Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I believe genocide is taking place

Garry Clarke (Seaton, 2022-01-23)


Too many people have died or have injuries after receiving the poison. Time for those responsible to be held accountable.

Philippa Horvath (Gold Coast, 2022-01-23)


My personal investigations to the covid-19 vaccines have surfaced many problems which it seems the manufacturers of vaccines are not reporting, which it seems they are effecting the people submitting to them with many adverse reactions, complication and even death. To me they look dangerous to ones health.

David Bragg (Brisbane, 2022-01-23)


I'm signing this petition because these crimes are unexpressably dark n obscene n it's a must n duty - for all of us - not to let these 'people' escape without punishment, e.g. in the form of deep n lifelong inner work like Vipassana meditation applied in prisons in India n day-to-day participation in the rebirth of green Planet Earth. So that they can become real humans in heart, soul n mind for the benefit of all of us. They can e.g. recycle pet bottles etc. Unfortunately, the pattern n tool of biological weapons is still alive e.g. with Covid-19 n vaccines forced on us n the whole planet. All these crimes both in past n present are to be punished n stopped alltogether n forever. So that we can have a life in Peace n Beauty.

Judit Pálmai (Marcali, 2022-01-23)


They are taking away our civil liberites, our health care and killing and maiming peopled with their illegal injections, that they enforcing and coercing on the popluation. Its so wrong.

Emma Dickman (TUART HILL, 2022-01-23)


to prevent another WWII situation and a destruction of any one type of citizen because a government want to

roger carey (perth, 2022-01-23)


Crimes need to be prosecuted, PERIOD! Evil can’t get away with it this time!

Nancy Zimmerman (Lake Mary, 2022-01-23)


Our PM and our Premier of Ontario both need imprisonment for crimes against humanity.

Richard MacDonald (Brookville, ON, 2022-01-23)


I'm a health professional for 40 years & I can see the fraud & deception in this covid agenda

vivian polin (PALMETTO, 2022-01-23)


Being forced and ingredients not explain before vaccine is administered. Also, it’s an experimental vaccine.

James Stone (South Easton , 2022-01-23)


“stop the deployment of COVID vaccines, the introduction of illegal vaccination passports and all other types of illegal warfare … being waged against the people of the United Kingdom.”

The group’s complaint filed Dec. 6 presents evidence that COVID-19 “vaccines” are experimental gene therapies designed with bat coronavirus gain-of-function research, arguing that these “vaccines” have caused massive deaths and injuries and that the U.K. government has failed to investigate such reported fatalities and injuries.

that the numbers of COVID cases and deaths have been artificially inflated; that the masks are harmful from hypoxia, hypercapnia, and other causes;
and the PCR tests are “completely unreliable” and “contain carcinogenic ethylene oxide.”

I stand by the above statement by the plaintiffs and support the fantastic exceptional effort they have made to save humanity! The crimes that have been perpetrated on the unsuspecting public has been extraordinarily cruel and evil! Scraping autopsies, Incarcerations & banning of family visits of elderly and vulnerable - forcing end of life medications and DNR orders put on vulnerable and elderly is one of the most disgusting, shocking, sickening acts of wickedness ever seen in my life time in this country that I all through my life held dear! The list goes on and on of sheer atrocities the govt us bestowed on its citizens would take more than just the text box I’m writing in now.

Please feel free to contact me for an in-depth view of my take on this undisputed #covid #crimesagainsthumanity!
Many Thanks for this opportunity to be heard and for the care and love of your fellow human being you do... Much love

A Sabek (London, 2022-01-23)


I am à freedom Fighter

Xavier desmecht (Bruxelles, 2022-01-23)


It is a crime to restrict life saving drugs for humanity in the treatment of covid 19. There needs to be a trial for truth and justice.

Helene Belloni (Saint Augustine, 2022-01-23)


Informed consent is essential to good decision making and is being withheld.

Kimberly Tancrede RN BSN (Berwick , 2022-01-23)


Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Bill Gates, and Big Pharma colluded to kill millions of people around the worls. They have comm8tted cr8mes against humanity!

Kristi Layman (Cheyenne, 2022-01-23)


Stop the genocide NOW! Arrest Klaus Schwab!

Dante Weber (Buenos Aires, 2022-01-23)


I wholeheartedly support Dr Fleming.

Jenny Phare (Kincumber, 2022-01-24)


I’m signing because my freedoms are being infringed by Covid protocols.

Kathryn Groebe (Gilbert, 2022-01-24)


The last 2 years have witnessed the greatest moral crime in history. Our freedoms, lives and livelihoods have been laid waste. It must be stopped now and can never be allowed to happen again.

Martin Honzatko (Brisbane , 2022-01-24)



Ryan Smith (Esperance , 2022-01-24)



Arne Ommedal (buri ram, 2022-01-24)





I'm am signing this Petition because, of the crimes against Humanity. Our Governments all over the world are mandating Biological Weapons via the Covid-19 injection. This must stop now and all Governments should be held accountable under The 1947 Nuremberg Code.

Deborah Wilkinson (Auckland, 2022-01-24)


I am signing this as I do not agree with this medical treatment it is crime against humanity.

wynand Wessels (Lephalale, Limpopo, 2022-01-24)


I am signing this petition in support of Dr Richard Fleming, in bringing the Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for

Crimes Against Humanity.

Paul Chantler (Leura, 2022-01-24)


ITs good versus Evil that simple. We must hold those responsible to account. All of them.

gary mcnamara (dublin, 2022-01-24)


I do not comply, and those responsible for the criminal a tions against the people must be persecuted

Bruno Garcia (Almada, 2022-01-24)


I'm signing in support to the people who stand up for justice and what is right.

Alex Tsiliris (Athens, 2022-01-24)


is an American, and one of Gods creatures on this planet; I believe this diabolical scheme of genocide is being taken out on mankind on a global scale. Pharmaceuticals powerful enterprises sinister evil forces this is a power of good versus evil and there are dark hearts and minds with evil intentions against humanity on a global scale. I believe that these crimes are worthy; to hunt these criminals down around the world bring them to trial prosecute them and give them the sentence of accountability they need to be given so that the world will see this can never happen again. If these criminals around the world Are committing suicide and eugenics they are are no different than the Nazis.
And so if they want to bring back Nazism then we will bring back the Nuremberg trials we will bring back hunting down these criminals and we will bring back the gallows and they will be hung at the neck just like the Nazi war criminals if that’s what the international crimes court decides to do. Thank you Dr. Fleming for your courage. Press on…America and other nations are with you!

Matthew Thompson (Westmister , 2022-01-24)


Consequences need to be public, swift and harsh for crimes against humanity.

Cheryl Phillips (Mesa, 2022-01-24)


it's the right thing to do

Christopher Scopic (Regina, 2022-01-24)


One of many reasons I wish to see Vaccine mandates rescinded or not imposed is because I have no recourse to hold the manufactures of these products liable if I am harmed. A second reason is that these pharmaceutical corporations have captured government regulatory agencies or are colluding with them in order to make a profit at the expense health safety, etc, etc.

Thomas Collier (Lillooet, 2022-01-24)


The COVID-19 vaccines force the human body to manufacture a synthetically-strengthened version of the most dangerous part of the COVID-19 virus, its spike protein. These are causing more COVID-19 deaths and all-cause mortality worldwide *after* the COVID-19 "vaccine" rollouts than before and constitute a crime against humanity.

Kathy Dopp (Natick, 2022-01-24)


Covid vaccine side effects, silencing of medical professionals, coordinator efforts to force the unwilling to take a vaccine or lose their job.

Susann Currie (Hinckley, 2022-01-24)


Allowing another Nazi regime and Holocaust to happen is not acceptable.

Carolyn Bradley (Edmond, 2022-01-24)


I'm signing because so many innocent and helpless people have been maimed, killed, or impoverished because of the Gain of Function Research funded by Anthony Fauci and his government agencies.

Daphne Davis (Ridgway, 2022-01-24)


It’s beyond despicable and perpetrators need to be accountable.

Maryanne Rickards (Orange, 2022-01-25)


Because my immunity is rock solid and my body doesn't belong to the Government!

Mattive Windy (Shamokin Dam, 2022-01-25)


This pandemic is the greatest crime perpetrated on humanity, costing millions of lives and livelihoods, and destroying the economy of many countries.

Dorota Raciborska (Maryland, 2022-01-25)


Because being coerced to have an experimental vaccine is criminal.

Karel Vine (Moruya, 2022-01-25)


It is a crime against humanity

Katarina Hagberg (Hovås , 2022-01-25)


My Grand Daughters took these shots. I could not stop them, they are over 20 but my 1 Grand Daughter now has medical problems. Cysts on the ovaries and I believe it's from the shots. She went to Tampa Medical and they talked her into the booster. She tells me that everyone needs to do their part.

Colleen Dean (Seminole, 2022-01-25)


This is a clear case of biological warfare against humanity

Denys Aubry (Noosa , 2022-01-25)



Nicholas DAmato (Granby, 2022-01-25)


Crimes against humanity and genocide.

Charles Swan (Mason, 2022-01-25)


I'm signing because I understand what it's all about... Beyond this pandemic episode there's much more to pay attention, if we fail, Humanity is Game Over... Each one need to think about that again and again... And judge with his/her enlightened consciousness !

Laurent Campos (Montélimar, 2022-01-25)


Terrible wrongs have been made against mankind and it must rectified.

Deborah Moshenko (High River, 2022-01-25)


There needs to be accountability to prevent future atrocities.

Jerry Archer (SIOUX FALLS, 2022-01-25)


With all the deaths and illnesses caused by the vaccines. People forcing others to be jabbed need to be charged.

Robyn Akins (Jesmond, 2022-01-25)


I'm signing because I am fully agree with Mr. Richard M Fleming why to Investigate and Prosecute those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity.

Vaclav Marcak (Mount Beauty, 2022-01-26)


I am signing this to try to stop this genocide and bring the people responsible to task

Lynda Esz (2756, 2022-01-26)


Crimes against humanity have been perpetrated upon the people of Canada by our " leaders". A huge breach of trust has occured!

Kim Price-finnamore (Fredericton, 2022-01-26)


The persons responsible creating covid 19 virus and the vaccines which cause death and do much harm must be held responsible. These are crimes against humanity and they must be stopped.

Vanessa Shute (Toronto, 2022-01-26)


I want this war over, I want the psychopathic bastards responsible held accountable and I want a safe and healthy future for my children

Jodie Simon (Norwood, 2022-01-26)


We all have a right to know the truth, this has lasted long enough and too much harm as been done, enough is enough!

Cindy Harnish (Levis, 2022-01-26)


Those who are silent, are complicit.

Will Genske (Gerbrunn, 2022-01-26)


Vaccines are killing people.

Kirstin Carfagnini (Dundee, 2022-01-26)


The mandates and treatment of Canadians during these last two years is unethical and unjust!

Kaitlyn Lorantfy (Corunna, 2022-01-26)


US leaders in charge of COVID research, policy, and vaccinations have deliberately misled the people, suppressed scientific discourse, and injured tens of thousands, possibly millions including causing deaths.

David English (University City, 2022-01-26)


Life is sacred
We are sovereign
Where there is risk there must always be choice
All humans must have basic human rights

Belibda Carter (Windang, 2022-01-26)


We need to stop the totalitarian state

Andrew Rivera (Livingston , 2022-01-27)


Podpisujem sa pretože mi ide o pravdu,objektivitu,spravodlivosť a v nie poslednom rade o zdravie svoje i mojich blízkych

Peter šišolák (Pusté Úĺany, 2022-01-27)


It's the right thing for humanity.

Daniel Schiller (Adelaide, 2022-01-27)


The corrupted medical system in the USA needs to be completely overhauled in order to restore its primary function of benefiting public health.

Eva Dickman (Solon, OH, 2022-01-27)


Those who are directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the US alone need to be held accountable for their crimes in order for this nation...and the world to heal. Accountability is the only way we can start to prevent future profit-driven manipulations by the corporate owned government against the people.

Holly Riffe (Columbia Falls, 2022-01-27)


I’m signing this petition in support of law enforcement authority investigation of criminal activity including genocide committed by the various co-conspirators.

John Boesen (Salina, 2022-01-27)


they are evil people

Rachel Moore (rock spring, 2022-01-27)


I’m a victim of the hate speech , & segregationist policies of prime minister Justin Trudeau.

Breanna Kennedy (Kelowna, 2022-01-27)


My business has been shut down because I’m not vaccinated because of this I have lost my livelihood I want to fight it but don’t know where or how. I paid a lawyer to find a loophole but all he did was tell me was what was on the news and quoted the Australian mandates

Robyn Sibraa (upper Coomera, 2022-01-27)

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