Support the Romanian Tax incentive law
I'm signing!(Buftea, 2017-12-02)
Semnez pentru a sustine industria de film din Romania(ucuresti, 2017-12-02)
I am a profesional stuntman and actor that has worked in romania numerous times and I want to see the film i dustry there grow(Belgrade, 2017-12-02)
Lucrez in domeniu si sunt constient de faptul ca este vital pentru Romania sa ofere un astfel de sprijin pentru productiile straine. Imi doresc sa lucrez in continuare in acest domeniu in tara noastra dar probabil ca fara o astfel de initiativa va fi aproape imposibil sa putem continua.(Bucuresti, 2017-12-02)
Because we this for development of this industry.(Bucuresti, 2017-12-02)
Because I have filmed 5 major motion picture in Bucharest in a row and would like to continue but need financial support so we don't have to move our productions to Canada! Thanks so very much!(Beverly Hills, 2017-12-02)
The day we give in is the day we die!(Stuttgart, 2017-12-02)
If Romania is to remain competitive in the Eastern European film market it must offer a tax incentive. I am personally aware of numerous international film productions that have explored shooting in Romania, but have chosen to film elsewhere specifically because it does not offer a tax incentive.(Bucharest, 2017-12-02)
Am lucrat pe un platou de film si sustin 100% aceasta initiativa, pentru toate beneficiile pe care le aduce.(Ploiesti, 2017-12-02)
Romania was, once, the new destination for shooting movies. But without government support, we lost to other countries that understood cinema is more than just entertainment, it's a multi billion dollar business that can induce a big infusion of capital, jobs, investments and be one of the best ambassadors for the country.(Bucharest, 2017-12-02)
more work for everyone is good(Brasov, 2017-12-02)
To help improve the Romanian economy.(Roseburg, 2017-12-02)
Semnez deoarece muncesc in cinematografie si as dori sa pot munci in continuare pe viitor iar cu ajutorul acestei legi vom avea cerere mai mare de forta muncitoreasca.(Buftea, 2017-12-02)
Fanita(Derby, 2017-12-02)
Semnez personal,motivul : susținerea și incurajarea cinematografiei românești -care în mod nemeritat și foarte ciudat(se pare că s-a ,,planificat”premeditat distrugerea ei- pentru revenirea pe un loc fruntaș în Europa și în lume conform cu tradiția sa și în memoria marilor regizori,actori,scenariști,ș au contribuit de-a lungul multor decenii în cadrul celei de-a șaptea arte.(buftea, 2017-12-02)
Sunt de acord cu promulgarea stimulentului financiar pentru cinematografia din ROMÂNIA !(Botoșani, 2017-12-02)
Așa este normal să se întâmple într-o țară normală..(Balotesti, 2017-12-02)
Avem nevoie sa incurajam investitiile in aceasta industrie!(Bucuresti, 2017-12-02)
I think that it would help the Romanian film industry immense, if Romania would introduce a subsidy program for film and television productions.(Producer, 2017-12-02)
Romania needs the tax credit! You have the best crews in the world. My problem with persuading producers to move there is that there isn’t one! They country is loosing millions without it!(Los Angeles, 2017-12-02)
I made a film there and thought crews were best in the world. I’m trying to get more of my fils and my friends Films mailed there. The only obstical is that Romania doesn’t have a tax credit but every country around it does. Romania needs a tax credit!(Is Angeles, 2017-12-02)
Susțin promulgarea.(Bucuresti, 2017-12-02)
My grandparents were from Transylvania,Romania(Watertown, 2017-12-02)
Because I would like to make movies in Romania!(Atascadero, 2017-12-02)
Semnez aceasta petitie pentru ca trebuie sa se ia atitudine in aceasta directie si pentru ca munca acestor oamenii, din acest domeniu trebuie apreciata ca atare(Bucuresti, 2017-12-02)
It s a good law(Iasi, 2017-12-02)
Lucrez in aceasta industrie si viitorulmeu depinde de aceasta initiativa.(Bucuresti, 2017-12-02)
I have recently been working in the film industry in Romania and would love to continue working there more often.(London, 2017-12-02)
As a filmmaker that has already made a feature film in Romania with the Tax break available I would shoot all my films there(London, 2017-12-02)
Pentru că susțin promulgarea(Botoșani, 2017-12-02)
Love the country, would love more of a reason to shoot there!(Los Angeles, 2017-12-02)
Doresc sa se intample ceva la Buftea, Studiourile sunt moarte.(buftea, 2017-12-02)
Programul de stimulent financiar. Pentru filmele romanesti(Pirscoveni. Olt, 2017-12-02)
Ok(Bucuresti, 2017-12-02)