Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



These crimes against humanity MUST STOP NOW!

Kathryn Helgerson (Onalaska , 2021-12-11)


Forced experimental vaccines and Big Pharma and world wide governments censorship and manipulation of pertinent information regarding this is a crime.

david nash (Phoenix, 2021-12-11)


Violations of the nuremberg code have been prosecuted in the past. They should be prosecuted now and in the future

Frank Breuer (Lindfield New South Wales, 2021-12-11)


I am signing because I believe that the people behind the “vaccine “ need to be held accountable for all the pain and suffering from adverse reactions and the mental health issues that have arisen from lockdowns and segregation. Nothing but coercion, bullying, lies and propaganda have we heard from world leaders and their so called science. Now it’s your turn to feel a little of what you have done to the world.

Tania Muller (Brisbane, 2021-12-11)


I'm signing because I am in favour of the inalienable human right of freedom and against any kind of unlawful coertion

Paulo Sérgio Fernandes Parola (Campinas, 2021-12-11)


I’m signing because here in Canada the provincial healthcare system Alberta Healthcare System (AHS) has put me on an unpaid leave of absence beginning Monday Dec 13, 2021 and all my benefits will be stopped as well as of December 31. This is according to an email I received from the HR Sept of AHS. All this is because I refuse to comply with the vaccination mandates for Covid 19!
I refuse to consent to the experimental gene therapy and I invoke my rights as a human to informed consent and the right to refuse any mandatory vaccination! I sign this petition so I can be a part of the movement that will help liberate humanity from the medical tyranny in the name of the man made pandemic.

Rachel Paul (Calgary, AB, 2021-12-11)


I believe in pro choice.

Jamie Brown (Adelaide, 2021-12-11)


I'm a recently retired Biomed with a decades long thirst for health information and secondary sources. I availed myself of acupuncture 50 odd years ago and have only wandered further from the mainstream medical narrative since. Always looking for Supportive science and keen observation from people who have earned my trust. I will never take your vaccine and any further acts of coercion or force will be resisted.

Terry Wilson (Allyn, 2021-12-11)



Warwick Coles (Geraldton , 2021-12-11)


I have over ten reasons for conscientious objection. This is no longer about the virus but global totalitarian takeover. The truth survives censorship.

Bernadette O'Brien (LAVINGTON, 2021-12-11)


Our Rights and our bodies are being abused and losing rights as in Nuremberg Code (1).

Gaye Bishop (Northcote, 2021-12-11)


I'm very worried.

M Stevens (Wiltshire, 2021-12-11)


This needs to stop.

Theodora Brennan (Eureka, 2021-12-11)


A million or more people have died needlessly. Effective treatments for Sars Cov2 have been suppressed, Lockdowns and social isolation have no basis in science and have harmed many millions of people. The experimental gene modification drugs are ineffective and have had more serious side effects and mortality than all other vaccines ever given in the history of vaccination, together, and all this for a virus that has a survival rate of 99.74%. The response to this "pandemic" has been both insane and intentionally and extremely evil.

Dieter Fruehwirth (Barrie, 2021-12-11)



Milan Karalo (Zvolen , 2021-12-11)


porušování lidských práv, genocída obyvatel
celé planety, nesmyslné vyhlášky a příkazy, odmítání pomoci odborníkmi na danou problematiku. Tak o co tady jde ? Požaduji o vyšetřování a odsouzení zodpovědných osob za tyto hrozné činy a za vzniklé dlouhodobé utrpení a následky vúči obyvatelúm !!!

Igor Černý (Praha, 2021-12-11)


I am signing in the hope that those responsible, for the biggest medical hoax perpetrated on the human race, be exposed and prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.

Nick Parker (Gisborne, 2021-12-11)


please put these murderers down.

robin cameron (marton, 2021-12-11)


I’m am signing this because it is the correct thing to do- to get rid of the corruption and tyranny from an evil government once and for all so we the British people and be free under common law which has always ruled our lands

Helen Charnley (Blackburn Lancashire, 2021-12-11)


Not only is are we suffering from removal of rights and freedom globally - including freedom of speech and mandatory vaccination with thousands of serious adverse reactions and deaths - as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, but there is planned and imminent removal of all freedom and rights with the Great Renewal.
This is tyranny in the making.

Elizabeth Salmon (Waikanae, 2021-12-11)


Because this is one of the biggest cases in human history.

Cornelus Vogels (Eindhoven, 2021-12-11)


Разследване и наказателно преследване на лицата, отговорни за престъпления срещу човечеството

Anna Gospodinova (Sliven, 2021-12-11)


I'm signing this because I'm standing up in the defense of those who are most vulnerable, the children. The forced gene therapies of mRNA injections on kids in grade school, in kindergarten, and even now newborns is unconscionable and ANYONE who participates in facilitates the gene therapy via hypodermic shot should be held accountable for crimes against the well being of humanity, and their penalties should be severe.
I will not comply with tyrannical rule and the undermining of life itself.
I choose well-being and the fostering of all life and that the purpose of my support in this referendum
... So help me GOD!

Daniel Childress (Independence, 2021-12-12)


Stop this madness.

Eun-Young Kim (Ottawa, 2021-12-12)


All Nuremburg Code rules have been broken, people are being used as lab rats and need to be exposed

Vickie Dembinski (BRANDON, 2021-12-12)


It is urgent!!!

Silvia Zobková (Bratislava, 2021-12-12)



Lubomir Majercik (Bratislava , 2021-12-12)


The vaccines are unsafe and it is wrong creating needs in society of vaccination passports or mandatory vaccination because we do not know the long term side effects and the short-term are way too risky. Also the vaccinated still spread the decease so I do not understand the logics.

Nathalie Håkansson (Stockholm, 2021-12-12)


This has been an unimaginable power grab by governments everywhere and I am concerned at the concerted deception promulgated by mainstream media to justify it when the fatality rate for normally healthy people is negligible by normal standards. The falsification of data, especially regarding injury from MRNA treatments masquerading as vaccines and the banning of proven cheap prophylactics. It fulfils all the requirements of a Crime Against Humanity.

W. O'Gorman (Newmarket, 2021-12-12)


These officials are definitely and wilfully violating the essential spirit of all the listed agreements and are using illegal coercion with the backing of state policing forces to pressure adherence. I consider this, at least malfeasance, but really more appropriately crimes against humanity.

Given this, I believe that if any court is not willing to prosecute this, then the moral structure of our institutions in society are all suspect and are subject to serious question as to their value.

Nigel Ellis (Nepean, 2021-12-12)


My family and friends would not listen to me, when I tried to warn them about this death jab,(aka vaccine). They are now getting sick, and some have died. I want justice!!!!! These satanic pedophiles in power WILL be stopped, one way or another.
WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🌏🇺🇸🌏❤

Carmine Simeone (Cocoa , 2021-12-12)


I was coerced by my employer to get vaccinated as condition of employment and believe they should not have any right. I suffered side effects mentally and physically after and fear for my future health due to this. Someone needs to be held accountable for god sake!

Shana Reinhart (Cranberry Twp , 2021-12-12)


It is immoral to injection any person with a serum that is in the experimental stages. You cannot give informed consent for such a procedure. Many studies done world wide now show the ineffectual nature of these serums. It is every human beings right to have sovereignty over their own bodies.

Kerry Mallett (Whangarei , 2021-12-12)


The mandating of this gene therapy technology on various Government Departments and businesses throughout New Zealand.

Brett Millns (Waikanae, 2021-12-12)


As a health care provider and a survivor of COVID-19 I am very concerned about the way this pandemic is being handled. I was denied early and effective treatment that resulted in my hospitalization. I am concerned about federal and state agencies who are threatening and actually punishing medical providers who are effectively treating patients with COVID-19 with the use of repurposed or off label medications.

Sammy Wade Crowson (Lubbock, 2021-12-12)


FDA, CDC, WHO killed my nephew with the mRNA injections.

john jauregui (McCall, 2021-12-12)


We are sick of this lies bullying , coercion , threatening , and isolation , enough is enough
My body my choice no government is going to be telling me what is best for me .
These are human rights, we are born free .
No governments have the right to take our freedoms away !
Leave us alone ! And our children's this is our life .

Venera Milanja (Nsw, 2021-12-12)


Discrimination people which don't want jag experiment vaccination for covid it's against of humanity and low. Bad side illness after vacination. Don't trust government and doctors they want make money against of humans health

Martina Zakova (White, 2021-12-12)


I’m signing because I believe in the individual’s right to make personal decisions regarding what goes in their own body.

Sally Barstow (Crozet, 2021-12-12)


I believe in freedom of choice and not being forced to take a vaccine

Kevin Forsyth (Salmon Arm, 2021-12-13)


For me it is obvious that the true purpose was never the coronavirus but something much sinister but my children were suckered and have taken 2 jabs. I pray the mandates are exposed so the babies escape this wicked thing.

Frederic Meyering (Alawa, 2021-12-13)


The people pushing the vaccination agenda need to be held accountable

Malcolm McRae (Manjimup, 2021-12-13)



Stanislav Sixta (Jirkov, 2021-12-13)


De onderste steen inzake dit biowapen moet bovenkomen en de daders moeten voor een Neurenbergh 2 tribunal komen

Albert Gysels (Antwerpen, 2021-12-13)


I am apalled at the way the world and my family have been deluded by the government.

Anthony Camlleri (Werri Beach, 2021-12-13)


The people of the world need...deserve....demand justice!!!

Sandra Robertson (Toowoomba, 2021-12-13)


I agree there are crimes being committed to humanity

Dean Dunne (Sheffield, 2021-12-13)


I believe, there is global conspiracy, of Gynecide against the population of the world, by the collective Governments of the world.

Mike Trowill (CAMBORNE, 2021-12-13)


je n'oublie rien ni personne

Christine CLOUTE (65420 - IBOS, 2021-12-13)


I'm signing because I have been effected by shedding in this plandemic and I believe my stroke I had while 7 months pregnant was caused by the influenza jab in 2016. I was healthy with no issues until the jab.

Monica Griffin (Celina, 2021-12-13)


I am signing because we do not need a repeat of the holocaust. The government over reach in this country is in direct violation of my constitutional rights as a United States Citizen.

Samantha Jones (Michigan city , 2021-12-13)


mass genocide deliberately and without remorse for financial gain

Mike Ridyard (Warrington , 2021-12-13)

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