Rejection : City Power Electricity Service Fee ( Gauteng Province)



Not paying for what others have stolen.

Hassiem Davids (Roodepoort, 2024-07-07)


Petition against city power monthly service fee

Nqobile Mbhele (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


Electricity costs are way to high. We might then rather have to go back to having accounts like before.

Reyana Alqout (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


I’m affected financially

Penelope Mthombeni (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


This is unfair what City Power is doing, they stealing from the poor instead of collecting from thise that refuse to pay

Hennie Els (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


Since 94 we had a Government of disorder and corruption never stop , every year a hike in tariff is crucial when bills are extremely unfortunately out of billing consideration. Today we just can't win with THIEVES in power.

Myran Paul (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


High tariff of electricity

Serge Xitlhangu (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


I am a resident. And this is stealing from the middle class:

Tumelo Mothapo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


I'm not paying irridiculars money to pay for Eskom and city power's corruption and mismanagement. To hell with that!!!

Nataly Booi (Devland, 2024-07-07)


Electricity is too expensive

Litlhare Mahlasela (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


I'm signing this position because. You guys just want more and more money and come up ideas that we just have to pay. There's a high unemployed people and everything is falling apart, but we must follow the law. How must I pay for my car license and drivers license if I don't have a job, because of this R200 and 12% meaning I just have to sleep 4 days with out food. This is what I'm living on R50 a day. And my story goes on. If you guys want money ask zume and his friends to pay they stole every cent and we safer

Jozua Joubert (Germiston, 2024-07-07)


Of the fee implemented by city power and NERSA

Lindi Ndlovu (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)



Tebogo Magonare (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


It is getting to expensive to leave, middle class citizen pay for the poor who bridge thier electricity to survive,

Lerato Rankoko (Ekhurulani, 2024-07-07)


Life in South Africa since covid has become more difficult financially to keep up, we are already struggling with buying basics how can we pay a service fee for electricity

Ayesha Abbass (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


This has gotten damn expensive

Jerry Dichaba (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


The government cannot increase rates that have a knock-on effect on the cost of living in an economy that is set breaking point. Steal less!!

Michelle York (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


Against the high electricity rates of city power and the service fee that we are being charged. The prices are ridiculous!!

MDUDUZI MOSETEKOA (Roodepoort, 2024-07-07)


I reject the R200 monthly service fee for prepaid electricity. As it is unaffordable, Looking at our economic environment. This is suicide for households which are already struggling with high food, fuel prices and general high cost of living. Families are not coping already, you can't come add ridiculous non- sensiccal service fee on law abiding citizens strangled by government due to their inefficiency of governing the city. No to service charge of monthly R200.

Mashiase Okeke (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


The ANC government has mismanaged funds received from the electorate. ANC did not use funds received for required maintenance of infrastructure. The price of electricity has escalated unrealistically, cost of living is out of reach for average people. I am a pensioner with a fixed income, I cannot afford the additional mandatory R200 service charge.

SHARON LEVIN (Jhb, 2024-07-07)


The State is intent on bankrupting it's citizens.

Ofhani Rapetswane (Lethabong, 2024-07-07)


Because I'm gatvol with this unprovoked financial abuse

Nomusa Nhleko (Jhb, 2024-07-07)


We are financially suffocating because of the bill of electricity recently.

Bophelo Mohapi (Soweto, 2024-07-07)


I'm signing because I'm currently unemployed, due to the fact that I'm no longer fit to work since two months after taking the vaccine. The increase will cost me a lot since I have to go to hospital every month for a check up and treatment from the pulmonary embolism that developed from the vaccine. You've killed our health , don't kill our pockets too .

Nelisiwe Chala (Johannesburg South, 2024-07-07)


I'm not happy with the R200 monthly charge from city power and electricity it has been reduced to 37 units for R100 than previously I feel they are taxing Me a lot and that's not fair

Fabia Novele (Midrand, 2024-07-07)


I cannot afford 200 a month

Kgadi Mathobela (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


Esk9m has been run into the ground by gross missmanagement, etc.
Tax payers and the general public have had to battle through load shedding... and trying to find ways to keep the lights on at our own expense, only to be further "taxed"without our concent. I strongly do not agree to this.

Bernice Karamitsos (lethabong, 2024-07-07)


I am unemployed and cannot afford this forced price hikes and service fee.

Nadine Singh (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


I cannot afford

Nomvula Segathume (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


I do not accept the R200 fee to my electricity purchase as I can't afford it .

Elizabeth Mohapi (JHB, 2024-07-07)


I try to get by on R300's electricity per month, which I can just about afford, and object to suddenly having to pay a R200 "service fee".

Philip Klopper (Johannesburg, 2024-07-07)


Dis electricity increase I cannot afford it

Yvonne Ndzunga (Johannesburg Roodepoort, 2024-07-08)


I m signing because the electricity price is too much for me to afford having electricity. As it is living expenses are high

Matlou Mashamaite (Roodepoort, 2024-07-08)


We really can't afford all these hikes! We especially went onto prepaid & now getting charged even more for paying usage upfront!

Madeline Forst (Roodepoort, 2024-07-08)


I don't want to be charged monthly service fee, it's too much.

Sinolwethu Qona (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


Not happy

Sally Bartie (Edenvale, 2024-07-08)


The public was not consulted

Toni Heathfield (JHB, 2024-07-08)


No service delivery! Power only restored 3 weeks later?

Martha Kotze (Roodepoort, 2024-07-08)


I am tired of corruption, it's time to speak out

Khuthala Mlungwana (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


Because some companies owe millions as well as flats etc why is this not controlled so that they have credit limits. Instead of having checks and balances in place they abuse those who pay in ADVANCE.

Kim Alexander (Roodepoort, 2024-07-08)


It's rediculous, we as paying customers must suffer because City of Joburg can't run the municipality properly. There is a lot of illegal connections of water and electricity. Government buildings are owing millions of rands. They collect the old outstanding money owed by public and government sectors. Leave us out of it. Scrap this nonsense.

Gift Zwane (Towerby, 2024-07-08)


im signing coz the electricity was already a problem before and now its going to be worse, we cannot afford what yourll are doing here.

Zaynodeen isaacs (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I want the fee to be scraped, electricity us expensive as it is, life is hard

Lesedi Makgalatiba (Hammanskraal, 2024-07-08)


I cannot afford it. I am already struggling to buy electricity and I am not working. Where is all this going to take straight to poverty. Soweto. Is not buying nor paying for electricity they bridge their houses. But us trying our very best to do things right they are taking our last cent. How do we survive or cope? Already there is no jobs

Kamogelo Ntontela (Jhb, 2024-07-08)


I'm unemployed

Xolani Mahlinza (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I can't afford it

Thulani Mbele (Midrand, 2024-07-08)


I disagree with the increase of mandatory R200 without consultation.

Arnold Van Lendt (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


It’s unfair for us to pay tax money to be used for infrastructure and other related services, then be expected to pay another R200 on top of our taxes

Bongane Malebe (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I’m tired of being officially robbed by selfish people who don’t care about my needs and those of South Africans

Thuliswa Thuba (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I'm signing this petition because I can't afford it and I can't pay back the money that's been stollen by their employees. I refuse

Chamaine Mathe (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I’m signing because my electricity bill just tripled. It’s too much.

Hlulani Hlangwane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I can't afford

Shandre Jonkers (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


Im signing because of the mandatory R200 monthly Service charge fee. Its not fair to only charge Gauteng as well as being over priced

Miguel Alves (Johannesberg, 2024-07-08)


I refuse to pay extra service fee for lights I am already paying for it just does not make sense to make the honest people pay for the mistakes others made .

Stephanie De Lange (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


It's nonsense

Megan Inez Claasen (Riverlea Ext 2, 2024-07-08)


I don't want price increase as my income is not increased and the consumption is still the same. Why increase the price while service delivery is still same and poor. Whats worse is that we never get compensation from City power when there is power outages. So they must remain on fixed prices until they fix their service delivery and put extra measures to protects the cables against theft.
They must also disconnect illegal connections before they make us good citizens pay for their obtuseness and vacuity and bad customer service. We are facing economic inequalities, unmet expectations of poor management within and lack of capacity and good customer experience. Have you ever received a good rating to be able to think of price increase?
Hmm you must never somblief.

Sarah Makwala (Roodepoort, 2024-07-08)


All of the above in the petition. Never consulted on this. Do not see public participation process was followed.

Donal Good (Roodepoort, 2024-07-08)


Because we can't afford that 200 monthly payment already we pay too much for electricity this not on please review this and cancel that so called 200

Xolile Fortunate (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


The tarrif is too high for me and I can't afford this level of exploitation.

Bafedile Louw (Roodeport, 2024-07-08)


Myself as a pensioner as well as people in our community earn very little.
We cannot cope with the extra charges for electricity which is a vital asset for living daily.

Maggie Bailie (Roodepoort, 2024-07-08)


I reject the surcharge of R200 and the increase implemented on the 1st of July 2024

Shaka David Makatini (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


The service fee is R200 is unfair. We are already struggling to keep up with high fee demands of electricity

Neo Ramonye (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I am signing because the cost of admin and connection is included in the unit price. Now I am paying an additional fee for the same thing.

Arno Pretorius (Randburg, 2024-07-08)


Enough is enough I am a pensioner and my electricity bill at present is almost R3000 a month which we struggle to pay each month and last year one month was doubled and I have sent numerous emails and no one has come back to me to tell me why

Irene Schipper (Ekhuhkeni, 2024-07-08)


I am signing to reject the mandatory R200 monthly Service charge fee over and above a 12.7% electricity tariff increase which both took effect 1 July 2024. It was not properly communicated and I cannot afford such additional fees on top of the current economic state in South Africa.

Siphilile Biyela (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


There are so many surcharge and management fees that we are already paying. This is not right to take money from people because they can't run their municipality properly. We should not be penalized for incompetency.

Anne Ebrahim (La Rochelle, 2024-07-08)


We want the monthly service fee disregarded

Rick Ungerer (Jihannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I’m signing because the service fee over and above the increase makes it unaffordable to buy and use electricity for the basic needs

Halati Mulaudzi (Florida Glen, 2024-07-08)


We were already struggling before these massive rate increases. Furthermore, hiking up duties on imports of alternative power solutions means that that people have no survival options. It is a violation of our basic human rights.

Bonni CAMPBELL-SALMON (Randburg, 2024-07-08)


Cost of living is already high. We are already buying 1 unit of electricity for R3,80!

Zandile Radebe (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I reject the proposal made by City Power for the implementation of an Electricity Service Fee.

Rahiem Whisgary (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I bought the meter, why must i now pay a monthly fee? Why was this not required for years, but is all of a sudden a requirement?

Anchen Engelbrecht (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I’m signing to end corruption and for officials to be held accountable for their actions.This service charge fee is frustrating communities and it also has a potential to increase crime rates as people will have less money to meet their needs .

Tshepang Malotwane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


This is crazy, no way we can afford this..12,7 increment also disputable.

Mthokozisi Mahlangu (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I'm signing this petition to reject the proposed by the municipality and miss management of our local municipalities and then the residents are held liable for their incompetence.

Zanele Skota (Dobsonville, 2024-07-08)


R200 is not getting rid of the incompetent managers still trying to run the City..
Next year it will be R400.😡

Rina De Freitas (Roodepoort, 2024-07-08)


We can't afford more fees

Angelo Hedley (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


It does not take inconsideration pensioners

CAREL VAN WYK (Randburg, 2024-07-08)


The cost of living is already to high and we are already struggling financially this cost just proves to be another unnecessary expense to the public which may potentially not even benefit the public. Not to mention that the tariffs have been hiking recently yet electricity service delivery has been tanking at a rapid pace

Kevin Nkuna (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


The R200 VAT exclusive service feel is totally unacceptable!



For the rights of our country. For the rights of our people. We are tired of suffering

Chantelle Adam (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I am not paying for services we don't receive.

Petro Coetzee (Roodepoort, 2024-07-08)


I'm signing because we are poor

Mzukulu Madi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


It is corruption. Prepaid clients are faithfull paying clients. We were not consulted about this additional R200. 00. They are stealing one's again from the pensioners.

Charmaine Broodryk (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I consume R250 worth of electricity per month because that's what I can afford.
My budget doesn't afford me to pay any amount above R250 for electricity.
I really can't afford it.

Sharon Motebele (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I'm signing because I'm unemployed

Rodrich Platt (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I would like to voice my concern with the R200 electricity charge impose by the NERSA and CoJ to the residents as unfair and should be relooked at.



I do not agree to the additional charges

Zaheer L (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


We are already under immense financial pressure as is

Katleho N (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


We are struggling with rising costs on a daily basis adding this fee is absolutely ridiculous. We simply can’t afford to City power our hard earned money.

Lala Gumede (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I do not approve

Jack Tshotsho (Sandton, 2024-07-08)


I voted not be taken advantage of, increase is steep and how will they accou t for days that are loadshed, do I still pay even when there is no electricity. We bought the prepaid meter, why am I still paying for it in the form.of an admin fee.

Khobane Howard (Viewcrest, 2024-07-08)


I do not want to pay extra due to corruption.

Es-Mari Boshoff (Florida, 2024-07-08)


No service fee makes sense to be paid by the customers we already pay VAT now extra fee of 230 what about those who are around struggling to buy lights on a monthly base.

Kyle Van Ross (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


The cost of living is too high as is. It is ridiculous that instead of the government boosting the economy and creating jobs they want more money from people who are already struggling. They should be ashamed.

Ashley Mabule (Randburg, 2024-07-08)


This country is being crippled by incompetent leaders.

Billy Du Preez (Gauteng, 2024-07-08)


This is not right!

Chloe van Eyssen (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


We can’t afford to keep paying so much money for electricity whilst salaries stay the same.

Matete Sonxi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-08)


I disagree with the R200 charge, we already struggling as is.

Malissa Clarence (Jhb, 2024-07-08)

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