Australians say NO to more Public Health Emergency Extensions!
It is time Australians were taken out from under these shackles imposed upon them by foreign interests.Deborah Kennedy (Sydney, 2021-09-26)
.Kelly Nolan (Middlemount, 2021-09-29)
human rights make for a good societymark mcdougall (Glendale, 2021-09-30)
We have NEVER given our consent to surrender human rights, they are our rights and are not negotiable, for any reason.How dare those public servants and politicians to assume rights, that are not within their sphere of powers? How dare the police force to become a political tool and allow themselves to be used by corrupt politicians/public servants? How dare politicians to ignore the Australian Constitution? Those are crimes against human rights, dignity and human rights must be fully restored.
Franz Deutsch (Lake Bolac, 2021-09-30)
The madness must stop. This used to be Australia. I can not recognise our country anymore.Doris House (Terrace Creek, 2021-10-01)
Tyranny nedds to be brought to justiceLeonard Bailey (Kearsley, 2021-10-02)
I'm signing because its time to return normality to those who pay the policitian's wages, the politicians who distort the facts and treat us like imbosiles by destroying businesses, dividing families and imposing illegal medical procedures when they should be a choice - there is no pandemic, just lies and fear mongering, time for it to stop.Phay Rippin (Brisbane, 2021-10-03)
Severe constraints and basic human right violations under a setup false public health order.Jack Hamman (Port Hedland, 2021-10-03)
Australia has had enough coercion, corruption and collusion with foreign entities interfering in our society and our democracy. If you can't do the job, Mr Morrison, you should step down and let Craig Kelly have a go.Stephen McKay (St Helens Park, 2021-10-04)
I do not believe in mandatory vaccination or lockdownsTania Markic (Ringwood, 2021-10-04)
Enough is enough for a virus that is now well understoodColin Lister (Narre Warren South, 2021-10-05)
I believe that we have the right to freedom of choiceVeronique Flaherty (GERRINGONG, 2021-10-05)
The public data do not support the policy of the government.Waste of resources. Disruption of community. Economic hardship to small private enterprises. Corruption in high places.
Say Ong (Leeming, 2021-10-05)
This is a hoax pandemic.Graham Bell (Perth, 2021-10-06)
This is clearly a pharmaceutical racketeering operation that should be criminally prosecuted and punished severely along with the mainstream media and Government pawns!Chris Edmonds (Bolgart, 2021-10-06)
Lack of transparency of governments around, the world and the shut down of debate over safety and efficacy of such measures as vaccinations, testing, alternative approaches have created negativity and questioning about the purpose of these emergency powers.Pauline Sampson (Endeavour Hills, 2021-10-06)
We need to make a stand NOW and hopefully it won't be too late......Leon Trollope (Gold Coast, 2021-10-06)
I believe in freedom of choice. It makes me sick to my stomach. How can you force somebody. Why is there only one option. We all have basic human rights to work, travel, eat out, enjoy entertainment, study…… and the list goes on!!! If you don’t have the vaccine you will suffer the consequences. This is dictatorship at its worst. There is not one ‘common sense’ reasoning for enforcement. You can still spread the virus (and are 13 times more likely to) if you are vaccinated.Why has this not been put to a public debate? This is a disgraceful use of power and control!! The people who are allowing this act against humanity should be held accountable.
Debra-Lee Mangan (Port Macquarie, 2021-10-08)
This needs to stop. Enough is enough. The politicians are destroying our country and our freedoms and enough is enough.Vaughan Hobden (Kurri Kurri, 2021-10-08)
Crimes against humanity must be punished.Ingo Hildebrand (Rye, 2021-10-08)
This is all so wrong.. taking rights away from Australians! We want our country back!Zoe Faulkner (West Wodonga, 2021-10-08)
The extreme violations towards all Australians are an abhorrent disgusting crime against humanity and removing our sovereign freedoms are also a crime.Sharyn Moses (Sydney, 2021-10-12)
I believe that there is enough evidence to show we are not in a pandemic and locking up people causing fear, anxiety, sucuides, loss of small business, loss of ability to look after families needs, have all contributed to the loss of human rights and coercion for a vaxccine which has proven to not stop the sars 2 variant (c19) from being spread. Also government representitives have not been giving their truthful knowledge to the people and for the people for whom they work for.Leonie Whittaker (Coffs harbour, 2021-10-12)
I live in Victoria and all of us have had enough of this unnecessary tyrannyLynne Cumming (Morwell, 2021-10-13)
I believe in human rights. Everyone should be able to say whether they want to have an untested vaccine put into their bodies or not.Barbara Bell (Perth, 2021-10-14)
I believe in the cause.Cindy Drennan (Lockyer Valley, 2021-10-14)
Don’t believe you should allow state premiers to be mandating vaccines, so people lose their employment , I think lockdowns have ruined Australia’s economy and have caused major mental health problems and we live in one country called Australia so no borders should ever have been locked up .government has violated all human rights and we definitely don’t need anymore public health emergency powersVal Achammer (Morayfield, 2021-10-18)
Human rights are importantAlex M (Perth, 2021-10-23)
Shameful that 60 years married people cannot be with each other when sick and dying. Overwhelmed health care system. Mental illness and suicide escalating. No talk whatsoever of prevention and early treatment of covid. ShamefulSharyn Avery (Quantong, 2021-10-23)
I don’t agree with the information given out to majority of people, from which that majority are acting on. Questions are not being answered and individual and human rights are being disregarded. Health advise is to be given depending on individual situation rather than 1 size fits all.. the benefit vs risk should be considered for all. Choice should be given regarding having a medical procedure.Sharen Higgins (Perth, 2021-10-24)
Because Australia is supposed to be a democratic country and human rights and choices are sacrosanct. Prime minister, premiers and politicians are turning fascistic, authoritative and tyrannical in their dealings with Australian people. They are supposed to serve the people not lord over themSay Ong (Perth, 2021-10-25)
It must stop here. There is NO medical pandemic. Stop lying to us.Ki Hudson (Nerang, 2021-10-27)
The rights of a living breathing being is important to me , "there is no salvation for those who will not save them selves"Jason Mann (Sydney, 2021-10-27)
A pandemic of fear tactics akin to bullying Australia has had laws banning this behavior for years put forward by these same criminals ,If they aren't following the laws of Aus, what are they readingPat Beattie (Norseman, 2021-10-28)
I am against lockdown that destroys economy , and people's and children's life. We all want FREEDOM NOT TIRANNY !! I am strongly against the vaccination.those are poison to physical body and against mental health. Stop the VIC the dictator premier what he wants to do, that is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY .rid of him put him in to prison forever .He is a communist or worse . We not need an other Stalin or Hitler .Though I am not Jewish just a human who love other humans and animals. To me everybody equal. Nobody has right to destroy innocent people ,innocent children. I am a mother a grandmother. I know what I am talking about .
Julia Berta (Geelong, 2021-10-31)
I absolutely do not agree with the way our politicians are making Australia a place that I never thought it would become. Segregation and taking peoples rights away , something our ancestors fought so hard for. So so sad.Linda Harris (Perth, 2021-11-02)
Stop the soe enforcement this has gone to far !!Lepa Sanna (Nsw, 2021-11-03)
These measures have endured well past their appropriate use.Sonja Creary (Adelong, 2021-11-05)
I'm signing because the threat of the "virus" is relatively small, and the emergency orders are being used for complete and un warrented Government overreach.Lockdown and mandatory vaccinations have stopped my and many other people's work and ability to travel and are not sustainable.
John Le Cornu (Perth, 2021-11-06)
We have seen the horrific results of dictatorial, undemocratic abuses and removal of human rights and crimes against humanity before. It is happening again under the guise of a 'pandemic' which statistically is similar to a bad influenza outbreak. The jabs being forced on people are causing death and injury and are making the original virus worse. We need to stand together for humanity against this tyranny. This is not about keeping people safe; it is about surveillance, control and crimes against humanity that are creating huge profits for those pushing the agenda.Rachael Somerville (Cooran, 2021-11-09)
This has to end. Give us the right medication to treat Covid not give us a poisonous jab you call a vaccine that has killed more then Covid has🤔Adam Mumford (ALTONA MEADOWS (VIC), 2021-11-12)
We are being treated like second class citizens. On this Day of Remembrance, all I can say is Australian's have lost their hard earned freedom. Democracy has ceased to exist. This is the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit! May God have mercy and may His justice be swift.Anibal Figueiredo (Brisbane, 2021-11-12)
This is violating the Nuremberg code and the Australian constitution so that’s*****ed aye.Casey Fagan (Margaret River, 2021-11-13)
I support the end of all covid-related mandates, and the bringing to trial of all who have made, promoted, supported and been complicit in the rollout of the vaccines and the enforcement of lockdowns. There are many articles and interviews available that clearly show the covid vaccines are being promoted on faulty science, cause short and long term harm and/or death to those who receive them, the effective treatments have been banned by those who stand to profit from further booster vaccinations, and because Bill Gates (in particular) has a major conflict of interest, by (through channels) funding WHO, which promotes vaccines, many of which are got from Moderna, which is owned by Gates, who becomes richer while people's businesses are locked down, finances destroyed and their health decimated. We should not support lies, but truth. And true scientists (Like John Fleming of are saying we change it now or millions will die BECAUSE of the vaccine. Lockdowns stop EVERYTHING that builds our natural immunity (meeting people, laughter, sunshine, exercise), making us less able to fight ANY infection/disease, not just covid. Also, there is much evidence that increased vaccinations causes increased covid deaths; less vaccinated countries have less covid deaths > this is because the covid vaccine is ACTUALLY CAUSING the covid symptoms and death. Get off google and use duckduckgo or other independent non-Gates-owned search engines to find out the truth. Because the rationale behind the covid vaccines is a lie, any mandates upon businesses and/or employees or Australian citizens, are therefore invalid and those who mandate, promote and enforce them shall be brought to justice, just like the Nazi supporters and complicit doctors and lawyers and businesses were. So it ends now. Unless you want to be taken to court for crimes against humanity in Nuremburg Trials 2.0?Melanie MacKay (Emerald, 2021-11-22)
I am in full support of this petition.ana montero (Sydney, 2021-11-23)
This is suppose to be a free country. We should not be ordered to have a trial medical procedure done to us. Too many people are losing their jobs. These trial vaccines that are effecting alot of people have to stop. And there is no way in hell is my 13 year old autistic son going to have it. Yes it means we are more secluded but atleast we wont have these adverse reactions.Kathy Treweek (Coomealla, 2021-11-25)
Now is the time to restore an almost broken segregated society back to what it was ….. A democracy.Shirley Jones (Caboolture, 2021-11-26)
The vaccines and mandates are Bullsh!t. Injecting a person with a chemical that causes his/her heart to stop = MURDER.Marcel van Heijst (Perth, 2021-11-29)
Our government is legalizing discrimination in Australia. Even though I have above average health, am a Health Coach (2021). I cannot purchase my needs because 90% of local shops refuse me admittance (I am 77-years-old) but I chose not to be double-jabbed.ANNE GALLAGHER (SEAFORD, 2021-11-29)