Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I want my children to grow up in a free and a just society.

Margaret Nicholls (Swindon, 2021-12-23)


Crimes against humanity since WW2.
Stop the tyrants from mass genocide.

John Stickley (Christchurch , 2021-12-23)


Every signature counts.

Barry Menear (Todmorden, 2021-12-23)


I’m disgusted with the crimes against humanity being perpetrated on our country and world

Tony Auciello (Cincinnati , 2021-12-23)


I'm signing because those responsible for the crimes will have to be brought to justice.

Bonnie CAMPLIN (LONDON, 2021-12-23)


It is the right to get those against humanity responsible for their own acyions

Ruth Chatburn (Sandy Creek, 2021-12-23)


Because my rights as a human being are being violated. The government wants to impose experimental medical procedures upon the human race for profit and depopulation.

Janice Grant (Pinckney, 2021-12-23)


Because after much person investigation it is the correct thing to do.

LEE FLECK (ROSWELL, 2021-12-23)


Such atrocities must stop immediately.Human life is beyond value,sacred and essential for the continuity of all life.

Joanna Mackenzie (Christchurch, 2021-12-23)


I'm signing because I believe in the Divine immunity provided by the living beings in our micro and macro biomes within our bodies as well as within all habitats on Mother Earth... my children deserve a chance to thrive in the reality of Nature's support systems for our human physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Jana Siminiuk (Creston, 2021-12-23)


It is clear to me that the pandemic of Covid19 was strictly planned, from the design of the virus to the deployment in Italy and the murder of many Italian doctors that understood the disease prior to the Huan discovery.

Allan Manchester (Schumacher, 2021-12-23)


i agree that criminality is rampant

Vic d'Obrenan (Calgary, 2021-12-23)


This is the biggest threat to humanity at this time.

Alexander Brown (Eugene, 2021-12-23)


Freedom of individual choice is the basis of Western Societies.

kathryn stewart (Coral Harbour, NU, Canada, 2021-12-23)


save gods children, stop transhumanism

Daliborka Djordjevic (8545, 2021-12-23)


I thoroughly oppose the so-called "Great Rest", the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" all all other manifest tyranny being imposed upon the Human Species. Liberty, or Death.

Roger Ralphs (Santa Fe, 2021-12-24)


In all of human history, you will not find a greater crime against humanity than the creation and dissemination of a lab created virus, while withholding from the public safe existing treatments, in order to push for global vaccination with untested and potentially dangerous experimental vaccines. It would be bad enough if this was done purely for the billions of dollars drug companies will make, but the possibility exists it is part of a plan for a “Great Rest,” leading to global tyranny and a drastic depopulation of billions of human beings - such as is written on the “Georgia Guide Stones.” That would make this the most heinous and diabolical crime against humanity of all time. Whatever the nefarious plan is, Fauci is right in the middle of it, and that needs to be thoroughly investigated by the world court.

Claude Ballard (Spokane, 2021-12-24)


As a therapist being studied medicine for 39 years, it is easy to see the madness that has been going on for 2 years now!

Magne Osnes (Torrevieja , 2021-12-24)


Ici il n'est pas question de santé mais seulement d'assouvir un peuple à une oligarchie, le rendre docile, lui priver de sa liberté intellectuelle et physique. Un gouvernement mondial et mafieux dont nous serions les serviteurs.



I am signing because I want to know the truth.

Patrick England (ROSS-ON-WYE, 2021-12-24)


It's not up to the government to protect me or impose upon me to force anyone into taking something that

Jacob Parker (Drums, 2021-12-24)


Justice must be served and government abuse of the most basic human rights must be stopped.

Cristian Aron (OCEAN SPRINGS, 2021-12-24)


What Dr. Fauci and others have perpetrated on the people of this good world is nothing short of criminal. Please hold him and others responsible!



I educate myself.

Thomas Delangre (Swannanoa, NC 28778, 2021-12-24)


These unelected tyrants who are destroying lives need to be held accountable.

Laura Bell-Gia (Miramonte, 2021-12-24)


I am signing because all of this is wrong on every level

Tara Jones (St peter, 2021-12-24)


Pour la liberté médicale et contre le nouvel ordre mondial avec son crédit social. Faut pas nous prendre que pour des niais non plus.

Hugues GRAFF (RIVIERES, 2021-12-24)


I’m worried for the future of all our children.

Sheri DeCaluwe (London, 2021-12-24)


I'm having more of this bollucks

Rob mccartney (Portadown, 2021-12-24)


I fully am 100% behind this action to prosecute these nefarious individuals in their crimes against humanity.

james Barton (fort Lauderdale, 2021-12-25)


I will like to see the criminals responsible for the death of thousands of people around the world brought to justice.

Eloiza Malaspina (Wynnewood , 2021-12-25)


The current state of the affairs with respect to mandatory vaccine and the denial of vaccine injury is a crime against humanity

Zita Barnwell (Kingstown, 2021-12-25)



T Thomas Slayback (Jupiter, 2021-12-25)


Mankind is at stake

Anne Lejeune (Bruxelles, 2021-12-25)


No one should be forced to take any drug, let alone an experimental drug.

Summer Rea (PHOENIX, AZ, 2021-12-25)


my body God's temple. I will not subject it to human experimentation.

Darleen Schiavo (Windsor, 2021-12-25)


Our charter of rights is being violated

James Beacom (Calgary, 2021-12-25)


All of this is wrong

Robyn Sweeney (Kalangur, 2021-12-25)


This needs to stop!

Lena Nagode (LOGATEC, 2021-12-25)


War crimins simply need to be processed !

Dusan Trusnovec (Tolmin, 2021-12-25)


« Le meilleur savoir-faire n’est pas de gagner cent victoires dans cent batailles, mais plutôt de vaincre l’ennemi sans combattre »
L’Art de la guerre de Sun Tzu
Éveil à la vigilance

FRANCO MARI (EMBRUN, 2021-12-25)


Transparency is paramount

Björn Westman (Trollhättan , 2021-12-25)


Existen demasiadas evidencias de que esto es una Plandemia con todo el sentido de la palabra.

Manuel Arjona Ramirez (Canyelles, 2021-12-25)


I have reviewed the evidence and want to support those fighting for justice and fighting to charge those responsible for the corrupt crimes against humanity surrounding Covid-19, the Covid “vaccines”, and all the mandates associated. This must be stopped.

Rebecca Douglass (Dayton, 2021-12-25)


I am disgusted by the deceit, cohersion, disregard for human life, abhorrent use of power and blatent harm by criminals who think they have a right to damage and kill the people of this planet. This complete control and tyranny must be addressed and those who have committed these acts of terrorism and treason should to be brought to justice.

Lorraine Hopkins (Liverpool, 2021-12-25)


I have read hundreds of medical papers, the basic books for university on immunology, referenced dozens of experts through texts and video interview, and after critically examining the evidence, I am 100% certain that Covid 19 was deliberately introduced as a vector by which to enforce mass vaccination. The crime perpetrated here requires that those responsible face the death penalty for the deaths and harm they have caused. Starting with the Orsinni family and Breakspeare families who are the top of the ladder here. Dont just prosecute their minions.......You need to hit the big names, the big people.....Fauci and Gates are small need the Rockerfellers and other such folks. Goodluck with nailing these*****ers!

MArk Hyett (Truro, 2021-12-25)


The people’s of the world deserve justice for the crimes against humanity that have been forced upon them

Linda Haddon (Powys , 2021-12-25)


I don’t want genocide.

Patricia Gibson (Vancouver, 2021-12-26)


The future of humanity is at stake. Crimes Against Humanity have been perpetrated around the world in the SARS-CoV2 pandemic criminal conspiracy. Those who have orchestrated and enabled an attack on humanity by the use of the biological weapon SARS-CoV2 must face justice at the highest level. The survival of humanity depends on it,

Janie Cartney (Weston-super-Mare , 2021-12-26)


I believe in human rights. The direction we are heading is towards genocide. There are 10 stages of genocide and we are in the 4th stage. We must wake up. The last time someone knocked on people's door to ask to see papers was during the Nazi regime and now in 2021. Wake up people.

S F (AUSTIN, 2021-12-26)


I want each and every human to be represented as victims of this planned and fake pandemia.

Danielle Mercier (Québec, 2021-12-26)


I´m not agree with thil ideology, COVID 19 is a political problem only... totality...

Marta Juranová (Leopoldov, 2021-12-26)


I am signing because the Norimberg code is violented.

Ivana Jurkova (Dudelange, 2021-12-26)


I've known this was coming for over 10 years so I know this is an absolute fact that it was manufactured and I now also see the proof in people dying from things that are just not normal.

Troy Wahlbrink (Mill Creek, 2021-12-26)


We the people need to take back our medical freedom. Covid19 is being used to create unnecessary fear among us the people to create acceptance of restrictions, coercions and mandates.

Flemming Pedersen (Aalborg, 2021-12-26)


I'm signing because I sincerely believe all concerned in the promotion of the Covid19 jabs need to be prosecuted immediately.

Barbara Knight (Blue Ridge, 2021-12-26)


I am signing because I desent mandatory vaccination ,. It should be immediately stopped . Lockdown, social distancing and masks don't work and not required for a virus with such low mortality rate .

Ashish Gwasikoti (Delhi, 2021-12-26)


Because we must have justice.

Mije Morris (Rothesay , 2021-12-26)


i'm signing this because if we can make justice serve, This will publicly come out so we can stop this crap. i'm now in another Lockdown and for what?? just some models that show 1 billion people (exeduration) will die a day in the Netherlands. hope by this the people will see that it is all wrong.

Daniël Korbee (Rotterdam, 2021-12-26)


I believe in the lawful right of people worldwide to choose freely their physical destiny, and to not be coerced, threatened, or forced into accepting a medical procedure/covid19 vaccine against their will. Also, from the evidence provided (and from the accounts from vaccinated people around me) it is evident that the C19 vaccine has massive side effects which are not being reported publicly or explained to those receiving it and therefore people are being misinformed and deceived. This is an extreme abuse of Human rights.

Loredana Linden (Hastings, East Sussex, 2021-12-26)


Thousands of people have died because of the lockdowns, (suicides due to depression, job losses, loss of loved ones, no job or future etc), Our seniors euthanised By DNR or by using Midazolam to increase Covid stats .

Thousands of people maimed or killed due to being frightened to take a genetic engineering drug.

Trillions of pounds in lost revenue lost to theives in the Covid19 scandal, thus amounting to more misery for those affected by it.

These crimes amount to mass injuries and genocide of the highest order, severe punishment is required to stop this ever happening again.

John Robb (Stockport, 2021-12-26)


These people are a threat to global heaith and world wide democracy.



I’m a dDHDT and I will not be vaccinated just so I can carry on working in healthcare. This experimental vaccine has not been tested enough, there are no longitudinal studies and the mRNA vaccine side effects could be detrimental to our health

Klara Mach (Bournemouth , 2021-12-26)


This madness must be stopped!

We are Sovereign
We are Free
We are Love
We are Light

We Do Not Consent to the Enslavement of Humanity!

We Do Not Consent to the Trickery of the dark forces!


Roberta Swan (Port Perry , 2021-12-26)


Nechci, aby se lidé postavili proti sobě, aby se stali oběťmi korporátních a politických zločinců a chci, aby tito byly spravedlivě potrestáni.

Olga Petrová (Jindřichův Hradec, 2021-12-26)


This is the correct action.

Flame Schon (Santa Fe, 2021-12-26)

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