Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



The Billionaire Globalists and big Corpoations, the Freemasons and world governments and all people behind this treason including those who have partaken in the vaccination and coerced individuals to take the Jabe should be prosecuted according to the Nuremberg Code 2.0

Tony Edwards (Gold Coast, 2021-12-02)


I believe in Freedom of choice. This is crime against humanity

Birgit Boesche (Lagos, 2021-12-02)


Forcing people to use an experimental gene therapy that is know to have safety issues is a mass violation of human rights and freedoms. Forcing this experimentation on healthy children who have less risk from Covid-19 than the vaccines is malpractice in the name of public health. And forcing people who have had Covid-19 and survived and have robust immunity is also malpractice. There are many cost effective and proven early treatment theraputics that can be used to treat Covid-19 and should be supported and allowed.

Larry Awe (Des Plaines, 2021-12-02)


Its crimes against humanity, to experiment a bio weapon given for a virus 99.95 % survivable...when ivermectin at a few cents would stop it .
Please don't let don't let give to our kids to kill & damage our wee precious ones......

crean Diane (Mermaid waters, 2021-12-02)


Sick of discrimination and loss of human rights!

Sonya Duffu (Co monaghan , 2021-12-02)


Human rights ?

Bernadette Pollock (Monaghan , 2021-12-02)


Zdraví je to nejdůležitější. Nesouhlasím se zvuli neodpovednych vlád světa.

Jana Enenklova (Čelákovice, 2021-12-02)


I’m signing because I am a free citizen. I consider this to be violence against citizens. I will even fight for our freedom.

Juraj Rác (Stupava, 2021-12-02)


They should be prosecuted n be better if it was in military court as they are traitors.

John Lewis (Windellama, 2021-12-02)


It is the worst crime against humanity ever committed on a global scale. The innocent humans, babies and children included, are suffering and being killed, while the guilty perpetrators are plotting, lying and getting wealthy of the suffering they cause.

Tobie de Villiers (Cape Town, 2021-12-02)


Im signing this because I have doubts about curent situation

Michal Mozdík (Vráble, 2021-12-02)


Svoboda neni zadarmo. Svobodu je treba chranit a bojovat za ni.
Globalisticky nadnarodni teror je nezbytne ukoncit a jeho aktery odsoudit.

Marek Strnad (Praha, 2021-12-02)


I belive...

Holst Barbro (Nässjö, 2021-12-02)


Ich eine andere Vorstellung von Demokratie und Grundrechten erleben durfte und dieses so auch meinen Kindern wünsche..

Uwe Holzhauer (Füssen, 2021-12-02)


I believe all those in government have knowingly used the people of Australia to take part in an experiment without due care for the health and wellbeing of those adversely affected. Making an injection mandatory for continuing employment and full participation in society, without being honest about the numerous adverse reactions (not allowing medical practitioners to speak out) is criminal behaviour and all involved must be held accountable.

Kathleen Peek (Tumbi Umbi, 2021-12-02)


Enough deceit
Time for the truth to prevail
We are awakening
The lion sleeps no more
Those who have betrayed humanity must pay

Fred Landau (London, 2021-12-02)


We NEED the truth out to EVERYONE. We need to protect our future generations. Our children MUST be spared. PLEASE

Pamela Twitchell (Athol, 2021-12-02)


I am afraid of using an experminary vaccine against to me and my family, which has not undergone proper research, toxicological tests and no serious side effects.

Dominika Šamajová (Bytča, 2021-12-02)


All of these evil vaccine pushing troglodytes need to be brought to justice for breaching the Nuremberg code, and injecting people with a bio-weapon. It’s abhorrent and despicable acts like the coercion and blackmail that they have been purposely forcing this experimental gene therapy on innocent people, that all involved, Police, politicians, media, celebrities, CEO’s, Compromised scientists and Doctors all need to pay for their crimes against humanity.

Craig Letourneau (Sylvania, 2021-12-02)


Early treatments for Covid have been ignored, and worse, blocked by regulatory agencies ! Many lives could have been saved if physicians had been able to practice medicine and people would have been treated for Covid early in their illnesses. People’s adverse events from the Covid vaccines are beïng ignored and censored and mass "vaccinations" with a still experimental substance, even in young kids (!) are unsurpassed Crime's Against Humanity on epic scale..!

D. J. Kwast (Amsterdam, 2021-12-02)


Covid is hoax.

Václav Holzknecht (Český Brod , 2021-12-02)


I'm signing because this not bearable. How can we force people to inject exêrimental GMOs to get protected from a desease that kills such a small fraction of the weakest people with como

MOREUX NICOLAS (challes les eaux, 2021-12-02)


I'm angry that the public is being lied to, being forced to have vaccines(?) that cause so much harm will no benefit, governments are essentially complicit in the depopulation agenda, personal autonomy is threatened, society is suffering socially, emotionally, financially and I dare say and hope not physically. It's all SO WRONG! I'm an RN who was considered an excellent clinician, I can no longer work. Even if this changes, I do not think I could ever work in the public health service or any other health service that has not defended the welfare of the people they are suppose to serve and "do no harm". Everything I ever held in great esteem, informed consent, patient rights, privacy and engagement means nothing anymore. Medical issues belong with the health providers and their patients, not politicians and the world. Shame on the health providers who have done nothing, didn't research and didn't care. Criminal justice ought to be served to those orchestrating the fear and the narrative that has blinded the world into believing the false narrative as their safest option.

Mary Beth Allen (Sydney, 2021-12-02)


These criminals should be held accountable

antonio nielsen (greenbank, 2021-12-02)


I am against the use and taking of the bioweapon vaccine. It has been shown that it is a threat to humanity and the powers who are behind this vaccine are looking to reduce the population of the world.

Dennis Baum (Mansfield, OH, 2021-12-02)


They all deserve to hang, treason, malfeasance, misfeasance, genocide

Steve Kelly (Perth , 2021-12-02)


I’m signing to endure justice of the victims

Zoe Palmer (Bastrop , 2021-12-02)


I’m signing because there are enough evidences of crime against humanity (through mandates vax with an experimental drug and denying the basics rights for unvaxed individuals or early treatment) and tyranny government policies (abusive lockdowns, curfews and restricted services).

Vera Schmitt (Melbourne, 2021-12-02)


Those responsible for so much pain and suffering must be brought to justice.

Mary Lyons-Watson (Nutfield, 2021-12-03)


This is wrong

Rebecca Maria (Whitby , 2021-12-03)


there is a total abuse of Human rights taking place in Australia

Barry Potiphar (Albury, 2021-12-03)


You are murdering the people of the world...the evidence is as presented. Coercion to vaccinated and to be dismissed for not adhering to a employer request when the falsely described vaccine is in experimental stage to April 2023 ... I haven't my job because I refused to inject this poisen into my body...

Peter Kanaris (Sydney , 2021-12-03)


Lawlessness will unleash Hell.
Satan is mighty but God is Almighty.
I place this matter with God, may He help us stop this evil.

Sade Miskin (Kalgoorlie , 2021-12-03)


Svoboda a vlastní rozhodnutí o svém životě a zdraví je a má být svrchovaným rozhodnutím jednotlivce.

Otakar Linhart (Mladá Boleslav, 2021-12-03)


As a seasoned medical researcher, formerly of the Australian health system, I am extremely disturbed by the gross malpractice by health authorities and the pharma industry aided by mainstream media. These Covid-19 vaccines are causing widespread and irreversible damage to people and must be immediately stopped. Dr. P. Bandara

Priyanka Bandara (Sydney, 2021-12-03)


Chcem aby boli experimenty na ľuďoch potrestané

Štefan Devečka (Galovany, 2021-12-03)


I want the lies and the Governments to pay for what they have done to the world.

Lynda Mattucci (Norwood, 2021-12-03)


I care I don't want people to suffer and I have children and grandchildren that I want to see have a chance at a good life.

Angela Goff (Kemp, 2021-12-03)


What is happening to the world's citizens is didn't scarfice their lives in WW2 so that the world can now betargeted by rich money hungry perpetrators the worst type of criminals of all mankind...

Judy Oppermann (Adare, 2021-12-03)


Manditory medical procedures are unlawful, and people breaking these laws must be stopped and brought to trial.

Michael Dawson (Melbourne, 2021-12-03)


I’m signing this because of the numerous violations of our human rights with the numerous vaccination mandates and the fact that there is no discussion of the ‘Science’ or freedom of choice available to us as individuals!

Jenny Tappenden (Tauranga , 2021-12-03)


The pandemic does not exist, 2 deaths from pneumonia do not make a pandemic in Canada Our bodies, our choice. The variance is your vaxxed bodies not being able to completely kill the flu. The vaxxines kill your immune system, the common cold will be the next pandemic, if this continues. We do not want the vaxxines that are test vaxxines, that were contrived to make money for people in power and to depopulate the world, and take away our rights and freedoms. It is time to hold all parties that started this lie, all parties that made the killer vaccines, all persons that gave the vaccines, all people that paid off companies to contribute to the socialist takeover all the corrupt politicians, around the world, all people that were involved in the WHO, all people paid to lie to make this communist conspiracy come together, to be tried and put to death.

Connie Hajdik (Surrey, 2021-12-03)


Diese Verbrecher müssen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden.
Ihre Korrupten Machenschaften müssen öffentlich gemacht werden.
Nieder mit der Sklaverei...

Harald Kunz (Langen (Hessen), 2021-12-03)


Es sich durch die Impfungen um Mord nach Plan handelt.

Mats Roennhed (Putbus, 2021-12-03)


I believe in freedom

Michal Kuruc (Komjatice , 2021-12-03)


Basic human rights and freedoms have been taken away all over the world since March 2020. Through fear, persuasion, bribery and now, more frequently, coercion, people all over the globe have lost fundamental individual and social rights: freedoms of speech, assembly, movement, and choice. It is unconscionable that humans are coerced into invasive, toxic, and untested medical interventions. The safeguards put in place after WW2 are not adequate to deal with the current tyrannies. The globally synchronised actions of individuals globally, within governments or their agencies, or within transnational corporations, have already cost countless human lives –- denial of inexpensive early treatment protocols, censorship of information, vaccine injuries and medical malpractice, besides the economic/social consequences of ‘lockdowns’ and stress. We urgently need effective transnational criminal proceedings to be brought against those identified as carrying out these crimes against humanity at an international level, but who are still dictating our freedoms. Besides the individuals frequently identified as key actors (The Gates Foundation, FDA, WEF, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, these is also a long list of those culpable but not well known: . I hope from the bottom of my heart that prosecution in the ICCC can at last root out these sociopaths.

Wendy Miller (Tavistock, 2021-12-03)


These criminals need to pay for their crimes

Neville Pelns (Palmerston , 2021-12-03)


Those that are responsible for these crimes against humanity need to be held responsible!

David Schwartz (Covington, 2021-12-03)


Unlawful process and personal rights are being taken away.

Neil Godfrey (San Pedro, 2021-12-03)


Podepisuji tuto petici

Jiřina Lučivňákova (Rohatec, 2021-12-03)


Contre ce génocide organisé

Isabelle Vercauteren (Lambersart, 2021-12-03)


If there is any justice left in this world (not hopeful), this needs to be heard

Mia Creeley (Altrincham, 2021-12-03)

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