Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I support truth and freedom for all

Isabelle Beaudoin (Gloucester, 2021-11-24)


la constitution des droits de lhomme doit etre respectees et non baffouees !les libertes supprimees

sarah BAUDE (Marseille 6e Arrondissement, 2021-11-24)


The people responsible, need to held accountable.

Craig Brown (Tusket, 2021-11-24)


I have a very serious medical contraindications. the possibility of being forced to take this treatment is a matter of life and death. there are many like me and we are being ignored and forgotten.

Preston Brooks (Boca Raton, 2021-11-24)


I have family who got vaxed and had major reactions within seven days and another who is being tested for prostate cancer and has blood clots. Majority of the people I know have not been to a doctor at all since receiving the experimental Vax. So with out the testing continuing how can anyone state this is safe. I also have had many of my vaxed Friends come down and test positive of the virus. It should be a choice based on the individual person, not forced threatened or harassed and bullied over.

Samantha Lang (98 case st, 2021-11-24)


Las supuestas vacunas están perjudicando más que la misma enfermedad que quitan libertades y derechos en forma injustificada y científicamente no están haciendo bien las cosas incluso sin sentido común.

Oscar Ramón Britos (Dosquebradas, 2021-11-24)


These animals need brought to justice

Marcus mccallion (Strabane, 2021-11-24)



Irena Korosec (Montréal, 2021-11-24)


I hope to contribute to the preservance of our basic human rights

Jennifer McGeorge (Peachland, 2021-11-24)


Cos its crimes against humanity

mark everard (Castlebar, 2021-11-24)


Stop this madness NOW

Darryl Ufton (Gisborne, 2021-11-24)


World Is in total mayhem, we must stop IT !!

Jaroslav Waloschek (Orlová, 2021-11-24)


The global conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity has unleashed unimaginable human suffering and death. The individuals responsible have declared war on the entire global population and need to be held accountable for their actions.

Jane Vickery (Bellata, 2021-11-24)


I want the "scamdemic" to end and the ones responsible brought to justice. My daughters got the experimental injection because they were kicked out of school and work. They got it behind my back because they were scared what I would do. I work for a doctor and have never wore a muzzle and will never get their poison. I will not quit my job and no one will attempt to fire me, yet. I will die on my feet before I live on my knees. Thank you!

Toby Peardon (Cornwall, 2021-11-24)


I strongly believe that all involved in this whole debacle of COVID-19 who have produced the bioweapon, those who have produced the experimental vaccinations, all government officials who have brainwashed people into getting the jab and all those who have given the jab need to face criminal charges and lose their positions.

Melinda Thompson (Tungamull, 2021-11-24)


This is a crime against humanity

David McCurry (SAINT LEONARD, 2021-11-24)


This is an unjust breach of human rights . I have an immune system . I do not want to take an experimental ‘vaccine’. I should not be penalised for my choice . Stop this conspiracy of lies !

Deanne Malton (Hartlepool , 2021-11-24)


The whole situation is made by manipulation and lies to take away our liberty and good sense. Thank you to those who take actionto resist!

Nicole Ayrton (La Tour de Peilz, 2021-11-25)


The NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her Labour Government, in collusion with the all other NZ political parties, NZ Mainstream Media, the Governor General, Courts, Hospitals, Police, Medical Council and all other government influenced institutions & ministry's, have transgressed our basic human rights & dignity and actively removed the right of 'Informed Consent' and the right to question from the people of NZ. They have imposed a 2 class system upon us, removing rights to participate in the community for the 'unvaccinated'. They are withholding medical treatment for the ill unless they consent to be vaccinated, and bribing children as young as 12yr to vaccinate without parental consent. There are too many violations to list. For the love of humanity, will you step up?

Kolopa Simeona (Levin, 2021-11-25)


Our Prime Minister Jacinda Adern has over-ruled the people's basic rights to implement a regime of tyranny and abuse-of-power that has resulted in a divisive country ignorant of any balanced reporting about this covid catastrophe. My heart is broken for my country.

Leigh Simeona (Wellington , 2021-11-25)


This tyranny must be stopped and those responsible held to account.

Peggy Latham (Haslington, CW15TF , 2021-11-25)


This should also include the New Zealand Government

Corina Kennard (Piopio, 2021-11-25)


We cannot repeat history. Evil never wins. This tyranny will not end well.

Patty Thomas (MCKINNEY, 2021-11-25)


I believe there is still laws in this world to protect the citizens of every country. What is going on now with lock downs forced experimental vaccines on people Get the jab or lose your job and everything you have worked hard for your entire life. Please help

Darren Hendrix (Drayton Valley, 2021-11-25)


Crimes against humanity are being committed on citizens by governing bodies who are supposedly protecting us.

Jess Grove (Perth, 2021-11-25)


I'm signing because I believe we have been duped if you look at the real evidence about the Covid-19 virus and the whole kabaal trying to cover up their tracks

Gerrit Viljoen (Pretoria, 2021-11-25)


I'm signing because I believe that this is an attempt to inact UN agenda 20/30 .
The attempt to remove thousands of people to make the population less so climate change is impacted less.

Mary Shepherd (Hamilton, 2021-11-25)


We need to uphold the Nuremberg Code. It was written for a reason. 3.5m people were sterilised in the name of the good of the people, by thousands of doctors. Never again.

Nick Simpson (London, 2021-11-25)


I do not agree with this experimental drug to be Mandatory

emmie Sloof (Murwillumbah , 2021-11-25)


I am appalled by the lies and misleadings perceived, fury and helplessness induced during these two years.

Ana Damoc (IASI, 2021-11-25)


If we stop breathing we will die. If we don’t fight evil we will die. I support Dr. Fleming and his quest for justice

Richard Schulman (Sarasota , 2021-11-25)


I know the plan of the dark side of life... I am free and I ll stay 🙏

Diego de la Vega (Montreuil , 2021-11-25)


The Covid vaccines will result in the greatest Genocide in human history.

Richard Zahler (Lancaster, 2021-11-25)


Stop crimes against humanity!

Graham Pearce (Leominster , 2021-11-25)


It's criminal what the "scamdemic" is doing to humanity. Gates, Soros, Fauci and may others should be tried as war criminals for the worldwide war against humanity.

Robert Lester (Albuquerque, 2021-11-25)


I want to help fight this evil!

Cassandra Durant (COLUMBIA, 2021-11-25)


It appears very clear there are many crimes being committed Against Humanity and it must stop now

Ronald Habakus (Lincroft , 2021-11-25)



maria slovinska (Krompachy, 2021-11-25)


the right thing to do

Frank Lovell (Inverness, 2021-11-25)


I’m being socially, medically, and economically coerced to take an experimental medical treatment against my will and choice. I’m being threatened to lose my ability to work as a Nurse, denied my God given freedoms, liberty, and bodily autonomy by the American Government’s promotion and pressure to take a dangerous, controversial, irreversible, and experimental treatment with no informed consent against a disease that’s nearly 100% survivable, which has safe treatments that are being illegally suppressed and denied to the public.

Susan Kershaw (Frisco, Texas, 2021-11-25)


The evil perpetrators need bringing to justice for this second holocaust

Bonita Morris (Braintree, 2021-11-25)


I whole heartedly agree that these injections are a crime against humanity and we as people need to stand up to the tyrannical control all over the world and they need to be held accountable for their actions

Jessica Jacques (Auckland, 2021-11-25)


I believe as God is my witness, many people are being fooled into a toxic injection. This is morally and ethically wrong. Good people will rise. We all need to stand up against this evil now for we are all God's creations. God bless.

Suzette Boothroyd (Merseyside, 2021-11-25)


I cannot stand by while people are being harmed. My ancestors fought for our freedom over many centuries. This is the least I can do.

Cindy de Villiers (Nelson, 2021-11-25)


All our rights and freedoms have been disregarded by our elected officials and medical professionals who have time and again displayed complete fraud in information and the misuse of power.

Alexandria Grice (Hawarden, 2021-11-25)


I want my children & grandchildren to have a good life in NZ

Lisa Duff (Rotorua, 2021-11-25)


I want our God given freedom back

Lynne White (Salt Lake city, 2021-11-26)


Forcing experimental drugs is criminal. Every person deserves a choice.

Linda Gray (Orangeville , 2021-11-26)


These criminals and tyrants need to be made accountable for the hardships and suffering of mankind around the world

Judy Leith (Tokanui , 2021-11-26)


How dare you authorise this inadequately tested, clandestinely made, EXPERIMENTAL, deadly poison to be inflicted upon human beings. You will have to shoot me dead to get it into me ... not because I am afraid of dying from it, in fact I welcome death at this time, but I will NOT allow an evil, disgusting Government to force me to have something I neither need or want!

Dianne Wilkes (Park Ridge, 2021-11-26)


it should have been done already.

timothy brown (grants pass, 2021-11-26)


I'm signing because I was terminated from my job for chosing to not have the vaccines because of religious beliefs. Furthermore, the use of vaccine passports is abhorent and a crime against humanity.

Louis Kittleson (Napier, 2021-11-26)


I'm signing this petition because what's taking place is absolutely immoral and is a complete violation against our rights. I won't support any criminal activity against humanity .

Dylan Loblaw (Ross River, 2021-11-26)


Im not agree with this situation. Which is happening on our planet. We are being not robot or "animals". I want live free.

Tereza Lutovska (České Budějovice , 2021-11-26)


I am signing this because governments around the world are only listening to one side of the story and not the other scientists who have worked their backs off to bring the reality of the mRNA vaccine. Every government has a God give responsibility to protect lives and freedoms of the people they govern. In the current times, governments, in the name of protecting health, have destroyed the livelihoods of general public. They have destroyed families. They have destroyed economy. They have destroyed sanctity of life. These people should be brought to the books.

Richard Chander (Kallangur, 2021-11-26)


Human beings should never be experimented on without their express consent with all risks adequately explained and mitigated.

This has not happened with the covid vaccine where country and organizational mandates have forced people to take an experimental medical treatment without any liability siting with those who created or are forcing it upon people.

We now know this treatment cause heart problems. We know this treatment can cause infertility in women.
We know this treatment is not very effective in treating the very thing it was developed for

Please investigate.

Aaron Nel (Krugersdorp, 2021-11-26)


Crimes against humanity

Livia Taravella (Istan, 2021-11-26)


Corporate corruption is affecting entire nations!
The self-proclaimed stewards of humanity are not transparent or careful in their stewardship. International laws were enacted and must be enforced!
No amount of money or ‘elitism’ should immunise groups against international law.

William Parry (Brisbane, 2021-11-26)


It's a way for how to support a peaceful and joyful life for everybody.

Lucia Svetlana Danišová (Bratislava, 2021-11-26)

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