Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I believe in truth and honesty.

Gilda Smith (Driffield, 2021-10-01)


I have witnessed gross human rights violations in South Africa and it's time for justice to be served on all guilty perpetrators in South Africa. During my lifetime (63 years) I have never witnessed this level of planned and deliberate control over human rights of free citizens in this country.

Fiona Marais (Durban, 2021-10-01)


I have witnessed criminal medical coercion and neglect indeed what I consider murder globally as part of an unelected agenda
I have great fear of medical tyranny and loss of human rights which is exactly what we are witnessing

Anthea Blackmore (Crossbush, 2021-10-01)


My love for my children and fellow brothers and sisters of this Earth compels me to add my signature to this petition. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY-EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY. These crimes must be heard in the ICC- Any criminal that has had a hand in these crimes must be heard accountable and brought to justice. NUREMBERG codes have been ignored and informed consent has been withdrawn from the unknowing participation in this experimental Gene Therapy disguised as COVID-19 Vaccinations. This is Eugenics!
The fact that the CDC had to alter their own definition of “vaccine” to suit these inoculations, bares testament to the worldwide and demonic corruption that riddles the earth. IS THE ICC JUST AS CORRUPT? Show humanity that justice can & will be served to criminals that break international law and violate human rights. WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF THE CREATOR!

James Duckwith (Scarborough, 2021-10-01)


Si myslím, že takáto záležitosť prejednavania na tomto súde súri a mala by byť prejednavaná urýchleným spôsobom. Tu hrá čas dôležitú úlohu, nakoľko sa stále zvyšuje počet testovaných, či očkovaných a tak naberá rapídne zvyšovanie počtu tých čo môžu byť obetou vážneho poškodenia zdravia a dokonca aj smrti. Tento súd musí svoje konanie urýchliť v záujme záchrany ľudských životov.

Miroslav Pauli (Prešov, 2021-10-01)


Please investigate crimes against humanity and breaches of the NUREMBERG CODE. Most of what our Governments are doing is unlawful.

Rodney Marsh (COWES, 2021-10-01)


What is being done to us all is evil beyond comparison in the history of mankind.

A small group of wealthy committed mass-murderers are slaughtering us with the connivance of national governments and corrupt medical authorities

Phil Palij (Bures, 2021-10-01)


The vaccine syringe is a weapon of rape …. I do not consent! My family does not consent! God does not consent!

Catherine Healy (Owen Sound, 2021-10-01)


However you analyse what has and continues to happen these are crimes against humanity.

Karen Dickson (Chelmsford , 2021-10-01)


I stand for freedom.

AM Taylor (Paarl, 2021-10-01)


The people responsible for the killing and maiming of the citizens of the UK and the rest of the world from these mandates must be punished.

Sylvia Priest (Wokingham, 2021-10-01)


Covid 19 is the biggest scam in history.

Paul McGuire (Whitley Bay, 2021-10-01)


The people demand & deserve answers and accountability

Michael Laurette (St Johns, 2021-10-01)


I want those who are behind this tyranny to be held accountable

Nigel McKay (Camberley , 2021-10-01)


The tyranny of these evil persons must stop. Truth must be revealed and humanity saved.

Anthea Payne (Cape Town, 2021-10-01)


I believe our Freedom is being destroyed as well as terrible crimes against humanity perpetrated by Govts worldwide. Freedom of choice as far as Covid Vaccines are concerned, they should NOT be mandated under any circumstances.

Wendy Lamanna (Rosslyn, Queensland, 2021-10-01)


What has happened here, since 18th October 2019, is the most evil attempt at a global takeover the world has ever encountered. There has never been anything like it in history, and whilst I believe the Lord Jesus will return again soon, what these monsters are doing, deserves justice.

Tony Rea (Newtownards, 2021-10-01)


Global democracy is under attack by the very people elected to represent us.

Craig Tipple (Hartlepool, 2021-10-01)


Air for all

Zdenka Balážová (Bratislava, 2021-10-01)


I'm signing this because this is like the Holocaust all over again.

Rose Roberts (Preston, 2021-10-01)


As an older generation inhabitant, I have been monitoring the situation unfold. The situation is causing immense harm through the use of experimental authorised use vaccines around the world. The implementation of a passport that will not eradicate a disease/virus is contributing to an unnecessary two tiered society, which by default is also destroying world economics. There are means at play here, all of WHOM DO NOT HAVE humanity in it sights for best interest but for societal destruction. THIS CANNOT & MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN NOR CONTINUE. I thank you for your time & hope you make the right decisions based on the evidence unfolding.

Diane Berwick (West Sussex, 2021-10-01)


This is against my believes and should not be mandated.

Joey Dreyer (Pretoria, 2021-10-01)


I am sovereign and I did not come to this world to give up my freedoms nor my rights to live my life how I choose to live as a living , breathing creation from God. God is my everything and with God I stand in my Divine light for truth, body integrity, liberation from all draconian tyrannical measures which seek to enslave humanity, I stand with all humanity with the right to flourish and thrive in our country and our world which honours the natural laws of the universe.

Shelley Wyndham (Cape town, 2021-10-01)


I feel there is no balance in the current climate with regards to the C19 situation. Not enough is being done to protect people's rights who choose, or are unable to have the vaccine. This is not right and governments across the world are overreaching and overriding their population civil rights.

Jennifer Edmondson (Kings Langley, 2021-10-01)


I am disgusted at the of bulling going on with the vaccine

Jaclyn Webb (bobon, 2021-10-01)



Maria Batorova (Rubany, 2021-10-01)


The behaviour of the big pharma funded "scientists" and the WHO funded politicians, is in direct violation of the Nuremburg Codes.

Ian Huntly (Lanseria, SOUTH AFRICA, 2021-10-01)



Maria Ondrisova (Nadlice , 2021-10-01)


Podpisujem, pretože sa porušujú ľudské práva a páchajú zločiny proti ľudskosti

Michal Nechala (Matejovce nad Hornádom, 2021-10-01)


I want to see this whole charade pulled apart and those responsible punished as a warning to the tyrants of the future who want to take our freedom.

Chris Lewis (Warrington, 2021-10-01)


Podpisuje pretože som rodič. Som otec jediného syna a neodpustím, aby mu niekto siahal na zdravie akýmkoľvek spôsobom. Vakcíny, testy ani rúška nemajú dobrý vplyv na zdravý vývoj môjho ani žiadneho dieťaťa.

Patrik Novotný (Zweisimmen , 2021-10-01)


I am signing because what is happening around covid is a crime! Censorship about medicine that helps vs mRna vaccination that is dangerous!!

Petra Kokejlová (Dobkovice, okr.Děčín, 2021-10-01)


I am concerned that crimes have been and are being committed by the individuals and others and that if left unpunished, will lead to more and greater crimes being committed in the future.

claire wiggins (Dolgellau, 2021-10-01)


The action of governments and persons responsible around the world have not been I proportion to the situation at hand. Basic human rights have been broken. Tust in a fair and open democratic society based on common sense and democratic values such as free speech is threatened!

Ingemar Nilsson Ward (Rydal, 2021-10-01)


I believe in human rights and medical freedom

David Hurst (Chester , 2021-10-01)


This Human drug trial must end immediately. People have died after receiving the Covid jab and over 1 million people in the uk have adverse reactions to receiving this drug

Kevin Waring (Durham , 2021-10-01)


Justice must be done and all governments,businesses,institutions & individuals complicit in the physical & mental harm of others made accountable.

Darren Pryke (St ives, 2021-10-01)


It´s important to stop it (them).

Lucia Kalapošová (Bratislava, 2021-10-01)


Pretože mi záleží na živote mojej rodiny, priateľov, ľudí a hlavne detí .

Jaroslav Novák (Košice, 2021-10-01)

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