Ojamo mine opening for all divers
This is one of those locations I'd like to dive in the future.John Fenton (Leicester, 2020-04-02)
I'd love to dive there, it's on my wish listRichard Jack (Port Orchard, 2020-04-02)
It's beautifully dive sight, internationally famous and unique. Dive community will lost a possibility to enjoy and practice if it stay closed.Uroš Jelić (Banja Luka, 2020-04-02)
I want the mine to be reopened for all drivers around the world...Trifon Vasilev (Sofia, 2020-04-02)
Must be open for cave divers!Great dive spot!!
Hennie Cochius (Puiflijk, 2020-04-02)
This sis a fantastically jnique dive that has inspired our sport for years.Steve Trewavas (Melbourne, 2020-04-02)
The Ojamo mine is one of the great dive wonders of the world and should remain open to the properly trained diver to enjoy. It is on my list of special destinations and I will travel half way around the world to dive it.Andy C Huber (San Pedro, 2020-04-02)
SignDavid Martinez (Barcelona, 2020-04-02)
Im signing becouse I this mine is on my bucketlost for 2021 :)Patryk Kuziemski (Otmuchów, 2020-04-03)
I would like to dive here in the future.Aaron Bolton (Sydney, 2020-04-03)
I'm signing because it is important to keep the few freedoms available to divers to enjoy their sport. I'd love to visit and dive this mine.Dean Danford (Auckland, 2020-04-03)
I’m signing because I would like to have access to the mine, to visit and dive there. I would like a mutually beneficial contract to be implemented to facilitate access.Heather Knowles (Salem, 2020-04-03)
There no reason it should be shut down as divers respect the water and artifacts with the most respect.Mike McGrath (Edmonton, 2020-04-03)
I'm a cave diver very interested in visiting your area and diving the mine.Steve Stauch (Menomonee Falls, 2020-04-03)
I'm a full cave instructor and CCR full cave diver full time. I think the ojamo mines are a cultural heritage for all cave divers of the worldMassimo Ardizzoni (Chan chemuyil, 2020-04-03)
Diving ojamo is a great thing and should not be cloesed and NO one should have The power to close down something like this that bring divers along The world togetherNiclas Sundsborn (Vetlanda, 2020-04-03)
This is a world class Mine Diving Site that I would love to make a trip to one day. Ojamo should continue to allow accordingly certified divers to responsibly dive the site, upholding the highest standards of safety.Dylan Van Wyck (Bangkok, 2020-04-03)
I am signing to open this site for diving as I would love to visit it and the county.Matthew Marcoux (Worcester, 2020-04-03)
It’s beautiful and very important to dive!Olga Shulga (Almaty, 2020-04-03)
Poikkeuksellinen paikka sukeltaa SuomessaJanne Koljonen (Lohja, 2020-04-03)
Love divingMonika Czekanowicz (Poznań, 2020-04-03)
I am dive Instructor and I would love finland to have its branches geowing out further in int dive industrySamir Singh (Rovaniemi, 2020-04-03)
Haluan sukeltaa jatkossakin Ojamolla.Ari Naarminen (Äänekoski, 2020-04-03)
Kyseinen saitti on ainutlaatuinen Suomessa eikä luolasukellustoiminta alueella häiritse paikallisia asukkaita millään tavalla.Esa Nousiainen (Lempäälä, 2020-04-03)
I hope to go there eventuallyChris Sarnefalt (Sydney, 2020-04-03)
Sukelluksen täytyy saada jatkuaTero Holm (Loviisa, 2020-04-03)
Ojamo mine is a world class mine dive, and should be open to public divers!Måns Olsson (Helsingborg, 2020-04-03)
Open open openLuca Albizzati (Milano, 2020-04-03)
Ojamo significantly promotes technIcal and cave diving know-how in FinlandMatti Karjalainen (Helsinki, 2020-04-03)
because it the right ting to dotommy lidal (leikanger, 2020-04-03)
Passionate cave diverSven van den Heuvel (Wuppertal, 2020-04-03)
The mine in Ojamo is one of the most beautiful dive mines and provides visitors to hotels and restaurants in the community.Micael Björk (Skå, 2020-04-03)
The Ojamo Mine is an extra ordinary dive site. It is one of my dreams to visit it once. I hope it will be open for divers again.Nicolas Pahl (Berlin, 2020-04-03)
This wonderful diving attraction is a great diving tourist attraction and has been on my bucket must do list, please allow it to stay there and have access for appropriately trained and equiped diversJohn McMullan (Wellington, 2020-04-03)
Ojamo on yksi kuuluisimmista suomalaisista sukelluskohteista ja monen suomalaisen sukellusharrastajan suosikkikohde, jossa harrastetaan lajia paljon.Jukka Siltanen (Roscoff, 2020-04-03)
I was looking forward to coming over and diving the mine! It would be such a great loss if you close it down. Please think again.Spyros Spyrou (Nicosia, 2020-04-03)
I would really like to dive the Ojamo mine in the near future and had actually already started organizing a dive trip to come and dive it with local guides in May this year before it got closed. It's a mine I have been wanting to dive for many years so it would be of great sadness and disappointment if diving can't continue there.Oskar Vretblad (Stockholm, 2020-04-03)
Leave all caves openedTibo Graphink (Paris, 2020-04-03)
I support this petitions!Brane Radjevic (Erbil, 2020-04-03)
👍🏻James Comfort (Charleston, 2020-04-03)
I am a certified cave diver and would be interested in discovering this cave and Finland.Nicolas Villatte (Arlon, 2020-04-03)
This is a place of amazing diving that is enjoyed by thousands of people, the unique nature of the site means it’s a draw for people from around the world.Adam Wood (Nottingham, 2020-04-03)
I'm cave diverAdrian Kastura (Strzelce Opolskie, 2020-04-03)
To keep access for divers openAndreas Kutsch (Fladungen, 2020-04-03)
This type of historical location should be available to visitIan Grant (Gloucester, 2020-04-03)
This unique experience should be experienced by all the divers with right training to do this...Ivana Višnjić (Pančevo, 2020-04-03)
I am a diver that would like to dive this mineRobin Lawrence (Crawley, 2020-04-03)
I would like to dive it 1 daySteve Kyrou (Koh tao, 2020-04-03)
Wish to see this famous site reopen to diversSam Chung (Southampton, 2020-04-03)
I’m signing because I would smoke the option to dive Ojama Mine some dayBrendan Lund (London, 2020-04-03)
Lohjan kaupungilla on mahdollisuus kehittää itsestään laitesukelluksen Suomen ja ehkä koko pohjolan pääkaupunki.Lohja sijaitsee keskeisellä paikalla hyvien liikenneyhteyksien päässä Suomen suurimmista kaupungeista ja Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentästä.
Lohjalla on jo Meriturva, joka tekee yhteistyötä sukeltajien kanssa.
Lohjalla on mahdollisuus parantaa näkyvyyttää maailmalla hyvin pienellä panostuksella.
Antti Airasmaa (Nurmijärvi, 2020-04-03)
This beautiful mine should be opened and exploredNick Clark (Wimborne, 2020-04-03)
Support my fellow cavedivers, and hoping to visit Ojamo sometime!Anders Thulin (Stockholm, 2020-04-03)
It's a very special dive site that deserves to be explored by many more generations of cave divers to come. Also I want to visit once I'm ready. Please: re-open!Andrea Pfaff (Hamburg, 2020-04-03)