Stop child predator from teaching children



Christian Enwright has no right to teach after clearly exploiting a minor. No reason for them to have any type of “relationship” outside of teacher/student. Absolutely disgusting.

Tegan Merritt (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)


I'm a KUSD parent, & I care for any student affected by this! This is not acceptable!

Elizabeth Solis (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)


As a mom and person of conscience I don't want any child around this teacher. As a KUSD employee I don't want my district's reputation tarnished from keeping a known predator on staff

Christine Reardon (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)


I’m signing because I have children of my own and it breaks my heart to see people take advantage of these young souls ripping their innocence away. Justice for all children and may their predators suffer for their mistreatments!

Clarrissa Perez (Mt Pleasant, 2024-04-20)


There is NO room for groomers/pedophiles anywhere on this earth.

Joshua Jones (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)


This is absolutely absurd and disgusting kusd should be ashamed of themselves

April Valdez (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)


I work in a shelter are for troubled youth, and it disturbs me that a safe space for children was being used as a hunting ground for a groomer. There is absolutely zero reason this “man” should retain his job around children. The fact this “man” hasn’t been prosecuted in the slightest is egregious enough, but returning him to work in an environment filled with children is possibly the dumbest*****in solution anyone could have ever made. You make it seem like your school’s reputation is more important than the children in it, and that’s not an okay image to portray when kids are already terrified to go to school. If you don’t care about the students that go there, just say so.

Joseph Bell (Beloit, 2024-04-21)


Him getting to go on with life is not right after what he did to that girl he should be behind bars

Daniela Taft (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


Senior at KUSD

Alexander Gustin (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


He sucksssss

Anaiya Barrientos (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


He needs to be hold accountable. We need to protect our children. This is sick and the fact that kenosha police and kusd ain't doing anything about it is disgusting. There is more then enough for evidence

Janneth Guzman (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


I have 4 kids that attend ktech West and one being my step daughter who is in 7th grade! Definitely NOT okay with him still being employed there!! MINOR is the only word here that matters!!!! Regardless of what he says!!

Amanda Langkamp (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


KUSD needs to do more when it comes to pedophiles working in their schools

Dice Viveros (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


Men like this need to be kept away from children, he is a predator and deserves to be punished for his behaviour.

Corvus Crass (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


This man should not be allowed near children ever again. These acts over this long of a time period and keeping in touch with a CHILD over an app that can be erased is GROSS MISCONDUCT. GROOMING IS THE FIRST STEP. IF HE HADNT DONE ANYTHING ALREADY AND SHE ISNT TALKING YET. FIRE HIM!!!!!

Samantha Elmore (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


I was a former student and had his wife as a teacher, she was completely awful and never would make students feel comfortable. Both her and his behavior is so awful and he deserves jail time. For her to say a young girl is lying is absolutely disgusting, when in fact she is the liar .

Katherine VerHagen (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


It’s absolutely disgusting that the district will not fire him nor has he been charged with anything. It makes me feel unsafe in a school they promised to protect me in.

Jayden Schraeder (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


We need to keep our children away from these dangerous people

Ari M (Milwaukee, 2024-04-21)


This man should be in jail. He definitely should not be teaching. And his wife should be fired for talking crap about this young lady.

Elizabeth Warren (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


This type of behavior should not be tolerated and its absolutely appalling the schools are allowing this pos to remain in our schools

Dion Walker (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


Child predators should be prosecuted!

Nichole Ollinger (Tucumcari, 2024-04-21)


Enwright was my 7th grade science teacher and my grade was the first he taught. He always seemed very weird towards me and other girls but we mostly trysted him because he was our teacher and meant to help and be a mentor. Enwright acted off around the girls a lot and he had kind of forced me to hug him once and it was very uncomfortable and made me feel unsafe but I had forgotten about it until all of this came out and it just disgusts me so much that who was supposed to be a role model to children has done this and it should not go unpunished.

Elle Portzen (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


Because as a parent we need to protect our children and keep a higher standard for our schools

Thomas Hillburger (Salem, 2024-04-21)


I want sexual deviants far away from any and all children! Most certainly my own.

Nick Ruland (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


This is unacceptable behavior. This teacher should not be allowed around minors.

Alyssa Johnson (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


I am a parent to two children and it makes me sick to think this happened to someone else’s child. There is absolutely NO reason an adult should ever be in contact with a child like this. NONE. This man is absolutely vile and disgusting and should not be allowed near children, not even his own child quite frankly. The fact that he is still employed is unbelievable and unacceptable. The school district is supposed to care for and protect our children and Kenosha has failed miserably at that. Make this right.

Rachel Yafchak (Crivitz, 2024-04-21)


This is more than a “personnel issue”, this is a child safety issue. Stop protecting child predators, start protecting children. He should have been fired immediately and should have his teaching license pulled.

Melissa Jecevicus (Kenosha, 2024-04-21)


Nope he's a sexual predator period. And should be in jail. Who else has he done this too?

Burkhart Roszette (Burlington, 2024-04-22)


It's morally wrong for him to be able to keep working in a school and not have charges pressed against him for what he did to a child.

Teresa Neri (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


I don't want this happening to any student ever again

Alyssa McLean (NEWPORT, 2024-04-22)


This should be an easy decision. It’s a fireable offense, and absolutely deplorable that he’s even being considered for getting back into the classroom.

Those who have not taken actionable steps to remove this man from any teaching position, should be ashamed. He should never be allowed to work with children and/or vulnerable populations ever again.

Tiffany Reid (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


Children need to be protected by adults. They should be able to trust adults. It’s disgusting. I have a little girl and I would not rest until this perverted psycho is punished.

Makenzie Border (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


We need to keep our children SAFE.

Amy Litz (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


I want to know that my child is safe attending Kenosha school district

Amanda Leonard (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


I have children and I'm not okay with people ever getting away with doing this to a child.

Nathan Stearman (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


If he is not fired it is making it ok for these predators to keep doing this!!!!!this is a grown ass man and a 12 year old girl!!! Im glad my kids are no longer in kusd If I were this child’s parent I would be livid, and facing criminal charges!

Megan Dower (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


I am signing this petition because is sick that a grown man doing all of this can get away with it. Take away his teaching license. Take away his income. He is sick in the head and obsessed from what I read. This could only be the beginning of something horrible.

Wendy Juarez (Racine, 2024-04-22)


I’m signing this because I’m and disgusted with this school , and the actions of the courts !!!!

Leticia Williams (Chicago, 2024-04-22)


Children should feel and be protected when at school!! This is inappropriate behavior for a teacher or anyone of his age to be doing with children.

Tiffany Langdon (KENOSHA, 2024-04-22)



Brittany Sloan (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


If KUSD lets him continue working, I will have lost all faith in our school system. I would never want anything like that to happen to Anyone especially my child. If he’s not fired, we’ll leave KUSD district.

Samantha Gallo (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


Mr. Enwright is a gross human being. He should NOT be in a position of power with young girls. The girls are not safe at KTEC. The board should be ashamed of themselves for not firing this man. He has shown repeated poor behaviors such as OWIs, fighting, and being inappropriate with minors.

Jenna Conforti (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


I'm signing this petition because I don't believe predator should be allowed in our school systems.

Mary Rickey (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


It's sick to keep a predator in OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM... DO BETTER KUSD!

Mary Perez (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


I'm signing because I do not want a child predator teaching my child

Sydney Scott (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


This is absolutely disgusting. Shame on all those who think this behavior is ok.

Amy Rusecki (Little Rock, 2024-04-22)


Because he is a predator and should be behind bars

Dewayne Tutor (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


Because it is extremely inappropriate that this man is still working with children

Faith Carson (Kenosha, 2024-04-22)


This man should never teach again. This is sick and he deserves jail time. Protect the children at all costs!

Madalyn Anderson (Mount Pleasant, 2024-04-22)


I am signing this petition to help protect children from predatory staff at their schools. Children’s safety should always come first. Keeping this predictor at the school is showing everyone that Kenosha Unified School District does not put children first!

Melissa Lazzara (Twin Lakes, 2024-04-22)

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