Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am unjabbed and do not wish to have any of these injections. I want my natural immunity to be my protection.

Joy Smith (Perth, 2022-01-20)


Communism must fail.

Jeremy Johnson (Bellingham, 2022-01-20)


Crimes against humanity are being committed.

Kevin Wilkins (Chandler, 2022-01-20)


i am signing because I consider the new experimental Covid vaccines - due to numerous very severe side effects - are against national - and international laws as e.g Nuernberg Codex

arno reuter (lübeck, 2022-01-20)


I'm signing this because the discrimination and segregated an entire population of people, the vaccinated is deplorable! Justice must prevail if we are not to repeat history. The Nazis started off exactly the same way while people stood by and watched! We must stop these crimes against humanity immediately and those who participated to justice! From a Prime Minister all the way to the Policeman on the street!

Daniele Giuliano (Sydney, 2022-01-20)


Mandates and losing our freedom is criminal. Someone needs to pay for ruining the lives of millions of people. These mandates, discrimination, isolations and lockdowns were inhumane and unecessary. Its been a medical apartheid and many heads should roll as a result.

Carol Ashworth (Thagoona, 2022-01-20)


I sign as an Austrian Citizen, who is not willing to reenter this State, that has become a Tyranny.

Walter Seidl-Beck (Triesenberg, 2022-01-20)


Only thing worse than a lying traitor, is a fascist lying traitor.
Whole lot needs to go.
Time to re-establish the establishment.

Paul Labonte (Quebec, 2022-01-20)



Elsa Dinslaken (Elsdorf 50189, 2022-01-20)


The coercion, psychosis of fear & blackmail used on the population to be injected with a trial/experimental vaccine which govt officials & public servants did not have to have, is traumatic. Why is it that we HAVE TO HAVE these injections & they didn’t? Hard working people with young families & elderly people in the prime of their lives, looking at retirement are losing their jobs, AHPRA our medical governing body not giving drs the freedom to treat their patients accordingly or give exemptions. These few things have cost us lives both physically & mentally with suicide rates increasing significantly. The health directives by govts & non elected CHOs were never followed up by facts.
The terrible physical force used against the people in peaceful protests in Melbourne, Australia using rubber bullets, pepper spray, physically pushing an elderly lady onto the ground then pepper spraying her was extremely upsetting & definitely not deserved. The lies told by our main stream media also aided this fear with only promoting the directives by government. There is never any alternative treatments offered, just get vaccinated. This is in our faces everywhere, there’s no escaping it.
In the Northern Territory, Australia, over an 18mth period there were very very few cases of Covid. Suddenly in Nov 2021 it was reported that the indigenous communities had the virus & so medical staff were sent in to inject the mob. Whole communities were locked down, adults & children were being removed from their land, putting them into quarantine of which a few escaped.
It is reported that payments were made to some of our indigenous to have the injection because at the time only about 17% had had it. Our indigenous feel like it is genocide all over again. They felt threatened & very fearful.
We need to get our freedoms back & the right for doctors to diagnose & treat patients without coercion & our indigenous to not suffer at the hands of these draconian bureaucrats.

Glynnis Morris (Brisbane, 2022-01-21)


The tyrannous behaviour shown by the Governments , Police forces and Premiers is nothing short of criminal.
The attemp to vaxinate children is child abuse and attempted murder to say the least .
Time to put and end to I
This behaviour

Mr Connolly (Ipswich, 2022-01-21)


This vaccine mandate is unconstitutional & the mandates are creating psychological harm to all ages. More people died from suicide & Drug overdoses than Covid in the USA.

Lorraine Cantori (Hartsdale, 2022-01-21)


I am losing my job due to mandates and I don’t know how I will continue to provide for my family.

Jane Kennedy (Brisbane, 2022-01-21)


I am witnessing crimes against humanity and clear contravention to the Nuremberg code of 1947. These issues deserve the attention of the ICC for judgement.

Tavai Thomas

tavai thomas (Seaton, 2022-01-21)


These criminals need to be dealt with. This can never be allowed to happen again.

Tom Kneebone (Canning Vale, 2022-01-21)


Our government has over stepped its constitutional bounds and committed crimes against humanity. History won’t be kind to the guilty parties.

Jeff Jarvis (Oakland, 2022-01-21)


The individuals behind the Sars/Cov-2 event have to be held accountable for murder, torture, oppression and economic ruin.

David Jeffery (Newcastle, 2022-01-21)


It might repeat might save some lives

Gary Lewis (Majorca, 2022-01-21)


I am signing because some family members have suffered adverse reactions from the vaccines.

Phillip Lahiff (Annandale, 2022-01-21)


I believe this prosecution must go forward -- to prevent something like this in the future.

Christine Robinson (North Saanich, 2022-01-21)


These people everywhere pushing this crap need to be held accountable

Brett Searle (Perth, 2022-01-21)


Because justice must be served

Melody Rettay (Perth, 2022-01-21)


Send these evils to court.

Andre Wu (Beverly Hills, 2022-01-21)


Lockdowns, mandates, masking of children, border closures are disgusting human rights violations that have lead to social division, mental illness, economic destruction, suicide.

Andrea Bertram (Perth, 2022-01-21)


I believe Governments, Federal and State, Employers and organisations that have forced these very dangerous so-called vaccines on the people, need to pay for what they have done.

Brian McDonnell (Aberfoyle Park, 2022-01-21)


I believe in human rights, the Declaration of Independence and the JUSTICE for CRIMES against HUMANITY!
Save the Children!

Andrea Lynn (Medford, 2022-01-21)


I'm disgusted by the Covid response particularly the downplaying of natural immunity, the hyper focus on vaccines and exclusion of very safe therapeutics and the silencing of dissenting voices.

Erwin Allmann (Penfield, 2022-01-21)


I believe in Freedom and have personally seen what this “Vaccine” has done to people.

Margo Keck (North Palm Beach, 2022-01-21)


This evil must be tried & convicted. They are murderers of millions and what could be billions.

Jodi Basha (Ft lauderdale, 2022-01-21)


Es reicht

Sven Aulebach (Bad Lauterberg im Harz, 2022-01-21)


Justice must be maintained

Robert Letkiewicz (Katoomba, 2022-01-21)


I’m signing because I want these criminals held accountable!

Kelli-Ann Metropulos (Oviedo, 2022-01-21)


věřím v Boha a našeho pána Ješíše Krista. Pravda zvítězí.

Lubomír Novotný (Ostrava, 2022-01-21)


What is happening hs been extremely destructive and evil on every level. People are losing loved ones because they are not able to access the right treatment. The vacci es are king and hurting people. Relationships are broken. Business are broken. Human rights and the bill of rights are broken.

Deborah Saxon (Auckland, 2022-01-21)


crimes against an individual

Udo Raulin (Dormagen, 2022-01-21)


Stop the criminals!

Rick Williams (Nampa, 2022-01-21)


I'm outraged at this crime against humanity and I seek justice and a return to a democratic society!

patricia walsh (myocum, 2022-01-22)


Reflecting, I suddenly realised from my Aboriginal heritage that the insanity of my families past suffering is present all around me today. When you vilify to separate people from the community then stay silent there is only one outcome. Let my families past suffering be a wake up call for all as I feel Australia has already fallen to the lunatics once again.

John Chandler (Brisbane, 2022-01-22)


I’m currently living in Australia & our country is being destroyed by our totalitarian gestapo-type government. People are dying, children are dying, suicide is through the roof & people are being denied their fundamental human rights. The Astra Zeneca, Pfizer & Moderna vaccines are killing & irreparably hurting people & the government, health department, judiciary & media have enforced, administered & promoted the Covid 19 death shots. People have lost their livelihoods, cannot work to support themselves. Some states are denying medical access to those unvaccinated & others are rounding up our vulnerable but healthy Indigenous First Nations People, force vaccinating them & putting them into internment facilities under the guise of ‘quarantine camps’. Children in state care have been forced to undertake the vaccines as have those in nursing homes & other state government run care facilities. Parental consent requirement was removed for children aged 12-18 & some states mandated ALL senior school & university students to have the vaccines to continue or complete their education. Other states including mine are fast-track building new multi capacity ‘quarantine camps’ within their borders specifically for the ‘unvaccinated’. Healthy citizens are not free to travel interstate or internationally & our logistics industry has been crippled by forced border vaccine mandates. I personally know people who have died FROM the vaccines & others who were otherwise healthy that have been permanently injured FROM the vaccine. We are being silenced across social media & communication platforms & the government & media industry is intentionally pushing ‘safety’ misinformation to scare citizens into compliance. More people have died & been injured from January 2021 to November 2021 than in the last 50 years of vaccines in Australia! These vaccines are not safe. This is bio-genocide. How many more people have to die or be injured before something is done?

Danielle Taferner (Port Lincoln, 2022-01-22)


I do not believe in mass vaccination with a drug with no long term safety data and for a disease that only effects a small proportion of the population and that does not prevent transmission.

Steven Torrisi (Burleigh Heads, 2022-01-22)


I am signing because it is the right thing to do, enslaving people through fear and the imposition of rules and regulations that offer little freedom or joy or sovereignty is simply wrong.

Kerri Woodburn (Melbourne, 2022-01-22)


I am signing this as everyone commiting Humanitarian Crimes need to be help responsible, trailed and hanged.

Ricardo Sanguine (Kyneton, 2022-01-22)


I am signing this petition because I've had Covid. I was in the hospital for 8 days with Covid and double pneumonia. I now have natural immunity and will not be forced into taking an experimental vaccine. My husband got the vaccine and the booster and I see a stark change in his personality, which I believe may be a neurological consequence of getting the Pfizer vaccine and booster. He has trouble sleeping, is argumentative, agitated, and never was before and I believe it is all because of the Pfizer experimental vaccine.

Mabel Casagrand (Santa Fe, 2022-01-22)


Es reicht!

Marion Lell (Seubersdorf, 2022-01-22)


I'm feeling isolated and discriminated against because I'm uncomfortable getting a vaccine that I can't justify or understand. I have had the virus (as have my children) and did not experience many symptoms nor need medical treatment (vitamins were sufficient). My children had no symptoms at all from having the virus, but my 18 year old had severe side effects from the vaccine Pfizer and was in bed for 3 days barely able to move. He got the vaccine because he wanted to be able to go clubbing (a right of path for 18 year olds here in Australia).

Bernadette Fiddelaers (Sunshine West, 2022-01-22)


Need to end assault on civil liberties and rights

Ralph Brown (Mount Warren Park, 2022-01-22)


Its time to return for our Future

Barbara Kolbitsch (Neu-Feffernitz, 2022-01-22)


I was coerced, forced, blackmailed into having the experimental covid injection just to keep my job. I was very informed from sources other than the Australian doctors how bad it was and I did not voluntarily accept it. I have written evidence of my journey of fighting it. 😔

Lesley Pidgeon (Darwin, 2022-01-22)


Felháborít, amit most a vírusra hivatkozva az egészségünk és az emberi jogaink ellen mernek tenni.

Gabriella Törteli (Budapest, 2022-01-22)


I am signing because I have faith in law and I believe people who are mandating and injecting the population with these products MUST answer serious questions regarding safety, human right, and their political and financial gains. And these people MUST take responsibility of their unlawful behaviours.

Claire Wen (Adelaide, 2022-01-22)


I'm signing because I want to know the truth

Kostas Dimoskakis (Praha 9 - Kbely, 2022-01-22)


I’m signing because the vaccine killed my mother and I was mandated as a health worker to take it and have suffered an adverse reaction.

Retta Radin (Hampton Bays, 2022-01-22)


Those that are knowingly pushing this evil agenda need to be stopped & be held accountable. God bless all the courageous doctors, scientists & lawyers who are taking up the cause, to expose the truth and bring these people to justice.

tina russo (perth, 2022-01-22)


Ive been forced to take the jab by my prime minister francois legault in quebec canada. I have now heart issues.

Christian Martel (st-jean-sur-richelieu, 2022-01-22)


Many family members and loved ones have been negatively impacted by either the virus or the vaccine, you torturing murderers!!!

LL Wilson (Sun City, 2022-01-22)


I'm over the globalists interfering in our lives. Let them begone forever. Save the children, and let evil burn in hell as they should. Let FREEDOM rein forever.

Joan Hickey (Mildura, 2022-01-22)


Corruption Must end!

Laurent Wolters (Nieuwpoort, 2022-01-22)


Enough is enough. Bring Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden, the Clinton's, the Bush's, the Obama's, and the mainstream media to justice! Everyone knowing and complicit must be held accountable for this genocide!!

Rachel Vallejo (Seven Points, 2022-01-23)


I want those responsible to be held accountable. My son and grand daughter have been vaccinated and I am worried about them getting sick from it.

Anna Komanecki (Marshfield, 2022-01-23)


I want to people responsible for crimes against humanity to face justice.

iza rzym (Ottawa, 2022-01-23)


These crimes must stop and all responsible must be given the death penalty, their assets seized and turned over to every human left alive following the sentencing

Stephen Medina (Courtice, 2022-01-23)


I oppose mandatory vaccination and the 'no jab no job' policies of many governments. I fear the safety of all COVID vaccines and should have the right to choose what drug I put into my body.

Lillian Nikolic (LILYFIELD, 2022-01-23)


Those responsible for the pandemic and those responsible for the distribution and mandatory use of the COVID 19 vaccine should be held accountable to the highes extent of law.

Settles Nicholas (THORNTON, 2022-01-23)


I believe crimes have been committed globally and many need held to account

Robert Morrissey (Effingham, 2022-01-23)


Doctors and all medical personnel who've been involved in deceiving and forcing people, over Covid-19, need to be held responsible for their malpractise.

Lynette Behmer (Emerald, 2022-01-23)


I strongly believe that the current regiment of forced vaccination, violates the to very core the human right of choice and attempts to remove or delegitimize the notion of informed consent. I strongly believe that the current range of vaccines offered to Australian's as at 01/2022 are not in the public interest due weakness in protection offered from the infection SARS COV2, the perceived misleading reporting around deaths, severity of symptoms, and the related vaccination status of infected individuals.

Martin Hahnheuser (Adelaide, 2022-01-23)


I am signing because all responsible for this attack on humanity need to be held accountable.

Ian Stewart (London, 2022-01-23)

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