Support the Romanian Tax incentive law
I believe the world needs great films.(Coldwater Michigan, 2017-12-02)
If foreign productions would benefit from Tax Incentives, not only the local film industry will develop furthermore but the whole sector starting mainly with tourism, hotels & restaurants. We need this kick off for foreign investments.(Bucharest, 2017-12-02)
without tax incentive Romania will have no chance to compete against countries that already are beneficiating of it.. The impact will be tremendous for the growth of film industry...more jobs, more taxes being paid...(studio city, 2017-12-02)
Traiesc in acest oras si trebuie facut ceva ca el sa se dezvolte!(Buftea, 2017-12-02)
Semnez(Crevedia, 2017-12-03)
S-a dovedit faptul ca avem posibilitate si potentialul de a deveni "o mare marca" in ce priveste fenomenul cinematografic. Anual se pierd sute de idei exceptionale din cauza lipsei unui buget alocat.(Bucuresti, 2017-12-03)
Sustin promulgarea stimulentului financiar pentru productiile cinematografice din Romania(Piatra Neamt, 2017-12-03)
Sunt student la imagine de film și mă interesează aceasta problemă.(București, 2017-12-03)
Job creation and great for any county's economy(Cap8, 2017-12-03)
As dori îmbunătățirea serviciilor cinematografice(Bucuresti, 2017-12-03)
Avem nevoie de proiecte.(Bucuresti, 2017-12-03)
Ca sa fie bine,..!!(Brașov, 2017-12-03)
Lucrez in domeniu si pot spune ca nu exista.niciun sprijin, ba chiar tot mai multe "bete in roate".(Buftea, 2017-12-03)
I have worked with a Romanian crew in another country and would now love to work in their country.(Los Angeles, 2017-12-03)
We need to have this law in Romania! We have good locations, very good technical crews (hard working and very creative), good productions, but the guvermant doesn't care about this! We are paying a lot of taxes for what? A little support will be very helpfull, not just for the cinematography people, but also for the hotels, restaurants, etc! We are a powerfull community, we have to stay strong and to fight for our rights!(Bucuresti, 2017-12-03)
Pentru sustinerea cinematografiei romane(Bucurest, 2017-12-03)
vreau ca cinematografia romaneasca sa se dezvolte dand de lucru la cat mai multi oameni.(bucuresti, 2017-12-03)
Promulgarea stimulentului financiar pentru productiile cinematografice din Romania(Bucuresti, 2017-12-03)
Avem nevoie de cultură(București, 2017-12-03)
we need it(București, 2017-12-03)