Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



It is the right thing to do

Ingrid Schönnings (Edsbyn , 2021-11-18)


Doresc ca toți criminalii din fruntea țării să plătească pt crimele făcute cu bună știință împotriva umanității

Hartopeanu Flavius (Timișoara, 2021-11-18)


I dont agree with the way politicians are forcing the population to be vaccinated with a vaccine that hasnt been tested long enough & we dfint know what the sude effects will be.

Laura De Marco (Noosa Heads, 2021-11-18)


This eugenics driven, absolute insane agenda needs to be stopped!!!

Wilhelmina Van der Meulen (Amsterdam , 2021-11-18)


The atrocities committed against human kind by the world elite to form a one world government must be accounted for and the punishment has to be brought upon those at the top. Obedience is a death sentence a lot worse than the one for standing up for what is right.

Eric Nielsen (Saskatoon, 2021-11-18)


I can.

Neil Dailey (Morgantown , 2021-11-18)


The goverment is terrorizing me, my job, my ecistence. Help us please.

Bohumil Urbanovic (Obyce, 2021-11-18)


I'm signing because my health is important to me.

Manfred Hanicke (Rockingham , 2021-11-18)


I'm signing because I was forced to be part of an experimental vaccine so I could keep my job.
This was totally against my will.

Mariana Dias (Dubai, 2021-11-18)


This Biotyrranie must stop.
WW3 is the elites against the people !

Steven Tracy (Noyon, 2021-11-18)


I believe that my civil rights are being threatened by the these unlawful actions of people in power.

Paul Baehr (Rhinelander, 2021-11-18)


Because I m human and human thinks.

Miroslav Kušljič (Ružomberok, 2021-11-18)


This is the single most important trial of our epoch.

Orlando Clarkson (London, 2021-11-18)


Joe Biden& Government has forced us!
I was forced to get the Pfizer vaccine my first dose 6 days later…😔

I am now having major problems muscle spasms body twitching hot headaches blurred vision loud ringing in my ears!!! I am WEAK numbness in my toes night sweats and I can’t SLEEP HELP

Dana Duncan (Las Vegas , 2021-11-18)


Is not okay don’t give to people change make for him self decision about vaccines COVID 19 . Can’t push people to take vacation. Is battle for freedom

Petr Stawarczyk (Meltham , 2021-11-18)


Because they ignore my natural immunity for sars-cov-2 and pushes me towards vaccinations

On bended knee is no way to be free !!!

Peter De Heuvel (Nijmegen, 2021-11-18)


I have been following the facts regarding the pandemic and vaccines from the beginning in early 2020. I was shocked by the censorship of scientists and doctors who contradicted the government/media/pharma narrative. It has become evident that the narrative are mostly lies. The result has been the injury and death of millions that was not the result of the actual virus/pandemic. I believe based on the facts, that the actions of the FDA/CDC and other agencies and government are criminal.

Sheryl Dawson (Flagstaff, 2021-11-18)


My parents lived in Germany during the NAZI regime's rule. They collaborated actively, I assume, because they were naive citizens who believed in the lies of the regime.
I was born in 1958 in what I thought was a free country and democracy. Today I feel that not only Germany, but Western Europe and other countries of the once free West are on their way to tyranny and apartheid, something I would never have thougt to experience during my lifetime.
This has to stop and the criminal people behind the bio weapon assault on humanity need to be brought to justice. They are guilty for crimes against humanity. The death toll of the so-called vaccines is way to high and will continue to rise, the collateral damage of lockdows, mask and vaccination mandates are inacceptable.
I trust that justice will prevail. May God help you in your judgement.

Klaus U. HIMMEL (Karlsruhe, 2021-11-18)



Valeria Blicklingová (Praha , 2021-11-18)


Those people need to be held accountable.

Downer Gregory (Los Angeles, 2021-11-18)


The world court has to hold these people accountable.

Rob Landry (L'Orignal, 2021-11-18)


It's about crimes against humanity!

John O'Neill (Liverpool , 2021-11-18)


Justice needs to be done!!!!

Melissa Middleton (New Plymouth , 2021-11-18)


I want the tyrants that are threatening our health and our God given freedom to be stopped and taken to trial for tyranny and crimes against mankind.

Judi Minckler (TWEED HEADS SOUTH, 2021-11-18)


Give me freedom or give me death

Zack Lea (Oxford, 2021-11-18)


The war crimes and human rights and many more violation's is enormous ... the power the Govt's think, they have over the people that pay their salary is disgusting... criminals Exspecially criminals like the "nazi's" need to be accountable and punished.

D Lewis (Helensburgh, 2021-11-18)


I still believe in justice

Gabriela Bukovcanova (Handlova, 2021-11-18)


We should all have the freedom to choose what goes into our body.

Laura Logullo (Chesapeake city, 2021-11-18)


I’m signing because this vaccine has injured myself and thousands of other people. Disgraceful.

Debra Cox (Morwell, 2021-11-18)


These monsters, ie Fauci, etc, must be held accountable for the destruction of lives

Cindy Griffin (Midland , 2021-11-18)


I am appalled with what's going on with the Covid-19 vaccins. All Neurenberg codes are being broken. Human rights are being violated. The vaccin is killing dangerous and nothing is being done. All bacause of a virus that evidently has a CFR very comparable with influenza.

Tal Wilkins (Rijswijk, 2021-11-18)


I’m opposed to forced mandates and the Dystopian Future that is imminent if we don’t take a stand!

Trevor Gunning (Perth, 2021-11-19)


I am against this genocide.

Roben Schuler (Longwood , 2021-11-19)


We have the right to know the truth.
An unbiased investigation without the threat of blowback needs to be conducted ASAFP!!!

David van Halderen (Pitt Meadows, 2021-11-19)


I'm signing this because its the right thing to do!

Rebecca slack (Rochester , 2021-11-19)


I want to see these individuals that have caused malpractice!

Lorraine Johnson (Ketchikan, 2021-11-19)


I'm signing because I want those responsible for destroying the health of human beings to be held totally and absolutely responsible.
To say, demand, insist and force on the human beings of this world a medical intervention to silence a man -made health issue that has a 99.9..% survival rate is criminal and those criminals, every single one of them; the designers, the researchers, the developers, the political pushers and those delivering the actual shot and all the community level supporters supporting& enforcing the narrative within the community, must answer for their thoughts, reasons, intentions and actions. Not one can be exempt- NOT ONE

Veronica Pasfield (Wyong, 2021-11-19)


They should all be in jail

Oya Oflay (Melbourne , 2021-11-19)


Because I don’t wanted to be vactinated.

Natálie Brázdová (Ostrava, 2021-11-19)


The violation against human rights by government officials.

Rene Egbert (Buckeye, 2021-11-19)


What is happening is unlawful, illegal and immoral and makes a mockery out of all safeguarding laws and principles that were put in place by our forefathers to ensure such tyranny never happened again.
Under the law of Grace, Justice will be delivered one way or another

Donna Dyson (Southamptpn , 2021-11-19)


This is a huge crime against humanity, the virus, the disease, the vaccine and all the things that go with them; lockdown et al. The perpetrators must face the consequences, they must pay.

Aleta Wales (Dihlabeng, 2021-11-19)


For Justice for all the millions of people in the world who have been murdered & seriously injured by these psychopaths with these toxic poisonous injections and forced measures of lockdowns, mask wearing & social distancing. ALL of this is for complete control of us, not for any health reason & it is a horrendous crime & all who have been complicit in this have to be held accountable.This has to stop NOW. 'WE THE PEOPLE' will not put with this anymore and we will not stop until they are all held accountable.

Tracy Knight (Woking, 2021-11-19)


I'm signing because I can NOT accept this tyranny around all the world.This pandemic is mega fraud and any proof of "danger pandemic" does NOT exist and I am sure this is very danger political agenda with aim to make depopulation proces!!BigPharma is make a new billionares and their products still killing people worldwide!!!They are very dangerous criminals and they MUST be punished for their crimes!!

Karel Kupka (SAN FRANCISCO, 2021-11-19)


Measures that supposed to combat covid 19 infection spread are actually in violation of human rights, too numerous to mention in this little space. I'm sure this document will paint the whole picture.

Georgi Zilkin (Hull , 2021-11-19)


I´m signing because I feel an urge to contribute to putting a stop to this unprecedented crime, not to mention the concern for our future.

Veronika Woznicová (Ostrava, 2021-11-19)


This is crime against humanity cannot go unpunished for the harm it has caused

Daniel Wong (Picton, 2021-11-19)


This is all a lie From Day one.
Big Pharma and billionaire politicians profiting off this world wide Covid Bullshit.

Ray Northey (Woodview, 2021-11-19)

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