Ojamo mine opening for all divers



This is a bucket list dive for me. It will be years before I can make it, but I really look forward to traveling to dive here.

Mark Faas (Red Deer, 2020-04-03)


This is a very interesting dive site and high on my diving bucket/to do list...
Please keep the Ojamo mine open for diving activities?!

Christian Hoek (Katwijk, 2020-04-03)


Ojamo mine is one of the most beautiful locations in the world. I undertook the rigorous training required to dive safely in special places like Ojamo mine. Please reopen it to diving!

Gayle Orner (Madison, Wisconsin, 2020-04-03)


I am a diver who wants there to be diving opportunities around the world.

Amy Paur (Apex, 2020-04-03)


I'm technical diver and I signing this petition becouse this mine is important too us divers. It's magical place.

Marcin Czyzowski (Walcz, 2020-04-03)


Such places must be available for people with the special education to be visited

Pavlos Kazantzidis (Athens, 2020-04-03)


I would really like to dive here one day.

Andrea Brown (East Knoyle, 2020-04-03)


Its needed go continue

Jesper Brockmar (Skövde, 2020-04-03)


Tiedän että kaivoksella sukeltaminen on herkkä asia mutta Ojamon Tekniikkasukeltajat ry on tehnyt erittäin hyvää työtä sen eteen että sukeltaminen kaivoksella olisi turvallista ja hallittua.

Jon von Weymarn (Turku, 2020-04-03)


the only reason why i want to come to finland is to dive this mine. it has been on my wishlist for ever and i sincerely hope it is reopened soon for divers like me for a once in a lifetime experience.

satish warier (goa, 2020-04-03)


I'm signing this petition because I've dived in this unique dive site, and I would like to keep it available for the diving community in the future as well.

Tuomo Raitio (Sunnyvale, 2020-04-03)


I'm a cavediver and it would be so great for me, to visit this mine for some awful dives.

Susanne Scherrer (Karlsruhe, 2020-04-03)


Olen laitesukelluskouluttaja ja pidän tärkeänä, että sukeltajille tarjotaan mahdollisuuksia turvalliseen ja mielenkiintoiseen harrastamiseen myös Suomessa.

Jani Laitasalo Kekkonen (Helsinki, 2020-04-03)


Its important for cavers to be there

Mick Knippers (Delft, 2020-04-03)


I´m signing, because Ojamo mine is a spectacular place and I would love to dive it one day.

Andrea Strakova (Žďár, 2020-04-03)


Open with rules its safety, not dangerous

VOJTA Vaclav (Břeclav, 2020-04-03)


I’m a cave diver and would like the legendary Ojamo mine next year.

Olaf Giehl (Budapest, 2020-04-03)


A pity to close down a world famous site.

Adam Rehbinder (Skövde, 2020-04-03)


This amazing site shouldn't be kept away from people who want to visit it.

Mathew Barron (Taif, 2020-04-03)


Because I would also like to experience the Ojamo mine one day and see the beauty of this great mine.

Christian Wedin (Linköping, 2020-04-03)



Petrus Gottberg (Turku, 2020-04-03)


Few years ago I was in Ojamo mine.
This is great place for diving.

Arek Góral (Suwałki, 2020-04-03)


I am signing because I would like to dive and do the photography works in this place in the future, cooperating with Ojamon Tekniikkasukeltajat ry association.

David Blazek (Prague, 2020-04-03)


I would like to visit the mine at some point in the near future and believe it is very important to keep attractions like this open to the public to promote learning of local history is well as technical diving skills.

Mike Greathead (Ripon, 2020-04-03)


diving with a purpose for example exploration is a very important contribution in safing our world

Christina Müller (Stammham, 2020-04-03)


This site might as well be considered one of the seven wonders of the undersea world. Please open it up to divers worldwide.

Alex Millender (Birmingham, 2020-04-03)


I would like to dive the Ojamo mine I the next year or two.

Alex Rose (Seoul, 2020-04-03)


This mine is on my bucket list!!

Mark Lovatt (Manchester, 2020-04-03)


I'm a diver and I this this is iconic place and deserves to be left open for divers. I hope one day I will dive there.

Alex Kvarantan (Split, 2020-04-03)


This is a fantastic opportunity to see a frozen museum, like Pompeii on a smaller scale.

Matt Jordan (Chippenham, 2020-04-03)


I would like to go to dive there

Stanislav Krivy (Bratislava, 2020-04-03)


It’s a fanatic bit of history which should allow divers to continue exploring.

Max Archer (Lonodon, 2020-04-03)


This is one of the most beatiful underwater overhead environment o. Earth!

Yme Carsana (Santa Margherita Ligure, 2020-04-03)


I’m signing in because I did vocational school of construction diving in Ojamo 2005.

Risto Nikulainen (Porvoo, 2020-04-03)


We love to dive!

Ciprian Osorhean (Gherla, 2020-04-03)


Because, I love diving.

Pavel Rysavy (Brno, 2020-04-03)


Because as a diver I would like the chance to dive here.

Andrew Mack (Wellington, 2020-04-03)


I love that place, and i want to dive there!

Együd Tamás (Dunaharaszti, 2020-04-03)


I'm signing become it is my dream to dive this beautiful place one day!

Lukasz Balamut (Berlin, 2020-04-03)


It looks like a great site to dive and I am looking forward being able to dive there.
I think as for most thing it must structured and organized but anyone with proper training should be allowed.

Thomas Pouvreau (Punaauia, 2020-04-03)


I’m signing because i Hope to one day, dive in the Ojamo mine!

Guy Abrahamson (Draper, UT, 2020-04-03)


I’m signing because I would like the opportunity to dive here one day.

Jason Hildebrandt (Vancouver, 2020-04-03)


I'm signing because I'm a cave diver and I know the beauty of this mine

Tony Aronsson (Kaohsiung, 2020-04-04)


I haven’t dived it yet and it’s on my bucket list!

Richard Harris (Adelaide, 2020-04-04)


For the preservation of the historic reminder and beauty mother nature and humanity.

Adrian Xu (Singapore, 2020-04-04)


I have been wanting to travel there for a dive trip and believe it should be open to divers if appropriate level and training.

Colt A (Florida, 2020-04-04)


Would travel from across the world just to dive this unique site

Lance Mckirdy (Te anau, 2020-04-04)


This place is on my bucket list of diving locations. It is THE reason I want to visit the country.

Tarrant Dunford (Midlothian, 2020-04-04)


Tärkeä harrastus ja koulutuspaikka.

Atte Sarkima (Helsinki, 2020-04-04)


Is amazing place!!!

Gediminas Zakarauskas (Krabi, 2020-04-04)


I want to have the chance to dive in ojamo

Antonio Bresciani (Bergamo, 2020-04-04)


This is a balsam for diver's soul. Amazing place with amazing wiew. Please, don't close it! Thanks.

Patrik Martiš (Kysucké Nové Mesto, 2020-04-04)


This is a world-renowned dive site. Technical cave divers from everywhere talk about diving this mine. It's on the bucket list of divers worldwide.

Darryl Jensen (Calgary, 2020-04-04)


I am a diver and i want to give my support to diving community.

Pauli Sorsakari (Nurmes, 2020-04-04)