Create laws that forbid dangerous weapons to be brought onto public transport



protection of citizens

Aroha Minhinnick (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


We need a peace place for our children. No violence at all. God bless NZ.

Wendy Wen (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


I’m signing this because I strongly agreed to .

Jessica Harborne (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


I have high school kids taking bus everyday, we need save bus transportation system very clearly. No more this horrible thing happened!!

Sophie Dai (Christchurch, 2024-07-05)


I hope New Zealand is still as safe and beautiful as before.

Vivien Xie (, 2024-07-05)


I signed this petition because I fully support this mother's plea for the physical and psychological harm her child has suffered. I empathize deeply with her pain and worry about my own family and children potentially facing similar issues when taking public transportation in the future.

Melody Zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-06)


Safety is the most important

Johnny Wang (Auckland, 2024-07-06)


Safety is the basic thing

Jo Huang (Akl, 2024-07-06)


for the safety of all of us

Xiaoyu Kelsall (, 2024-07-06)


Help New Zealand get better

Darren Kelsall (, 2024-07-06)


We all need a safety environment to live..

Echo Li (Auckland, 2024-07-06)


I'm signing because I believe that New Zealand is a country where people help one another for the better and such violent avt is not what New Zealand stands for.

Camille Castano (Auckland, 2024-07-06)


Dangerous weapons should be prohibited brings on the public transport, as it threaten all passenger’s safety. The government should not ignore this issue, punishing criminal individual is crucial for our security of society.

Meggie Zhao (Auckland, 2024-07-06)


We immigrated to New Zealand because it is safe and fair here. We hope the government can make the right decision on this matter.

Hui Wang (, 2024-07-06)


I’ m signing as there should be protocols to be followed to protect our people!

Ying Huang (Auckland, 2024-07-06)


Children are the best interest of New Zealand.

Xiao Yang (Wellington, 2024-07-06)


After covid, I didn't feel Auckland is safety city any more, even during day time, theft, robbed,supermarket, the bus station or on the bus random attack, robbery occurred frequently
If government still let this situation on, how can get tourist and international student coming?How does the economy develop?

Cindy Guo (Auckland, 2024-07-06)


I hope we can safter society for all ethnicities!

Qi Sun (Wellington, 2024-07-06)


We want a normal and safe life in New Zealand

Jora Yang (Wellington, 2024-07-06)


We had enough! Please stop!

helen Xie (Wellington, 2024-07-06)


For keep our kids safe in public. Say no to racism!

DUO WU (Wellington, 2024-07-06)


No racism!

Doris Zhao (, 2024-07-06)


I’m Chinese

jintong li (Wellington, 2024-07-06)


I feel so sorry for you. I hope this could be seen by the government.

Lily Cao (, 2024-07-06)



shusheng zhou (奥克兰, 2024-07-06)


i don’t want it happen on me or anyone

Jing Darling (Christchurch, 2024-07-06)


Requests the Government to speed up legislation to change the status and stop crime

Shengcai Qiu (Auckland, 2024-07-06)


I think the public transport should be safe

Xinyu Xiong (Auckland, 2024-07-06)


This is not right. It’s a child.

Eunice Tao (, 2024-07-06)


A child shouldnt have to fear going on the bus.

Yu Tao (, 2024-07-06)


This is blatant racism

Yuqing Tai (, 2024-07-06)


Protect our future

Nika Novo (, 2024-07-06)


A child.

Ally Yi (, 2024-07-06)


Safety of this city

Sam Brox (, 2024-07-06)


I think that public transport should not allow passengers to bring dangerous weapons.

ZuBei Wang (Auckland, 2024-07-06)


I’ve signed but it’s not showing for some reason so here it is again:

To begin with, people (certain people) taking free rides are getting out of hands. AT or the government needs to stop this sort of behaviour to treat everyone equal. Why do honest people need to pay while some “entitled” others can take advantage of our public transport? Because AT/the government allows? Because these people have privilege?

Secondly, the drivers behaviour does need explanations. Did he open the door out of fear for himself and the rest of the passengers? He did it according to AT/Howick & Eastern Bus procedures? What’s his reasons for not calling the police or the ambulance in the first instance? Isn’t this common sense for situations like this? Did he have the necessary trainings? What was he thinking wiping the blood off the floor?? It’s unbelievable!

Last but not the least, maybe it is time to look at introducing rules around taking items that can obviously be used as weapons onto the bus. Not saying it shouldn’t be allowed but maybe kept at the front and only to retrieve when the owner gets off the bus. It’s not easy but it’s a start.

Cindy Chang (Auckland, 2024-07-07)


I agree with the author, and hopes he gets better.

Franklin Fang (Auckland, 2024-07-07)

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