Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Let us live!

Lola M (Beograd, 2021-12-07)


Please, let's rid the planet of these criminals and genocidal psychopaths before they destroy us.

Bryan Cramer (Victoria, 2021-12-07)


Genocidal scamdemic-perpetuating maniacs MUST be brought to justice - no matter how long it takes!

Steve Nethercott-Cable (Worthing, 2021-12-07)


Alles was Politiker machen ist gegen Menschliche freiheit und gegen Recht!

Alina Tafallari (Za tavirnou 121, Cesky Krumlov, 2021-12-07)


I am not giving up my freedom for anything. We the 99% are the majority, we collectively refuse to be controlled by the 1%

Farida Zaman (Londin, 2021-12-07)


Nuremberg 2



The level of crimes against humanity is disgusting and the criminals need to be held The Justice Australia has had enough the world has had enough

Loryn Fox (Tahmoor, 2021-12-07)


I do not consent to my human rights being taken.

Kim Harp (Wellington , 2021-12-08)


I’v been informing myself from day one on how the best way to protect myself from the virus and experiencing life(freedom)at the same time.My conclusion from experience is the virus was not any different to me than most influenza viruses,didn’t witness anyone becoming majorly sick.Heard about a few from hearsay and through mainstream media which seemed to me trying to instill fear in me and others,a propaganda type instill.This is when I knew something was totally wrong. My constant pursue of information education on this has got me here! Thankfully Rod

Rod Hofmeister (Anchorage, 2021-12-08)


From my personal experience I have seen too many suffering the long term detrimental effects or death of a jab. This genocide has to stop now!

Chereyl Jackman (Deception Bay, 2021-12-08)


I am concerned that vaccines, that have not completed trials, are being pushed into children, without full knowledge of long term health effects

Diane Wilde (Perth, 2021-12-08)


I'm signing because vaccine mandates blackmail and segregate people. Segregation is just a pretext for eradication - History Lesson #1.

Jasmine Demin (Toronto, 2021-12-08)


The intentional killing and injuring of humanity by criminals needs to stop! They must be brought to justice!

Anne Slater (Lower beechmont, 2021-12-08)


Human rights and dignity must be protected in human society.

Michal Minář (Horní Jelení, 2021-12-08)


Something detrimental to the human race is going on, by people who've worked their way up into powerful and influential positions over humanity. Those guilty of harming humanity must be held accountable - convicted of their crimes and stopped immediately from further harming the people of this world.

Beth Pike (Colorado Springs,, 2021-12-08)


Nesouhlasím s tím co se děje, chci chránit sebe i svou rodinu.

Michaela Hanzalová (Vodňany, 2021-12-08)


I do not believe this manufactured pandemic and the huge Government overreach is based on truth. Something is wrong when Governments coordinate to lock their populations down, subject them to 24/7 propaganda - mind control, then claim the economic, relationship and mental destruction was for our health!

80 million people die EVERY YEAR through malnutrition. They DO NOT need billions of dollars in research to find a cure. They just need FOOD!

The world WILL be a better place if ALL the truth is known and ALL the perpetrators are brought to justice.

John Aquilina (Sydney, 2021-12-08)


These trials need to be held as soon as can be as hundreds of millions of human lives are at stake.

Larry Ryan (Sacramento, 2021-12-08)


The overreach by the Australian governments to this seemingly man-made virus makes this a priority to bring those responsible to account.

Michael White (Coes Creek, 2021-12-08)


The people deserve the truth! There was never a COVID-19 pandemic!

Jonas Van de Vyver (Gent, 2021-12-08)


Som proti povinnému očkovaniu Covid 19!!!!!!

Iveta Gajdošová (Kechnec, 2021-12-08)


I agree Otto Gender

Otto Gender (Liptovský Mikuláš, 2021-12-08)


Wee lost ower freedom all redy

Marjan Bebar (Trbovlje , 2021-12-08)


its time to take these satanists and pedophiles out for good

Gordon Noble (Galashiels, 2021-12-08)


Crimes have been committed against humanity

Laura Bailey (Getzville , 2021-12-08)


Věřím v dobro.

Dana Tesařová (Dívčice, 2021-12-08)


Its enough crime against humanity! Everyone who're responsable must go into jail!

Bojana Petrej (Šentjanž pri Dravogradu, 2021-12-08)


Victory of the light

Tata Maia (Santos, 2021-12-08)


1. Volume of evidence that the Covid-19 pandemic was human engineered is staggering.
2. "Normal" medical treatment protocols (Remdesivir + intubation) is devastatingly harmful.
3. Medical community is denying the existence of natural immunity
4. The mRNA and DNA so-called vaccines are not vaccines - they are gene modification therapies and contain deadly proteins.
5. The number of casualties from Covid-19 has been greatly exaggerated for the purpose of increasing fear in the population and enticing people to accept a harmful "vaccine".
6. The "vaccines" have caused the death of tens of thousands of people, and is the most deadly "vaccine" ever devised.
7. The media has colluded with pharmaceutical companies and governments to hide information detrimental to the narrative from the public.

Thomas Cole (Las Vegas, 2021-12-08)


Vaccines are not showing results and cant be developed in this short of time. There are other method that are not presented. This is testing on humanity.

Simon Markovič (Šentvid pri Stični, 2021-12-08)


People are still dying because of this.

Lisa Harrelson (Glendale, 2021-12-08)


I don’t trust the vaccine that is actually being tested.

Ivana Váradi Chalupecká (Veltrusy, 2021-12-08)


Alerte persecution etat profond oms abus e pouvoirs des politiques t administrations patronales.soignants.couper les mourns de vivre chantahes vaccinales lordque le traitement qui sont BIENTOT EST efficacy pour avoir le choix .personne ne e preoccupe du cas par cas des antecedents Medicaid du peuples avant de force a ce faire vacciner.

Stephanie Viac (06500, 2021-12-08)


Corona ist the biggest lie to destroy the economy and to kill the people.

Please do something

Nada Kosi (Dobl-Zwaring, 2021-12-08)


Covid is stinks

Martin Skolka (Prague, 2021-12-08)


What they've done is diabolical beyond comparison and they must be held accountable. ALL of them.

Sean Mccormick (Rome, 2021-12-08)


The lies and propaganda have cost way more life than the alleged disease, its time to shine a light on the truth and put those responsible (Fauci, Gates among others) to trial.

Alex Palmgren (Hägersten, 2021-12-08)


I care deeply about holding those responsible for the illegal mandates

Tyron Wasfi (Melbourne , 2021-12-09)


We need our liberties and freedoms restored. I want to see these evildoers brought to Justice who are perpetrating mass genocide and tyranny!

Amy Hudson (Anderson, 2021-12-09)


Because Whats going on on this Planet against Human Rights ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️

Tibor Hanzlik (Stratford upon Avon, 2021-12-09)



Zuzana Trudmanova (Rajcany 42Nadlice, 2021-12-09)


I'm signing this petition because I do not believe people should be forced to take any medication they do not want..especially untested unsafe medicine.
I do not trust the agenda or believe in the narrative spewed in the mainstream media.
I do not believe our governments and Bill Gates have our best interests at heart.
I believe the N.W.O exists and not for our benefit.

Lisa Messina van Der Merwe (Cape Town, 2021-12-09)


They are attacking our rights, humanity and our lives and security.

Martina Tomkova (Sarisske Bohdanovce, 2021-12-09)


Vera Reznickova

Vera Reznickova (Prag, 2021-12-09)


I am a sovereign indigneous human being from NZ. I am Maori a grandmother a mother. The N Z Corporation are illegally taken over control of our lives. Through scare tactics and manipulation they have forced many of our nation's people to be vaccinated against our will. If you do not comply to this experimental drug you lose your job, segregated from living and attending activities in society. Adern has separated families, one is mine. She is responsible for a high suicide rate again this has happened in my family. But now she is coming for our children this I am directly a witness to.
She is discriminating against the vaxed free using words like anti vax in her presentation to the media.
She is responsible for crimes against humanity and needs to be prosecuted for this

Tania King (Auckland, 2021-12-09)


lebo toto uz musi skoncit segregacia ludi

roman ferov (Holíč, 2021-12-09)


Basic human rights including those stated in the Nuremberg Code are being grossly violated by the Slovak government and many other governments of the world. Due to this, the health and lives of many people from the whole world have already been lost and the rest are in danger of losing it.

Nadia Sugár (Miloslavov, 2021-12-09)

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