Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



This is not pandemic but way to make people slaves!!!

Branka Hreljanovic (Rijeka, 2021-12-17)


I'm signing, because I don't like the medical fascism that has descended upon the Western world. I want a better future for my children and grandchildren. I want the truth about the covid crisis and want the culprits for it to be brought to justice!

sissy koleva (London, 2021-12-17)


My sister took the vaccine in April/May 2021. Neurologic symptoms started in July. 1st ER visit in August. Intubated in September. She died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in October. She was a healthy, athletic 55-yr old prior to the April 2021. She had no-comorbidities. This needs to be investigated.

Maria McIntire (Fort Walton Beach , 2021-12-17)


I want justice and freedom for all human beings on this planet

Maria-Cristina Bumbac (BORDEAUX, 2021-12-17)


I am a mother, grandmother and nurse of 43 years who honors the commitment in first do no harm, informed consent, benefit/risk analyses, bodily autonomy and the preservation of human dignity. I advocate for uncorrupted science = perverse incentive/conflict of interest free and open public discourse. I support the constitution of the US and all its amendments. I am addressing the unprecedented threat to all these established values and the overt subversion of the rule of law, like never before seen in my lifetime! I am far beyond alarmed. This must be ended immediately and the corrupt individuals and agencies responsible, held genuinely accountable, bound from further human rights violations and other tyrannical harms. They must be brought to justice and receive consequences congruent with the gravity of their crimes. Please act with integrity undertaking your most solemn duty for the sake of our children and all humanity. May history accurately honor you thus.

constance cantwell (asheville, 2021-12-17)


I believe the Covid 19 pandemic is being used to commit crimes against humanity. Early treatment has been suppressed and people are bring force to take experimental vaccine. Lockdowns only caused more death. The science doesn't make any sense for protecting public.

Jennifer Williams (Dunlap, 2021-12-17)


It’s wrong they are killing us , they must be held accountable they are not above the law

Diane Findlay (Corby, 2021-12-17)


I'm signing because I think lots of people have died needlessly due to the greed of those in charge who want to push through their vaccine agenda.

Carol Kimes (Cotati, 2021-12-17)


Medical apartheid is wrong, inhumane and only based in fear. There is NOTHING scientific about it. It is designed for one thing and one thing only...control. Total control of every aspect of everyone's life. The time of the "elite's' is over....too many people are waking up to their fascistic control desires. Who the hell do they think they are to make decisions on who lives and who dies? Liberty will win. The human spirit is too strong.

David Downey (Santa Barbara, 2021-12-17)


I support truth, justice and freedom.
These people need to be held accountable for what they have done.

Kathy Wooley (Woodstock, 2021-12-17)


I'm signing because I want see justice brought to the perpetrators.

Chris Brake (Beaminster, 2021-12-17)


The crime that is happening around the world must be investigated in a professional and fair manner! As a mental health professional who was terminated in my employment due to not having the "vaccine", myself and many more health professionals are prevented to help many people who are suffering daily in a system that has a huge shortage of staff for many years in New Zealand. I care for these people and they deserve to be treated and their answers need. Also my life have been affected significantly in ways I couldn't imagine same as millions of other around the world.

Dmitri Bilezki (Christchurch, 2021-12-17)


To save my children.

Kerri Thompson (Kitchener , 2021-12-17)


Crimes against humanity are being committed before our very eyes!

Kayden Radhe (Kula, 2021-12-17)


Government incompetence and overreach combined with incapacitated medical doctors has resulted in a catastrophic loss of life and freedom in my adopted country of Canada. I cannot see my family and friends because I have the audacity to look after my own health and chose not to be vaccinated while those that think they are protected from Covid are going on with their daily lives and infecting each other and creating more variants. All the while doctors are not allowed to prescribe early treatment and people are forced to accept experimental vaccines. This constitutes abuse and criminal behaviour on a grand scale by those in power that are proponents of questionable vaccines in Canada and other countries.

Rudy Lippens (Little Britain, 2021-12-17)


This has to stop, we are born free and must remain that way.... My #bodymychoice

Jennifer Lyons (Barcelona, 2021-12-17)


For the sake of the human family to remain free from all types of tyranny to bring those responsible to international justice while accountability must be made paramount. The mere act of imposing one's will upon another is an act violence.

Dan Weiss (SALEM, 2021-12-17)


I believe that as and American who is a permanent resident in Canada that my rights and those around the world have been betrayed. Government appears to have put financial and power interests above the people whom it should be serving. Vaccines that are not well researched should not be mandatory. No vaccine should be mandatory. People should not be locked down. Many people have died and been injured from the vaccine and there is not acknowledgment or help provided.The people who have had their rights trampled will continue to pursue justice.

Traci O'Sullivan (vancouver, 2021-12-17)


Apoyo totalmente la gestión de los señores para que detengan las muertes por inoculación de un experimento a nivel mundial y con carácter obligatorio, sin tomar en cuenta los daños y muertes causadas por su inoculación en humanos.

Soraya Cristina Villarroel Rodrìguez (Ocumare del Tuy, 2021-12-17)


I am signing to have all individuals who are involved with the gain of function program to be investigated and held criminally accountable for crimes against humanity.

Judith Roche (Monroe, 2021-12-17)


Govt should not force experimental gene therapy. Repurposed drugs should be offered

Chris Walker (Christchurch, 2021-12-17)


I do not agree that the creeping invasion of our privacy and freedoms are being eroded by a secret agenda designed by sinister forces hidden from our sight. We are born free and do not need approval, legislation, legal, rules, guidelines for me to decide where I will travel and to whom. I value my health and take complete responsibility for my health and fitness - I do not agree to covering my breathing apparatus - lungs and nose to be covered preventing me to absorb oxygen and fresh air and ingest my own toxins. I refuse to adhere to MK Ultra mind control. I refuse to contribute to the shutting down of freedom of speech through the illegal restriction of sharing of information and data about the secret mission to introduce a dystopia on this planet. I refuse to accept that the humans who are currently supposedly "elected to represent me" and their rules or legislation - it has a hidden agenda and is not in the best interest of humanity.
The ruling energy on this planet is love - the best of humanity is compassion and appreciation and acceptance.

Sharne Van der Burgh (Warsaw, 2021-12-17)


I disagree with the forced vaccinations

Erin Poirier (Port Alberni , 2021-12-17)


I am signing because I agree with Dr Fleming on all counts.

Kira Kneally (Landrum, 2021-12-17)


I am signing because I strongly oppose mandated vaccines of any type. No trust for AMA, Media, Big Pharma, or Current Administration.

Sue Gray (Trent, 2021-12-17)


There is now substantial evidence that Covid-19 was created in a laboratory and was designed to be a bioweapon. In addition, the so-called vaccines that are in reality gene "therapy" are in many cases being forcibly administered without informed consent.

Frances Grabenhofer (Addison, 2021-12-17)


I'm signing because FREEDOM MATTERS!!!

Teresa Wolf (Beaver Dam, 2021-12-17)


Those responsible for these evil and wicked crimes need to be held accountable.

Robert Vogt (Surrey, 2021-12-17)


I believe that this has absolutely nothing to do with our health and the powers that be prove it every day

Osborn Kimberly (Shaunavon, 2021-12-17)


I am signing because I am heart-broken to see human being treated as experiment and cry out for justice for all.

Yvonne Yau (Sutton, 2021-12-17)


The truth is critical and accountability is foreign word.

Michael Renaud (Melbourne, 2021-12-17)


Because I do not consent to this experimental jab and feel strongly that all medical and governmental leaders should have demanded a stop to the vaccine the minute deaths continued to rise in the already vaccinated. They are personally responsible for the deaths of every vaccinated person.

Hillary Adendorff (Perth, 2021-12-18)


ALL the War criminals must be hanged in public.

S Shayk (Mumbai, 2021-12-18)


I believe this is an injustice to the people! We have rights!

Ron Pouliot (Tabistock, 2021-12-18)


A medical treatment that can cause significant harm, even death, should not be forced on anyone either directly or via coercive mandates. This is totally contrary to human rights as defined in numerous national and international treaties and declarations, and amounts to crimes against humanity especially when applied widely within individual jurisdictions and across multiple jurisdictions in a concerted fashion

John Suggate (RD 3 Amberley, 2021-12-18)


We have to hold all Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity

Phil Klimowicz (Fenton, 2021-12-18)


There must be an investigation and trial of those that have not given humans informed consent prior to administering Covid gene therapies as vaccinations. An investigation and trial must also be done on pharmaceutical employees, board members corporate staff for their silence on informed consent and the dangers, injury and harm to humans. Government officials should also be investigated and a trial must be conducted to knowingly participate in the authorization, coercion and support of these gene therapy drugs used as a vaccine. These are crimes against humanity.

Roy Sutherland (Nampa, 2021-12-18)


Laura Fariña

Laura Fariña (Santo Domingo, 2021-12-18)


I believe in freedom physically and spiritually. God has given life to us to cherish and protect. Anyone whom thinks otherwise shall be judged in the judgement seat.

Joshua Zellers (FINDLAY, 2021-12-18)


I am a physician and a parent. These vaccinations have no scientific foundation and there is overwhelming evidence that they contribute to both short- and long-term harm.

Greg Nigh (Portland, 2021-12-18)


The level of co-ersion has nothing to do with health care and lack of informed consent and allowing people to becocme colateral damage an Osteopath this counter to all the tenets I stand on.

Heidi Grayson (Te Awamutu, 2021-12-18)


I believe in freedom of living a life I want to live in, free of coercion and manipulation of any kinds.

Cik Mei Tjan (Chilliwack , 2021-12-18)


I believe that Governments worldwide INCLUDING Australia where I live are making incorrect decisions and forcing people to undergo medical procedures with unproven vaccines that are killing and injuring people

Peter Hale (Scone, 2021-12-18)



Michal Padyšák (Visbek, 2021-12-18)


I see the lies. Unvaccinated unmasked, uninfected by the lies, Ivermectin and natural immune response ignored. I'm horrified.

Helen Lasham (Halifax, 2021-12-18)


Governments all over the world give misinformation about COVID, Vaccines and the pharmaceutical and non-phramaceutical interventions. They take away our freedom and rights. It's time to stand up.

John van der Woude (Amersfoort, 2021-12-18)


I believe in an inform consent and medical freedom. I want law of the land to be the only law and want my children to live in a free and honest world

Iryna Boehland (Roseburg, 2021-12-18)


This is a crime against humanity

Lorna Fox (Dorchester, 2021-12-18)


This swamp needs to be drained

Jacqui De Giorgi (Sydney, 2021-12-18)


no nazizm, no komunizm , we are hiumens

Bartłomiej Bzdyra (Vejle, 2021-12-18)


Actions have consequences.

Elizabeth Dixon (Brewster, 2021-12-18)


I favor freedom and I'm against tyrannic mandates and Health Totalitarianism. Doctors should not be sanctioned, censored or fired for saving lives.

Miguel Antonatos MD (Chicago, 2021-12-18)


Evil must be stopped.

Paul Diehl (Tampa , 2021-12-18)


I feel based on what I am seeing that our liberties are being taken from us, with no real science behind it. Only one side of science is being listened to and that worries me, looking back at history the present is looking to much like very dark times we have lived.

Paul Claff (Almeria, 2021-12-18)


Millions and millions died battling fascism, tiranny and common criminals. Laws and codes were drawn against treating Humans as lab rats. The UN was created to protect the world against wars, tyranny and suffering? After 76 years of ending nazifascism, more than 30 of the end of the soviet empire, the UN and its divisions are only comploting with new tyrannies, wars and suffering. END NOW!

Claudia Calabrese (Mar del Plata, 2021-12-18)


I'm signing because I want these criminals responsible for introducing SARS-CoV-2 and the deadly "vaccines" to the world to be brought to justice.

Susan Jones (Lebanon, 2021-12-18)


I am appalled by the evil dealings and lack of early treatment in the USA. Human lives don't matter to these people anymore. We need to stand up and stand tall against this tyrannical government and the evil that has filtrated.

Cynthia Bailey (PHoenix, 2021-12-18)


I want justice

Kristin Fields (Wind Gap, 2021-12-18)


To stand up for our God given right of choice!!

Brian Furnace (Friendswood , 2021-12-18)


No one person or government has the right to dictate how I choose to live my life including forcing any medical manipulation regarding my own body or those bodies of my children or grandchildren

Patricia Everheart (Tumwater, 2021-12-18)


To whom it may concer,
The Government of the UK and other Governments across the world are perpetrating a crime against humanity. They have ignored basic human rights: the right to have the freedom to choose whether or not they want to be part of a medical experiments, the freedom to choose whether they want their personal medical details to be made public.

At no stage has there been informed consent and scientific and medical debates has openly been outlawed by the Uk government through Ofcom. The British public are not aware of conflicting medical evidence or even of the side effects of vaccines.

There is a conflict of interest where Government members are also share holders in companies either rolling out the vaccine or companies related to the epidemic.

The Government is following the advice from Bill Gates, who is the biggest share holder in vaccine companies.

This needs to stop. People across the world need to stop living in fear of rash uninformed decisions made by their governments.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs Wendy Akers

Wendy Akers (Wokingham, 2021-12-18)



James Shupe (Big Stone Gap, 2021-12-18)

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