Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
This is criminal and something has to be done to stop what is going on.Larry Nordhagen (Shakopee, 2022-03-11)
Because the things that have happened over the past two years (and much longer) against humanity and it’s children is intolerable and the people who have committed these crimes must be held accountable.Lovitt Allen (St. Andre LeBlanc, 2022-03-11)
These criminals must be stopped and held accountable, or they will do it again, it has already been planned.Daniel Heasley (Harmony, 2022-03-11)
Simply, the future of mankind hinges on the upholding of moral and ethical code(s) that has been so egregiously violated from start to finish in this planned COVID scenario.Bev Shoemaker (Owen Sound, 2022-03-11)
Mainstream medical is killing our communities! I was fired for what I believe. I won’t get another job in the area because of it.Natalie Tannasso (Easton Pa, 2022-03-11)
We need accountability for the harm lockdowns, restrictions and mandates imposed by those in positions of power.Kellie Forbes (Barrhead, 2022-03-11)
The people and organizations responsible for these horrific crimes must be held accountable and this needs to be prevented from ever happening again.Marilyn Beckett (Sooke, 2022-03-12)
I believe in our God given right to body autonomy. Mandating any drug, or foreign substance, or gene therapy under duress without explaining or knowing fully the physiological outcome for each individual is pure evil and constitutes prosecution for crimes against humanity. Mandating any drug or physical experiment on a human being without their complete informed consent is illegal.Kristin Olsen (La Grange, 2022-03-12)
My children were forced to take the toxic injections to maintain there job and I have lost my work as hospital chaplain and community bus driver because my informed choice prevents me from being involved in the toxic injection experimentPeter Quinlan (Woody Point, 2022-03-12)
I know many individuals who have been severely harmed, and even died as a result of the irrational and unscientific measures and mandates under the guise of a pandemic. We are gaslighted, discriminated and persecuted for having doubts or trying to debate the policies. This is happening all over the world.Renate Lindeman (Nash Creek, 2022-03-12)
We need to bring truth, facts and science into this. If any person, organization, entity, planned to develop a chimeric virus crossing Biological Weapons Treaties, then intentionally or accidentally was released out, justice needs to be served.Stefan Ariasu (Manassas, 2022-03-12)
I believe elements or related entities/parties were involved in the theft of my money on deposit in a segregated money market trust account at Lloyds Bank International (branch bank at the time) in Panama (now CITI). I also have evidence that one or more of the persons helping me were murdered in Costa Rica and their multi million dollar estate(s) looted by attorney thieves. I can supply more details to the appropriate party.Stuart Auld (Kansas City, MO, 2022-03-12)
I'm a specialist in internal medicine and in nuclear medicine. In addition I worked in virology (HIV basic research) and in a small pharmaceutical company where I was responsible for regulatory affairs. For this reason I regard the new corona vaccines as a false design and a wrong strategy and the drug approval as totally insufficient and unscientific.Now I worked at various clinics during the pandemic and saw the side effects of the so called vaccination.
Wolfgang Bergter, MD (D-31812 Bad Pyrmont, 2022-03-12)
Two close friends have become ill after the jab. One has lost a leg due to thrombosis and the other has developed abdominal cancer out if the blue. Fauci and friends need to be punished for doing what they gave done and we need to put a halt to thus vaccine madness before we kill the future leaders of this world . The world is run by phsyco clowns at the moment and we need to get rid of them as quick as possibleTroy Pascucci (Cape, 2022-03-12)
I'm horrified by the lockdowns, the vaccine and mask mandates, and the censorship.Victoria Palmieri (Warwick, 2022-03-13)
For all the death and vaccine injured they need justicsAdrienne Campbell (Auckland, 2022-03-13)
These experimental "vaccinations" should never have been authorized based on the clinical trial data and should never have been forced on people.Jan Shaw (Bayfield, 2022-03-13)
The Guilty most be brought to Justice for Crimes against Humanity...this behavior is like FDA CDC Gates Rockefeller WHO CCP CIA DARPA and others studied under the NAZI DOCTOS ORDERS supervised by MENGLE. JUSTICE MOST BE ESTABLISH SO HELP US GOD. NUREMBERG CODE.Daniel Persen (Antigo, 2022-03-13)
I'm signing because the Covid-19 'Vaccines' are causing MUCH MORE HARM than good... if there is any good at all. These 'vaccines' MUST be pulled off the market and FAST and ALL people behind this horrifying scam must be held accountable and punished - NUREMBURG 2, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITYTanya Below (Mulmur, 2022-03-13)
I'm signing because it's not okay to threaRachel Regnier (Haiku, 2022-03-14)
The crimes against humanity perpetrated by Fauci. main line media, and others is not acceptable and must be prosecuted.susana Bennett (west de4ptford, 2022-03-14)
I’m signing because My rights are being taken away. Government overreach, taking away my rights as as human to make choices that protect my family. Government is coercing dangerous medical procedures onto my family. Such mandates without government taking full responsibility for death and disability is not humane.Marica Petrovska Garvey (Vero Beach, 2022-03-14)
It is clear that this has been a planned pandemic, with the organisers even involved in the gain of function to 'beef up a coronavirus. This was followed by the production of a fraudulent PCR Test, which ramped up 'case numbers' and helped to crate worldwide panic. Known treatments were not allowed with the sole reliance on untested injections of gene therapies. I have suffered business losses and I have witnessed the pain of my tenants unable to meet theor commitements. Many people I know have suffered adverse effects from vaccines and my ex-wife was allowed to die without proper treatments in hospital.Ian Pepper (Exton, 2022-03-14)
I want to see justicePatrick Crane (Downham market, 2022-03-14)
Protest was legal and well organized within Canadian law.And
Mandates are criminal against humanity.
Margot Roode (Erb Settlement, 2022-03-14)
Freedom is a fundamental right as per our Canadian Charter of Rights and FreedomMIsha Pelletier (montreal, 2022-03-14)
No one should be above the law.Dezri Dean (Shelton, 2022-03-14)
My rights and freedoms are being trampled on and I was born in a Canada, this should not be happening.Amanda Smith (Salmo, 2022-03-14)
freedom shortageFrantišek Čekal (Cvikov, 2022-03-14)
We have to rid our country of these Corrupt politiciansGoldie Trelenberg (Kelowna, 2022-03-14)
Crimes have been committed against humanity in Canada. Those involved need to be held to accountLisa Massey (Camlachie, 2022-03-14)
The things that have happened to our elderly are cruel and inhumane.Jodi BAUGHMAN (HOCKLEY, 2022-03-14)
They need to pay for their crimes.Diana Arsenault (Grande Prairie, 2022-03-15)
I am a health care provider who is disgusted by what has been to people by our government ,and I am shocked at the percentage of our population who can not see the forest from the trees.Todd Funk (Washington, 2022-03-15)
I sign this petition so truth on what is really known and transparency from this point forward can be achieved.Adam Zier (Charlotte, 2022-03-15)
I’m signing because I believe the Covid 19 plandemic, entailing a lab created gain of function virus, anti-science and anti-treatment policies, the EUA non-vaccine shot series, social isolation, masking and quarantining, have all been designed to implement the globalists’ plan of eugenics and population control. The atrocity of the fulfillment of their agenda is a crime against humanity the extent of which has possibly only been exceeded by Hitler himself.Connie Reimer (Lexington, 2022-03-15)
I want to see those who attempted to control us, brought to justice.Courtney Winstone (Gundleton, 2022-03-15)
Fauci, Gates and P.I’s- and the whole group -KNEW - the vaccine doesn’t work. KNEW ivermectin and HCQ did work. They knowingly lied to hide the truth and many thousands of people died. Plus Fauci and all his agency friends on “independent” boards are all milking the government for Biklions of our money for their fraudulent medical lifestyle.Dwight McCarty (Eagle, 2022-03-15)
This is disgusting. They've killed my love onesCrystal Edwards (Port Charlotte, 2022-03-15)
Those responsible for this need to be held accountable.Jeff Sims (Drexel, 2022-03-15)
There are no words to describe the extent of the damage that has been, intentionally, caused to human beings on a global scale. Death, physical & psychological injury, financial destruction and immoral financial gain are all outcomes of this plan to gain ultimate control over humans globally. Some may never recuperate from this episode in our history and many have, unknowingly or knowingly, forfeited their souls to become an integral part of the plan. I would be saddened for the young and for future generations if we are unable to overcome the outcomes of this devious plan and emerge victorious over evil. Everyone must be held accountable, no matter what their involvement may be or may have been.Julkа Vlajic (Prospect Village, 2022-03-15)
I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.Joan Rohrig (Seven Sisters Falls, 2022-03-15)
I demand change in our Society as a Servant if Jesus Christ this is my duty.In Unity Freedom can be attained to the highest level. I will no longer accept the lies from those who feel entitled to enslave humanity.
Monique Strong (Marina Del Rey, 2022-03-15)
this is very important. the perpetrators should know there are those who are against their inhumane behaviorAlice Hecht-Soliman (jacksonville, 2022-03-16)
Coercing people to take an experimental vaccine; lack of transparency; the use of faulty covid tests under EUAs to push the corrupt covid narrative, measures, fear-mongering, and to manipulate data; the liberal approach to counting cases/deaths; the gross violations of liberties; public shaming and division based on vax status; misinformation of vax, including not enough data to determine efficacy from severe disease/death, transmission not studied even though there were breakthrough infections, VAED not fully studied; dismissing and not providing adequate care to vax injured; suppression of treatments; censorship and suppression of information; and so on!Brenda Keane (Waterbury, 2022-03-16)
What has been done to the people around the world is criminal. People have lost their businesses, their jobs, their friends and colleagues and many have died from an experimental vaccine or from depression. These are crimes against humanity.Vivienne Bromley (WEST VANCOUVER, 2022-03-16)
Vax injured, killing our kids, our elders, our everybody in between, this is a pharma profit mass murder crime, especially withholding meds to cure covid early!Valerie Sanfilippo (San Diego, 2022-03-16)
Crimes against humanity, if gone unpunished, will perpetuate.David Snedeker (Topanga, 2022-03-17)
I believe the governments of the world are in breach of human rights established during the Nuremburg trials.Tony Brown (Metung, 2022-03-17)
I've worked in clinical research for 24 years and have been well aware of the informed consent violations occurring since the beginning of the pandemic.Lori Koerber (Minneapolis, 2022-03-17)
I'm signing because we, the world, are at the moment faced with massive crimes against humanity as regards lockdowns, the pandemic hoax and the administration of dangerous vaccines. We are walking blindly into totalitarianism with a few rich and powerful oligarchs at the helm. Just as Aldous Huxley and George Orwell predicted. We are in a period where evil is now taking over the world in a biblical way. We must act against the perpetrators. Thankyou to Dr Flemming and the wonderful Reiner Fuellmich and his team. I wish I could help more but have no scientific training. I am a painter and believe in a higher power/ spirituality which must win with the help of these great people who are forming a Nurembourg 2. Thank you Mary TempestMary Tempest (London, 2022-03-17)
It is clear that crimes against humanity have been committed by suppressing cheap, effective existing drugs and pushing experimental, ineffective gene therapy injections with high rates of adverse events including serious disabilities and death. Justice must be done and the people responsible for this fraud must be investigated and prosecuted so it doesn't happen again.Susanna Celso (St Catharines, 2022-03-17)
The COVID/PCR scam appears to have been conducted to enable the global distribution of an untested "vaccine" that was known to kill people while doing nothing to protect anyone from disease.Gordon Miller (Ottawa, 2022-03-17)
Tyrali nas a stale tyrajuAdela Lukáčová (Senica, 2022-03-18)
I am in no doubt that they have committed multiple criminal acts against humanity. I have seen the Grand Jury public opinion recently and it seems to be a huge numbers of evidence against these suspects. Great work by honorable Truth Heroes of Our Time!Omar Zky (Oslo, 2022-03-18)
Truth must prevail. Corrupt globalists must be accountable and dealt with according to the law. Us mere peasants certainly would be. ENOUGH with the 'good for me but not for thee' bs!!Lexie Hannah (Red Deer, 2022-03-18)
Because kidnapping is a crime. What else would you call illegally holding millions of Canadians hostage against their will ?? It's the very definition of KIDNAPPING. We are PRISONERS here yet HE"S the criminal!Karin B (St. Hubert, 2022-03-19)
There has been too much injustice of late and governments, people in power need to be held accountable.Marie-France Arruda (Markham, 2022-03-19)
We have to stop this inhumane monster leading RussiaPenny Doorbar (London, 2022-03-19)
I am in agreement with objectives of this petition.Simon Cleal (Melbourne, 2022-03-19)
We need to expose and convict everyone who has had a hand in injuring and killing millions of people and who endeavour to enslave us.Brenda Graham (Calgary, 2022-03-20)
The people associated with the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and the vaccine companies supplying the Covid19 vaccines, need to be stopped. They have an evil agenda; they are killing and disabling people.Sherry Richmond (Strathmore, 2022-03-20)
I want to see the incarceration of Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, members of the CDC,NIH, national media and many othersPaul Gibson (Eddy, 2022-03-20)
I'm signing because I believe in justice. The globalists behind the fake COVID-19 pandemic and the poisonous mRNA vaccines must be brought to justice, along with all those who supported their anti-human agenda, including the politicians and health officials responsible for administering the mandates.David Potter (Cooranbong 2265, 2022-03-21)
I believe the World has been attacked in a Pre-meditated manner in order to cause Fear, Control, Subjugation.It is up to the Peoples of the World to seek out the TRUTH!
Michael Walsh (St. Petersburg, 2022-03-21)
I believe in freedom and that includes medical freedom for all.Jennifer Enzweiler (Walnut Creek, 2022-03-21)
The truth must be exposed! No matter the cost…AnnMarie H Waters (Carlisle, 2022-03-21)
respect laws that exist, no coercion, no mandates, no conflicts of interest $D del (MontreaL, 2022-03-22)
I believe that a worldwide medical experiment if not genocide has been carried out against the people of the world.Andrew Drapper (DORCHESTER, 2022-03-22)
The Canadian government literally tried to strip us of all our rights, our government instilled Unnecessary fear , fear Beyond reason, in all Canadians. Our government is deceitful and is still trying to treat us like common criminals. It needs to stop.Shelly Miller (Kingston, 2022-03-22)
The Nuremberg Code must be upheld.Shelagh Young (Ellerslie, 2022-03-22)
We must know the truth to benefit all of mankind.Gloria Quigley (Loveland, Ohio, 2022-03-22)
I want to live in a free country, and I want my grandkids to live in a free country! Criminals must be prosecuted, or laws mean nothing!Robert Odom (Elkland, 2022-03-22)
These people have killed and injured so many people worldwide.They must pay, otherwise it will continue on, and it just must stop!
Jane Hark (Kamloops, 2022-03-23)
want to stop the scamdemicstop New World Order
Dariusz Jedynak (Gleichen, 2022-03-23)
I am signing because I believe we should have the right to choose what gets injected into our bodies especially the inadequately and hastily developed vaccines.Grace Paulson (Toowoomba, 2022-03-23)
I'm signing as we are being forced to accept with NO right of denial or refusal, World Government & Dictatorship Leaders cruel criminal actions & behaviours using mandated enforced withdrawal of freedoms & rightsto the personal choice of health, movement and beliefs.
Patrick Hayes (TAREE, 2022-03-23)
Sick and tired of watching friends have adverse reactions after taking these drugs being coerced on them or they can't work, can't travel, can't eat out etc. The lies from our government officials, media and medical professionals are demonic.Belinda Smith (Tamworth, 2022-03-23)
This needs to be exposed to the atrocity it is.sandra johnson (portland, 2022-03-23)