A vote of no confidence in the Mayor and Several councillors of the DCC



I’m over our city! I used to be very proud and quite emotional coming home over the Kilmog at the first glimpse of the harbour...now I feel impending doom for all who live here. I’m incredibly sad.

Karen Holmes (Rural Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


Enough is enough, Hawkins has to go!!

Steve Parkinson (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


I’m signing because this act is an inappropriate waste of money and defaces our beautiful city.

Michelle Gaut (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


Some of the councillors are showing no respect to the city they are supposed to be representing. There are many people financially hurting and to spend unnessessary money on vanity projects is just plain arrogant.

Donna Smith (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


Of the massive lack of public consultation to do with roading decisions in the CBD. What was once a very bustling, pretty city CBD now looks like a giant game. The speed rule is so ridiculous that even NZ Police said they are focusing their energy in higher prioritized areas. Stop pushing your own agenda Mr Hawkins and leave the Main Street alone.

Sarah Pledger (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


This council and the mayor are ruining this great city. Get rid of them and let's get some real leadership to help the people through these tough times.

David Pearson (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


I have no confidence in our corrupt money wasting councillors voting these waste of tax payers money schemes. I especially feel for those CBD retailers trying to earn a living when at every turn our council is making that impossible...clearly running our town is above their capability

Sheryl Mathieson (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


The current Mayor and a large majority of councillors (not all) are making absolutely shocking decisions without any public consultation, Apparently using Bullying tactics to increase votes to pass Such ludicrous ideals wasting rate payers money on pet projects

Gary Wybrow (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


Absolute waste of taxpayers money!!!

Genna Oliver (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


Those dots on our road serve no purpose and a complete waste of money when people are losing jobs and our economy is suffering. Think logically.

Amber Butler (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


I’m signing because of the disregard of democratic process and discourtesy of actions without regard to those most affected.

John Lucas (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


I’m signing because the mayor is a tosser

Maria Angus (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


The dcc are a joke and are ruining the city I once loved

Chris Matapo (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


The actions of the council are in breach of the relevant statutes

Darren Stedman (Dunedin, 2020-05-20)


Pack of meat heads. Just for once in my lifetime could we have a decent mayor and some competent people on the council

simon kay (Halfway Bush, 2020-05-21)


The decisions that have been made are very poor and we need educated and knowledgeable people in this role who know what they are doing and have the best interest for Dunedin

Nick Hegarty (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I’m signing because I have no confidence whatsoever in this ridiculous Mayor and his councillors

Trudi Woodhouse (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I want new council, the current council makes outrages plans

Taiwaka Allen (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Noconsultations with us who are ratepayers of this city

Irene BENNETT (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


making dumb decisions and not ;isteningto the people

christine adams (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I believe this council and the Mayor are away on another planet. I wonder what drug they're on. Its ridiculous to have a 10kmh speed limit on Goerge Street. They don't give a damn about retailers in the city.

Jim Pine (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I an signing because I have no confidence in this council. They are all there for their own agenda and do not listen to the rate payers.

Michele Stone (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I find this speed limit just plain stupid

Chris Donner (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Not doing what the majority of residents want done

Tania Elmer (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


No consultation and an agenda that is not in our city’s best interests

Andrew Hobbs (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I agree with this petition

Phil Taylor (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I visit Dunedin a lot and have always told my friends in the South and North what a wonderful upbeat creative city it is... Now I'd be way too embarresed to pump it up simply because there are idiots in Council and my grandchildren would have way more intellect and they haven't started high school yet.

Denise Inglis (Timaru, 2020-05-21)


In my view, the Mayor of Dunedin, and numerous of his councillors have zero business acumen and are using their positions to push their own ultra left-wing agendas to the detriment of not only Dunedin business, but the majority of the city as a whole.

Adam Binns (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Absolutely wasting money left right and center. Lack of public consultation nor interest in any feedback.

Simon Easton (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Because it is not a great thing for Dunedin and he is trying to do this through the back door

Jason Boyce (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


This is an abuse of the power given to mayor and councillors to operate the city in the best interest of the wider citizens, not just a few that feel they know better. A wide consultation process is an absolutely necessity on key changes to the live ability of Dunedin. This is totally disrespectful to the people of Dunedin.

Matt Morton (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I'm signing this because I've never seen such a waste of money this council do what they like, what about the poor rate payers who pay for them to play with our city like playground equipment, a sandpit in town? We have beautiful beaches! Twister in the mainstreet, once the bars start operating again the drunks in town will have fun, it's just absolutely ludicrous what is going on it's bad enough when they done the cycle way years ago to only have to redo it, yet they will increase our rates again, perhaps we should employ some preschoolers they might design the better playground city. Get rid of Aaron.

Ange Ashton (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I’m not happy with the mayor.

Craig Meade (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Complete lack of consultation with businesses

Tracy Bracegirdle (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Appalled at the complete waste of money by our council. Should bow your heads in shame the ones that voted for this. I thought enough bad decisions were made by Culls tenure

Tony Korner (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I'm signing because, I think money spent hiring fake flowers is a waste of ratepayers money. I do not agree with the reduced speed limits, the wooden seats in and around town. Money should be spent on footpath repairs in the suburbs. Clearing of laneways as they are over run with cabbage trea leaves, and graffetti on fences. Roads need fixed. I feel no one cares about low decile areas. Underground wires in flash suburbs, or concrete lamposts, but old wooden rotten cracked lamposts in places like Brockville. Also when it comes to the bus service there is no bus stop from the top of York place to the bus hub!!!

Donna Letham (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


The mayor has no sense or judgement

Will Gale (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


This is utterly ridiculous, using covid-19 as an excuse is absolute bollocks!
Ignoring the petition with 6,000 names to stop the pedestrianisation of CBD in Dunedin shows the Mayor & Council are only representing themselves, NOT the people who elected them into their position.

Sara Hesketh (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


The council is not listening to us, (the ratepayers), and a mayor who will not even pay his own way to get to work.

Kathleen Roulston (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


The council is continuing a path of nonsense decision making, without consultation and without any forethought of the consequences to Dunedin business, future and community.

Jason Bracegirdle (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I have no faith in the current Mayor or council making decisions on the running of our city.

Linda Sizemore (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Wasting money on pathetic things
Likes dots in road

Victoria Fuller (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I have no faith in this current Mayor or his council. They are not listening to the Dunedin ratepayers and just push through things they want to happen in a very undemocratic way. We need more carparks in the CBD but they just take them away to encourage people to use public transport. If we all use public transport Covid 19 will spread throughout our city as many more people will be in close contact on buses etc. The measures taken by our council are irresponsible and instead of encouraging people to keep socially distant they are actually throwing them into closer situations by encouraging them to use buses etc.

Carol Kerr (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Enough off our rates being spent on absolutely ridiculous things I'm glad I didn't vote for this muppet. Get rid of him.

Gypsy Murray (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


No confidence in Dunedin mayor

Geoff Craig (DUNEDIN, 2020-05-21)


Its a waste of ratepayer money and looks ridiculous. 10km is too slow, people will just avoid the main street. Noone cares bout social distancing much now due to no new cases and it will be relaxed somewhat soon.

Sheyla Diston (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I'm unhappy with some of the decisions that DCC and Myor Hawkins have made with little to no public consultant or without listening to the public opinion

Sylvia Peacock (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Because this Mayor and cronies are the ruination of the Dunedin CBD.

Dorothy Mowat (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


The Mayors clear lack of understanding of the situation the retailers are currently faced with and his face post book post clearly showing a bias against this community

Cindy Holmes (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


This would be up there as one of the most ridiculous things a council has done in history. Embarrassing and wasteful expenditure.

Boyd Nyhof (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Dunedin is becoming a joke and an embarrassment. Our rates keep going up and our DCC is throwing our money around like rubbish. At a time when many NZ’s are out of work worrying about paying bills our DCC decides to go spend who knows how much money to paint a children’s playground in the middle of a road!? Something needs to change asap because our current council is digging us into a hole.

Luisa Leleifua-Hakavalu (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I'm sick of them wasting money that we dont have its idiotic anx it needs to stop.

Tammie Richardson (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I feel the mayor and his council do not have the city and its people's best interests at heart.
It's absolutely ridiculous the feeble attempts to beautify the city at such a high cost, eg large rented flowers, octagon closures and silly seats on the main street.
The main problem is the obsession with minimising cars anywhere near the city centre, taking away carparks, stupid speed limits and false reasons for doing so... acting like we're a city of a million people when we were just fine before all of these changes.
Get gone.

Mark McHoull (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


the DCC should have followed protocols for consultation and time frames. This is an unnecessary spending of rate payers money.

Amy Graham (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


looks absolutely ridiculous.

Lisa George (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Totally against this waist of our money not only on this projectt but others they have tried to enforce.So many people are strugling at the moment we dont need waste S Thomson

Susan Thomson (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Rate payer money being wasted and businesses being put at risk because of decisions being made with little or no engagement with affected rate payers.

Alan Garrick (Queenstown/Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


To many bad decisions starting with the gorge railway.

Murray Renton (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


This guy has no interest in the businesses in dunedin, which I own 3

Murray Devereux (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I totally agree that the council are incompetent and do not listen to their ratepayers eg. Octagon and of course the speed limit and dots in George Street. It appears that some councillors have their own personal agenda and are going to stick to that irrespective of what people say.

Jill Albert (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Aaron Hawkins is incompetent!

Wayne Muir (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I have no confidence in A a ron

Hazel Hayden (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


Utter waste of rate payers money without any chance of us having our say ( once agaìn)

Lee Dargaville (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)


I'm signing because this Mayor is so out of touch with reality. Just remember, you work for the Public!

Scott Nicholson (Dunedin, 2020-05-21)