Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Crimes Against Humanity

Irena Emeršič (Ljubljana, 2021-12-06)


I agree.

Silvie Otáhalová (Zdětín, 2021-12-06)


I am signing because:
1. I contracted Covid 19 and had it for four weeks. Even six months later I still have some symptoms.
2. I likely could have avoided infection or had reduced symptoms or shorter length of illness if I had access to various treatments, but was denied those treatments by local or the federal governments.
3. My ability to exercise my rights and my freedom has been abridged in many ways. My right to move about freely has been diminished. My right to be secure in my person and papers has been violated. I have been forced to surrender my privacy in order to receive medical treatment.
4. Because of the pandemic and the government response to it, the economy in which I interact, both locally and in the world, has been greatly damaged. This has resulted in a reduced standard of living and a loss of financial resources.
5. There are other reasons that I have signed, but they are too numerous to list.

Joel Kohtz (Shelby Township, 2021-12-06)


I want to participate in suing the government for ALL the wrong they have done to the American people!!!

Cathy Claterbaugh (Garland, 2021-12-06)


I believe that Epworth Hospital management in Richmond, among others, has clearly breached the Nuremberg code by coercing staff to take an experimental medication in order to keep working.

Scott Barker (Melbourne, 2021-12-06)


I stand for freedom of choice not segregation and experimentation

Kevin St Clair (London, 2021-12-06)


Nesouhlasím s povinným očkováním COVID-19

Helena Birosova (Plzeň, 2021-12-06)


Crimes against humanity! Someone needs to be held acountable!

ruth TROYER (Nappanee, 2021-12-06)


Life on earth depends on the result of this petition and others like it.,God help us!

Rodijah Peters (Petaluma, 2021-12-06)


These are crimes against humanity which must be stopped - now!

Bruce Theobald (Chicago, 2021-12-06)


I am signing this because I do not want to live in dystopian nightmare world.

Marjan Resnik (tržič, 2021-12-06)


I hate crime

Boris Gabrijel (ZIDANi MOST, 2021-12-06)


If not me then who will fight for my children, I brought them into this world and witnessed the miracle of their first breath and I will oppose this tyranny with every last breath in me

Roberta Heverin (Castlebar, 2021-12-06)


I would very much like this prosecution to be successful

Wallace Lawton (Auckland, 2021-12-06)


I want my civil rights back! I want my kids to be safe.

Tanja Hršak (Ljubljana, 2021-12-06)


For my children!

Kohn Gay (St Petersburg , 2021-12-06)


I believe that unless all free people protest crimes against our health and freedoms tyrants will continue to rule and kill the innocent.

Mary Cherek (Dekalb, 2021-12-06)


It is a CRIME against Humanity.

DEJAN VALEK (CELJE, 2021-12-07)


Because this is a crime against humanity.

Deanne Mathews (Melbourne , 2021-12-07)


This Tyranny needs to stop !

Julie Wieriks (Mooloolah Valley, 2021-12-07)


The EUA is invalid and wrong as there are proven safe therapeutics available. The people pushing this on an unsuspecting scared population are pure evil. The past 18 months have had an adverse effect on patients too scared to get their regular treatments and so are now suffering from delayed or inadequate treatments. The restrictions to movement and socialisation have had a devastating impact on the mental status of millions of people.

John Lamont (Camden, 2021-12-07)


Because i care, and i hate this crime against humanity. Please make this world a better place. Imagine all the people living life in peace.

Engku Ali Ridha Engku Hassan (Kuala Lumpur, 2021-12-07)


It is right to do it.

Mihael Mavrič Štros (Bohinjska Bistrica, 2021-12-07)


We HAVE to S T O P this crime against humanity NOW!!!!!

Hendrien Liebenberg (Riversdal, 2021-12-07)


Stop segregacji sanitarnej.

Marek Lewandowski (Kwidzyn, 2021-12-07)


Vse kar se ti dve leti dogaja je zločin proti ljudem,osebni svobodi in izbiri ter svobodi govora!!!

Jože Lekše (Cerklje Ob Krki, 2021-12-07)


This world has lost the plot. The power trip and totalitarian control is ruining peoples freedom. In the words of Michael Jackson “they don’t care about us”

Thad M (London, 2021-12-07)



Lisa Gerring (Mdlbourne, 2021-12-07)


This crime against humanity is bad far the worst in history, no country no county no person is safe from the medical apartheid that is in the for of the lie COVID pandemic run by the world wealthy. We the people of the world will not stop fighting and will have justice against the evil 38 wealthiest people in the world that worship satan and take part in child abuse/molestation and sexual abuse.

Cease and desist and surrender now the world know who you are and you will pay dearly for your crimes against humanity.

Vicki Scholes (Newcastle, 2021-12-07)


I believe to human being should ever be told what to do w their own body. A persons body belongs to them. No one should ever impose their beliefs or mandates of any kind onto someone else. We are a free society. Our Lord Jesus Christ is our true leader. And no man or woman shall try and replace him.

Kyna Weaver (Lafayette , 2021-12-07)


The people responsible should face reality and take responsibility for their criminal acts.

Tim Butara (Ljubljana, 2021-12-07)


Kill the cabal

Slade Manes (Spicewood, 2021-12-07)


I'm signing because these crimes against humanity need to end. They have killed people and destroyed lives. Everything they have done has made the bioweapon China virus worse. Time to end the tyranny.

John Roberts (Charlotte, 2021-12-07)


When is enough is enough.

Gorazd Klep (Wagna, 2021-12-07)


Diese Welt Diktatur muss gleich verschwinden!!!!

Jana Jirakova (Linz, 2021-12-07)


This is against our human rights and downright bloody cruel. These sick bastards that are doing is should have the same done to them . Dusgusting behaviour

Edna Hemming (EUROA, 2021-12-07)


Bring the dictators to justice for criminal acts against humanity.Dont let the 2nd holocaust continue or you will be accountable too.

Mick Doherty (Sheffield , 2021-12-07)


Som zhrozený tým obrovským tlakom vakcinácie experimentálnou "vakcínou"

Peter Bálint (Trenčianske Teplice, 2021-12-07)


Kovid pravzaprav vojna

Janez Pintarič (Velenje, 2021-12-07)


Nesouhlasím s obnovením totality vládou ČR a vedením EU, s porušováním lidských práv a s fašizací celé EU.

Vladimír Olšanský (Troubky nad Bečvou, 2021-12-07)


Covid vaccinations are being proven to be unsafe. They do not prevent contraction or transmission of the virus, they do not prevent hospitalisation or death. They are causing deaths and disabilities as well as miscarriages. The manufacturers own data shows deaths directly caused by these drugs, as well as the cardiac, vascular and neurological issues that are developing post vax.
To force, coerce, blackmail or even suggest people put these into their bodies is a crime against humanity, not to mention the coercive measures of lockdowns, vaccination certification, segregation of society, psychological harms being perpetrated upon people via a constant state of threat and fear.
The response to this supposed pandemic is in direct violation of everyone's basic human rights.

Joanne Teagle (Leicester, 2021-12-07)


I am signing this document because it is prohibited to do experiment on human beings... because I am healthy and all my family and we had covid and survive and all the governments are mafia who want to kill people.

Katarína Badurová (Zákopčie, 2021-12-07)


I can no longer partake in many activities because I am young, fit and healthy and chose to abstain from taking a non-sterilising 'vaccine'. The consequences of refusing the shot are now effecting my children as I can no longer take them to many activities or businesses.

Clare Quinn (Dublin , 2021-12-07)


I agree with the petition in that there have been many and ongoing crimes against humanity

Geoffrey Dowey (Ballyclare, 2021-12-07)


The world that we love in has become a very scary place due to our governments, no one should be forced to do anything against their will, nor should they be vilified for having a different choice. I want a safe place for my child to grow up in l.

Jennifer Barrie (Barton-upon-Humber, 2021-12-07)


I am signing because all the mandates and illegal rules are out of control, these people need to be held accountable!

Alexander Fortier (Syracuse, 2021-12-07)


Stop this madness

Lukáš Čudek (Prague, 2021-12-07)


I’m signing this petition because I believe that crimes against the humanity has been committed!

Sirlei Guidry (New Orleans , 2021-12-07)


Jacinda Arden is knowingly committing genocide and has been paid 20 million to do so.

Alanna Ratna (TaurRanga, 2021-12-07)


All those happenings in relation with desease questions must get an answer and epilog.

Marjan Kalan (Bled, 2021-12-07)

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