Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I’m a concerned citizen about the direction our countries are headed

Patrick McCamley (Newry, 2021-09-30)


The cause is rather important.

Daniel Vančo (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


Governments misused medical problem into new form of fascism. In Slovakia theirs wrong decisions caused death of thousands citizens. Please act quickly, it is necessary to stop this terror.

Stefan Hronco (Dunajska Luzna, 2021-09-30)


I`m signing because covid 19 vaccines are biological weapons and pharma company with medias leads depopulation campaign which is war crime.

Slavomir Danko (London, 2021-09-30)


Because I want to live normally...

Jana Stankovicova (Sneznica 373, 2021-09-30)


I know that people are dying after this injection, it is evil what they are doing we have been lockdown for no reason and people are dying from that too.

Lynda Millichamp (Buckie, 2021-09-30)


It is a terrible and incredibly sinful what has been allowed to happen in our world, please rectify it.

Margaret Morris (Wexford, 2021-09-30)


Som zodpovedný rodič!

Bartolomej Kiss (Košice, 2021-09-30)


Is right this thing

Gabriel Oravec (Zvolen, 2021-09-30)


The people are being lied to.

Samuel Gustavsson (Skofljica, 2021-09-30)


I'm signing because a do not egree with manipulation which is happening in my country (and all around the world).It is against humanity,against people and they free will.

Gabriela Priadková (Košice, 2021-09-30)


Our government torture us.

Peter Orem (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


Good men must stand up to evil.

Richard Jason Kendrick (Woodstock, 2021-09-30)


Because I disagree with COVID fascism

Lukáš Lipták (Lednické Rovne, 2021-09-30)


I'm signing because I agree with the petitioner There is now overwhelming evidence of millions of serious injuries, adverse events and deaths resulting from the experimental COVID-19 injections.

Paul Strachan (Fife, 2021-09-30)


All around seems to be crazy- not more poss use own head?

Otakar Mikyska (Trnava, 2021-09-30)


Vláda SR vytvára priamy aj nepriamy nátlak na občanov, aby podstúpili očkovanie experimentálnou vakcínou. Núti k tomu aj naše deti!

Kamila Pastieriková (Dačov Lom, 2021-09-30)


We are slowly losing our rights and once we cross this line to forced vaccines, passports and digital control, we and our offspring will be doomed with dependance on a select few forever.

Jaco Adam (Port Elizabeth, 2021-09-30)



Iveta Sivuličova (Čáry, 2021-09-30)


I demand to be free

Donal McCarthy (Cork, 2021-09-30)


Dušan Harabin

Dušan Harabin (Vernár, 2021-09-30)


The Last chance to win justice?

Ivan Pôbiš (Zvolen, 2021-09-30)


Nemozem sa dalej pozerat na tieto zlociny proti ludskosti.

Boris Krska (Topolcany, 2021-09-30)


These are crimes against humanity!
This is a genocide!!

Carla Kulyk (Buffalo, 2021-09-30)



Dušan Polonský (Liptovský Mikuláš, 2021-09-30)


I'm signing this petition as an egregious crime has been perpetrated on the peoples of the world by their governments, various non governmental agencies including the UN and the WHO,.the WEF and unbelievably wealthy individuals. But above all there has been an abuse of science and medicine by doctors, scientists and others to enrich the major pharmaceutical companies. They must all face justice along with the mainstream media.

E.A. Harper (Ipswich, 2021-09-30)


Podpisujem, pretože plne súhlasím so všetkým a dúfam, že pravda, právo a spravodlivosť zvíťazí

Miriam Hunčíková (Košice, 2021-09-30)


Im a student and im tired of wearing mask while im studying!

Dávid Hulman (Partizánske, 2021-09-30)


Nesúhlasím s porušovaním základných ľudských práv !

Rudolf Belás (Považská Bystrica, 2021-09-30)


Už by bolo naozaj načase, aby všetky tie absurdnosti skončili a aby sme mohli zase normálne žiť.

Ivan Haliena (Martin, 2021-09-30)


Obligation to subject oneself to an experimental treatment by goverments and employers through "green passes" or "vaxpasses" clearly violates the Nuremberg code

Martin Jezierski (Barcelona, 2021-09-30)

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