Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity






Against my human rights and its on safe

Jahsandra Baxter (Rochester, 2021-11-15)


I want ALL involved in these dictatorial enforcements of lockdowns, forced injections with experimental concoctions and destruction of families and society to be held to account for their actions - at ALL levels

Gary Larkan (Northland, 2021-11-15)


I am signing this because there has been a crime committed against not only Americans but Nations! Globalist monsters using "gain of function" research to create a virus as an excuse to create a deadly bio weapon vaccine killing millions throughout the world!! Please help us to stop this mass murder against humanity! Thank You!!

Trish Sullivan (Boston, 2021-11-16)


I am signing this petition because I want All the people, especially the people in charge, the Cabal, that have created these crimes against humanity to pay with their Lives, or to be locked away till the end of their lives! They Must Pay for the people they have Murdered, for those whose lives have been ruined and the Psychological Trauma these Criminal Psychopaths have created.

Valerie Galli (London , 2021-11-16)


It is no longer conspiracy theory, but fact, that the virus is 99%+ survivable, the vaccine is a bio-weapon designed to harm and depopulate the people, governments are corrupt corporations all working from the same book and this must stop. Most people still have no idea of this, they have not been given informed consent, there has been deception and coercion and in some cases forcing, to be injected. These are crimes against humanity and the nuremburg code. God help us.

Laura Gardner (Auckland, 2021-11-16)


I had enough of this nonsense!

Nina Bell (Prague, 2021-11-16)


I want this madness to stop and the people responsible must be prosecuted!

Amelia Vermeulen (Nelspruit , 2021-11-16)


I'm signing this because the efficacy of these injections are extremely limited and reported with a bias, creating more harm than good to the global population serving the producers.

Patricia Cove (Calgary, 2021-11-16)


Truth must out

Derrek Haynes (Kingston, 2021-11-16)


I'm signing because I want to remind the perpetrators that it does not matter how wise, intelligent, clever or powerful, they think they are, they are still foolish in the sight of their Creator. 1Corinthians 3:19, Matthew 16:26.
I also lost two cousins, 1 friend, 1 acquaintance (so far), due to the harmful manipulations of sars cov 2.
Please help stop the on going harmful effects, be it emotional, physical, financial, spiritual,etc., of these manipulations to every human being and the future generations!
Please help to correct these wrongs, bring to justice and hold these alleged perpetrators accountable to the fullest extent of the local, state, federal, and International Criminal Court laws. Thank you!
May God have mercy on all of us!

JD V (Kingston, 2021-11-16)


We want our freedoms back that our for fathers died on those battle fields to restore and keep. Our body our choice

Lisa Spencer- Tomkins (Auckland , 2021-11-16)


A 60-year-old friend of mine died a few days after taking two Covid-19 vaccines and an annual flu shot. There is no question that these vaccines killed her.

Angela Pate (Shelton, 2021-11-16)


Singapore government is discriminating against the non vaccinated.

KOK WAH SEONG (Singapore, 2021-11-16)


Obvious reasons! This is evil and wrong! They need to be stopped! And now!

Tammy Erwin (Las Vegas , 2021-11-16)


BecauseThis is not a vaccine and I react to medication and no one should be made to take what they don't want into their body.and if they don't they will lose their means to put food on the table.and people I know are getting sick and even dieing from this.God bless

Ann Elliott (Argyle and Bute, 2021-11-16)


I have seen the evidence and the observational studies that prove the efficacy of various very cheap drugs, it is clear that covid and the vaccines are a con trick to aid the great reset.

stephen king (ANHIERS, 2021-11-16)


Those globalists / doctors /scientists and politicians who want to play "god" with people's lives and their livelihoods need to PAY dearly for their EVIL DEEDS.

Sally McMillan (Pietermaritzburg KwaZulu-Natal SOUTH AFRICA, 2021-11-16)


I am convinced that this pandemic is a fraud perpetrated in humanity and the crime must be prosecuted

Philip Joseph (Epping, Sydney , 2021-11-16)


Why? because I strongly object to Genocide that's why. And all of those in this plot need to pay the price for what they have done..

Brenda McGurk (NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, 2021-11-16)


I'm signing because I refuse to be bulliied and coerced into taking an experimental drug that has killed and maimed tens of thousands around the world. Doctors are gagged and cannot report all the injuries because of government mandates for fear of losing their licences. It has got to stop!

Janet Clifford (Brisbane, 2021-11-16)


Eu não aguento mais ver o que estão fazendo com a humanidade e peço justiça

Rosa Maria Soares Barros (Salvador, 2021-11-16)


The Law must be upheld and criminals suffer the most extreme penalties under thw law.

Kevin Botes (Newcastle, 2021-11-16)


Vaccine mandates are unconstitutional, inhumane, and against the law.

James Horne (Walden, 2021-11-16)


We must stand as one and not let these crimes against humanity be aloud. We must speak up for those who can not. For those we have lost and those we may still lose.

Crystal Klafki (Garden City, 2021-11-16)


I am signing because No government has any lawful constitutional right to force me to become jabbed due to some propaganda devised 99.97% survival virus with zero proof of any real scientific testing or evidence. Is this is a Covid Virus. Where is oroif if identifiable testing. It dies not exist. The mad mad
scientists e agree in weaponizing fear that have produced this hap poision, bio weapon with an agenda 21 2030 premeditated death show, , to depopultate seniors, who have history and k iw the truth, and are using these jabs as a bi weapon to attach foreign destructive elements to our cells, change our DNA, track us with graphene
oxide metals, and finally create no T cells with Jab after Jab and more busters to make us sick and die, or to lower T cell counts and destroy men and women, and now children's fertility, hearts and brains. This needs to stop. Now. No more deaths, blood clots, transgenderism, strokes, metals contamination destroying the nucleus of our cells and DNA, no more hydras sitting in our bodies, with this spike protein of mass genocide splitting to destroy our blood heart and brain barriers. BASTA. Enough!
My body my choice, my religion my choice, my kids my choice enough with the Main Stream Media fear and Nazi propaganda. JUDGES LAWYERS who helped politicians give immunity to big pharma need to be arrested fined jailed and removed from any public office permanently with all money property removed as treasonous terrorists as combatants against our constitution. Same with Doctors and all medical, politicians who have promotes these jabs of elite domination and power .... we out number these pathetic satanic blood drinking pedafiles who behind the scenes traffick boys girls, drugs and weapons. The leadership is sn evil evil mess. We are in a war of God verses satan, and good verses evil. GOD WINS. GET RID OF THE CONGRESS, SENATE, and all who are paid off by foreign governments who interfered in our Presidential elections and now all elections too for council, etc.
Enemies of we the People nerd to be rounded up and fined, jailed, executed if appropriate, who participate I. Thus jab scam, NSM scam and mask scam. Alm their assets need to be given back to businesses destroyed by fraction violent terrorist groups, and children trafficked uf alive need to be returned home. CPS, Divorce and Famuky courts need to be a polished by these same narcisstic power and control freak judges, masonic judges and eve. Police, social workers, who all promote masks and vaccine jabs of poision, waring against we the people and our constiution.

Evette Stark (New York, 2021-11-16)


these are crimes against humanity

Marco Hallerbach (Pavo, 2021-11-16)


I want transparency and people to be held accountable.

Maria Moutsidis (OAK PARK, 2021-11-16)


I do not want väčšine ever!!!

Danielle Petra Pascale Stuhr (Košice , 2021-11-16)


I want our freedoms back and for the criminals to be held accountable

David Bell (Pakenham, 2021-11-16)


This is so wrong

Barbara Bout (Cambridge , 2021-11-16)


This needs to stop!

Micha Micha (Zoetermeer, 2021-11-16)


My dad is dead because of these crimes.

Molly Cappawana (Duncannon , 2021-11-16)


I’m tired of seeing people injured because of this jab. I’m afraid for both my grown children who were deceived and took this jab.

Jodi Bridenbaker (Spokane , 2021-11-16)


I am opposed to forcing anyone to do anything that is in opposition to our Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

I do not blindly trust the Government of this or any country.

This inoculation is a form of mass genocide.

Judy Groveman (Miami, 2021-11-16)


I had COVID in November of 2021, the government shutdowns have affected my family greatly, I have lost friends to COVID and now 2 of my adult sons took the vaccine which I now fear will ruin their health in the coming years.

Shannon Hingst (Swisher, 2021-11-16)


It is only fair the human predators, who have created and orchestrated the covid pandemic, become the prey.

Wesley Dill (Prescott Valley, 2021-11-16)


This plandemic and discrimination needs to stop

Paul Maddams (Maidstone , 2021-11-16)


The creators of this "vaccine" bio weapon must be held accountable for using this poison on people around the world.

Patricia Hager (Parma, 2021-11-16)


Because I want those responsible for this madness to take responsibility. Google translation.

Peter Sekera (Trnava, 2021-11-16)


I am a biomedical scientist by training and I can see the huge flaws in their arguments by governments and multi-stream media. Their criminal acts have sent millions to an early grave. The magnitude of this massive fraud will become all to clear in the next 3-5 years.

Deepak Shori (Northolt, 2021-11-16)


My sister died because of covid and the non-treatment in hospital.

Robert Mountain (Alert Bay, 2021-11-16)


Because I believe the harm they are doing to people and children is totally barbaric and against the Nuremberg code - just unthinkable that people could do this to humanity AGAIN!!

Jean Ellerton (Essex, 2021-11-16)


It is not the actual real vaccine they are giving to the public

Jules More (Saskatoon , 2021-11-16)


The vaccines mandates are illegal. I lost my source of income because of the vaccine mandate.
What is happening now is called GENOCIDE.

Alexandra Craciun (Bucuresti, 2021-11-16)


What is happening is insane and illegal

Briana Goodall (Fort Collins, 2021-11-16)


I’m signing this because there are so many that need to be held accountable that believe that they’re going to get away with murder. For example: the Governors of PA, Wolfe and former Health Secretary, Levine, Michigan: Whitmer, former NY: Cumo, NJ: Murphy CA: Newsom.
Not only that, those that either are holding or held local government seats. They accepted federal money to bribe the employees to take these “vaccines”. Those who still insist on keeping children in masks even though they know the masks do not work and see that children are sick continuously because of filthy conditions of said masks.
DOH people over stepping their authority on making policies that are affecting the lives of everyone along with the media who are making a conscious choice to not report the truth.
They all need to be held accountable.

Kathy Bradley (McKean , 2021-11-16)


To protect at least the children and to have a better sleep.

Juraj Oravec (Prievidza, 2021-11-16)


Clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines are still ongoing. They aim to provide information on the duration of protection, ability to prevent severe course of the disease, protection ability for children and pregnant women, protection against asymptomatic cases and quality in the long-term period. These trials should last at least for two years. Long-term information have not been fully known yet.

Therefore it is ethically obvious that this vaccine campaign should be in full compliance with the Nuremberg Code established in 1947 during Nuremberg trials (especially Doctors' trial against Karl Brandt, et al.) due of health crimes committed by Nazi party during Second World War.

During ongoing long-term trials the vaccination should be voluntary only, participant should be informed about all essentials of the vaccination. Vaccine administration should be performed only on basis of his or her informed consent.

People with natural protection given by past infection should be excluded as the vaccination could have serious and sometimes even fatal health consequences for them. That risk could exceed benefit of the vaccination. Also vaccination risk-benefit for children and pregnant women should be carefully examined.

Unfortunately I think that the Nuremberg Code was breached.

Nobody can be forced in any way to take part in such a voluntary activity. At the same time, nobody can be discriminated in any way based on their personal attitude and absence towards this voluntary campaign. And thus thrown into difficult life conditions.

In the event that such a group of people is treated in this way from representatives of constitutional executive branch or other people, it is up to International Criminal Court to consider whether it is not serious crime against humanity under Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, according to Article 7 of the Statute, committed by the representatives or other people. In such a case, their immunity would not be protected under Article 27 of the Statute.

Unfortunately, I have a suspicion not only that such a crime has already been prepared but unfortunately also committed and still exercised.

I would like that International Criminal Court including national courts will deal with this case. The perpetrators must be finally brought to justice.

If all legal means are exhausted, there is a risk that people would take advantage of right of revolution according to Article 23 under Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, part of constitutional law of Czechia and Slovakia, which could ultimately have serious civilian consequences.

I hereby voluntarily sign this petition to expedite this trial process.

David Janoušek (Mladá Boleslav, 2021-11-16)


The evidence must be heard and tested in court, for the benefit of all mankind.

Karim Ayoubi (Northampton, 2021-11-16)


I believe that TRUTH must prevail.

Mary Cooper (Portage, 2021-11-16)


I am deeply concerned about the crimes that are happening with these so called vaccines and so called mandates.

Dominic Safi (Logan, 2021-11-16)


This virus has been man made and now we are all being forced to be vaccinated against it. Some of us against our will, due to adverse pressure being imposed with threats of job losses and losses of normal freedoms if not vaccinated. It is morally wrong.

Coralee Taylor (Gladstone, 2021-11-16)


These so-called "vaccines" are neither safe nor effective. There is NO legal, ethical, or medical justification for their use. The people responsible for this mass attack on human health and lives must be held legally responsible for their acts.

Robert Shipp (Mountain View, 2021-11-16)


Coercion of an experimental medical procedure that kills and maims people, with threats of destitution, actual financial loss and loss of livelihood is in clear breach of The Nuremberg Code. For the literal love of god and your children do something to stop this evil illegal agenda or The International Criminal Court has no relevance.

Simon Jenkins (Knighton, 2021-11-16)


I have seen people die from the covid vaccination, also seen people maimed by the covid vaccinations. I want doctor and global government to be hold accountable.

John Bayford (Croydon, 2021-11-16)


I'm signing because so much is so wrong! Vaccines were not tested properly and info is suppressed, tfalse tests purposely instil fear and make people compliant! Current research suppressed! People need to answer for their crimes!

Karen Cooke (Bishop's Falls, 2021-11-16)


It's high time....

L Kardolus (Delft, 2021-11-17)


This hole thing is criminal and a grab for power and control

Angelo Brienza (Brampton, 2021-11-17)


There's enough science to show that the "Covid-19 problem" is not in any way a pandemic, and enough science, including scores of thousands of cases cured by early treatment, to show that the public narrative is false, intentionally misleading and criminally motivated. Sto the vaccination murder and start investigating the perpetrators.

Kevin Brown (Kaunakakai, 2021-11-17)


Not a slave.

Roger Silva (San Francisco, 2021-11-17)

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