Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing this petition to break out of being an accomplice to a crime by staying silent.

Pablo Solutin (Calgary, 2021-12-18)


We need our rights back!

Naomi Currey (Niagara Falls, 2021-12-18)



Pam O'Dea (Tillson, 2021-12-18)


People deserve to know the truth about Covid. Those individuals responsible for the global catastrophe caused by COVID-19 must be held accountable.

JM ODonnell (Gex, 2021-12-18)


Joel Soucy

Joel Soucy (Salem , 2021-12-18)


This tyranny must end

Cheryl Scott (Leechburg, 2021-12-18)


I believe in freedom for people to choose what goes in their bodies.

Conrad Wilkinson (Corning, 2021-12-18)


I do not agree to our freedoms being taken away and being forced to take an experimental product

Stephen Gilligan (Dublin, 2021-12-18)


Having been fully satisfied as to the veracity of the origin of sarscov2, the dangerous nature of the MrNA vaccines being produced and the lack of official investigation into these matters I believe that it is the obligation of the informed such as myself and others, to look out for the health and safety of our fellow human beings who may or may not be aware of these dangers and to hold accountable those responsible before it is too late.

David Savage (Grants Pass, 2021-12-18)


Vakcináciu a celý podvod s pandémiou je zločin proti ľudskosti s rozsahom prekračujúcim zločiny z II. svetovej vojny. Páchatelia musia byť exemplárne potrestaní!

Juraj Mgr.Oravec (Bratislava, 2021-12-19)


I do not support forced experimental covid vaccination through via coercion and under duress.

Kelly Raftery (Methven , 2021-12-19)


I believe crimes are being committed by our government and need to be investigated and stopped.

Russell Schroeder (Woodstock, IL, 2021-12-19)



Nick Nakis (Canberra , 2021-12-19)



Isa Grijseels (Delfgauw , 2021-12-19)


Public officials who violate the law and commit crimes against humanity must be held accountable.

Greg Hildebrand (Grand Rapids, 2021-12-19)


Podepisuji nesouhlasím či se tu děje a už vůbec s pokusy na lidech a dětech.

Monika Filipová (Praha, 2021-12-19)


I want to protect our freedoms

Margaret Wilcoxon (GRASS VALLEY, 2021-12-19)


I agree that the lives of millions of people have been, and will be, ruined by deliberate misinformation regarding the safety of mRNA and vector vaccines and that criminal coercion has forced them into vaccination even against their will.

Erin Neill (Chermside West, 2021-12-19)


I am in support of our freedoms.

James Carlson (Grass Valley, 2021-12-19)


What has been happening with the vaccination campaigns throughout the world and especially in my country New Zealand where those unvaccinated are denied normal lives. I cannot go out to dine, I cannot socialize in my retirement village with others, I cannot travel. The vaccines have made my world a world of 'cannots'.

Selwyn Dando (Auckland, 2021-12-19)



HIROKAZU KIYOMOTO (京都市, 2021-12-19)


I love people.

Vladimirka Randelovic (Beograd, 2021-12-19)


I’m signing because I believe it is unconstitutional to mandate an experimental gene therapy shot that has no long term safety data on it. I believe the CDC and NIH and other government agencies are suppressing and censoring data on adverse reactions to the shot and have over inflated the COVID statistics. The COVID shot human experimentation that violates the Nuremberg code.

Tiffany Foster (Santa Barbara, 2021-12-19)


Nesouhlasím, aby byl někdo jakýmkoliv způsobem nucen do očkování "vakcínou" která je ve stádiu výzkumu a nikdo za ni nenese odpovědnost.

Miroslav Tesař (Driten, 2021-12-19)


I'm signing because I don't want to live in a world ruled by tyrrany, injustice and corruption.

Radan Jovanovic (Bologna, 2021-12-19)


I have had enough of coercion to have an untested jab forced into my sovereign body

Ro statham (Geneva, 2021-12-19)


I AGREE WITH THE PETITION. in Italy the governement released a law that define mandatory the sperimental vaccino. Is a violazione of the Norimberga Code

stefano nodari (quarona, 2021-12-19)


Lives were lost and damaged on a global scale. Please consider, and hear this petition and its signatories. Thank you for your time.

Kariel Tejai (Brampton, 2021-12-19)


Never again…what is happening is not right.

Debbie Williams (Birmingham, 2021-12-19)


For medical choice, and to stop those trying to take it away.

Adam Boudreau (Port Alberni, 2021-12-19)


I’m signing because the real truth must be revealed, & the persons responsible are accountable for their choices, actions, or inactions in promoting this crime against humanity!!

Scott Campbell (Qualicum Beach, 2021-12-19)


In Finland our House of parlamentin and administration make laws over constitutional law against human rights to work, choose to take or not to take experimental vaccination, My chances to enjoy culture and most places need vaccination passport but no chances for cheap antigen tests. Our goverment and parliament with healthcare administration dont give info that people are in the middle of experiment....thats just few reasons.....

Jarkko Soronen (Hämeenlinna, 2021-12-19)


I do not believe that those in power are acting in our best interests and that we have been lied to and manipulated into medical experimentation. There is now enough evidence to support this statement but it is being covered up and we are not being told the truth.

Laura Kelsey (Axminster , 2021-12-19)


These criminals need to be brought to account for their crimes against humanity.

Owen Schonyan (Ohope, 2021-12-19)


Pure Crime!!!!!!!!!!

Anamarija Vidovic (Cork, 2021-12-19)


So that those who are launching this war upon us people of the words get what they rightly deserve.

Said Boufatis (Buenos Aires, 2021-12-19)


Nothing and nobody can / will dim the Light that shines within us. It is time to stand up for our rights, for the entire humanity. The truth, justice, morality, ethics, conscience, consciousness, tolerance, love and respect for life on this planet, for the future of us and our children in the World of peace, freedom and good MUST end the long history of lies, hatred, wars, boundless ruthlessness to life, callousness, longing for money and power at the expense of innocent human beings. If not us, then who?! If not now, then when?! Whoever sleeps in democracy, wakes up in dictatorship... That is why I PLEASE and call on the ICC in Hague to follow its conscience and mission and to act for the benefit of humanity, because anyone who is silent or denies the basic principles of human life (a right to live, health, freedom, truth...) is not different from those who constantly step on them consciously and callously. One book, which you all certainly know very well, says: 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.' Therefore, act conscientiously, with courage and responsibility. Because the Light will always find its way, even in the deepest Darkness! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that you will never be ashamed of your decisions (in front of the others, but especially in front of yourself). It's time, now! The ICC - which side will you take? The time has also come for your CHOICE. I believe that you will decide in accordance with what your Heart tells you. The EudraVigilance, the Vaers, the findings and warnings of top health & science experts all accross the World but mainly the daily tragical live stories of people around you are the evidence of huge crime against humanity that ask for your immediate attention... I THANK YOU on behalf of all of us!
My deepest respect and thanks to the author of petition and his colleagues from all countries who prepared the lawsuit, as well as to all those who already signed or will sign this petition with courage and hope of a good tomorrow for us, our families, future generations, for the Earth. Because we all are One, because the universal law applies - the Law of One, the Law of Love.

Lucia Grznár Kormošová (Spišská Nová Ves, 2021-12-20)


I am signing because big pharma and big government is taking away our freedoms

Stacie Norwood (Houston, 2021-12-20)


We are suffering under fascist tyrants which is clearly against human rights-which are also laid out in our governing constitution- how can this even happen. Experimental injections forced- with exemptions impossible to get . Something must be done.

Sue Murany (Drouin, 2021-12-20)


Since March, 2020, I have been studying publicly available scientific research, information, data, and testimonies concerning COVID-19, related government policies, mandates, the experimental "vaccines" that pharmaceutical companies are producing, the lack of informed consent protocols, the many deaths, disabilities, and injuries these products are causing, and more. The evidence I have reviewed over these 18 months persuades me that egregious crimes against humanity are being committed and that the International Criminal Court must, for the sake of present and future human life, investigate and prosecute those individuals responsible for crimes against humanity.

Mitch Hall (Oakland, California, USA, 2021-12-20)


The criminals need to be held accountable.

James Griffin (Yonkers , 2021-12-20)


We must stand against immorality and evil behavior!

Esifredo Porras (Edmond, 2021-12-20)


I am signing this petition to hold the people responsible for engineering this pandemic and hurting people, especially the most vulnerable among us our children.

Cynthia Evans (Huntington Beach, 2021-12-20)


Those who have committed this evil, need to be brought to justice and those they have hurt need to understand/know the truth and be compensated by these ones who have done this evil.

Leslie Ann Forgie (Winnipeg, 2021-12-20)


It’s the right thing to do.

Kevin Coyston (Sooke, 2021-12-20)


I agree that the vaccine roll out is a crime against humanity.

Alanna Hartzok (Fayetteville, 2021-12-20)


Why wouldn't I ?

John Collins (Glentunnel , 2021-12-20)


I am against abuse of Human rights and am a lawyer and prosecutor from cpt sa

Navindran Pillay (Cape town, 2021-12-20)


Gracias por investigar y llevar a juicio toda esta situación elitista

Montserrat Diaz socas (La laguna, 2021-12-20)


Governments have taken their given authority too far. My body, my choice. If I can choose to refuse a life-saving surgery, I can choose to refuse an experimental drug, especially one PROVEN to be unsafe and completely censored. I will not subject my child to an experimental drug of ANY kind, and the thought that “Top Doctors” and “Health Experts” would not only recommend this for children but to make it so that a TWELVE year old (who still needs a parental signed permission slip to watch “How The Grinch Stole Christmas” at school) can choose to take a dangerous life-changing, unsafe, experimental, gene-altering, irreversible, injection without their parents’ approval or knowledge! I have lost my job, half my family, half my friends, my physical freedom, plus my child has lost physical activities, groups, family, the freedom to breathe unobstructed - and for what? To make flu-like symptoms possibly milder in a virus with 99.99% survival rate? Stop mandates now. It’s too late to save those already affected but you can right a global wrong and save millions more.

Sabrina Thompsett (Winnipeg, 2021-12-20)


Conflit d’intérêt, bêtises humaines.

Theo Chaventre (Marseille, 2021-12-20)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Sarah Cook (Atlanta, 2021-12-20)


The New Zealand government is committing crimes against the New Zealand people by enforced vaccinations - take a vaccine or lose your job.

Gareth Jacobs (Auckland, 2021-12-20)


If I broke the law I’d be charged. No one is above the law

Jason Pedrick (Hatfield , 2021-12-20)


If I were to "accidentally" bring harm to another human being I would be held accountable. If found to purposely bring harm to another human being I would go to prison.

Christopher Dodd (Wilmington, 2021-12-20)


I want the truth to come out!!

Peter Dugel (Engelholm, 2021-12-20)


I´m signing this because of basic human right are violated in a criminal way and this brings danger for human beings.

Olle Svensson (Bernried, 2021-12-20)


I want my grandchildren to have the freedoms I had

Eliot Wilkins (Dover, 2021-12-20)


I'm signing this as a concerned citizen of the UK and the world because it is clear from Dr Richard M Flemming, Professor Luc Montagnier, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Michael Yeadon and the countless other professional doctors and scientists that Governments,NGO's and agencies are refusing to listen to the professionals and they are abusing their power. We the citizens of the world demand the perpetrators of the violations of the various laws and treaties are bought to justice.

Daryn Absolom (Milton Keynes, 2021-12-20)



Mariko Harada (Tokyo, 2021-12-20)


I'm signing because I believe our covid-19 vaccination program is doing harm, the withholding of known therapeutics for covid is unjustified and doing harm, while our press, government and medical agencies are all complicit in doing this harm to we the people of the USA.

william S. kirby (Spokane, 2021-12-20)


this is an absolute outrage and a unacceptable usurping of our sovereignty over a FLU virus rebranded as cbullshit cbullshit. Why are alternative, safe remedies being prevented? Why have governments globally complied with this crime? We need investigations of bank balances of all government officials. We need arrests, we need accountability, we need justice. I sent a 38 page letter to the ICC in May of 2020 calling for an investigation including an investigation of our 'president' Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa, the NCCC and SAHPRA. Still have not had a reply.

Helge Janssen (durban, 2021-12-20)


I’m signing this petitions because imposing something is agains the right and healthy path of the society. We need to have the right to do what we consider right for ourselves.

Marilena Diaconu (Brampton , 2021-12-20)


My daughter died October 2, 2021 as a result of having double pneumonia and not being treated for pneumonia because she tested positive for covid. A week earlier she tested negative for covid and was diagnosed as having bronchitis. She asked to be given Ivermectin and was refused. Her brother & sister both asked for her to be given Ivermectin and were ignored. She was put on the covid protocol beginning with Remdesivir for 5 days, Dexamethasone, put on dialysis due to kidney failure, Baricitinib, convinced to sign a "do not resuscitate" then put on a ventilator. She died one week later. Even the doctor told her husband she had a bad case of double pneumonia. Had she been treated for pneumonia she would be alive today.

Judi West (Newton, NC, 2021-12-20)


Justice needs to be served

david meeking (London , 2021-12-20)


Judge Righteous Judgement... because Sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do Evil...ECCLESIASTES 8:11

Thomas Begler (Hays Ks, 2021-12-20)

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