Save the Kempton Kali Amman Temple



I object to the demolition of the Kempton Kali Temple.

Pasha Karodia (Centurion, 2022-06-22)


Save the temple

Preshni Singh (Johannesburg, 2022-06-27)


Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world and we are have become a minority religion due to forced conversion and lack of spreading the divine scriptures. Please don't be part of diminishing our religion.

Talya Maharaj (Southgate|4068, 2022-07-10)



Ambigay Reddy (Boksburg, 2022-07-11)


I oppose the sale or demolishing of the Kempton Park Kali Amman Temple.

Thumbee Shaun Ramsamy (Richards Bay, 2022-07-12)


Object to sale

Hitesh Jeaven (Johannesburg, 2022-07-15)


In attempt to save a place of worship for many devotees

Priyashnie Kandier (Johannesburg, 2022-07-29)


I support the existence of the temple as it supports the hindu community of the area

Suendharan Govender (Durban, 2022-08-09)


I'm signing this petition in a hope to save this Temple. PLACES OF WORSHIP should be allowed to grow and flourish without having to create petitions to ensure their survival.

Tashen Singh (GAUTENG, 2022-09-09)


I'm signing because I am a devotee and I believe all our religious shrines should be protected.

Kyle Chetty (Ferndale, 2023-03-11)


I would hate to see the Kali temple close down. It's important that we have this space for worship.

Natasha Padachy (Johannesburg, 2023-05-05)


Temple should be opened as its a blessing.

Rekha Naidoo (Johannesburg, 2023-07-24)


I believe in this temple and wish for it to remain open.

Reshma Ramsamju (Durban, 2023-09-20)

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