Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



People need to know that there is someone in their corner advocating for them, and freeing them of the atrocities committed against them.

Jaimie Sharkey (Savannah, 2021-09-30)


Justice has to be done and crimes punished. We,the people of all nations, want this insanity to end and the cupid murderers and partners where they belong. Halt to corruption and dictatorship.

Héloïse Bleriot (Paris, 2021-09-30)


I was one in the crowd of over 3.5 million citizens of Slovakia on October 31st - November 1st, 2020, who were forced by their own government to undergo an AG SARS-COV-2 test without agreeing with it and without really needing it. Only with the ´blue´ certificate of the negative test result, we would have been allowed to go to work and our children would have been accepted to their kindergartens or schools. Extremely humiliating experience indeed. And in the evil finale of that weekend´s whole nation´s mixing, referred to by some in the government as ´our great national uprising´, the PM I.M. admitted he and his government knew we were forced. Then he thanked everyone for participating while putting his hand on his heart and lightly bowing.

Andrea Dawson (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


Spravedlnost nesmí být potlačována směrem od pravdy.

Miroslav Kolka (Třešť, 2021-09-30)


Podpisujem, pretože je to nevyhnutné

Anna Bobovská (Poprad, 2021-09-30)


Is a genocide

Roman Jozaf (Sixmilecross, 2021-09-30)


The yellow card data isn't being acknowledge!

Steph McCarthy (Witham, 2021-09-30)


Because Covid is the way to genocide

Andrej Bansky (Malacky, 2021-09-30)


Podpisujem ,pretoze uz mam dost tyranie .

Lubos Barborik (KUWAIT, 2021-09-30)


Spravedlnosti musí být uděláno za dost!

Michal Jacečko (Ivančice, 2021-09-30)


Som za ukončenie covidoveho šialenstva

Jan Olekšák (Spišská Belá, 2021-09-30)


Súhlasím s petíciou

Tinesova Anna (Žilina, 2021-09-30)


I'm signing, because I am terrified by the extent to which the forced intrusion of the experimental vaccine has taken place, despite numerous testimonies of the serious side effects it causes. Only 'convenient' voices of medical doctors are being heard, those who support the official position of the acting governments. The world needs truth and justice.

Anna Aleknavičienė (Vilnius, 2021-09-30)


Freedom over fear.
Allowing corporations and pharmaceutical companies to dictate what I put in my body or how I live is never going to be ok.
The tyranny in the name of “health” needs to be stopped.
That is why I am signing this.
Thank you Dr Fleming for fighting against the use of these bio weapons and crimes against humanity on the entire planet.

Deanna Lyon (Graham, 2021-09-30)


I Like and want demokracy

Zuzana Stevenson (Prague, 2021-09-30)


Chcem spravodlivosť

Ľuboš Prekop (Krivoklát, 2021-09-30)


Psihopatii de la butoane trebuie opriți!

Elena Maria Dehelean (Zalau, 2021-09-30)


due to keep the human rights is correct matter and there is only one possibility how to reach them

Ivana Havranová (Rybník, 2021-09-30)


It needs to be done. These are crimes against humanity.

Jason Sorensen (Albany, 2021-09-30)


Pravda je len jedna.



I'm signing because it is necessary to stop immediately crimes against humanity, specially using of biological weapons as experimental vaccines and breaking of human rights and freedoms all around the world.

Alice Fořtová (Březnice , 2021-09-30)


Že chcem žiť ako clovek

Jaroslav Velart (Martin, 2021-09-30)


I'm signing in full support of stopping the Covid vaccinations, ceasing medical tyranny, coercion and propaganda, plus government politics dictating medical decisions. Each person has rights over their own body. No mandates should ever be in place.

Nicola Sainty (Brough, 2021-09-30)


Criminal activities must be stopped.

Rebecca Tin Tun (Langley, 2021-09-30)


The terrible consequences of this lie told by governments will be felt for generations. We have been lied to by our governments, main stream media and big pharma. The so called pandemic, lock downs, vaccinations and refusal to acknowledge the efficacy of cheap readily available medications is criminal.

Nerena Hancke (Cape Town, 2021-09-30)


End this fascist tyranny.

Candace McPherson (Lisburn , 2021-09-30)


Souhlasím a podepisují!

Sylvia Švandová (Vrbove, 2021-09-30)


there is always only one truth

Ivana Boudová (Žiar nad Hronom, 2021-09-30)


I stand for freedom of to choose and not be forced to take a experimental medical shot. I am also apposed to our freedoms being taken away for something that has less than a 1% fatality rate over mire than 16 months.!

Andrew Reynolds (Cape Town, 2021-09-30)


Mandatory vaccination is against free choice. Enough evidence to prove that vaccines aren’t effective at preventing contamination and infection. Viral load of vaccinated is just as high as unvaccinated. Side effects are real and true.

Corrine Proimos (Cape Town , 2021-09-30)

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