Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I object to anything being forced upon me that will cause harm to my body and to that of my family.

Gail McGuire (Te Awamutu , 2021-11-17)


I’m signing as I am totally against this world wide experiment of a bio weapon against innocent people who have been coerced by their own governments and others in power.

Michele Ferris (Tweed Heads South, 2021-11-17)


I want people who instigated and contributed to this crime against humanity held accountable. Good must prevail over evil, but will only do so if we fight for that justice.

Caroll Yap (Newport Beach, 2021-11-17)


Covid has been used to coercively control populations all over the world. It is a smoke screen for a new world order agenda to monetise everything including human beings. The collateral damage being caused by this controlled demolition is demonic. Unfortunately you are up against the human spirit which cannot and will not be crushed. You don't care and we know you don't care. The problem is that you are mortal too. So good luck with that. The cliff is this way - enjoy the ride.

lee benjamin (watford, 2021-11-17)


I am in no doubt that Crimes Against Humanity have been committed

Corinne M (Sandown , 2021-11-17)


Criminals need to be investigated prosecuted and jailed and that include every politician who went along with this pandemic

Lyn Murray (Brisbane, 2021-11-17)


These People Need to Be Publically Executed !!

Gregory Offord (Sutherlin Oregon , 2021-11-17)


The vaccine killed my 64yr old healthy wife within 48 hours.
We must have every physician and medical provider come forward with the truth. Show the public what is in the vaccine under a microscope. Not too long ago a vaccine was pulled from the market due to 53 deaths. We in the US. Are now at 18,000 deaths and thats only what was reported.
This must Stop & No child should be given this poison. Prayers & Petition to Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to stop this.

Richard Amaral (Rumford , 2021-11-17)


I am signing because i am standing in my Sovereignty and not complying with this dystopian regime. Everyone on Earth, have a right to basic human rights and the Truth.

Julie Oliver (Caboolture , 2021-11-17)


I wholeheartedly support the intention of this petition. Please urgently begin the investigation and criminal prosecution of the individuals mentioned.

Grace Wood (Blue Mountains, 2021-11-17)


Justice needs to be served.

April Mizell (Concord, 2021-11-17)


Devono pagare ed essere puniti severamente

Maurizio Boscheri (Bene Vagienna, 2021-11-17)


The blood clotting is happining to me

Veronica Hartley (Wortham, 2021-11-17)


I believe justice should be served and it must be investigated.

Anthony Arzani (Sandy, 2021-11-17)


In the UK it would that the government has a hidden agenda of population control by using experimental vaccines to achieve this.
We are an island and so able to restrict entry into the country and quarantine and monitor those entering, instead let loose “the infected to infect” the nation and overwhelm the NHS. This did not make sense

Public Health England stated that CV was NOT a High Consequential Infectious Disease (HCID).One that is not airborne, not contactable by being breathe over, cannot get it by direct skin contact. By this information it is not a health problem. Instead the government has psychological
bombarded people to be coerced into taking an experimental vaccine and in many cases a vaccine that will not pass its full clinical trials until 2023. This is causing harm, one of our unalienable rights (common law) is to do no harm.

How did 26,000 pensioners die, only in council care homes? Families were kept out from the homes from seeing what was happening why? Harm was caused.

Death rates have risen since the taking of vaccines. Harm has been caused.

It is not a health problem but one about population control for now & the future.

Mervin Powell (Birmingham, 2021-11-17)


I’m signing because the Covid vaccination programme has nothing to do with science but with a plan to kill people and curtail the rights and freedom of survivors.

Francisco Javier Téllez (Cizur Menor, 2021-11-17)


I believe those who are guilty of crimes against humanity should pay for these crimes.

Lisa Snyder (Spring Hill , 2021-11-17)


I want justice for all who have suffered by these Evil Beasts

Kim Greenaway (Epsom Surrey , 2021-11-17)


Clearly there is now a run away criminal instigated lie driving the masses to take extreme risk with thier lives and the lives of their children based on pure lies and misinformation about the experimental serum.

Jackie Milne (Hay River, 2021-11-17)


I am signing because I believe my body my choice and every parents choice for there kids also all data needs to be shown

Tina May (Fellsmere, 2021-11-17)


I am signing this petition because the world needs truth and honor instead of lies and deception, the world needs free choice instead of manipulation and violence, the world needs conditions for joy and creativity instead of fear.

Iveta Nedelská (Liptovský Mikuláš-Liptovská Ondrašová, 2021-11-17)


Toto bezprecedentné obmedzovanie musí skončiť a to potrestaním tých čo to zapríčinili a ktorí to sústavne podporujú.

Ivan Chovan (Horné Orešany, 2021-11-17)


These people need to be held accountable for these horrendous crimes!! They are purposely trying to make compounds to kill people. That's MURDER!!

Debra Costas (Wheaton, 2021-11-17)


We must end this vaccine tyranny and bring the perpetrators of this virus to justice!

Diane Smith (Willoughby, 2021-11-17)


These people must be taken down!

Phillip Mc (Edmonton , 2021-11-17)


It is time to uphold the rule of law and hold those responsible to account for their evil deeds

Jay Horning (Ephrata, 2021-11-17)


I am sick over all the useless deaths.

Katie Wolter (Atlanta, 2021-11-17)


You are right.!

Laurent SAUZET (Paimpol, 2021-11-17)


I was not provided appropriate treatment early on for COVID-19. I was sent home to be sick and to die. Now, the fear-based narrative authors want to force an experimental poison upon me. I say no. Definitively no. Not not. Not ever. You do not have permission to experiment upon me or anyone else.

Kimberlee Glowacki (Colorado Springs , 2021-11-17)


I support all those who were murdered, died from, suffered health issues, suffered mental illness, lost family and friends, from the illegal atrocities and going against the 1947 Nuremberg code, the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki, the 1967 international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the 1975 Biological Weapons Convention Treaty and any other Treaty, Convention, law, etc that took place from 1950-present.

Debbie Legere (Edmonton, 2021-11-17)


Forcing people to inject unknown substances into their body without informed consent is Illegal, Immoral and Corrupt! Stop the madness and allow people to refuse the jabs if they so choose.

Cynthia Hazelip (Sutherlin, 2021-11-17)


I believe in freedom!!!!

Angela Cole (New Castle , 2021-11-17)


Because all Dr who betrayed medicine.
All politicians betrayed people.
Has to be in jail

Alexey Khodykin (Toronto, 2021-11-17)


My right of choice when it comes to a medical treatment has not only been taken away but also Drs are not providing informed consent or practicing their duty of care toward the people. Its all become forced coercion with the laws of medical freedom and discrimination been breached everywhere. It is my human right to choose and governments perpetrating this atrocity on the people with significant deaths through the coerced inforcing of the injection need to be brought to justice to save us all.

antonino rawbone (Melbourne, 2021-11-17)


This is Genocide and it needs to STOP NOW!!!

Nina Palou (Chicago, 2021-11-17)


People need to be accountable for these unacceptable crimes against humanity.

Alison wright (Melbourne, 2021-11-17)


These people are out of control!! Must be stopped @ all cost!

Daniel Collins (Clarksville , 2021-11-17)


I would like to see justice for these extreme crimes against all of humanity. All those who Instigated or where complicit with unleashing this bio weapon disguised as a vaccine on humanity and the false Covid-19 pandemic need to be held accountable.

Lisa Takos (Melbourne , 2021-11-17)


They have committed Crimes Against Humanity.



What they are doing to the people of this world is horrific. They are experimenting with human beings and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. They are murders and traitors to humanity.

Kathleen Noonan (Tigard, 2021-11-18)


The children need to be protected from forced inoculations.

Karll Veach (Houston, 2021-11-18)


Those responsible must be held accountable for the damage they have caused

Jacques Faller (Ho Chi Minh City , 2021-11-18)


This is an International disgrace! Please help us!

Alison Vayo (Casino, 2021-11-18)


The election in 2020 was rigged!! And no Senator’s, representatives or high up politicians think the people are requesting information and the people are entitled to this information no strings attached!! This needs to end if we have to replace every damn one of them!!
Think about that RINO’s!!

Kendall Shorkey (Kasilof , 2021-11-18)


I’m signing because of the draconian legislations that the state governments of Australia are implementing with total disregard for international human rights laws that this country of Australia has agreed to and they are in clear breach and contradicts citizens inalienable rights

Colin Shereb (Brisbane , 2021-11-18)


I am witnessing crimes against humanity with the mandating covid 19 vaccinations by Jacinda Ardern and the labour government of NZ. These vaccines have cause death and thousands of health damages.

danny mccaul (marton, 2021-11-18)


I agree 100% with Dr. Fleming. I am an RN who worked at Los Alamos National Lab and was fired in March 2021 due to refusing the vaccine 2 times. LANL had horrible medical providers and stated in November 2020 there was NO TREATMENT FOR COVID and the sick get sent home to get better. I also saw in NM high risk people elderly were not being treated when they went to hospital and were sick. I had a vision to start this on my own and very happy I heard Dr. Fleming on Brighteon conversations. I will forward this to every person I know. thank you Dr!

Annette Rousseau (Eloy, 2021-11-18)


This is a massive Genocide on Slovak People

John Dorusinec (Sunland, 2021-11-18)


Nesouhlasím s postupem vlády, která nás nutí do očkování a to pod nátlakem a používá represe, které jsou protiprávní!

Zdeněk Bartoš (Bohutín, 2021-11-18)


Stop these crimes against humanity

Sandra Griffiths (Rossendale, 2021-11-18)


There are very clear indications that the Governments and medical and other people have spread a pandemic of fear over the people of Australia. This has resulted in people being locked down, tested with totally useless PCR tests, forced to wear unhealthy masks and pushed (read COERCED) into having bioweapon jabs that have killed and injured so many people in this and every country of the world. Every single person who has participated in this scam should be held accountable for their actions, since ALL actions have consequences.

Shauna Baker (Belmont, 2021-11-18)


Governments all around the world including Doctors, Nurses and scientists who all knew better have done nothing and stood by watching while these crimes against humanity have been going on. Have we learnt nothing from history.

Aaron Press (Bingil Bay, 2021-11-18)


i'm signing because, Those in power are steering us down a road towards genocide this worldwide movement sadly includes the Netherlands, No one should be forced to give up the rights on making his own medical decisions for his or her body. and these so called vaccines should be put off the market based on the evidence provided by Richard M Fleming and many other good practitioners in the field. and those who are pushing these vaccine agenda's I have a message:
I will Never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. I will Never yield to force and never ever to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy

Laurens Timmer (Wognum, 2021-11-18)

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