Ojamo mine opening for all divers
Been able to dive Ojamo and keeping it open to divers means conservation of this mine history.Also is one of the best and most important dice sites, dive training sites in Finland.
Alvaro Roldan (Puerto Calero, 2020-04-02)
I have been diving in Ojama and would love to bring more people back to enjoy this incredible site.Josh Thornton (Draper, 2020-04-02)
This place should be open for all certificated diversKatarzyna Ziemińska-Milanowska (Lublin, 2020-04-02)
I am a Cave DiverZeljka Kiesecker (Bernried, 2020-04-02)
Open ojamonKamil Chrzanowiecki (Skarszewy, 2020-04-02)
It's been a dream target of mine ever since I saw the Hell's Gate photo.Tom Charlton (Ipswich, 2020-04-02)
I wanna visit Ojamo!!!Jaime De la Puerta Salazar (Tulum, 2020-04-02)
It should be open to diversMagnus Åqvist (Stockholm, 2020-04-02)
Please open mine for diving again.Ole Grønlund Pedersen (Fredericia, 2020-04-02)
I am an avid cave diver an understand the frustration when access is denied to the place we love and protect.Henning Andree (Fountain Hills, 2020-04-02)
Ojamo on tärkeä pitää auki kaikille meille paikallisille sukeltajille sekä antaa mahdollisuus myös koko kansainväliselle tekniikkasukellus yhteisölle sukeltaa tässä ainutlaatuisen upeassa kaivoksessa.Heljä Mackrill (Inkoo, 2020-04-02)
I a very active cave diver and this a world class site. I hope it remains open.Paul Mackrill (Lans en Vercors, 2020-04-02)
A fair and open opportunity for all divers to dive at the Ojamo mine in accordance with international diving standards.Joffer Cave (São Paulo, 2020-04-02)
I want to come dive there!Marissa Eckert (Fort white, 2020-04-02)
Loosing access to this iconic site is very damaging to the dive industry and for the sport. Please reconsider the closure and open again.Michael Thomas (Farnham, 2020-04-02)
Ojamo mine is a dream dive site for me and a place I've wanted to dive ever since I first saw it. Please reopen it so I and others can experience this amazing dive location.Gareth Jones (Bristol, 2020-04-02)
I like to Cave dive and planing to go thereMarkus Mortensen (København, 2020-04-02)
As a cavediver I want to be able to dive Ojamo.Wiggo Larsen (Holmestrand, 2020-04-02)
Koska haluan sukeltaa siellä tulevaisuudessaMiia Virtanen (Jyväskylä, 2020-04-02)
I am looking forward to diving this amazing site and sharing my experiences with my friends, colleagues and students for educational purposes.Sean Smith (Leicester, 2020-04-02)
i'm a cavediver and the mine is wonderfull.Kurt Storms (tremelo, 2020-04-02)
I am a cave diver and I would love to visit this beautiful place.Melanie Chambers (Betzdorf, 2020-04-02)
I’m signing because as a cave diver it is my duty to support the world’s cave and mine diving community.Orlando Ochoa Méndez (La Habana, 2020-04-02)
Keep the mine open!Fredrik Christiansson (Stockholm, 2020-04-02)
This is an iconic mine diving site. One day I hope to be able to dive there.Robert Andrews (Stourbridge, 2020-04-02)
It's one of the most fascinazing dive sites in the worldMichael Manthe (Rostock, 2020-04-02)
It’s a shame if wonderfull places are closed. I would love to dive this one day myselfKarla Reynolds (Vleuten, 2020-04-02)
It’s my dream to dive thereAndrew Briggs (Huddersfield, 2020-04-02)
I love cavedivingHenrik Rudolf (Kata, 2020-04-02)
We need to preserve access to cave and mine sites globally for responsible caverns and geologistsMike Reynolds (Utrecht, 2020-04-02)
I want dive in Ojamo in futureAneta Porada (Sieradz, 2020-04-02)
Please, don't deny us the suggestion of this dive! I'm training to be able to make dives like this and coming to the Hell's Gate is one of my top 10 "dive dreams"Sara Ricciardi (Varese, 2020-04-02)
I want to dive in Ojamo mine!Wojciech Nowak (Gdańsk, 2020-04-02)
info@caveccr.com is looking forward to come with friends to visit and dive with Sami in Ojamo MineJan Schmid (Tulum, 2020-04-02)
Let s reopen Ojamo for everyoneFabrizio Tosoni (Bunde, 2020-04-02)
Obama is known throughout the world and is a massive draw for divers from across the globe. It brings a considerable amount of money into the area.Jason Brown (Bath, 2020-04-02)
I’m signing because I have been diving there before and it is a beautiful place with great people organising the diving in a safe fashion and I want to be able to revisit this marvellous place againGreetings JC
Jc Kristof (Stockholm, 2020-04-02)
I'm signing because I believe this mine should remain open for trained divers all over the world.Peter van der Pols (Hellerup, 2020-04-02)
It is heritage and historical legacy that should be available to divers to explore and visitMarcin Wasiak (sao paulo, 2020-04-02)
It would be a shame to close Ojama mine to diving after almost 40 years. There is a lot of history in the mine for divers to observe. I would like the opportunity to dive the Ojama mine.Sandy Robinson (Moultrie, 2020-04-02)
Because I want to go diving in Ojamo again!Nicholas Allen (Gothenburg, 2020-04-02)
I want to dive thereAlex Eberha (Kufstein, 2020-04-02)
agreeirimies cristian (Cluj-Napoca, 2020-04-02)
I would like to thereChris Holmes (Manchester, 2020-04-02)
i am a cave diverYann Thomasson (06210 - MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE, 2020-04-02)
The mine offers experiences like no other places can. Although restricted to cave divers and mine divers, this group is increasing very fast in numbers due to high availability of equipment and instructors, many of which comes from the area due to the mine. The quality of the divers deriving from mine diving in Finland is recognized all over the world for being among the best. Please keep the mine available to divers from all over the world and let Finland remain famous and proud of its beatiful mines.Gustav Knutsson (Varberg, 2020-04-02)
It should open for allEric Simgen (Mutterstadt, 2020-04-02)
Cos I would like to dive there. Simple. Thanks!Filip Jus (Ebbw Vale, 2020-04-02)
I’m signing this petition as it’s a site of beauty and historical importance to share with the public. Please reopen it.Garry Dallas (Manchester, 2020-04-02)
I would like to dive there.Michael Müller (Waldkirch, 2020-04-02)
It somewhere I'd have hoped to dive being a Cave Diver at some point..karl steadman (dubai, 2020-04-02)
I am a cave and mine diver and would love to dive this site.Hein Potgieter (Scottburgh, 2020-04-02)
Hopefull to open the mine 👈Cedric Wevers (Zonhoven, 2020-04-02)
This great dive site should be open to public!Nico Kusche (Erlangen, 2020-04-02)
I am an underwater archaeologist, a researcher. I think nothing should be closed because every site needs to be investigatedFrancesco Tiboni (BRESCIA, 2020-04-02)
I want to re-visit the mine again.Kent Persson (Gothenburg, 2020-04-02)
I'd love to dive there!Sebastian Kreisel (Bornheim, 2020-04-02)
It’s on my list of places to diveGen MacCallum (Skeffling, 2020-04-02)
This is a importend mine with great history. We all want to stay diving here.Benny Möhlmann (Almere, 2020-04-02)
I like this place.Norbert Sagan (Oslo, 2020-04-02)
What an incredible place and an awesome resource!Andrew Johnston (Winter Park, FL, 2020-04-02)