Covid vaccinations are not safe and are injuring and killing people and our leaders know it! This is murder and all involved should pay with their lives!!! Prosecute these evil people!!

Deborah Czapanskiy (Clyde , 2021-11-14)


Laws have been broken. People have suffered with death and disability those leaders who forced poverty and death need to be held accountable.

Matt Woods (Napier, 2021-11-14)


The globalist have kept the people in the dark about enlightenment and used the 2 party system to create division and keep people disconnected from their spiritual body for too long

Peterson Stephen (Tauranga, 2021-11-14)


Pour que les états soient condamnés pour crimes organisés contre l humanité

cecile Archambeau (Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil, 2021-11-14)


It is so terribly important to pursue this.

Pierre Bonneau (Sherbrooke, 2021-11-14)


There is no correlation between vaxxine rates and covid infections.

gary turell (wellington, 2021-11-14)


I believe the mandates that have been put in place are against the Constitution of the United States and are in violation of the Nuremburg code. I also believe that Both the gain of function Sars Covid 2 and the experimental "vaccines" need to be fully investigated and the persons responsible held fully accountable for crimes against humanity.

Shari Burgess (Tigard, 2021-11-14)


I have looked at the evidence understand it and know these people are only pushing the vaccines to make a profit off of this so called emergency

Brett Miller (Appleton, 2021-11-14)


I signed because the freedom of our own decision is valuable to me and I think that this action of the government of the Czech Republic is a criminal offense.

Iveta Hanavcová (Hradec Kralove, 2021-11-14)


The horror that is being perpetrated on people with this poison “vaccine” is an indescribable evil.

Susan Reed (Weiser, Idaho , 2021-11-14)


Signing for investigation and prosecution of anyone and all participants in crimes against humanity including the covid 19 mandates.

Penny Carpenter (Raymond , 2021-11-14)


The drug manufactureres lied and this administration lied about side effects of this non-vaccine mRNA drug. There were no animal studies done on this drug, and humans are the guinea pigs. Thank you for pursuing this for us.

John Kersbergen (Jackson, 2021-11-14)


I have 8 children, medical decisions should be between a parent and the doctors they trust to help them take care of their children.

Erika Watkins (Shasta Lake, CA, 2021-11-14)


The government is forcing lockdowns and vaccinations, for a fake virus and we need to hold them accountable for these crimes against humanity.

David Pyne (Gilston, QLD, 4211, 2021-11-14)


This farcical plandemic has gone on long enough. Now they are going for the children. Enough with this illegal immoral experimental genocide.

Louise Neufeld (Tourond Manitoba , 2021-11-15)


I am signing because I have been watching and experiencing the corruption of the pharmaceutical companies for years now. We have to stop this madness for the sake of our children and their future.

Carol Halbert (Chesterfield, 2021-11-15)


I'am signing because I am fully aware that what is globally going on is very wrong. Certain people with power and influence are taking systematically our basic freedoms and autonomy away, treating us like helpless children. I used to live under communism, but I feel this situation now is even more dangerous and threatening. I have to stand against it regardless of the consequences. We all, worldwide, must get together and work together to be truly free.



I am signing this because it is horrific and evil what experiments are taking place in people who are being coerced, bribed, threatened and pressured to get a shot in the arm that changes your blood, immune system and was never designed to be a cure.
This is a violation of human rights and punishment should be assigned to all the evil masterminds who developed this crime along with all participants to who turned a blind eye to allow this charade to go on this long!!!!

Michelle McDonald (Kingston , 2021-11-15)


These obvious crimes against humanity effect everyone and we MUST oppose them at every opportunity.

Jessica Quinn (Nashville, Tn, 2021-11-15)

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