Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I disagree with discrimination and press from czech government against people in Czech Republic in covid restrictions.

Veronika Daňková (Opava, 2021-11-26)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Mare le Roux (Tallinn, 2021-11-26)


Podpisujem, pretože už toho mám plné zuby

Ladislav Uherkovich (Banská Bystrica, 2021-11-26)


I feel I am being forced to take an experimental drug which goes against my spiritual beliefs. I am also afraid that my health may be affected if I take the drug as I have seen the adverse effects that it can cause.

Jason Gerrard (Gisborne, 2021-11-26)


I’m signing to help prevent the perpetration of the most egregious crimes against human citizenry for thousand years.

George Pembroke (London, 2021-11-26)


We are a free country, over the past 2 yrs the citizens of Australia have had their civil rights and freedom removed. Forced to be injected with an unproven vaccine or loose their jobs, families, homes and livelihoods.
Boarders closed, restricted to their homes separated from loved ones and friends to be conditioned for what appears to be an atrocity created by the rich and powerful of the world, in particular the big pharma's to increase their own worth

Eric Madjeric (WAMURAN, 2021-11-26)


Because it's evil and wrong and is effecting human lives

Joshua Litts (Rolla, 2021-11-26)


I want to sue them and the rest .

David Davar (Brighton, 2021-11-26)


I am deeply concerned about The totalitarian regime set in the European union while mandating an experimental gene therapy called vaccine that si causing harmful effects on peoples’ health around me and killing our freedom

Berenice Charny (Saint-Andiol , 2021-11-26)


I'm against this world dictatorship that wishes to depopulate the human race and self appointed themselves to control this beautiful planet. I believe in the autonomy of the individual and desire to see justice prevail to these evil Globalist.

Mike DeGruy (Raleigh, 2021-11-26)


The covid 19 pandemic has been orchestrated to take away and subvert our human rights and freedoms. The criminals behind this and those complicit in the genocide and destruction of our freedoms and rights will be punished and this is the first step in that direction. I find it hard to believe that so many people have turned into fascists without realising it.

Daniel coxon (MORPETH, 2021-11-26)


I have been researching for Months. There are criminals in several governments that need to be brought to court, prosecuted and held accountable! They knew what they were doing! THANKYOU!!!!!

Gale Storm (APO AP Military address, 2021-11-26)


This mana dates for vacc. , lockdowns and masks is against everything I believe in.

Gloria Yargeau (Penhold AB, 2021-11-26)


I am signing because I have no other choice but to believe there must be willful and malicious intent on the part of certain individuals and corporations to cause harm by way of vaccine mandates, and by way of restrictions and discriminations against those who choose not to comply.

The foundation for my belief is: 1) the lack of efficacy of the "vaccines" that continue to be administered, 2) the unprecedented number of VAERS events being reported as a result of vaccine administration, 3) the prevention, in many countries of effective early treatment with medications such as Ivermectin and other drugs, and 4) the adjustment in the definitions of pandemic, vaccine and other terms by the World Health Organization and the Communicable Disease Centers, in order to falsely categorize the current situation in such a way to justify institution of emergency measures.

Dena Zavier (Whitehorse, 2021-11-26)


My concern over lack of informed consent. Mandates being pushed for a drug that only has EUA and mandates being forced on children, when no long term effects are known.

Joanne Arkell (Pietermaritzburg , 2021-11-26)


This genocide needs to be stopped. The perpetrators and their collaborators should be arrested immediately, tired and imprisoned for the rest of their lives - no exceptions.

Kevin Fyffe (Croydon, 2021-11-26)


When there are scientific papers illustrating the cardiac damage this drug causes and it’s mandate and use is pushed even more, it is murder with intent and this needs to be stopped!

George Novickis (Dublin , 2021-11-26)


I want people held accountable.

Lori Sherman (Pensacola, 2021-11-26)


Because I believe in body autonomy. My job is trying to invade my private medical information and require me to do something against my will just to maintain my job.

Leanne Valenzuela (Colorado Springs , 2021-11-26)


The abuse of power from world leaders is a coordinated world wide attack on the people.

Andy Lloyd (Christchurch , 2021-11-26)


Podepisují neboť jsou mě upírána práva svobodně nakládat se svým zdravím a životem.

Hynek Gebel (Česká Kamenice, 2021-11-26)


We must stop crimes against humanity.
The Covid vaccine is a biological weapon that was created because monsters say there are too many of us on earth. They are putting their Great Reset into practice.

Emeline Charlet (Guilherand-Granges, 2021-11-26)


This criminal activity must be stopped

Albert Williams (Tauranga, 2021-11-26)


Die Menschenrechte müssen wieder hergestellt werden.

Klaus-Dieter Herrmann (Bad Klosterlausnitz, 2021-11-26)


My beautiful finance was one of tbr first here in nz to be told he must become fully vaccinated for his job, (we both lost our normal emoluments after the 1st Covid 19 Lockdown) Steve had managed to gain paid employment as a maintenance manager of an airport Hotel however it was turned into an MIQ facility, he went from robust health had formerly played professional football to expressing stroke like symptoms which causesd accidents when driving, he died 6months ago my life an future are in ruins his loss is tragic yet no one cares an in afre days I am banned from going most places due to Vax pass port system? My sin now 11 will soon become force vaccinated by Nz Governent an no one is stopping this madness?
Please do all you can to help bring these terrible people tbst are ruining innocent lives to justice? Bless you for not standing by! Joanne

Joanne Oakley (Canterbury , 2021-11-27)


This is very important. This must never be allowed to happen again.

Gregory Beattie (Caboolture, 2021-11-27)


Whilst I have no real expectation that the pogrom currently underway will be arrested by the cabal of diagnosable psychopaths who have captured the machinery of policy, governance and justice, I do wish my name to be recorded as having been on the right side of history. I do not wish to be a part of the faceless psychotic masses who've been meticulously gaslit into compliance, indeed cooperation with, their own demise and the demise of the democratic experiment.
I am under no illusion that this court is any less captured by this cabal. Just know that when the days of reckoning arrive, which they inevitably will, you and those of your organisation who facilitated and perpetuated this genoocidal project, will face a traumatised and deeply irrational public. A savage and unreasonable public who's inconsolable outrage will be expressed in ways that defile our notions of civilisation.
You have a brief window to place yourselves on the right side of history. You can still be seen as heros of this ordeal instead of just another office full of collaborators to lynch. It's just what happens to collaborators at these times... Know your history and remove the filters of your arrogance to understand what's heading your way if you are perceived by the hordes of emotionally compromised survivors who will be baying for blood, to be complicit in what is unfolding today.

Paul O'Dowd (Port Douglas , 2021-11-27)


The whole issue of Covid virus mandates, lockdowns, etc…. in the United States is unconstitutional.

Wes Burns (Alta Loma , 2021-11-27)


What is happening around the world with this “pandemic” is criminal and the forced experimental vaccine and all the harm it’s doing is even worse.

Suzan Mottl (Nanaimo, 2021-11-27)


Criminals need to be jailed or executed.

Melvin David (Auckland , 2021-11-27)


I know two teenagers with cardiac issues post vaccine and have experienced side effects myself

mark pool (dunedin, 2021-11-27)


I am awake to this evil.

Nigel Wall (Foxton, 2021-11-27)


We need to be an advocate for those not able to speak for themselves or make genuine informed consent, especially the children of the world.

Glenda Johnson (Northland, 2021-11-27)


I fully support Dr. Fleming’s documents and I am in agreement that these Crimes against Humanity should be investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Rosemarie Acker (Elk, 2021-11-27)


We must bring an end to those responsible for crimes against humanity before it to late. The sooner, the better.

Steven Boshoff (Brisbane , 2021-11-27)


All governments need to be jailed at least or the death penalty for crimes against humanity

Marrhew Mulder (Tocumwal, 2021-11-27)


These atrocities must end, and someone must be held accountable so that our future selves may never repeat this horrendous mistake against humanity.

Mark Osborne (Ohiwa, 2021-11-27)


I’m signing because all around the world governments are in violation of The Nuremberg Code, the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The people behind this and those pushing this on us are guilty of crimes against humanity. This must stop!

Carol Hinton (Auckland , 2021-11-27)


I know the COBID-19 injection is killing people and we need to stop this.

Zoe Goodson (San Francisco, 2021-11-27)



John Byrne (Cork, 2021-11-27)


Human rights in my country and around the world are being seriously breached, and i believe genocide is occuring.

Jen Williams (Palmerston north, 2021-11-27)


I would like to see individuals who are causing crimes against humanity pertaining to the gain of function research, COVID virus and vaccines to be indicted and further investigations done to bring those who are causing harm to people, brought to justice.

Edward Romero (Alba, 2021-11-27)


Crimes against humanité must be stopped!

David Charlet (Guilherand Granges, 2021-11-27)


I'm signing because this is government overreach!

Amy Andreas (Roswell, 2021-11-27)


These people must be stopped.

Dennis Brown (McDonough, 2021-11-27)


I believe that the COVID jab and all the mandates associated with Covid and the staye of emergency are crimes against humanity!

Sabrina Kincaid (Upsala , 2021-11-27)


People need to be held accountable ,convicted and punished for the deaths and injuries as a result of this plandemic unleashed on humanity that we are currently living through.

arie grootenboer (kakabeka falls, 2021-11-27)


The “treatment protocol” given to patients in hospitals is wrong. Why don’t we ever see people who’ve died of covid 19 in their homes? Or homeless people who’ve died from it? Where are all of the deaths? Primarily in hospitals. Also in nursing homes, but honestly how many people in nursing homes die each year from any cause? Often they are there because they are dying. American hospitals are doing something wrong! We have less than 5% of the world’s population, yet we have nearly 50% of all of the Covid-19 deaths worldwide. Something doesn’t add up!

When treatments are given to those with early symptoms, they are recovered to health in vast numbers. Why is this censored? Why are those treatments being demonized? If the government is really for our health and safety wouldn’t it be promoting what actually works rather than what lines their pockets with money?

MayAnn Severud (Plymouth , 2021-11-27)


The people that are responsable deserve life in prison

Kelly Farrell (Steinbach, 2021-11-27)


Anyone who abuses power to take away someone's God-given freedom must be held accountable

Tonia Hammerich (Brisbane, 2021-11-27)


I believe in holding those in power accountable for their knowledge of widespread destruction and harm to the masses and covering up for the perpetrators. They are complicit and should be exposing the crimes against humanity. Most sit back and take payoffs to further their own agenda, feeling safe from the effects of their decisions that will impact the majority of us for generations to come.

Cindy Rutecki (Blasdell, 2021-11-27)


THIS IS A CRIME … my body my choice not theirs to make a decision what goes in my body

Lucy Simone (Vaughan , 2021-11-27)


What is going in in regard to Covid vaccines being mandated is immoral and illegal. People are being murdered !

Jessica Klein (Peachland, 2021-11-27)


I'm the only one who have the right to decide about my health. This right is in the Constitution and no political power can force me to do what is against my rights.

Anna Costiniero (Vancouver, 2021-11-27)


Je to svinstvo

Atelier Vachova (Kamenický Šenov, 2021-11-27)


I abhor tyranny and tyrants won't back down. They need to be overthrown...

Devlin Wollstein (Manifold Heights, 2021-11-27)


I´m signing

Monika Skodova (Liptovsky Mikulas, 2021-11-27)


I'm signing - as a German citizen, who is aware of the crimes against humanity, that have been committed during the 3rd Reich and who understands the political manipulations (like the Ermächtigungsgesetz) that have paved the way for this system to be created!

Christoph Krafft (Guldental, 2021-11-27)


We are autonomous citizens...given freedoms from God, not govt ...

Justin Acosta (North Hollywood, 2021-11-27)


I believe in best practice science, equility, freedom of choice and the power of we.
Patricia Panfili

Patricia Panfili (Montreal, 2021-11-27)


The genocide must stop!

Lesley Kinney (KATOOMBA, 2021-11-27)


I believe that the current government in New Zealand have broken every law that is historically been created to eliminate dictatorships and communism and cause people to be held accountable for acts of crime against humanity when breaking such laws. Taking actions against innocent people that will cause them to be imprisoned, lose thier job or business or main source of income by requiring them to believe a certain thing or suffer as a result. Is this not a crime against humanity

John Glover (Auckland, 2021-11-27)


Prosecute crimes against humanity, genocides, war crimes
It is the mandate that the ICC has as it is summarized in the initial declaration in the Rome Statute

Mónica Barrón (Ciudad de México, 2021-11-28)


I’m signing because the people who need to be tried at Nuremberg 2.0 are at WAR against We The People of planet earth. Crimes against humanity are being committed at an epic worldwide scale through the pretext of the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon and the dangerous/deadly Covid-19 “vaccine” BIOWEAPONS which are being coerced on people with the end goal of rolling out a digital ID currency aimed at controlling our entire existence (financial, freedom of movement, shopping, travel, healthcare, employment, carbon usage, social credit score, resume/CV, credentials, freedom of speech, opportunities, social life, exercise, leisure, and so on). Their aim is to turn all of humanity (except themselves) into slaves. Vaccine passports are the pathway to this evil agenda.

Politicians have DELIBERATELY and UNJUSTIFIABLY destroyed economies, businesses, supply lines and the financial well-being of millions worldwide (including me). This too is part of the psychopathic criminals’ plan to force people onto a digital ID and UBI—turning us all into chattel. Masks aren’t about safety. They are meant to dehumanize society and children—all part of an evil trans-humanist scheme.

Hospital systems are denying safe and effective treatments while administering HIGHLY PROFITABLE and deadly ventilators and drugs such as remdesivir, and drug combos that cause multiple organ failure, flood the lungs with fluid (kidney failure), and suppress breathing. Many hospitals are killing people on purpose.

Children and adults are being permanently maimed, disabled, diseased, and murdered by the vaccines. Besides the alarming number of deaths, these bioweapon “vaccines” are causing an unprecedented increase in adverse events, such as permanent disabilities, paralysis, cancers, neurological disorders, prion diseases, cardiac disorders, miscarriages, stillborns, death of nursing babies, seizure and convulsion disorders, and many other illnesses, as documented by doctors, scientists, and adverse event reporting systems.

Legacy media, governments, and government agencies constantly lie and send all the wrong cues about what is constitutional, legal, ethical, safe and effective. NONE OF THIS IS LEGAL. Yet countries across the globe are participating. In turn, state/provincial and local governments, school boards, and businesses take their cue from the New Illegal Normal diktats, by enforcing lockdowns, quarantine camps, and mask, social distancing, vax and vax passport mandates.

While promoting dangerous big-pHarma-funded Fake Science lies and disinfo, social media giants censor and de-platform people who share accurate information.

This.All.Must.End.Now. All people—from international VIPs all the way down to local level politicians, school leaders, media, social media, and healthcare workers—who support and administer these vaccines and dictates must be tried at Nuremberg 2.0, starting from the head of the snake on down. This needs to happen NOW or it will be too late.

Failure to do due diligence in one’s own occupational field is, in this case, criminal negligence. “I didn’t know” and “I was just following orders” are NOT reasonable excuses for ruining people’s lives by inflicting financial sabotage, educational disruptions, mental health harm, bodily harm, torture, manslaughter, quarantine of the healthy, child abuse, and outright coercion through vaccine passports, masks, mandates, and closures of schools, businesses, and places of worship. Full stop.

Caryl Hernandez (Live Oak, FL, 2021-11-28)


I have seen extensive information on the Covid-19 vaccine and believe the vaccine is a bio-weapon designed to kill or reduce population. Any and all persons associated with this vaccine should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. John Michaels

John Michaels (Argyle, 2021-11-28)


This is not the world I was born into, I want it all back to the previous ‘normal’, and those who created these crimes brought to justice!

Tibor Horvath (Blacktown , 2021-11-28)


I'm signing this because the wicked filth need to be dealt with harshly !!!

Dale Evjen (Stony Plain, 2021-11-28)


History simply needs to be truthful, just and humane. Greed is the blinding factor of the elite's.

Annette Windrim (Durban , 2021-11-28)


I am signing this, because I FULLY believe the people who conspired to bring this vaccine through this virus & create a world of utter devastation, death, isolation, broken relationships, financial hardships, multiple suicides & mental health issues, should be brought to account for their actions. Thank you.

Elizabeth Of the house of PETERS (Hamilton, 2021-11-28)


These criminals need to be prosecuted, found guilty of crimes against humanity, and sentenced to death by firing squad.

Billy Riddle (Dallas, 2021-11-28)

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