Ojamo mine opening for all divers



I’m signing because I really want to dive this site

Adrian Mcguigan (Liverpool, 2020-04-03)


OPEN OJAMO AGAINIt, is essential that there are qualified places where professional people, can further develop their knowledge through experience.
Diving is one of the sports where safety and routines for the sport's implementation have been developed to world-class standard.
The event in Thailand were the football team that was stuck in the cave, was great example of lack of knowledge, knowhow and experience. It would be a beautiful vision for Finland, as a country, to take the lead in this matter.
Obviously, there is already a very good place for this, which could easily be develop into the best place in the world, while creating jobs, increasing tourism and putting Finland on the map - Mikko Paasi, a world-famous key person from the rescue work in Thailand, could with his knowledge support and set the practical framework for such an activity.

Kaj Stenman (Stockholm, 2020-04-03)


I’m singing because I believe that keeping this venue open to experienced divers will help to enhance and keep skill levels at a professional level, which may be needed in future events or emergencies.

David Hamilton (Newcastle upon tyne, 2020-04-03)


I would really like to dive this mine someday

Graham Owens (Great Bentley,, 2020-04-03)


As divers we respect the environment and respect the risks and are responsible.

This is notjust for finnish divers for all divers internationally who partake in tourism to Finland to enjoy its diving.

Please keep Ojamo Open for us and the generations to come.

Kiitos paljon!

Rahul Swaminathan (Berlin, 2020-04-03)


Exploration is needed in order to remember the history

Rostislav Dimitrov (London, 2020-04-03)


I love to dive in mines.
Why block what we like to do ourself?

Remko Van de Peppel (Westland, 2020-04-03)


I’m singing to support soul mates and cave divers all around the world..

Danijela Atlija (Belgrade, 2020-04-03)


Kiitos, kun luet tämän viestin.

Olen sukeltanut yli 40 vuotta ja toimin seuramme ja sukeltajaliiton sukelluskouluttajana. Sukeltajaliiton kouluttamana kouluttajana minä ja kaikki muut kouluttajat olemme allekirjoittanut sitoumuksen, jossa sitoudumme noudattamaan sukeltajaliiton turva-, koulutus- ja eettisiä ohjeita. Suurimmassa osassa sukellusseuroja kouluttajat ovat vapaaehtoistyössä, eivätkä saa tästä palkkaa. Toivon, että saamme Ojamon louhoksen/kaivoksen sukeltajien käyttöön ja Ojamon Tekniikkasukeltajat ry hoitamaan asiaa kansainvälisten sukellusstandardien mukaisesti. T. Tuomo

Palevaara Tuomo (Riihimäki, 2020-04-03)


It is my dream to dive here, such a beautiful site

Melissa Miltiades (London, 2020-04-03)


I am a cave diver and would like to visit the mine

Holger Peters (Hamburg, 2020-04-03)


Keep this cave open please

Kamal Greig (Lunëburg, 2020-04-03)


I think, the Ojamo mine in Lohja should be preserved for certified divers from all over the world.

Daniel Turek (Prague, 2020-04-03)


Cave and mine diving is a big passion.
Cave and mine divers allways threat this locations with the highest respect. As locations to cave and mine dive in Europe are limited we should try to save every location

Benjamien Caerels (Wingene, 2020-04-03)


I am a diver

Fuchs Jrene (Bern, 2020-04-03)


This is a fantastic dive site and deserves to be accessible to the public.

Aron Arngrimsson (Kyiv, 2020-04-03)


Unique places like Ojamo should not be locked away from the divers. Proper training requirements and certain experience required, of course al- but open for people who are skilled to dive there.

Ants Stern (Reykjavik, 2020-04-03)


I m a cave diver.

maxence masurier (london, 2020-04-03)


I am a cave diver

Thomas Nielsen (Aarhus n, 2020-04-03)


I' m signing because I want to dive in this beautiful place.

Marc De Hoon (Antwerp, 2020-04-03)


I have been fourtunate to dive the Ojamo mine. It requires advanced level of training and guests require a local guide. The planned dive is adapted to the experience of the divers. The safety measures are good. It is a unique dive site with an industrial history. It is mindblowing! Communicate and make it work, instead of just closing the doors.

Peter Tuvesson (Stenhamra, 2020-04-03)


ojamo is the paradise dreamed of by many different cave divers on the World

Yann Fontana (Guiclan, 2020-04-03)


I'm signing because there are already too little fantastic dive sites that can be visited and are as rewarding as Ojamo!

Karl Haegens (Grobbendonk, 2020-04-03)


Olisi hieno uutinen jos tämä avautuisi muidenkin käyttöön ja ei olisi yhden yhdistyksen vallan alla. Se estäisi turhien rajoitteiden tekemistä ja samalla toisi lisää turvallisuutta kun useampi taho voii kehittää sitä.

Risto Sillanpää (Lahti, 2020-04-03)


Hells Gate is the reason why I started my cave training. Ojamo is no. 1 on my bucket list

Mario Moser (Zell am See, 2020-04-03)


what an amazing dive site. Ive wanted to dive this site for years. I hope one day it will re open and I can get over there to dive it

Bec Neil (Gillieston Heights, 2020-04-03)


I’m sign because every certified diver must have a rule to visit this mine

Stanislav Polyakov (Moscow, 2020-04-03)


I would like to dive in ojamo mine once I am qualified enough, it is world famous!

Sam Clarke (Saffron walden, 2020-04-03)


Its on my bucketlist!

Patrick Moortgat (Werchter, 2020-04-03)


It‘s an Official interest

Johann Gehrke (Rinteln, 2020-04-03)


Ojamo has been the central development point of the worlds modern mine diving techniques and community. Its closure has hit deep into both the safe development of the discipline and closed one of the worlds best diving destinations.

Edward Stockdale (Stromstad, 2020-04-03)


Please open Ojamo mine diving...

Rafaël Van Namen (Brugge, 2020-04-03)


This is an internationally renowned location to dive. I hope to have the opportunity to travel to Finland to dive this amazing site in the future.

Andrew Hunter (Adelaide, 2020-04-03)


Lohja Ojamon kaivos on suomen yksi parhaimmista sukelluskohteista. Siellä hyvät tilat toimintaan ja turvallisuudesta pidetään kiinni tinkimättä tarkastaen, opastaen ja kannustaen, niin kuin hyvä sukellustoiminnan kuuluukin.

Tapani Mäkelä (Lahti, 2020-04-03)


I want to dive through Hells Gate someday.

Alexander Woisetschläger (Vienna, 2020-04-03)


It is a historical site and divers only take pictures.

Jeffrey Atvars (Edmonton, 2020-04-03)


Maailmanluokan ainutlaatuinen sukelluspaikka. Ehdottomasti saatava jälleen sukellus-ja sukelluskoulutuskäyttöön!

Hanne Erola (Heinola, 2020-04-03)


I believe the adventure tourism industry is important and must be supported

Steve Lewis (Rosseau, 2020-04-03)


I'm a cave diver and this is location I would really like to dive.

Paul Tozer (Toronto, 2020-04-03)


Cave diver and would live to see Ojamo mine one day

Jonathan Gabris (Zagreb, 2020-04-03)


I want to dive in the mine

Dan Turner (London, 2020-04-03)


I am diver, this place should be open.

Michał Kiziuk (Stargard, 2020-04-03)


I am a cave diver and have diving in Finland on my list.
Please keep the mine open for divers and save me a bowl of Salmon soup

Meni Hersch (Karnei Shomron, 2020-04-03)


Denying access to sites like this does not help anyone. People will try to access it anyway, with all added risks because they'll be doing it without being spotted.

Keeping the site open will not only take away the incentive for illegal access, but also generate revenue from tourism. It also allows monitoring and regulation of who gets access to which section of the site, based on divers' qualifications.

Kim Eeckhout (Gent, 2020-04-03)


i am a diver

Irimies Anca Liana (Cluj-Napoca, 2020-04-03)


I’m a cave diver and plan to dive in that wonderful place :)

Akos Csegezi (Budapest, 2020-04-03)


It's a wonderful place and should be open for everyone

Przemek Lechański (London, 2020-04-03)


I want to visit it after the quarantine

Marek Kucharz (Piekary slaskue, 2020-04-03)


As a fellow diver, I feel the need to raise awareness of beautiful world of underwater caves and our right to explore and enjoy this beauty.

Stefan Acimovic (Belgrade, 2020-04-03)


It would be a great loss to many divers. Certainly is a dive on my bucket list.

PJ Prinsloo (Johannesburg, 2020-04-03)


noone is thinking of closing the Mt. Everest - same thing

Axel Söhngen (Odenthal, 2020-04-03)


Dive sites like these are rare jewels in the world. Market it correctly and divers world wide will come to dive. Great tourism with little impact on your community, with a wealthier clientele.

Dorian Entrop (Spruce Grove, 2020-04-03)


Its important

Richard Streeton (Rio de Janeiro, 2020-04-03)


As an active cave diver and cave diving instructor. We need to safeguard access to sites like that of Ojamo and keep it open to all those that wish to dive there.

Matthew Brooker (Barcelona, 2020-04-03)


This divesite is one of my biggest dreams. And I will spend some money going there. I guess it can be important for tourism in that region.

Harry Blank (Graefelfing, 2020-04-03)


Because im diver and i will one day dive there !

Tomas Trojan (Wathlingen, 2020-04-03)