Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
Vaccine should be by choice and not by force. Everyone is entitle to medical freedomGift Iginoba (Manchester, 2021-09-30)
PodpisujemKatarína Erosova (Levice, 2021-09-30)
I believe the pandemic is a big farce.Prakash Keswani (Kolhapur, 2021-09-30)
I’m signing this because those that have been complicit in the crimes inflicted on humanity over the last 18 months must be held accountable for what they have done. By deliberately preventing the use of anti virals, by isolating the weak and vulnerable, by removing God given freedoms and civil liberties. The list of crimes is long and evil. Justice must be seen to be done.Lesley Jones (Cardiff, 2021-09-30)
I'm signing because many of the deceased were denied available, though less profitable, medical treatments for some inexplicable reason. Because information censoring and confinement laws have been used mercilessly to foment fear and division in the population- for whose benefit? The origins of the virus, the organisations and individuals pressing the agenda to vaccinate the entire world population and the associated stripping of individual freedoms must be fully investigated. Start the process, identify the criminal negligence and profiteering and demonstrate true regard for justice and accountability. Then we can re-orientate towards health.Rosemary Ryan (Limerick, 2021-09-30)
Its extremly unjustifiable and wrong what they are doing and they need to be held accountable if people die from the vaccineVictoria Lally (Manchester, 2021-09-30)
I want to live free.Dana Flakova (Kirkby in ashfield, 2021-09-30)
fake epidemicMichal Peitz (Jílové u Prahy, 2021-09-30)
I have had the honour to work with the ICC in the past, please look into this case, especially as it could involve injuries and the suffering of so many.Jennifer Lillies (Ottawa, 2021-09-30)
I support all the activities that will end this morality crisis.A ty mor ho! — hoj mor ho! detvo môjho rodu,
kto kradmou rukou siahne na tvoju slobodu;
a čo i tam dušu dáš v tom boji divokom:
Mor ty len, a voľ nebyť, ako byť otrokom.
Samo Chalupka
Pavol Repta (Košice, 2021-09-30)
Je to genocida na nasich detoch,vnuckach,vnukom,otcou,matiek,a starých rodicou exp.zumpou prestante nas vrazdit??Ondrej Berko (Krompachy, 2021-09-30)
It is illegal to force and coerce for a experimental Gene Modification Therapy. Its is against to the Bioweapons agreement, Nuremberg Code, Human & Civil rights alsoRoberto Orrego (CALGARY, 2021-09-30)
Because I want this to stop. I AM FRIGHTENED OF THE UK GOVERNMENTMary Taylor (Sidcup, 2021-09-30)
Criminals must be prosecuted. The sooner the better. Don't let people suffer any longer.Alexandra Duffield (Tlmače, 2021-09-30)
Biggest crime in history and nobody is doing anything about it..Lee Richardson (Hartlepool, 2021-09-30)
I agree with this petition.Lucie Marková (Prague, 2021-09-30)
Plne súhlasím.Miroslav Seman (Banka, 2021-09-30)
this madness must be stoppedMarek Maturkanič (Želiezovce, 2021-09-30)
I am a retired nurse for 6 years. I have been following and researching covid-19 and the shots being prescribed for the disease since it's release. I have seen many disturbing things related to covid shots and have discouraged everyone I know from taking the shot, not because I am an antivaxer but because it is an experimental shot made by and mandated by very questionable people. Until the experimental trials have been completed I think the shots should be stopped and more in depth studies done. thank you and may God bless you.Melinda Meadors (college station, 2021-09-30)
Chci znát pravdu kdo za tím stojí a kdo tento proces spustilMiroslav Pecza (Vidnava, 2021-09-30)
Truth is the daughter of TimeNADEZDA GESTINGER (CLONMEL, 2021-09-30)
Covid is a hoax and the people behind it should be tried in court.Benjamin Hussain (Birmingham, 2021-09-30)
My mother was murdered by the hospital who put her on a vent and gave her RemedesivirDawn Kerns (Spotsylvania, 2021-09-30)
Suhlasim z urychlenim procesuMilan Buday (Dubnica nad Vahom, 2021-09-30)
Vlady po celom svete sikanuju ludi a obmedzuju im ich osobnu slobodu, slobodu slova, slobodu pohybu a rozdavaju nezmyselne pokuty. Vlady tiez zdravych ludi nutia a tlacia k nepretrzitym testovaniam (riziko nakazy a sirenie ochorenia), vakcinacii, nosenim rusok. Mnoho ludi ma z vakcin trvale zdravotne nasledky, pripadne smrt. Ruska tiez nie su uplne zdraviu prospesne. Tvrdia, ze benefity z vakcin prevazuju nad rizikami, ale uz nespomenu vsetky tie vedlajsie ucinky, pripadne riziko smrti. Kto to verejne spomenie ten je umlcany a odsunuty na kraj spolocnosti, spravia z neho konspiratora.Miroslav Jurek (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)
I want an Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against humanity.Tracey Padayachee (Adelaide, 2021-09-30)
PRAVDA ZVIŤAZÍAdrián Kečkeméti (Česká Lípa, 2021-09-30)
What they are doing...depopulating is the worst to Gods creation instead they are growing the population as said in the Bible...God will deal with themMahlogonolo Masemola (Pretoria, 2021-09-30)
I support this Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity.There is substantial information demonstrating Crimes Against Humanity by the Perpetrators including but not limited to violations of:
(1) The 1947 Nuremberg Code
(2) The 1964 Declaration of Helsinki
(3) The 1967 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and
(4) The 1975 Biological Weapons Convention Treaty
This is wrong and justice will prevail.
Michelle Gregory (Whitehorse, 2021-09-30)
ChcemPeter Čopjan (Závadka nad Hronom, 2021-09-30)
These despicable acts against the good people of our nation need to end.David Thomas (Jindivick, 2021-09-30)
It needs to stop now.Patrick Power (Dungarvan, 2021-09-30)
I'm signing because I fear for the future , whilst the elites push their death drug on humanityAndy Remfry (Hull, 2021-09-30)
I care for true humanity and God given freedom, love and free willPeter Zachar (Basingstoke, 2021-09-30)
Držím palce.Robert Baťa (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)
I am Slovak living abroad and I am against mask mandatory or mandatory vaccination with experimental vaccines. God give me the choice of my freedom(free will) so why can not do the government the same? My body my choice. With all this restrictions on Covid, we are becoming 2nd class citizens...Jozef Gajdoš (Ciudad del Carmen, 2021-09-30)
I suspect there is a conspiracy around the vaccines. Perhaps it is merely of a financial nature or perhaps it's far more sinister. Either way, the same organisations producing the covid vaccines are connected directly or indirectly to the origin of the disease. Furthermore, these same companies control WHO and the FDA and they control all mainstream media. I find it remarkably curious that all questions about the safety or effectiveness of the vaccines are censored ruthlessly by corporate media. I also find it remarkable that virtually all governments are following exactly the same path to the systematic erosion of human rights, all in the name of a "health emergency" that somehow allows all governments to disregard democratic processes.David Watson (Campbell's Creek, 2021-09-30)
so všetkým súhlasím.Anna Demeterova (Veľký Šariš, 2021-09-30)
Pravda musí zviťaziť!Miroslav Polanský (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)
Lebo zdravý rozum musí zvíťaziť!!!Halina Práznovská (Zemianské Sady, 2021-09-30)
My body, my choice. Governments and others worldwide are now acting as dictators. They have denied citizens information on which to make informed decisions and withheld medicines that could have saved lives while pushing experimental gene-therapy injections which are killing far more than any virus.Kelly Johnson (Ballyvaughan, 2021-09-30)
čakám na spravodlivosťJozefa Bachletová (Radava, 2021-09-30)
Nesouhlasím s opatřeními použitými při léčení choroby způsobené SARS COV 2. Nelíbí se mi ani omezení léčby ověřenými léky a nemožností vyjádřit oponentní názor na celou problematiku. V neposlední řadě, důrazně odmítám nedemokratické a chaotické zdůvodnění opatření při potlačování viru. DGDaniel Gargulák (Valašská Polanka, 2021-09-30)
These people should face justice for these abhorrent crimes!Jenifer Wilson (Huddersfield, 2021-09-30)